57 research outputs found

    The effect of production costs on the provisioning management of materials: evidence from paper industry in Peru

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    This paper presents an empirical investigation to evaluate the impact of purchase, storage and inventory management on the production costs of materials supply management in the Peruvian paper industry. A linear regression model was used under the ordinary least squares method to determine the causal relationship between the provisioning of materials and production costs. It was concluded that the evaluation of the effect between the study variables was inversely proportional, that is, as the management of purchase, storage, and inventory in companies improve, the production costs may also be reduced

    Medición de radón en suelos de la ciudad de Lima durante el periodo 2016 - 2017

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    La ciudad de Lima está situada sobre depósitos de abanicos aluviales de ríos que fluyen a través de formaciones geológicas que contienen diferentes niveles de uranio. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre el comportamiento espacial y temporal promedio del gas radón en suelos de la ciudad de Lima. La concentración de radón se determinó utilizando el detector de trazas LR-115 tipo 2 durante 36 períodos, de 14 días cada uno, en veinte hoyos distribuidos en los quince distritos de la Ciudad de Lima. La concentración de radón en los poros del suelo estuvo comprendida entre 0.1 y 64.3 kBq/m3 con un valor promedio de 5.6 kBq/m3. La concentración promedio de radón en el gas del suelo fue aproximadamente dos veces menor en invierno que en las otras estaciones. Los altos valores de radón durante octubre/noviembre de 2017 se relacionaron con los terremotos percibidos en la ciudad de Lima en ese período. Las concentraciones más altas de radón se encontraron en áreas de depósitos aluviales cuyo material parental ha sido removido de los volcánicos Quilmaná y Huarangal por los ríos Chillón y Huaycoloro. Las concentraciones de radón en el gas del suelo fueron incluso mayores en áreas más cercanas a los volcánicos y menos distantes de los ríos. Durante el período de máxima inundación de los ríos Chillón, Rímac y Lurín, debido al fenómeno natural "El Niño Costero", se observaron altas concentraciones anómalas de radón en el suelo en la mayoría de los sitios de medición ubicados cerca de los ríos. Esos altos valores de radón se asociaron con las vibraciones del suelo causadas por avalanchas de rocas y escombros en ríos y quebradas.Lima City is situated on alluvial fan deposits of rivers flowing through geological formations that contain different levels of uranium. In this paper, a study is made on the average spatial and temporal behavior of radon gas in soils of Lima City. Radon concentration was determined using the LR-115 type 2 track detector during 36 periods, of 14 days each, in twenty holes distributed in the fifteen districts of Lima City. Radon concentration in soil pores ranged from 0.1 to 64.3 kBq/m3 with an average value of 5.6 kBq/m3. The average radon concentration in soil gas was about two times lower in winter than in the other seasons. High radon values during October/November 2017 were related to the earthquakes perceived in Lima City in that period. The highest radon concentrations were found in areas of alluvial deposits whose parental material has been removed from the Quilmaná and Huarangal volcanics by the Chillón and Huaycoloro Rivers. Soil gas radon concentrations were even higher in areas closer to volcanic and less distant from rivers. During the period of maximum flooding of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers, due to the natural phenomenon “El Niño Costero”, anomalous high soil radon concentrations were observed in most of the measurement sites located near rivers. These high radon values were associated with ground vibrations caused by rock and debris avalanches in rivers and creeks.Trabajo de investigació

    Gestión activa y planificación curricular en docentes en una institución educativa pública del nivel secundario, Huancayo, Junín, 2023

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo: Determinar de qué manera se relacionan la gestión activa y la planificación curricular en docentes en una institución educativa pública del nivel secundario, Huancayo, Junín, 2023. La metodología fue el método inductivo-deductivo, el tipo de investigación aplicada, el nivel correlacional, el enfoque fue cuantitativo, el diseño fue no experimental, transversal. La población y la muestra estuvo conformado por 50 docentes. La técnica fue la encuesta, el instrumento de datos fue el cuestionario. Los resultados encontrados respecto a la variable gestión activa, el (56%) nivel medio; el (32%) nivel alto; mientras que solo el (12%) indican que poseen un nivel bajo en cuanto a la gestión activa. Sobre la variable planificación curricular se conoció que el (58%) tienen un nivel medio; el (28%) de docentes poseen un nivel alto en cuanto a la planificación curricular. Concluyendo en que la gestión activa se relaciona significativamente con la planificación curricular en docentes en una institución educativa pública del nivel secundario, Huancayo, Junín, 2023. Debido a que la Rho Spearman es =0,833, p-valor: 0,000, por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula (Ho)

    Influence of procurement management on the production costs of cardboard packaging using recycled material

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    The objective of this research was to determine the influence of procurement management on the production costs of cardboard packaging using recycled material in Peru. The methodology adopted was a quantitative, longitudinal research with a non-experimental design, using a neural network map that explains the logistic management system for a correct procurement. The sample was constructed from data belonging to the company Trupal, which were distributed in a monthly period from January 2017 to July 2021, with 54 observations for each study variable. The results found allowed to make a projection of production costs for the next seventeen months. There is an increasing trend of production costs for the next months reaching up to S/ 201,000.00. In conclusion, this research affirms that supply management has a negative influence on the company's production costs through storage and inventory management, and a positive influence through purchasing management

    Mineralogical characterization and elementary sediment solid lake Yantac department Junín, province Yauli, Marcapomacocha district xy ray diffraction by x-ray fluorescence

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    Las muestras en estudio fueron extraídas a lo largo de la ribera de la laguna de Yantac-Junín, siendo uno de los objetivos identificar los minerales contaminantes procedentes de la actividad humana (ganadera, agrícola, etc.) y otros. Los resultados obtenidos por el análisis de difractogramas de rayos X (DRX), efectuado en el laboratorio de rayos X de la UNMSM, muestran la presencia de fases de minerales de procedencia del entorno (sedimentos naturales no contaminantes) como carbonato de calcio, óxido de silicio, montmorillonita, calcita, dolomita, cuarzo. El análisis por fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX), efectuado en el Instituto Peruano de Energía Nuclear (IPEN), determinó la presencia de elementos como Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe en mayor porcentaje (%).The samples were taken along the shores of Lake JunínYantac - being one of the objectives identified mineral pollutants from human activities (livestock, agriculture, etc.), and others. According to the results obtained by analysis of X-ray diffractograms (XRD) made in the laboratory X-ray of, San Marcos, show the presence of phases of minerals from which the environment (clean natural sediments) and are calcium carbonate, silicon oxide, montmorillonite, calcite, dolomite, quartz, and analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), made in the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy (IPEN) determined the presence of elements such as Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe higher percentage (%)

    Actitud y empatía de la enfermera hacia el paciente en unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital el Carmen Huancayo, 2023

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    La investigación tuvo como Objetivo: Determinar la relación que existe entre actitud y empatía de la enfermera hacia el paciente en unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital el Carmen Huancayo – 2023. ; cuya Metodología: fue investigación básica, corresponde al nivel correlacional, la muestra lo conformaron 35 Profesionales de enfermería, para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica el cuestionario y como instrumento la encuesta teniendo, la escala para cada variable, se utilizó el método analítico y sintético, el diseño usado fue no experimental, transversal correlacional; los Resultados: Del total 34.29% de enfermeras(os) que tuvieron actitud positiva; 2.86% tuvo empatía deficiente, 8.57% empatía intermedio y 22.86% empatía sobresaliente. Así mismo del total 65.71% profesionales de enfermería con actitud negativa; 48.57% tuvieron empatía deficiente, 14.29% empatía intermedia y 2.86% empatía sobresaliente; y las Conclusión: Los profesionales de enfermería que tuvieron actitud positiva en su mayoría presentaron empatía sobresaliente y las que tuvieron actitud negativa en su mayoría presentaron empatía deficiente hacia el paciente en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Carmen de Huancayo

    Modeling the subcritical spread of cracks grown by fatigue / Modelando a propagação subcrítica de rachaduras crescidas por fadiga

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    The objective of this article is to mathematically model the subcritical propagation of fatigue-grown cracks. Three fatigue specimens were used, made of ASTM A 36 structural steel, which were notched in the center of the specimen to simulate a stress concentrator, and for the crack to propagate in the same plane. A three-point bending fatigue machine was used which is equipped with computer data acquisition equipment.The subcritical propagation of fatigue cracks was monitored, using the strain gage technique, and it was verified with the beach marking technique; which guaranteed the reliability of the method. With the data obtained, a vs N graph was made, and the empirical equation that governs this phenomenon was found; Likewise, derivatives were applied and the crack advance speed versus crack size was calculated; and to calculate the stress intensity factor, the Newman Raju method was applied, which is being verified by many researchers in recent years.In this way, it is possible to find a mathematical expression that modulates the fracto-mechanical behavior of the subcritical propagation of a crack, which relates the advance speed of the crack as a function of the fracture toughness evaluated as a function of the intensity factor of tensions K. With which a model similar to the one proposed for the Paris model is achieved, with the values for the parameters C = m / Cycle and m = 2.0252 that are close to the values obtained by researchers in similar materials.

    Entorno económico y niveles de competitividad de las regiones menos competitivas del Perú

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    This research was developed with the objective of understanding the relationship between the economic environment of less competitive regions and their levels of regional competitiveness. The study was of an applied, correlational, non-experimental design, longitudinal and quantitative approach. The population was the 24 regions of Peru, and the sample consisted of 4 regions. The results reveal that there is a direct and positive relationship between the aspects shown, which remain between 0.982 - 1, indicating a very high and perfect relationship. Concluding that, the higher the annual income collected by internal regional taxes, gross value added according to economic activities, economically active population, and registration of micro and small enterprises, the higher the competitiveness levels of the regions, considering that to reach the national average they must increase their index by more than 300% in the economic environment indicator.La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de conocer la relación entre el entorno económico de las regiones menos competitivas y sus niveles de competitividad regional. El estudio fue de tipo aplicado, de nivel correlacional, de diseño no experimental, de corte longitudinal, y de un enfoque cuantitativo. Se trabajó como población a las 24 regiones del Perú, siendo la muestra 4 regiones. Los resultados revelan que existe una relación directa y positiva entre los aspectos mostrados; los cuales se mantienen entre 0,982 – 1, indicando una relación muy alta y perfecta. Concluyendo que, a mayor ingreso anual recaudado por tributos internos región; valor agregado bruto según actividades económicas; población económicamente activa; y registro de micro y pequeñas empresas, mayor son los niveles de competitividad de las regiones, considerando que para alcanzar el promedio nacional deben incrementar su índice en más de un 300% en el indicador entorno económico.A análise competitiva das regiões do Peru é realizada há oito anos, com a evidência de frequência de três regiões com projeção inferior para o índice, considera-se a influência das atividades econômicas no aumento do ranking nacional, para o qual o presente Este artigo visa propor medidas de melhoria do ambiente econômico das regiões de Puno, Cajamarca e Huancavelica. Adotando uma metodologia quantitativa de delineamento não experimental e de tipo descritivo longitudinal, foram analisados ​​os documentos oficiais sobre a arrecadação anual - impostos regionais internos, Valor Agregado Bruto por Atividades Econômicas: Valores a Preços Constantes de 2007, População economicamente ativa, e micro cadastro e pequenas empresas, a partir da comparação com a região de Lima de maior nível de todas as regiões. Levando em consideração o papel do Estado na melhoria do ambiente competitivo e econômico das regiões, foram feitas propostas sobre investimentos, impostos, geração de empregos e investimento público

    Contribution of micro and small enterprises to the labor market of the three least competitive regions of Peru

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    Este trabajo presenta una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo para analizar el aporte de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas al mercado laboral de las tres regiones menos competitivas del Perú durante el periodo 2012 – 2020. Se utilizó un modelo de regresión lineal bajo el método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios para determinar la relación causal entre el aporte de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas y su efecto en el mercado laboral regional. Se concluyó que la evaluación del efecto entre las variables de estudio fue directamente proporcional, es decir, si el aporte de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas presentan incremento en su participación de las regiones de Cajamarca, Huancavelica, y Puno, el mercado laboral regional mejorará respectivamente.This paper presents an investigation with a quantitative approach to analyze the contribution of Micro and Small Enterprises to the labor market of the three least competitive regions of Peru during the period 2012-2020. A linear regression model was used under the ordinary least squares method. to determine the causal relationship between the contribution of Micro and Small Enterprises and its effect on the regional labor market. It was concluded that the evaluation of the effect between the study variables was directly proportional, that is, if the contribution of Micro and Small Companies show an increase in their participation in the regions of Cajamarca, Huancavelica, and Puno, the regional labor market will improve respectively

    Estimation of Indoor 222Rn Concentration in Lima, Peru Using LR-115 Nuclear Track Detectors Exposed in Different Modes

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    Radon is the main source of natural radioactivity, and its measurement is considered extremely important in radioprotection, given its relationship with the occurrence of lung cancer. In the last two years, measurements of this radioactive gas were carried out in Lima considering a grid of 5 km (Formula presented.) and the population density to determine the number of measurements to be carried out. Cellulose nitrate nuclear track detectors exposed in bare mode and diffusion chamber mode were used to estimate (Formula presented.) Rn concentrations. In diffusion chamber mode, non-commercial monitors and commercial monitors were used. The monitoring results are presented for 43 districts of the Lima Province whose population is approximately ten million inhabitants occupying a total area of 2655.15 km (Formula presented.). Measurements were made obtaining an average concentration of 49 Bq·m (Formula presented.) using bare detectors and 66 Bq·m (Formula presented.) using non-commercial diffusion chambers. Average concentrations obtained by both detector exposure modes were below the maximum concentration recommended by the WHO. A radon ((Formula presented.) Rn) map was also obtained as a visual representation of the (Formula presented.) Rn levels in the Lima province using inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation