211 research outputs found

    The role of relief, perceived control, and prospective intolerance of uncertainty in excessive avoidance in uncertain-threat environments

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    Excessive avoidance is a key feature of pathological anxiety. However, the precise mechanisms underlying the development of excessive avoidance are still unknown. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that excessive avoidance, especially in individuals with high Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) is aimed at distress reduction via the enhancement of subjective perceived control in uncertain-threat environments. In our experiment, participants learned to avoid an uncertain aversive sound through a discriminated free operant procedure. In a later test phase in extinction, we manipulated the amount of avoidance responses available per trial by creating a limited and an unrestricted response condition. Nonetheless, the aversive sound could be effectively avoided in both conditions. We measured response frequency, avoidance confidence ratings and anxiety-predisposing traits such as intolerance of uncertainty, trait anxiety and distress tolerance. The degree of distress suffered during trials was inferred from post-trial relief ratings that were requested after trials in which the aversive sound had been omitted. In the avoidance acquisition phase, we found a positive association between prospective intolerance of uncertainty (P-IU) and the decline rate of distress. This relationship was not significant, however, when inhibitory intolerance of uncertainty (I-IU) was controlled for. At test, we found that the increase in avoidance responses led to distress reduction through the enhancement of avoidance confidence. Finally, we found a significant modulating role of P-IU in the effect of response limit on distress reduction that lends further support to our hypothesis. Specifically, P-IU was positively associated with the effect of response limit on distress. However, such modulating role was not significant when controlling for trait anxiety or I-IU.Preparation of this manuscript was supported by a KU Leuven C1 project (C16/19/02), and by Grants PGC2018-096863-B-I00 and UMA18-FEDERJA-051 from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and the Spanish regional government Junta de Andalucía, respectively. María J. Quintero has been awarded a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (FPU Programme, FPU18/00917. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la enseñanza de la RSE en posgrados de negocios

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    El tipo de investigación es de tipo documental y cualitativo con carácter descriptivo y explicativo. Se utilizaron datos obtenidos del Aspen Institute Center for Business Education, basados en encuestas aplicadas a 15 escuelas de negocios para medir las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la relación entre negocios y sociedad. En estos casos, se evaluaron y analizaron las siguientes dimensiones de estudio: Definición de Éxito en los Negocios, Liderazgo y Valores de Negocios y Preparación de la Escuela de Negocio

    Phosphogypsum amendments and irrigation with acidulated water affect tomato nutrition in reclaimed marsh soils from SW Spain

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    Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of the P fertilizer industry usually valorised as amendment for acidic and sodic soils. This work was aimed to study the effects of PG on nutrient uptake by industrial tomato plants in an originally sodic soil. A completely randomized experiment was performed involving two factors: (i) acidification with nitric acid (mimics cleaning techniques in drip irrigation), and (ii) PG rate (equivalents to 0, 20, 60, and 200 Mg ha–1). The highest PG rate resulted in an increased dry matter yield, which can be ascribed at least in part to an increased water use efficiency. PG decreased K, Mg and P concentrations in shoots, and P and Cu concentrations in fruits. At the highest rate, PG increased B concentration in shoots and total B content in the aerial parts of plants when acid was applied. The highest PG rate also increased Ca concentration in fruits, which can be considered positive in view of reducing the incidence of blossom end rot. The total content of Ni and Mo in aerial parts increased with PG, probably related to a decreased adsorption of these nutrients in soils. Acid application increased the concentration of all micronutrients in shoots and the concentration of Fe, Cu and B in fruits. In conclusion, PG promoted positive effects on B, Ni, Mo, and Ca nutrition, and some negative nutritional effects through antagonisms or affecting nutrient cycling in the soils, which however did not result in decreasing yields, even at a large dose which mimics the cumulative application during 20-30 years. Acid treatments resulted in improved micronutrient nutrition of tomato plant

    Seville City Hall Chapter Room ceiling decoration

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de diferentes aspectos, como el color, la composición química y las fases mineralógicas presentes en los diferentes materiales que forman la ornamentación del techo de la Sala Capitular del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, mediante métodos físicos y químicos. Nuestros resultados muestran que el dorado fue realizado sobre una capa de bol previamente depositada sobre una lámina de blanco de plomo que cubría un estrato de calcita. Posteriormente, y probablemente debido a alteraciones en el dorado original, el techo fue de nuevo dorado usando una técnica similar. En el siglo XIX, casi todo el techo, excepto las zonas con inscripciones, fue blanqueado usando una mezcla de calcita y blanco de plomo. Se empleó plata para cubrir la espada del rey Juan I (casetón 27). Finísimas láminas de oro se usaron para decorar los atributos reales: coronas, cinturones, cetros, espadas y rosarios. En diferentes partes de la decoración fueron detectados pigmentos como azurita, malaquita, bermellón y negro de humo. La composición del mortero de la estructura era a base de cal y dolomita molida.The present article describes a chemical and physical study of the colour, chemical composition and mineral phases of the decorative materials in the Seville City Hall Chapter House ceiling. The findings showed that the inner most layer of material, calcite, was covered with white lead, in turn concealed under a layer of gilded bole. The ceiling underwent re-gilding, also over bole, due in all likelihood to wear on the original gold leaf. In the nineteenth century, the entire ceiling with the exception of the inscriptions was whitewashed with calcite and white lead. Silver was employed on King John I’s sword (coffer 27). Gold leaf was used to adorn the royal attributes: crowns, belts, sceptres, swords and rosary beads. The high reliefs were likewise gilded. The pigments identified on the ceiling adornments included azurite, malachite, vermilion and gas black. A lime and ground dolomite mortar was used throughout

    Evaluación de sustratos alternativos para el cultivo de miniclavel (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)

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    Desde la década de 1990 los cultivos de clavel en la Sabana de Bogotá se realizan en sustratos diferentes al suelo. El sustrato más utilizado es la cascarilla de arroz tostada pero, por la contaminación ambiental que genera su quemado, el riesgo de escasez y el aumento en su costo, se están buscando alternativas. En este artículo se compararon cuatro materiales que podrían servir como sustratos alternativos a la cascarilla de arroz tostada: cascarilla de arroz cruda y esterilizada, fibra de coco y escorias de carbón. Se determinaron, a lo largo de un año de cultivo, las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los sustratos, la productividad de las plantas, el peso de ramos, el análisis de tejido vegetal y el porcentaje de plantas muertas por Fusarium oxysporum. Los resultados mostraron que existen diferencias significativas entre los materiales evaluados lo que sugiere diferencias en el manejo durante el cultivo. El sustrato que presentó mayor productividad fue la fibra de coco, seguido de la cascarilla de arroz tostada, aunque no se encontraron diferencias en cuanto al peso de los ramos. La incidencia de Fusarium originó una mayor mortalidad de las plantas cultivadas sobre cascarilla de arroz cruda, seguido de la cascarilla de arroz tostada, aunque esta sigue constituyendo una alternativa sanitaria y de productividad viable para la producción de miniclavel, los resultados muestran ventajas en algunos materiales estudiados y que se podrían mejorar las características si se realizan mezclas adecuadas de los mismos, pero debe continuarse en la búsqueda de sustratos alternativos para este importante cultivo

    Supply chain management y logística en la empresa Confecciones María José Ltda.

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    El presente trabajo hace una relación de la temática revisada y del conocimiento adquirido en el curso de Supply Chain Management y la logística, para lo cual se tomó como referencia una empresa real denominada Confecciones María José Ltda., cuya actividad comercial es la transformación telas en ropa para el sector industrial, así como la distribución de los productos terminados, en la cual se realizó la red estructural, la estructura genérica y además la aplicación de los procesos estratégicos en Supply Chain Management, en la empresa objeto de estudioThe present work makes a relation of the reviewed subject and of the knowledge acquired in the course of Supply Chain Management and the logistics, for which a real company denominated CONFECCIONES MARIA JOSE Ltda., Whose commercial activity is the transformation fabrics in clothing for the industrial sector, as well as the distribution of finished products, in which the Structural Network, the Generic Structure was made and also the application of the strategic processes in Supply Chain Management, in the company under stud

    Transfer of Cd, Pb, Ra and U from Phosphogypsum Amended Soils to Tomato Plants

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    About 170 million tons of phosphogypsum (PG) are annually generated worldwide as a by-product of phosphoric acid factories. Agricultural uses of PG could become the main sink for this waste, which usually contains significant radionuclide (from the 238U-series) and toxic metals concentrations. To study PG effects on pollutant uptake by crops, a completely randomised greenhouse experiment was carried out growing Lycopersicum esculentum Mill L. on a reclaimed marsh soil amended with three PG rates (treatments), corresponding to zero (control without PG application), one, three and ten times the typical PG rates used in SW Spain (20 Mg ha−1). The concentrations of Cd, Pb, U (by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy) and 226Ra and 210Po (by γ-spectrometry and α-counting, respectively) were determined in soil, vegetal tissue and draining water. Cadmium concentrations in fruit increased with PG rates, reaching 44 ± 7 μg kg−1 formula weight with ten PG rates (being 50 μg kg−1 the maximum allowed concentration by EC 1881/2006 regulation). Cd transfer factors in non-edible parts were as high as 4.8 ± 0.5 (dry weight (d.w.)), two orders of magnitude higher than values found for lead, lead, uranium and radium concentrations in fruit remained below the corresponding detection limits—0.5 and 0.25 mg kg−1 and 0.6 mBq kg−1, respectively (in a d.w. basis). 238U (up to 7 μg kg−1 d.w.) and 210Po (up to 0.74 Bq kg−1 d.w.) could be measured in some fruit samples by α-spectrometry. Overall, the concentrations of these metals and radionuclides in the draining water accounted for less than 1% of the amount applied with PGJunta de Andalucía IFAPA-C03

    Desempeño sexual de machos de laboratorio estériles de Anastrepha obliqua aclimatados bajo condiciones de campo

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    Standard quality control tests were carried out to evaluate the sexual performance of laboratory sterile Anastrepha obliqua males acclimated under field conditions. Laboratory sterile males were maintained in a mango orchard in wooden cages for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days before competing with wild males for matings with wild females in sexual performance tests. Laboratory males were evaluated at 8 days of age while wild males were 15 days old. This study was conducted to confirm whether insects kept as close as possible to natural conditions, obtain an advantage in their sexual performance with respect to males maintained under artificial conditions. The results of the study indicated that the mating proportion in the test was within SIT quality control standards and the relative sterility index values didn´t show significant differences between the different treatments. In conclusion the data indicates that the pre-conditioning of A. obliqua males to field conditions doesn’t give an advantage over non-conditioned males in sexual performance with wild females in field cages.Se evaluó por medio de pruebas estándar de control de calidad el desempeño sexual de machos de cría estériles de Anastrepha obliqua aclimatados bajo condiciones de campo. Machos estérilesde cría de laboratorio fueron mantenidos en un huerto de mango en jaulas de madera durante 0, 2, 4, 6 y 8 días antes de competir con machos silvestres por hembras silvestres en pruebas de desempeñosexual. Los machos de laboratorio fueron evaluados con 8 días de edad mientras los silvestres con 15 días. Este estudio fue conducido para confirmar si los insectos mantenidos lo más cerca posible a lascondiciones naturales, obtienen una ventaja en su desempeño sexual con respecto a machos mantenidos en condiciones artificiales. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que la proporción de apareamientos en la prueba fue satisfactoria y los valores del índice de esterilidad relativa no muestran diferencias significativas entre los distintos tratamientos. En conclusión los datos indican que el pre-condicionamiento de machos de A. obliqua a condiciones de campo no confiere una ventaja en el desempeño sexual con hembras silvestres en jaulas de campo, lo cual es ideal para los programas de liberación donde la técnica del insecto estéril es aplicada.

    An approach to the spatial distribution of fishing effort in the Gulf of Cadiz.

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    The spatial distribution of the fishing effort exerted by the trawl fleet of Isla Cristina port (Huelva, Spain) is simulated by means of an application (FAST) for Geographic Information Systems (ArcView), which can offer results just with limited input data. The simulation were carried out with three input variables: depth, distance from fishing grounds to port and the fishing laws in force in the area. The results obtained from two simulations tested match up the effort distribution detected in the area for both the fleet as a whole and a given segment of the same.Postprin
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