13 research outputs found

    The OMPS Limb Profiler Instrument: An Alternative Data Analysis and Retrieval Algorithm

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    The upcoming Ozone Mapper and Profiler Suite (OMPS), which will be launched on the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) platform in early 2011, will continue monitoring the global distribution of the Earth's middle atmosphere ozone and aerosol. OMPS is composed of three instruments, namely the Total Column Mapper (heritage: TOMS, OMI), the Nadir Profiler (heritage: SBUV) and the Limb Profiler (heritage: SOLSE/LORE, OSIRIS, SCIAMACHY, SAGE III). The ultimate goal of the mission is to better understand and quantify the rate of stratospheric ozone recovery. The focus of the paper will be on the Limb Profiler (LP) instrument. The LP instrument will measure the Earth fs limb radiance (which is due to the scattering of solar photons by air molecules, aerosol and Earth surface) in the ultra-violet (UV), visible and near infrared, from 285 to 1000 nm. The LP simultaneously images the whole vertical extent of the Earth's limb through three vertical slits, each covering a vertical tangent height range of 100 km and each horizontally spaced by 250 km in the cross-track direction. The focal plane of the LP spectrometer is a two ]dimensional CCD array comprised of 340 x 740 pixels. Several data analysis tools are presently being constructed and tested to retrieve ozone and aerosol vertical distribution from limb radiance measurements. The primary NASA algorithm is based on earlier algorithms developed for the SOLSE/LORE and SAGE III limb scatter missions. The paper will describe an alternative algorithm which will retrieve ozone density and aerosol extinction directly from radiance data collected on individual CCD pixels. This alternative method uses an optimal estimation approach to retrieve ozone and aerosol in the 10-60 km range from the information contained within an ensemble of about 50000 down-linked pixels. Tangent height registration is performed using the Rayleigh Scattering Attitude Sensor (RSAS) technique applied to columns of pixels in the 340-360 nm range. Cloud height is determined by analyzing the radiance first derivative along pixel columns at longer wavelengths. Wavelength registration is performed using rows of pixels and identifying Fraunhofer solar lines within the measured spectra. Special attention is given to stray-light decontamination and modeling of the measured finite spectral/spatial line shape functions

    Measurements of thermospheric molecular oxygen from the Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor

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    We present a new data set of thermospheric O2 density profiles retrieved from solar occultation measurements made by the Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) instrument on board the UARS satellite. SUSIM is nominally a solar experiment whose mission was to measure the magnitude and variability of the UV solar irradiance. However, it was also capable of remotely sensing the Earth's upper atmosphere using occultation. SUSIM measurements of solar attenuation in the O2 Schumann Runge continuum are used to retrieve O2 density profiles between 110 and 240 kin. Between October 1991 and February 2005, SUSIM performed solar occultation measurements up to one day per week, measuring full-disk solar extinction as a function of tangent altitude at three nominal wavelengths (144, 161 and 171 nm). These data have been inverted using an optimal estimation algorithm to produce altitude profiles of O2 density. This unique data set comprises approximately 1550 measurements, which span a wide range of solar and geomagnetic activity and latitudes up to 75° in each hemisphere. We present a discussion of the SUSIM instrument, the measurement technique employed for occultations, and the operational retrieval algorithm. A full error analysis and retrieval characterization study demonstrates that the SUSIM retrievals have uncertainties of 10-15% and a vertical resolution of 5-15 km, depending on altitude and measurement wavelength. The data thus have sufficient accuracy and resolution to provide scientifically useful constraints on the O2 abundance and variability, and initial comparisons show good overall agreement between the NRLMSIS-00 model and the SUSIM measurements

    Molecular Nitrogen And Methane Density Retrievals From Cassini Uvis Dayglow Observations Of Titan\u27S Upper Atmosphere

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    We retrieve number densities of molecular nitrogen (N2) and methane (CH4) from Titan\u27s upper atmosphere using the UV dayglow. We use Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) limb observations from 800 to 1300km of the N I 1493Å and N II 1085Å multiplets, both produced directly from photofragmentation of N2. UVIS N2 and CH4 densities are in agreement with measurements from Cassini\u27s Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) from the same flyby if INMS densities are scaled up by a factor of 3.0 as reported in previous studies. Analysis of three Cassini flybys of Titan shows that (1) the CH4 homopause on Titan is between 900 and 1100km, (2) upper atmospheric temperatures vary by less than 10K over 6h at the same geographic location and (3) from 1100 to 1700 local solar time temperatures also vary by less than 10K. The capability of retrieving the global-scale composition from these data complements existing techniques and significantly advances the study of upper atmospheric variability at Titan and for any other atmosphere with a detectable UV dayglow

    Seasonal Distribution of Gravity Waves Near the Stratopause in 2019–2022

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    The cloud imaging and particle size (CIPS) instrument onboard the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere satellite provides images of gravity waves (GWs) near the stratopause and lowermost mesosphere (altitudes of 50–55 km). GW identification is based on Rayleigh Albedo Anomaly (RAA) variances, which are derived from GW-induced fluctuations in Rayleigh scattering at 265 nm. Based on 3 years of CIPS RAA variance data from 2019 to 2022, we report for the first time the seasonal distribution of GWs entering the mesosphere with high (7.5 km) horizontal resolution on a near-global scale. Seasonally averaged GW variances clearly show spatial and temporal patterns of GW activity, mainly due to the seasonal variation of primary GW sources such as convection, the polar vortices and flow over mountains. Measurements of stratospheric GWs derived from Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) observations of 4.3 μm brightness temperature perturbations within the same 3-year time range are compared to the CIPS results. The comparisons show that locations of GW hotspots are similar in the CIPS and AIRS observations. Variability in GW variances and the monthly changes in background zonal wind suggest a strong GW-wind correlation. This study demonstrates the utility of the CIPS GW variance data set for statistical investigations of GWs in the lowermost mesosphere, as well as provides a reference for location/time selection for GW case studies

    Exospheric Temperature Measured by NASA-GOLD Under Low Solar Activity: Comparison With Other Data Sets

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    Exospheric temperature is one of the key parameters in constructing thermospheric models and has been extensively studied with in situ observations and remote sensing. The Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) at a geosynchronous vantage point provides dayglow limb images for two longitude sectors, from which we can estimate the terrestrial exospheric temperature since 2018. In this paper, we investigate climatological behavior of the exospheric temperature measured by GOLD. The temperature has positive correlations with solar and geomagnetic activity and exhibits a morning-afternoon asymmetry, both of which agree with previous studies. We have found that the arithmetic sum of F10.7 (solar) and Ap (geomagnetic) indices is highly correlated with the exospheric temperature, explaining ∼64% of the day-to-day variability. Furthermore, the exospheric temperature has good correlation with thermospheric parameters (e.g., neutral temperature, O2 density, and NO emission index) sampled at various heights above ∼130 km, in spite of the well-known thermal gradient below ∼200 km. However, thermospheric temperature at altitudes around 100 km is not well correlated with the GOLD exospheric temperature. The result implies that effects other than thermospheric heating by solar Extreme Ultraviolet and geomagnetic activity take control below a threshold altitude that exists between ∼100 and ∼130 km.Astrodynamics & Space Mission

    Validation of Odin/OSIRIS stratospheric NO<sub>2</sub> profiles

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    This paper presents the validation study of stratospheric NO2 profiles retrieved from Odin/OSIRIS measurements of limb-scattered sunlight (version 2.4). The Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System (OSIRIS) NO2 data set is compared to coincident solar occultation measurements by the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE), Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II, SAGE III, and Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) III during the 2002–2004 period. Comparisons with seven Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithal (SAOZ) balloon measurements are also presented. All comparisons show good agreement, with differences, both random and systematic, of less than 20% between 25 km and 35 km. Inconsistencies with SAGE III below 25 km are found to be caused primarily by diurnal effects from varying NO2 concentrations along the SAGE III line-of-sight. On the basis of the differences, the OSIRIS random uncertainty is estimated to be 16% between 15 km and 25 km, 6% between 25 km and 35 km, and 9% between 35 km and 40 km. The estimated systematic uncertainty is about 22% between 15 and 25 km, 11–21% between 25 km and 35 km, and 11–31% between 35 km and 40 km. The uncertainties for AM (sunrise) profiles are generally largest and systematic deviations are found to be larger at equatorial latitudes. The results of this validation study show that the OSIRIS NO2 profiles are well behaved, with reasonable uncertainty estimates between 15 km and 40 km. This unique NO2 data set, with more than hemispheric coverage and high vertical resolution will be of particular interest for studies of nitrogen chemistry in the middle atmosphere, which is closely linked to ozone depletion