91 research outputs found

    Physiological Mechanisms of Improvement of Organism Resistance under Effect of Adaptogens

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    Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Catholic Church: wealth, poverty and cult of consumption

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    The article provides an overview of the attitude of the Catholic Church to the problem of wealth and poverty, since organized in the beginning of XIII century the Catholic ascetic and reformer Francis of Assisi movement in defense of the ideals of poverty. The author considers the encyclicals of Popes Leo XIII, Benedict XV, John Paul II and Francis I, which contain theological critique of the consumer society

    Method and results of evaluation of quality of statistical algorithms of recognition with studies on basis of difficult standard description in the automated facilities of radiomonitoring

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    Розроблена методика оцінювання якості синтезованих алгоритмів розпізнавання образів з навчанням в автоматизованих засобах радіомоніторингу, яка дозволяє врахувати неточність поділу вибіркового ознакового простору, що виникає при синтезі правил прийняття рішень за рахунок погрішностей оцінювання усереднених функцій правдоподібності або їхніх параметрів.Разработана методика оценивания качества синтезированных алгоритмов распознавания образов с обучением в автоматизированных средствах радиомониторинга, которая позволяет учесть неточность деления выборочного признакового пространства, которое возникает при синтезе правил принятия решений за счет погрешностей оценивания усредненных функций правдоподобности или их параметров.The method of evaluation of quality of the synthesized algorithms of recognition of patterns is developed with teaching in the automated facilities of radiomonitoring, which allows to take into account inaccuracy of division of sample indicational space which arises up at the synthesis of decision-making rules due to the errors of evaluation of averaged functions of plausibility or their parameters

    The Comparative Study of The Direction in Thinking of Types of Personality and Temperaments of Left-handed and Right-handed people

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    В русле концепции латерального мышления проверялись гипотезы о предпочтении праворукими стиля мышления, характерного для левого полушария, а леворукими - для правого полушария, а также выяснялись различия в стилях мышления между генетическими левшами и негенетическими леворукими.In the terms of examining people on the different directions in thinking of left-handed and right-handed people few hypothesis on the preferences in the directions in thinking were tested out

    Fire Resistance Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

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    Alternative to fire tests in the near future may become modeling of structures under fire by means of the computer-aided design. With an objective source of data, the quantity of information from the created model is much higher than the results of standard fire tests. Based on the range of research a technique for modeling the precast concrete slabs to assess their fire rates with CAD system ANSYS has been developed. The adequacy of the simulation environment is confirmed by comparison with experimental data