12 research outputs found

    Oncogenic PIK3CA mutations increase dependency on the mRNA cap methyltransferase, RNMT, in breast cancer cells

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    Basic mechanisms in gene expression are currently being investigated as targets in cancer therapeutics. One such fundamental process is the addition of the cap to pre-mRNA, which recruits mediators of mRNA processing and translation initiation. Maturation of the cap involves mRNA cap guanosine N-7 methylation, catalysed by RNMT (RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase). In a panel of breast cancer cell lines, we investigated whether all are equivalently dependent on RNMT for proliferation. When cellular RNMT activity was experimentally reduced by 50%, the proliferation rate of non-transformed mammary epithelial cells was unchanged, whereas a subset of breast cancer cell lines exhibited reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis. Most of the cell lines which exhibited enhanced dependency on RNMT harboured oncogenic mutations in PIK3CA, which encodes the p110α subunit of PI3Kα. Conversely, all cell lines insensitive to RNMT depletion expressed wild-type PIK3CA. Expression of oncogenic PIK3CA mutants, which increase PI3K p110α activity, was sufficient to increase dependency on RNMT. Conversely, inhibition of PI3Kα reversed dependency on RNMT, suggesting that PI3Kα signalling is required. Collectively, these findings provide evidence to support RNMT as a therapeutic target in breast cancer and suggest that therapies targeting RNMT would be most valuable in a PIK3CA mutant background

    CMTR1 is recruited to transcription start sites and promotes ribosomal protein and histone gene expression in embryonic stem cells

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    CMTR1 (cap methyltransferase 1) catalyses methylation of the first transcribed nucleotide of RNAPII transcripts (N1 2′-O-Me), creating part of the mammalian RNA cap structure. In addition to marking RNA as self, N1 2′-O-Me has ill-defined roles in RNA expression and translation. Here, we investigated the gene specificity of CMTR1 and its impact on RNA expression in embryonic stem cells. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, CMTR1 was found to bind to transcription start sites (TSS) correlating with RNAPII levels, predominantly binding at histone genes and ribosomal protein (RP) genes. Repression of CMTR1 expression resulted in repression of RNAPII binding at the TSS and repression of RNA expression, particularly of histone and RP genes. In correlation with regulation of histones and RP genes, CMTR1 repression resulted in repression of translation and induction of DNA replication stress and damage. Indicating a direct role for CMTR1 in transcription, addition of recombinant CMTR1 to purified nuclei increased transcription of the histone and RP genes. CMTR1 was found to be upregulated during neural differentiation and there was an enhanced requirement for CMTR1 for gene expression and proliferation during this process. We highlight the distinct roles of the cap methyltransferases RNMT and CMTR1 in target gene expression and differentiation

    CK2 phosphorylation of CMTR1 promotes RNA cap formation and influenza virus infection

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    Funding: This work was supported by Cancer Research UK core grant number A17196/A31287 to the CRUK Scotland Institute and CTRQQR-2021\100006 to the CRUK Scotland Centre. Research was funded by European Research Council Award 769080 TCAPS, Medical Research Council Senior Fellowship MR/K024213/1, a Lister Research Prize Fellowship, a Wellcome Trust PhD studentship 097462/Z/11/Z, Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award WRM\R1\180008, Wellcome Trust Investigator Award 219416/A/19/Z, and Wellcome Trust GRE Centre Award 097945/Z/11/Z.The RNA cap methyltransferase CMTR1 methylates the first transcribed nucleotide of RNA polymerase II transcripts, impacting gene expression mechanisms, including during innate immune responses. Using mass spectrometry, we identify a multiply phosphorylated region of CMTR1 (phospho-patch [P-Patch]), which is a substrate for the kinase CK2 (casein kinase II). CMTR1 phosphorylation alters intramolecular interactions, increases recruitment to RNA polymerase II, and promotes RNA cap methylation. P-Patch phosphorylation occurs during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, recruiting CMTR1 to RNA polymerase II during a period of rapid transcription and RNA cap formation. CMTR1 phosphorylation is required for the expression of specific RNAs, including ribosomal protein gene transcripts, and promotes cell proliferation. CMTR1 phosphorylation is also required for interferon-stimulated gene expression. The cap-snatching virus, influenza A, utilizes host CMTR1 phosphorylation to produce the caps required for virus production and infection. We present an RNA cap methylation control mechanism whereby CK2 controls CMTR1, enhancing co-transcriptional capping.Peer reviewe

    CK2 phosphorylation of CMTR1 promotes RNA cap formation and influenza virus infection

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    The RNA cap methyltransferase CMTR1 methylates the first transcribed nucleotide of RNA polymerase II transcripts, impacting gene expression mechanisms, including during innate immune responses. Using mass spectrometry, we identify a multiply phosphorylated region of CMTR1 (phospho-patch [P-Patch]), which is a substrate for the kinase CK2 (casein kinase II). CMTR1 phosphorylation alters intramolecular interactions, increases recruitment to RNA polymerase II, and promotes RNA cap methylation. P-Patch phosphorylation occurs during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, recruiting CMTR1 to RNA polymerase II during a period of rapid transcription and RNA cap formation. CMTR1 phosphorylation is required for the expression of specific RNAs, including ribosomal protein gene transcripts, and promotes cell proliferation. CMTR1 phosphorylation is also required for interferon-stimulated gene expression. The cap-snatching virus, influenza A, utilizes host CMTR1 phosphorylation to produce the caps required for virus production and infection. We present an RNA cap methylation control mechanism whereby CK2 controls CMTR1, enhancing co-transcriptional capping

    Different sequence signatures in the upstream regions of plant and animal tRNA genes shape distinct modes of regulation

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    In eukaryotes, the transcription of tRNA genes is initiated by the concerted action of transcription factors IIIC (TFIIIC) and IIIB (TFIIIB) which direct the recruitment of polymerase III. While TFIIIC recognizes highly conserved, intragenic promoter elements, TFIIIB binds to the non-coding 5′-upstream regions of the tRNA genes. Using a systematic bioinformatic analysis of 11 multicellular eukaryotic genomes we identified a highly conserved TATA motif followed by a CAA-motif in the tRNA upstream regions of all plant genomes. Strikingly, the 5′-flanking tRNA regions of the animal genomes are highly heterogeneous and lack a common conserved sequence signature. Interestingly, in the animal genomes the tRNA species that read the same codon share conserved motifs in their upstream regions. Deep-sequencing analysis of 16 human tissues revealed multiple splicing variants of two of the TFIIIB subunits, Bdp1 and Brf1, with tissue-specific expression patterns. These multiple forms most likely modulate the TFIIIB–DNA interactions and explain the lack of a uniform signature motif in the tRNA upstream regions of animal genomes. The anticodon-dependent 5′-flanking motifs provide a possible mechanism for independent regulation of the tRNA transcription in various human tissues

    Lukoszek, Radoslaw

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    Additional file 4: of Insights into the adaptive response of Arabidopsis thaliana to prolonged thermal stress by ribosomal profiling and RNA-Seq

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    The mRNA levels of marker stress-related genes are upregulated under thermal stress. (a) Quantification of mRNA expression of marker genes upregulated by heat by means of qRT-PCR (white bars; mean ± SEM, n = 3). For comparison the mRNA expression in our RNA-Seq data set (gray bars) and microarray data (dark gray bars; [7]) is given. In all three representations, the mRNA expression values are presented as a fold change (log2) compared to the control plants. In qRT-PCR data the mRNA expression values were normalized to the expression of housekeeping gene UBQ10. (b) mRNA (gray) and RPF (red) coverage profiles of the stress marker genes under control and thermal stress conditions. The schematic of each gene is included; exons are designated in black. (PDF 1414 kb

    Complex diagnostics of the family house

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    This master´s thesis deals with the issue of the building from a clay. It is focused on defects and rehabilitations of these constructions. The introductory parts concerns with probable defects especially of clay buildings, furthermore with causes of the creation of defects, its depictions and the relevance. In the following part the methods of rehabilitation not only of clay buildings are presented. In this part the rehabilitative methods of foundation, vertical and wood constructions, which create mainly the structural support of the buildings, are described. In the second part, the structural and technical research of the current structure with farm part – barn is executed. The part of research is creation of the drawing documentation, description of disposition and structural and constructional solution of building, structural calculation of a part of construction, assessment of actual state of structure and prospective plan of proceeding and rehabilitation

    Additional file 2: of Insights into the adaptive response of Arabidopsis thaliana to prolonged thermal stress by ribosomal profiling and RNA-Seq

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    Comparison of transcriptional and translational features of all protein-coding genes between control plants and those exposed to thermal stress. (a, b) Correlation of the normalized RPF (a) and randomly fragmented mRNA reads (b) for each gene from control plants or plants subjected to heat stress. (c, d) Symmetric distribution of the mRNA (black) and RPF (red) reads between the first and second halves of the CDS of each transcript for control (c) and heat stress (d). r, Pearson correlation coefficients. (PDF 1414 kb