564 research outputs found

    Sobre la identidad de dos inscripciones ibéricas de Sagunto (MLH III.2, F.11.11 y F.11.12)

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    Se estudia la documentación disponible de los siglos xviii y xix sobre dos inscripciones ibéricas de Sagunto perdidas en la actualidad. Dicho análisis concluye que, en realidad, solo hubo una única inscripción ibérica antigua y que las diferencias entre las dos que se supone que existieron se deben a variaciones en las copias.S'estudia la documentació disponible dels segles xviii i xix sobre dues inscripcions ibèriques de Sagunt actualment perdudes. Aquesta anàlisi conclou que, en realitat, només va haver-hi una única inscripció ibèrica antiga i que les diferències entre les dues que se suposa que van existir són degudes a variacions en les còpies.Documents from the 18th and 19th centuries pertaining to two lost Iberian inscriptions from Sagunto are analysed. According to the information available, we can conclude that there was, in fact, just one ancient Iberian inscription and the differences between the drawings are due to variations in the copies

    The Language(s) of the Callaeci

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    Although there is no direct extant record of the language spoken by any of the peoples of ancient Callaecia, some linguistic information can be recovered through the analysis of the names (personal names, names of deities, ethnonyms, and place-names) that occur in Latin inscriptions and in ancient Greek and Latin sources. These names prove the presence of speakers of a Celtic language in this area, but there are also names of other origins

    Web Services over the UMV: Unified Visualization Model

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    Visualization is the science of transforming data or information into images, engaging the human visual sensory apparatus, as well as the processing power of the human mind. The result is a simple and effective medium for communicating complex information. In other words is the science of representing data in a visual form in order to achieve communication or understanding. Together with the growing demand of visualizing big volumes of data is growing the trend of developing Distributed Environments of Visualization. Therefore arises the necessity to design an architecture that allows desktop visualization using distributed resources which could be combined to solve the problem in an efficient way. In this context we present a new approach, that combines the visualization pipeline, the UVM (Unified Visualization Model) and the Web Service Concept.Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    NR2A at CA1 synapses is obligatory for the susceptibility of hippocampal plasticity to sleep loss.

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    A loss in the necessary amount of sleep alters expression of genes and proteins implicated in brain plasticity, but key proteins that render neuronal circuits sensitive to sleep disturbance are unknown. We show that mild (4-6 h) sleep deprivation (SD) selectively augmented the number of NR2A subunits of NMDA receptors on postsynaptic densities of adult mouse CA1 synapses. The greater synaptic NR2A content facilitated induction of CA3-CA1 long-term depression in the theta frequency stimulation range and augmented the synaptic modification threshold. NR2A-knock-out mice maintained behavioral response to SD, including compensatory increase in post-deprivation resting time, but hippocampal synaptic plasticity was insensitive to sleep loss. After SD, the balance between synaptically activated and slowly recruited NMDA receptor pools during temporal summation was disrupted. Together, these results indicate that NR2A is obligatory for the consequences of sleep loss on hippocampal synaptic plasticity. These findings could advance pharmacological strategies aiming to sustain hippocampal function during sleep restriction

    † Winfred P. Lehmann (1916 - 2007)

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    Algunas reflexiones y propuestas sobre el trabajo en lexicografía general del griego antiguo

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    This paper shows how some methods and strategies used for the making of dictionaries of modern languages can be applied to the lexicographical practice of ancient Greek. It is also analyzed what impact recent developments in other areas of Greek philology – especially text edition and textual criticism – have on lexicographical work.El artículo propone la adaptación al trabajo en Lexicografía griega general del griego antiguo de algunos de los métodos y estrategias utilizados para la confección de diccionarios de lenguas modernas. También se estudia el impacto en el trabajo lexicográfico de los avances en otras áreas de la Filología Griega, especialmente la edición de textos y la crítica textual

    Molecular characterization of table grape varieties preserved in the Rancho de la Merced Grapevine Germplasm Bank (Spain)

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    A collection of 317 table-grape accessions preserved in the Vitis Germplasm Bank at the Rancho de la Merced (IFAPA, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain) were genotyped at 20 microsatellite loci. A total of 264 different genotypes were obtained. Among them, 66 are presented for the first time. Twenty-one accession names are considered new synonyms, fourteen homonyms and 48 can be considered as "denomination mistakes" in the Rancho de la Merced collection