1,442 research outputs found

    Técnicas de "amplificatio" en el "Muqtabis" de Ibn Hayyan

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    Análisis de cómo en el siglo X, el cronista cordobés Ibn Hayyan (987-1076) trató textualmente pasajes que copió de autores anteriores para elaborar su “Muqtabis”.Del estudio de la transmisión de tres textos del diccionario biográfico surge que Ibn Hayyan amplió retóricamente los textos que reprodujoAnalysis of how the tenth century Cordovan chronicler Ibn Hayyan (987-1076) textually treated the passages which he copied from elder authors to elaborate his “Muqtabis”. From the study of the transmission of three texts from biographical dictionaries emerges that Ibn Hayyan rhetorically amplified the texts he reproduce

    Thermography and Sonic Anemometry to Analyze Air Heaters in Mediterranean Greenhouses

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    The present work has developed a methodology based on thermography and sonic anemometry for studying the microclimate in Mediterranean greenhouses equipped with air heaters and polyethylene distribution ducts to distribute the warm air. Sonic anemometry allows us to identify the airflow pattern generated by the heaters and to analyze the temperature distribution inside the greenhouse, while thermography provides accurate crop temperature data. Air distribution by means of perforated polyethylene ducts at ground level, widely used in Mediterranean-type greenhouses, can generate heterogeneous temperature distributions inside the greenhouse when the system is not correctly designed. The system analyzed in this work used a polyethylene duct with a row of hot air outlet holes (all of equal diameter) that expel warm air toward the ground to avoid plant damage. We have observed that this design (the most widely used in Almería’s greenhouses) produces stagnation of hot air in the highest part of the structure, reducing the heating of the crop zone. Using 88 kW heating power (146.7 W∙m−2) the temperature inside the greenhouse is maintained 7.2 to 11.2 °C above the outside temperature. The crop temperature (17.6 to 19.9 °C) was maintained above the minimum recommended value of 10 °C

    Industrial districts and migrant enclaves : a model of interaction

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    So far, the relationship between Industrial Districts (IDs; clusters of interconnected local industries) and migrant enclaves (areas with a high concentration of international migrants from a single nationality) has been studied mostly by focusing on the emergence of 'ethnic enclave economies' within the district and/or by highlighting racist conflicts that achieved notoriety in the media. In this study, we contend that there is a more general and complex interaction between the two phenomena. This interaction is mediated by the local context, national regulations, and the organization of the international market, among other factors. By focusing on the case of the ceramic ID of Castelló de la Plana (Spain), we show how this ID with a high rate of job formality, combined with other job opportunities and a unique 'institutional completeness', set up the conditions for a non-conflictive Romanian migrant enclave that reached 14% of the town's total population in 2012. Finally, and also considering another case study of ID and migrant enclave (Prato, and its Chinese enclave), we suggest a model of interaction that should be interpreted taking into account the general dynamics of the international organization of value and the requirements of flexibility and reduction of costs that frame ID

    Application of Semi-Empirical Ventilation Models in A Mediterranean Greenhouse with Opposing Thermal and Wind Effects. Use of Non-Constant Cd (Pressure Drop Coefficient Through the Vents) and Cw (Wind Effect Coefficient)

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    The present work analyses the natural ventilation of a multi-span greenhouse with one roof vent and two side vents by means of sonic anemometry. Opening the roof vent to windward, one side vent to leeward, and the other side vents to windward (this last vent obstructed by another greenhouse), causes opposing thermal GT (m3 s−1) and wind effects Gw (m3 s−1), as outside air entering the greenhouse through the roof vent circulates downward, contrary to natural convection due to the thermal effect. In our case, the ventilation rate RM (h−1) in a naturally ventilated greenhouse fits a second order polynomial with wind velocity uo (RM = 0.37 uo2 + 0.03 uo + 0.75; R2 = 0.99). The opposing wind and thermal effects mean that ventilation models based on Bernoulli’s equation must be modified in order to add or subtract their effects accordingly—Model 1, in which the flow is driven by the sum of two independent pressure fields GM1=√(∣∣G2T±G2w∣∣) , or Model 2, in which the flow is driven by the sum of two independent fluxes GM2=|GT±Gw| . A linear relationship has been obtained, which allows us to estimate the discharge coefficient of the side vents (CdVS) and roof vent (CdWR) as a function of uo [CdVS = 0.028 uo + 0.028 (R2 = 0.92); CdWR = 0.036 uo + 0.040 (R2 = 0.96)]. The wind effect coefficient Cw was determined by applying models M1 and M2 proved not to remain constant for the different experiments, but varied according to the ratio uo/∆Tio0.5 or δ [CwM1 = exp(−2.693 + 1.160/δ) (R2 = 0.94); CwM2 = exp(−2.128 + 1.264/δ) (R2 = 0.98)]

    The multi-layer network nature of systemic risk and its implications for the costs of financial crises

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    The inability to see and quantify systemic financial risk comes at an immense social cost. Systemic risk in the financial system arises to a large extent as a consequence of the interconnectedness of its institutions, which are linked through networks of different types of financial contracts, such as credit, derivatives, foreign exchange and securities. The interplay of the various exposure networks can be represented as layers in a financial multi-layer network. In this work we quantify the daily contributions to systemic risk from four layers of the Mexican banking system from 2007-2013. We show that focusing on a single layer underestimates the total systemic risk by up to 90%. By assigning systemic risk levels to individual banks we study the systemic risk profile of the Mexican banking system on all market layers. This profile can be used to quantify systemic risk on a national level in terms of nation-wide expected systemic losses. We show that market-based systemic risk indicators systematically underestimate expected systemic losses. We find that expected systemic losses are up to a factor four higher now than before the financial crisis of 2007-2008. We find that systemic risk contributions of individual transactions can be up to a factor of thousand higher than the corresponding credit risk, which creates huge risks for the public. We find an intriguing non-linear effect whereby the sum of systemic risk of all layers underestimates the total risk. The method presented here is the first objective data driven quantification of systemic risk on national scales that reveal its true levels.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Realidad aumentada, WebGIS y storytelling para la docencia geográfica: una revisión bibliográfica

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    Innovación EducativaSe presenta un resumen con la bibliografía recopilada en el Proyecto de Innovación Docente, referida a realidad aumentada, WebGIS, cartografía y storytelling enfocados a la docencia en geografía y ciencias sociales afines. Todas las obras recogidas en el listado han podido ser consultadas a través de repositorios en Internet y en las bases de datos de la Universidad de Valladolid, y se han recopilado para poder ser consultadas en el ámbito de un grupo de innovación docenteDepartamento de Geografí

    Del cooperativismo a la economía socialmente orientada

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    A partir de una revisión de la literatura sobre la economía social y de los resultados de una investigación sobre empresariado social llevada a cabo en Cataluña, hemos identificado la necesidad de avanzar en una conceptualización teórica de la "economía social" que tenga en cuenta sus orígenes, realidad actual y marco normativo pero que dé cuenta también de la relativamente reciente irrupción del fenómeno de "empresariado social" y de otras iniciativas surgidas a partir de la crisis financiera e inspiradas especialmente en el modelo cooperativo. A partir del análisis crítico de las características atribuidas al "empresariado social" por actores públicos y privados, se propone el concepto de "economía socialmente orientada" como campo que incluye tanto la economía social tradicional como los nuevos espacios orientados bien al mercado, bien al intercambio, pero que toman en cualquier caso la economía social como modelo.From a review of the literature on social economy and the research carried out in Catalonia, it has been identified the need to advance in a theoretical conceptualization of the "social economy" sector that take into account not just its historical origins, and its normative framework but also the recent emergence of the "social entrepreneurship" phenomenon, and other initiatives inspired on the cooperative model. Departing form the critical analysis of the characteristics attributed to "social entrepreneurship" by both public and private actors, we suggest the concept "oriented socially economy " as a field that includes both the traditional social economy and the new spaces oriented either to the market or the exchange but that takes the social economy as model of reference

    Direct and Interactive Effects of Brokerage Roles on Innovation in Clustered Firms

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    Social network analysis has generated a great number of research findings in the organizational and management literature, in which the so-called territorial clusters have often been represented through the network metaphor. However, while scholars primarily examine the network structure and the internal heterogeneity, we have specifically analyzed the diverse types or roles of informational brokers which firms can perform. We also posit that innovation generated by these firms is moderated by their own capabilities and, more particularly, we analyze how innovation is affected by brokerage roles and the moderating effect of R&D in the Spanish ceramic tile cluster. Our results show that different brokerage roles played by clustered firms have different implications in terms of innovation. Another relevant and related result refers to the interactive effect of brokerage roles and absorptive capacity, which becomes more or less significant depending on the role being played in each case.Financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project number ECO2015-67122-R) and Universitat Jaume I (Project Number P1·1B2013-05) is gratefully acknowledged

    El Cantón murciano, hecho romántico en el realismo. La construcción de un relato literario desde la historia

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    Murcian Cantón, which is considered as Romanticfact within Realism, produces very few contemporary literature. Murcian writers of tyhis time pay attention to a certain kind of local custom or pseudo-historical legends so epic poetry is not regarde as a Literary fact until the appearance of Míster Witt en el Cantón. The latest essays about this topic have probably bet on a local myth creation, with a slight nationalism. Murcian.El Cantón Murciano, al que se califica de hecho romántico en el realismo, origina una escasa literatura contemporánea. Los escritores murcianos de la época se ocupan de un tipo de leyenda huertano-costumbrista o seudohistórica y la gesta no constituye materia literaria hasta la aparición de Míster Witt en el Cantón. Las últimas obras sobre el tema quizá hayan apostado por la creación de un mito localista, con un débil nacionalismo, murciano

    Prensa lorquina del siglo XIX. Las revistas literarias de la Restauración

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    During the I9th century, the social Ufe of any city adopts the means of communication that apply the, at that time, new technologies. The newspaper develops from gazette to an Information channel, setting the bases of what will be the opinión joumalism. At the same time as the ideological press in the service of a political party or of a religious ultramontanism, appears, most of all at the Restoration, a magazine series that are qualified literary in order to remove the politics of them and avoid that the disturbances and dissension that originales the partisan militancy, if it comes from liberalism, catches on it. Lorca offers this panorama in a more pronounced way than other localities of the región because of its bastión condition of the religious and political conservatism.Durante el siglo XIX, la vida social de cualquier ciudad adopta los medios de comunicación que aplican las entonces nuevas tecnologías. El periódico evoluciona de gaceta a canal de información, poniendo las bases de lo que será el periodismo de opinión. Al mismo tiempo que la prensa ideológica al servicio de un partido político o ultramontanismo religioso, aparece, sobre todo en la Restauración, una serie de revistas que califican de literarias con la intención de apolitizar y evitar que los disturbios y disensiones que origina la militancia partidista, si se hace desde el liberalismo, prenda en ella. Lorca ofrece este panorama de modo más acusado que otras localidades de la región por su carácter de bastión del conservadurismo religioso y político