1,569 research outputs found


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      Through the elements of image and the relationships of meaning between them, photographers can speak to their audience. This article will analyze three photographs from the book Exodus that portray women in different parts of the world under Sebastião Salgado‟s point of view. A different strategy to read images will be used, considering photographic language, aesthetics and iconographic, in addition to the bibliography on photography and image.  Através de elementos de significação constituintes da imagem e das relações e articulações estabelecidas entre eles, os fotógrafos podem falar ao seu público. O presente artigo vai analisar três fotografias do livro Êxodos que retratam mulheres de diferentes partes do mundo sob a ótica do fotógrafo brasileiro Sebastião Salgado. Será utilizada uma estratégia de abordagem e de leitura de imagens que leva em consideração a linguagem fotográfica, a estética e a análise iconográfica, além dos referenciais teóricos sobre fotografia e imagem

    Crash No Limite: uma análise da representação da violência e da discriminação racial nos Estados Unidos após os atentados de 11 de setembro com base em elementos da linguagem cinematográfica

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    A violência está presente diariamente nos meios de comunicação. O cinema, a “arte do real”, pela riqueza de seus meios de expressão, tem a capacidade de levar o espectador à reflexão. Este trabalho consiste na análise da representação da discriminação que gera a violência, através de códigos da estética e da linguagem cinematográfica a partir do filme “Crash - no limite”. Para a elaboração do trabalho foram utilizados, além da bibliografia sobre representação e cinema, livros da área de Antropologia e obras sobre os atentados de 11 de setembro. A partir de uma seleção de cenas do filme, foi aplicado o instrumento da análise semiótica buscando uma melhor compreensão da realidade e da situação de discriminação entre etnias nos Estados Unidos, após os atentados terroristas de 200

    What constitutes a machine-learning-driven business model? A taxonomy of B2B start-ups with machine learning at their core

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    Artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning (ML), technologies are powerfully driving business model innovation in organizations against the backdrop of increasing digitalization. The resulting novel business models are profoundly shaped by ML, a technology that brings about unique opportunities and challenges. However, to date, little research examines what exactly constitutes these business models that use ML at their core and how they can be distinguished. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to an increased understanding of the anatomy of ML-driven business models in the business-to-business segment. To this end, we develop a taxonomy that allows researchers and practitioners to differentiate these ML-driven business models according to their characteristics along ten dimensions. Additionally, we derive archetypes of ML-driven business models through a cluster analysis based on the characteristics of 102 start-ups from the database Crunchbase. Our results are cross-industry, providing fertile soil for expansion through future investigations

    De Capa a Spielberg: uma estética para a representação da guerra

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    Este artigo aborda a utilização das fotografias de Robert Capa como fonte para acriação de cenas do filme “O resgate do soldado Ryan” de Steven Spielberg, produzido em 1998. Robert Capa acompanhou o desembarque das primeiras tropas aliadas no litoral da Normandia, no dia 6 de junho de 1944, o dia D. A pesquisa indica que as cenas do filme buscam, através de técnicas cinematográficas, reproduzir a estética das imagens de Capa, fazendo com que o espectador se sinta, assim como o fotógrafo, dentro do campo de batalha.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/217549771069

    Lehrkräftefortbildung neu gedacht: online-autark-selbstgesteuert-kollaborativ-zertifziert

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    Die Digitalisierung ist ein fortschreitender Prozess, der auch im Bildungssektor nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Lehrpläne und bildungspolitische Empfehlungen (vgl. KMK, 2012) haben längst Medienbildung und –erziehung auf den Ausbildungsplan gerufen. Die aktuelle Covid-19-Pandemie verdeutlicht noch einmal mehr, dass eine digitale Transformation an den Schulen erfolgen muss, denn der Umgang und die Nutzung von digitalen Medien im Lehralltag sind wichtiger denn je. Hinsichtlich des Umgangs mit digitalen Technologien existiert allerdings eine unzureichende bis fehlende Qualifizierung des Lehrpersonals. Insofern besteht der Bedarf, Lehrkräfte grundlegend medienpädagogisch und -didaktisch zu qualifizieren. Es gilt, einen gezielten Wissens- und Kompetenzerwerb zu initiieren, sodass die Chancen der Digitalisierung im Unterricht genutzt werden und Medienbildung praktisch stattfinden kann. [Aus: Einführung

    Comparative Studies of Renin-Null Zebrafish and Mice Provide New Functional Insights

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    Background: The renin-angiotensin system is highly conserved across vertebrates, including zebrafish, which possess orthologous genes coding for renin-angiotensin system proteins, and specialized mural cells of the kidney arterioles, capable of synthesising and secreting renin. Methods: We generated zebrafish with CRISPR-Cas9-targeted knockout of renin ( ren −/− ) to investigate renin function in a low blood pressure environment. We used single-cell (10×) RNA sequencing analysis to compare the transcriptome profiles of renin lineage cells from mesonephric kidneys of ren −/− with ren +/+ zebrafish and with the metanephric kidneys of Ren1 c −/− and Ren1 c +/+ mice. Results: The ren −/− larvae exhibited delays in larval growth, glomerular fusion and appearance of a swim bladder, but were viable and withstood low salinity during early larval stages. Optogenetic ablation of renin-expressing cells, located at the anterior mesenteric artery of 3-day-old larvae, caused a loss of tone, due to diminished contractility. The ren −/− mesonephric kidney exhibited vacuolated cells in the proximal tubule, which were also observed in Ren1 c −/− mouse kidney. Fluorescent reporters for renin and smooth muscle actin ( Tg(ren:LifeAct-RFP; acta2:EGFP )), revealed a dramatic recruitment of renin lineage cells along the renal vasculature of adult ren −/− fish, suggesting a continued requirement for renin, in the absence of detectable angiotensin metabolites, as seen in the Ren1 YFP Ren1 c −/− mouse. Both phenotypes were rescued by alleles lacking the potential for glycosylation at exon 2, suggesting that glycosylation is not essential for normal physiological function. Conclusions: Phenotypic similarities and transcriptional variations between mouse and zebrafish renin knockouts suggests evolution of renin cell function with terrestrial survival

    A percepção dos sentidos e significados no processo de aprendizagem de Ciências da Natureza nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

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    O presente trabalho visa relatar a análise prévia obtida através da observação da percepção e significados atribuídos pelos alunos durante a realização de atividades experimentais desenvolvidas na Oficina de Ciências “Fazendo Arte e Aprendendo Ciências”. A oficina foi realizada no laboratório de Ciências do Colégio de Aplicação (CAp) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) com alunos e alunas dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (2º ao 5º ano). A Oficina teve a orientação da professora regente e a participação de duas alunas do Programa Institucional de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID). O objetivo da oficina foi ensinar Ciências da Natureza de forma lúdica com o auxílio da arte buscando motivar o interesse por essa área do conhecimento, e aos poucos, conduzir as crianças, à utilização da linguagem científica. O trabalho realizado com as crianças seguiu as normas de segurança de trabalho em laboratório

    Archival influenza virus genomes from Europe reveal genomic variability during the 1918 pandemic

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    The 1918 influenza pandemic was the deadliest respiratory pandemic of the 20th century and determined the genomic make-up of subsequent human influenza A viruses (IAV). Here, we analyze both the first 1918 IAV genomes from Europe and the first from samples prior to the autumn peak. 1918 IAV genomic diversity is consistent with a combination of local transmission and long-distance dispersal events. Comparison of genomes before and during the pandemic peak shows variation at two sites in the nucleoprotein gene associated with resistance to host antiviral response, pointing at a possible adaptation of 1918 IAV to humans. Finally, local molecular clock modeling suggests a pure pandemic descent of seasonal H1N1 IAV as an alternative to the hypothesis of origination through an intrasubtype reassortment.Peer Reviewe

    Osteopatia hipertrófica secundária a osteossarcoma condroblástico extraesquelético em um cão

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    Background: hypertrophic osteopathy is a periosteum disturb characterized by diffuse new bone formation which leads to significant thickening and deformity of members. Secondary in nature, it usually follows large pulmonary lesions such as abscesses and neoplasms. Extraskeletal osteosarcomas are rare and extremely malignant mesenchymal neoplasms. They comprise approximately 1% of all domestic animals’ osteosarcomas and develop in the absence of a primary bone lesion. The aim of this paper was to describe a case of hypertrophic osteopathy, involving joints and upper limbs bones including ilium, secondary to a mediastinal chondroblastic osteosarcoma with pulmonary metastasis.Case: A 10-year-old spayed female mixed breed dog, weighing 9 kg, was presented with painful limbs, lameness, hind limbs swelling and a four-month history of weight loss. Radiographic examination revealed bilateral and asymmetric periosteal reactions on diaphyseal and/or epiphyseal areas of all proximal phalanges; metacarpal, metatarsal, carpal and tarsal bones; radius; ulna; tibia; fibula; humerus; femur and right ilium. An increased soft tissue radiopacity was noted on the lateral side of the right knee joint. Thoracic radiographies and ultrasonography suggested the presence of a 5-cm neoplasm or abscess in the left caudal lung lobe. At necropsy, the lobe showed a firm and solid, oval white mass measuring 5.2 x 2.9 cm. Another mass was found in the caudal mediastinum, near the diaphragm, with same color and more irregular aspect, measuring 3.3 cm of diameter. Intense periosteal new-bone formation was seen in the entire length of the four limbs bones, characterized by thickening of the bone surface and formation of irregular trabeculae perpendicular to the cortex. Significant swelling and thickening of the joint capsule was noted in the right knee. There was no microbial growth on aerobic or anaerobic cultures from the masses samples sent to culture. Histopathological examination showed areas of chondroid differentiation, osteoidtissue formation and cell morphology suggestive of chondroblastic osteosarcoma in mediastinal region, with invasion and involvement of the diaphragm and lungs. The analyzed bone fragment had large foci of tissue compaction, peritrabecular bleeding and mineralization of osteoid tissue, permeated by plasma cells and typical lymphocytes.Discussion: Although hypertrophic osteopathy is often characterized as a disease which affects the diaphysis of distal long bones, this case presented a proximal progression of the disease. There was an unusual involvement of joints and ilium, which reinforces the importance of radiographic evaluation of these regions. Further studies on the pathogenesis of the syndrome are required, as its exact mechanisms remain obscure. It is suggested that the term hypertrophic osteoarthropathy should not be consider a misnomer since joint involvement is not exclusive of human form of the disease. Mediastinal masses are important cause of hypertrophic osteopathy. However, this is the first paper the authors are aware of that reports the occurrence of hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to mediastinal osteosarcoma. Finally, although rare, extra skeletal osteosarcoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intrathoracic masses in dogs with hypertrophic osteopathy. Timely diagnosis of hypertrophic osteopathy, whose signs of lameness and painful limbs draw the owner’s attention, may favor the diagnosis of severe concomitant diseases