1,606 research outputs found

    Resource Nationalism and Zambia’s Oscillating Mining Taxation Regime

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    The parcelling and privatisation of the large state-owned mining conglomerate Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) involved the signing of Development Agreements (DAs) between the Zambian government and the new private investors. These DAs were concessionary to the new investors, offering low taxation rates, tax exemptions and deductions. But in 2008, under political pressure from the opposition, then President Mwanawasa abrogated the DAs with a new Mines and Minerals Act, removing exemptions and deductions and increasing taxation rates. This action set in motion a decade long period of contestation over mining taxation in Zambia, with the introduction and retraction of numerous mining taxation policies. This paper endeavours to explore the motivations, constraints, and economic and political implications of these oscillating mining taxation policies, in an effort to better understand the dynamics of resource nationalism in Zambia

    Scotland Chikwawa Health Initiative - improving health from community to hospital

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    The Scotland Chikwawa Health Initiative is a three year programme funded by the Scottish Executive International Development Fund which aims to achieve measurable reductions in major causes of disease and death in four villages within the Chikwawa District of Malawi alongside improving the hospital environment for the good of both staff and patients. The initiative has developed a holistic approach to health improvements through the provision of infrastructure at both health facilities and within communities, and training of government personnel and community volunteers. Specific areas targeted have included water and sanitation, maternal health, and communicable disease control with provision of training and materials to facilitate interventions and health education. At the end of the second year the programme has already seen reductions in diarrhoeal disease (30% overall in target communities), improved access to safe water, an increase in the uptake of growth monitoring and immunisations in children under the age of five years (15% increase since training volunteers), improved safe delivery of babies within the community (245 babies delivered safely in target communities with 25 referred due to complications) and increased community health activity (training and integration of village health committees, water point committees, traditional birthing attendants and health surveillance assistants). The programme hopes to act as a model for the District to follow in other communities to achieve it’s obligations under the Malawi Ministry of Health Essential Health Package

    An Ethnological Analysis of the Influence of Mobile Money on Financial Inclusion: The Case of Urban Zambia

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    The issue of access to financial products has been a public policy issue since 2005 when the first FinScope Zambia study was conducted. The 2015 study indicated that 40.7% of adults were financially excluded. This article investigates the influence of mobile money on financial inclusion using urban Kitwe and Kalulushi as case studies. We employ an ethnographic methodology to understand the extent to which mobile money has encouraged the unbanked population to access financial products and services. The findings indicate that mobile money has a positive influence on financial inclusion. It is easier to open accounts with mobile money kiosks than with formal banks. Mobile money services are conveniently located where the unemployed, aged and other segments of the unbanked population are found. They use mobile money services to send and receive money, pay utility bills and purchase airtime. Since mobile money services positively influence financial inclusion in urban settings, we recommend that they should be made widely available in rural areas. Furthermore, there is need to increase financial education and knowledge about mobile money systems and operations across populations in both urban and rural areas

    For whom the windfalls? Winners and losers in the privatisation of Zambia's copper mines

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    European Union pharmacovigilance capabilities : potential for the new legislation

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    European Directives and Regulations introduced between late 2010 and 2012 have substantially overhauled pharmacovigilance processes across the European Union (EU). In this review, the implementation of the pharmacovigilance legislative framework by EU regulators is examined with the aim of mapping Directive 2010/84/EU and Regulation EC No. 1235/2010 against their aspired objectives of strengthening and rationalizing pharmacovigilance in the EU. A comprehensive review of the current state of affairs of the progress made by EU regulators is presented in this paper. Our review shows that intense efforts by regulators and industry to fulfil legislative obligations have resulted in major positive shifts in pharmacovigilance. Harmonized decision making, transparency in decision processes with patient involvement, information accessibility to the public, patient adverse drug reaction reporting, efforts in communication and enhanced cooperation between member states to maximize resource utilization and minimize duplication of efforts are observed.peer-reviewe


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    Summary Unmistakable signs of movement towards political liberalization and more accountable government in sub?Saharan Africa have given rise to expectations that these reforms will result in better economic performance. This article considers the plausibility of such expectations from the point of view of weaknesses in the policy making process and prospects for improvements with political reform in the 1990s. It concludes that while there may be scope for optimism, improved economic management is not a guaranteed outcome of the reform process and it would therefore be unwise to encourage excessive expectations at this stage. Résumé En Afrique sous?saharienne, certains signes manifestes d'un mouvement vers la libéralisation politique et vers des modes de gouvernement plus responsables de leurs actions ont servi à susciter l'espoir que ces réformes mèneront à une performance économique meilleure. Le présent article s'interroge sur la plausibilité de ces espérances eu égard aux faiblesses dans le processus de détermination des politiques; et aussi, sur les possibilités qu'une amélioration pourrait découler des réformes politiques instaurées durant les années 1990. La conclusion des auteurs est que si, de certains points de vue, il y aurait lieu d'être optimiste, le processus de réforme est loin de garantir l'amélioration de la gestion économique et que sous ce jour, il serait imprudent à ce stade d'encourager des espérances excessives. Resumen La inconfundibles señales de movimiento hacia una liberalización política y gobiernos más responsables en el Africa sub?Sahariana han despertado expectativas de que estas reformas resulten en un mejor desempeño económico. Este artículo considera la plausibilidad de esas esperanzas desde el punto de vista de la fragilidad en el proceso de elaboración de pautas, y las perspectivas para las mejoras con las reformas políticas de la década del 90. Llega a la conclusión de que si bien hay lugar para el optimismo, un mejor manejo económico no es necesariamente el resultado garantizado del proceso de reforma, y por esa razón, sería muy aventurado fomentar grandes expectativas por el momento

    Meta-Analysis of 1,200 Transcriptomic Profiles Identifies a Prognostic Model for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    PURPOSE: With a dismal 8% median 5-year overall survival, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a highly lethal malignancy. Only 10% to 20% of patients are eligible for surgery, and more than 50% of these patients will die within 1 year of surgery. Building a molecular predictor of early death would enable the selection of patients with PDAC who are at high risk. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We developed the Pancreatic Cancer Overall Survival Predictor (PCOSP), a prognostic model built from a unique set of 89 PDAC tumors in which gene expression was profiled using both microarray and sequencing platforms. We used a meta-analysis framework that was based on the binary gene pair method to create gene expression barcodes that were robust to biases arising from heterogeneous profiling platforms and batch effects. Leveraging the largest compendium of PDAC transcriptomic data sets to date, we show that PCOSP is a robust single-sample predictor of early death—1 year or less—after surgery in a subset of 823 samples with available transcriptomics and survival data. RESULTS: The PCOSP model was strongly and significantly prognostic, with a meta-estimate of the area under the receiver operating curve of 0.70 (P = 2.6E−22) and d-index (robust hazard ratio) of 1.9 (range, 1.6 to 2.3; ( = 1.4E−04) for binary and survival predictions, respectively. The prognostic value of PCOSP was independent of clinicopathologic parameters and molecular subtypes. Over-representation analysis of the PCOSP 2,619 gene pairs—1,070 unique genes—unveiled pathways associated with Hedgehog signaling, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and extracellular matrix signaling. CONCLUSION: PCOSP could improve treatment decisions by identifying patients who will not benefit from standard surgery/chemotherapy but who may benefit from a more aggressive treatment approach or enrollment in a clinical trial

    Synthesis and characterization of some carbon based nanostructures

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    The aim of present paper is to present the latest results on investigations of the carbon thin film deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method and laser pyrolysis. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray generated Auger electron spectroscopy (XAES) were used to determine composition and sp2 to sp3 ratios in the outer layers of the film surfaces. The analyses were conducted in a Thermoelectron ESCALAB 250 electron spectrometer equipped with a hemispherical sector energy analyser. Monochromated Al K X-radiation was employed for the XPS examination, at source excitation energy of 15 KeV and emission current of 20 mA. Analyzer pass energy of 20 eV with step size of 0.1 eV and dwell time of 100 ms was used throughout

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Two-Season ACTPol Spectra and Parameters

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    We present the temperature and polarization angular power spectra measured by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarimeter (ACTPol). We analyze night-time data collected during 2013-14 using two detector arrays at 149 GHz, from 548 deg2^2 of sky on the celestial equator. We use these spectra, and the spectra measured with the MBAC camera on ACT from 2008-10, in combination with Planck and WMAP data to estimate cosmological parameters from the temperature, polarization, and temperature-polarization cross-correlations. We find the new ACTPol data to be consistent with the LCDM model. The ACTPol temperature-polarization cross-spectrum now provides stronger constraints on multiple parameters than the ACTPol temperature spectrum, including the baryon density, the acoustic peak angular scale, and the derived Hubble constant. Adding the new data to planck temperature data tightens the limits on damping tail parameters, for example reducing the joint uncertainty on the number of neutrino species and the primordial helium fraction by 20%.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figure