142 research outputs found

    Design and status of the detector block for the ISO-SWS

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    The Short Wave Spectrometer (SWS) is one of the two spectrometers for the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). It consists of a pair of grating spectrometers and a Fabry-Perot interferometer. Together, the grating spectrometers cover the wavelength range 2.4 to 45 microns, at a resolution between 1000 and 2000. The Fabry-Perot interferometer, in series with one of the grating spectrometers, provides a resolution of about 20,000 at the wavelengths between 15 and 35 microns. The SWS is being built by the Space Research Organization of the Netherlands and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany. The spectrometer has 52 discrete detectors, most of which are bulk detectors. In the design of the spectrometer, the main emphasis is on the sensitivity of the individual channels, rather than on the number of detectors. This was one of the main reasons to select non-destructive read-out circuits, with a separate heated-JFET pre-amplifier for each individual detector. The signals are amplified and filtered in parallel. The engineering tests on the SWS detector block have not yet been completed. The design of the detector block is described and the present problem areas are indicated

    Aberrant DNA methylation and expression of SPDEF and FOXA2 in airway epithelium of patients with COPD

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    Background: Goblet cell metaplasia, a common feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is associated with mucus hypersecretion which contributes to the morbidity and mortality among patients. Transcription factors SAM-pointed domain-containing Ets-like factor (SPDEF) and forkhead box protein A2 (FOXA2) regulate goblet cell differentiation. This study aimed to (1) investigate DNA methylation and expression of SPDEF and FOXA2 during goblet cell differentiation and (2) compare this in airway epithelial cells from patients with COPD and controls during mucociliary differentiation. Methods: To assess DNA methylation and expression of SPDEF and FOXA2 during goblet cell differentiation, primary airway epithelial cells, isolated from trachea (non-COPD controls) and bronchial tissue (patients with COPD), were differentiated by culture at the air-liquid interface (ALI) in the presence of cytokine interleukin (IL)-13 to promote goblet cell differentiation. Results: We found that SPDEF expression was induced during goblet cell differentiation, while FOXA2 expression was decreased. Importantly, CpG number 8 in the SPDEF promoter was hypermethylated upon differentiation, whereas DNA methylation of FOXA2 promoter was not changed. In the absence of IL-13, COPD-derived ALI-cultured cells displayed higher SPDEF expression than control-derived ALI cultures, whereas no difference was found for FOXA2 expression. This was accompanied with hypomethylation of CpG number 6 in the SPDEF promoter and also hypomethylation of CpG numbers 10 and 11 in the FOXA2 promoter. Conclusions: These findings suggest that aberrant DNA methylation of SPDEF and FOXA2 is one of the factors underlying mucus hypersecretion in COPD, opening new avenues for epigenetic-based inhibition of mucus hypersecretion

    Prenatal smoke exposure induces persistent Cyp2a5 methylation and increases nicotine metabolism in the liver of neonatal and adult male offspring

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    Prenatal smoke exposure (PSE) is a risk factor for nicotine dependence. One susceptibility gene for nicotine dependence is Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6, an enzyme responsible for the conversion of nicotine to cotinine and nicotine clearance in the liver. Higher activity of the CYP2A6 enzyme is associated with nicotine dependence, but no research has addressed the PSE effects on the CYP2A6 gene or its mouse homologue Cyp2a5. We hypothesized that PSE affects Cyp2a5 promoter methylation, Cyp2a5 mRNA levels, and nicotine metabolism in offspring. We used a smoke-exposed pregnant mouse model. RNA, DNA, and microsomal protein were isolated from liver tissue of foetal, neonatal, and adult offspring. Enzyme activity, Cyp2a5 mRNA levels, and Cyp2a5 methylation status of six CpG sites within the promoter region were analysed via HPLC, RT-PCR, and bisulphite pyrosequencing. Our data show that PSE induced higher cotinine levels in livers of male neonatal and adult offspring compared to controls. PSE-induced cotinine levels in neonates correlated with Cyp2a5 mRNA expression and promoter methylation at CpG-7 and CpG+45. PSE increased methylation in almost all CpG sites in foetal offspring, and this effect persisted at CpG-74 in male neonatal and adult offspring. Our results indicate that male offspring of mothers which were exposed to cigarette smoke during pregnancy have a higher hepatic nicotine metabolism, which could be regulated by DNA methylation. Given the detected persistence into adulthood, extrapolation to the human situation suggests that sons born from smoking mothers could be more susceptible to nicotine dependence later in life

    Postnatal Smoke Exposure Further Increases the Hepatic Nicotine Metabolism in Prenatally Smoke Exposed Male Offspring and Is Linked with Aberrant Cyp2a5 Methylation

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    Prenatal smoke exposure (PreSE) is a risk factor for nicotine dependence, which is further enhanced by postnatal smoke exposure (PostSE). One susceptibility gene to nicotine dependence is Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6, an enzyme responsible for the conversion of nicotine to cotinine in the liver. Higher CYP2A6 activity is associated with nicotine dependence and could be regulated through DNA methylation. In this study we investigated whether PostSE further impaired PreSE-induced effects on nicotine metabolism, along with Cyp2a5, orthologue of CYP2A6, mRNA expression and DNA methylation. Using a mouse model where prenatally smoke-exposed adult offspring were exposed to cigarette smoke for 3 months, enzyme activity, mRNA levels, and promoter methylation of hepatic Cyp2a5 were evaluated. We found that in male offspring, PostSE increased PreSE-induced cotinine levels and Cyp2a5 mRNA expression. In addition, both PostSE and PreSE changed Cyp2a5 DNA methylation in male groups. PreSE however decreased cotinine levels whereas it had no effect on Cyp2a5 mRNA expression or methylation. These adverse outcomes of PreSE and PostSE were most prominent in males. When considered in the context of the human health aspects, the combined effect of prenatal and adolescent smoke exposure could lead to an accelerated risk for nicotine dependence later in life.</p

    Про підготовку навчального посібника з краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України

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    У статті обґрунтовується необхідність підготовки навчального посібника з національного краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України, висвітлено стан його підготовки, концепція та окремі, найбільш важливі і дискусійні аспекти змісту майбутнього посібника.В статье обосновывается необходимость подготовки учебного пособия по национальному краеведению для высших учебных заведений Украины, показана степень его подготовки, концепция и отдельные, наиболее важные и дискуссионные аспекты будущего учебника.In the article the necessity of preparation of the tutorial of local history for higher educational establishments in Ukraine is settled down, the state of its preparation, conception and particular, most essential and debatable aspects of the content of the manual are covered

    Water abundances in high-mass protostellar envelopes: Herschel observations with HIFI

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    We derive the dense core structure and the water abundance in four massive star-forming regions which may help understand the earliest stages of massive star formation. We present Herschel-HIFI observations of the para-H2O 1_11-0_00 and 2_02-1_11 and the para-H2-18O 1_11-0_00 transitions. The envelope contribution to the line profiles is separated from contributions by outflows and foreground clouds. The envelope contribution is modelled using Monte-Carlo radiative transfer codes for dust and molecular lines (MC3D and RATRAN), with the water abundance and the turbulent velocity width as free parameters. While the outflows are mostly seen in emission in high-J lines, envelopes are seen in absorption in ground-state lines, which are almost saturated. The derived water abundances range from 5E-10 to 4E-8 in the outer envelopes. We detect cold clouds surrounding the protostar envelope, thanks to the very high quality of the Herschel-HIFI data and the unique ability of water to probe them. Several foreground clouds are also detected along the line of sight. The low H2O abundances in massive dense cores are in accordance with the expectation that high densities and low temperatures lead to freeze-out of water on dust grains. The spread in abundance values is not clearly linked to physical properties of the sources.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication the 15/07/2010 by Astronomy&Astrophysics as a letter in the Herschel-HIFI special issu

    Shifted T-cell polarisation after agricultural dust exposure in mice and men

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    RATIONALE: A low prevalence of asthma and atopy has been shown in farmers and agricultural workers. However, in these workers, a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms has been reported, in which T helper 1 (Th1) and/or Th17 responses may play a role. AIM: We investigated the effect of exposure to dust extracts (DEs) from different farms on airway inflammation and T-cell polarisation in a mouse model and assessed T-cell polarisation in agricultural workers from the same farms. METHODS: DEs were prepared from settled dust collected at cattle and pig farms and bulb and onion industries. Mice were exposed to phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), DEs, house dust mite (HDM) or HDM+DE via nasal instillation, four times per week during 5 weeks. Hyperresponsiveness, airway inflammation, IgE levels and T-cell polarisation were assessed. Th-cell and T cytotoxic (Tc)-cell subsets were investigated in peripheral blood samples from 33 agricultural workers and 9 non-exposed controls. RESULTS: DEs induced interleukin(IL)-17, IL-1β and IL-6 in mouse lung homogenates. DE-exposed mice had more mixed inflammatory infiltrates in the lungs, and more neutrophils compared with PBS-exposed mice. DEs protected against the HDM-induced Th2 response and methacholine hyperresponsiveness. Interestingly, occupationally exposed humans had higher frequencies of Th cells spontaneously expressing IL-17 and interferon γ compared with controls. CONCLUSION: Chronic exposure to different types of farm dust induces a Th/Tc-17 inflammatory response in mice and agricultural workers. This may contribute to the low prevalence of Th2-related diseases but may constitute a risk for other chronic respiratory diseases

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en VIH/SIDA en adolescentes de 14 a 19 años que acuden al Hospital Roatán Islas de la Bahía. Honduras. Marzo del 2005.

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    Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se encontró que el perfil sociodemográfico representativo de los adolescentes de ambos sexos estudiados es de 18 a 19 años de edad de raza mestiza, con secundaria incompleta, evangélicos, que no trabajan, solteros del género femenino, que tienen vida sexual activa y que realizan diferentes prácticas sexuales sin protección. Estos tienen conocimientos sobre prevención y modo de transmisión del VIH/SIDA, y las actitudes en cuanto a realizar relaciones sexuales fueron indiferentes, ya que no estaban dispuestos a cambiar su comportamiento, sabiendo que enfrentan una pandemia mundial que atenta contra la vida y los lleva a la muerte. Las estadísticas a nivel nacional en Honduras realizadas por UNICEF, en jóvenes adolescentes de 15 a 23 años, en el año 2002 reporta, que estos ya han iniciado vida sexual activa en un 56% y un 23% haber padecido de secreciones anormales por los genitales lo que se considera que es uno de los riesgos asociados al VIH/SIDA. Donde la sexualidad produce en muchos jóvenes ansiedad y turbación; y esto les impide que los jóvenes utilicen condón, lo cual se requiere del conocimiento y cooperación de la pareja; es por eso que estos suelen de carecer de actitudes para hacerlo. Se recomiendan campañas masivas de educación basadas esencialmente en una estrategia de Abstinencia, Fidelidad, y Preservativo llamadas estrategias ABC en inglés