12 research outputs found

    Web Map Service implementation i .NET

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    I dagens samhÀlle sÄ anvÀnds internet mer och mer för att fÄ fram information, sÄ Àr Àven fallet förkartor. I denna uppsats, som gjorts pÄ uppdrag av Tieto Sweden Healthcare & Welfare för att kunnaanvÀndas i systemet Laps Care, kommer det tas upp lösningar för att hÀmta geografisk data viakarttjÀnster med hjÀlp av Web Map Service (WMS) tjÀnster i en .NET applikation.Detta examensarbete kommer att ta upp, pÄ en grundlÀggande nivÄ, hur WMS-standarden kananvÀndas av en klient för att visa digitala kartor frÄn en WMS-tjÀnst samt lite kort om andraalternativ till WMS sÄ som Web Map Service Tile Cache (WMS-C) och Tile Map Service (TMS)tjÀnster. Det ges olika förslag pÄ open source komponenter som kan anvÀndas för att hantera sÄdanatjÀnster med fokus pÄ SharpMap som valdes att anvÀndas i prototypen som gjordes för att visa huren sÄdan klient kan se ut.Uppsatsen kommer ocksÄ behandla kartografi dÀr det kortfattat förklaras om vilka riktlinjer somborde tas för en karta.I andra stycket tas kortfattat upp hur webbtjÀnster fungerar och Àven vad det finns för för- ochnackdelar att anvÀnda sig av sÄdana tjÀnster.Det kommer ocksÄ förklaras vad Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) Àr och hur det anvÀndsidag.Sammanfattningsvis sÄ utvecklades en fungerande prototyp med hjÀlp av open source komponentenSharpMap som kan visa kartor frÄn WMS, WMS-C och TMS tjÀnster och om en ERSI Shapefilmed vÀgdata finns tillgÀnglig sÄ gÄr det att söka efter gator

    Förhandsavgörandereglernas inverkan pÄ hovrÀttens prejudikatdispensregler

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    MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control

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    Approximately two thirds of U.S. adults and one fifth of U.S. children are obese or overweight. During 1980--2004, obesity prevalence among U.S. adults doubled, and recent data indicate an estimated 33% of U.S. adults are overweight (body mass index [BMI] 25.0-29.9), 34% are obese (BMI >or=30.0), including nearly 6% who are extremely obese (BMI >or=40.0). The prevalence of being overweight among children and adolescents increased substantially during 1999-2004, and approximately 17% of U.S. children and adolescents are overweight (defined as at or above the 95% percentile of the sex-specific BMI for age growth charts). Being either obese or overweight increases the risk for many chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and stroke). Reversing the U.S. obesity epidemic requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach that uses policy and environmental change to transform communities into places that support and promote healthy lifestyle choices for all U.S. residents. Environmental factors (including lack of access to full-service grocery stores, increasing costs of healthy foods and the lower cost of unhealthy foods, and lack of access to safe places to play and exercise) all contribute to the increase in obesity rates by inhibiting or preventing healthy eating and active living behaviors. Recommended strategies and appropriate measurements are needed to assess the effectiveness of community initiatives to create environments that promote good nutrition and physical activity. To help communities in this effort, CDC initiated the Common Community Measures for Obesity Prevention Project (the Measures Project). The objective of the Measures Project was to identify and recommend a set of strategies and associated measurements that communities and local governments can use to plan and monitor environmental and policy-level changes for obesity prevention. This report describes the expert panel process that was used to identify 24 recommended strategies for obesity prevention and a suggested measurement for each strategy that communities can use to assess performance and track progress over time. The 24 strategies are divided into six categories: 1) strategies to promote the availability of affordable healthy food and beverages), 2) strategies to support healthy food and beverage choices, 3) a strategy to encourage breastfeeding, 4) strategies to encourage physical activity or limit sedentary activity among children and youth, 5) strategies to create safe communities that support physical activity, and 6) a strategy to encourage communities to organize for change.CHRONIC DISEASEPREVENTION AND CONTROLCURREN

    Control And Reward In Online Dating Practices – A Study Of Users’ Experiences Of Tinder

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    This paper is based on a study of users experiences and practices of meeting potential new partners online through the use of the mobile dating service Tinder. The aim of the study is to explore how users experience design features and functionalities for online dating practices. By exploring the use of functionalities and features in the location-based mobile application Tinder, we offer a broad understanding of the relationship between designed functionalities and dating practices that users experience through these features. The empirical material presented in the paper is drawn from a study based on a mixed method approach, combining an initial observational study, an online survey, with focus group interviews. Four specific designed functions are highlighted in our empirical data: the connection with Facebook, the profile cards of users, the swipe-centered mutual match function, and geographical proximity. These functions contribute to the specific user experiences of control and reward. Our findings indicate that online dating practices are formed by an inseparable interplay of design functionalities, users attitudes and the use of specific mobile applications that taken together contributes to the overall online dating experiences

    Radiation transport calculations for the European Spallation Source accelerator environment

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    A central component of the European Spallation Source is the high-power proton accelerator. The accelerator aims in the future to provide 2 GeV protons to a rotating tungsten target for the production of neutrons at 5 MW of average beam power for neutron scattering studies. Extensive shielding surrounds the accelerator, in order to provide sufficient safety for the public and workers against radiation produced along it's length. This largely comprises several meters of soil, called the berm, and concrete structures located around the accelerator tunnel. However, due to the need for access to the accelerator, during maintenance and connections for other utilities, the shielding contains a number of penetrations which leads to weaknesses in localized areas. For these reasons, shielding design of such a facility must take care to address issues related to both the deep-penetration of the radiation through thick shields, while at the same time accounting for the streaming nature of the radiation through ducts and chicanes. In addition, radiation produced from activated components of the accelerator also poses risks for workers and public. For example, activated magnets will need maintenance and workers may need to access areas where activated water circulates. Thus, activation analyses are also needed in combination with the prompt-dose rate estimates for a complete analysis. In this summary, we present the results of a series of such studies carried out on various components around the ESS accelerator.Comment: 14th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and 21st Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division (ICRS 14/RPSD 2022) meetin

    The dissolution of ancient Kvenland and the transformation of the Kvens as an ethnic group of people. On changing ethnic categorizations in communicative and collective memories

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    Förteckning över svensk geologisk, paleontologisk, petrografisk och mineralogisk litteratur för Är 1925.:(JÀmte Àldre tillÀgg.)

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