20 research outputs found

    Encodage neuronal des sons de parole : développements méthodologiques, générateurs neuronaux et application au malentendant appareillé

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    To date, six million French are hearing impaired. To address this public health issue, efficient tools for exploration of the hearing function are essentials. Speech ABR (Speech Auditory Brainstem Response) is a promising tool, being a fine electrophysiological marker of the neuronal encoding of speech. Though, its methodology remains underdeveloped, its neural origin is still uncertain, and it has never been recorded in hearing aid users. The first axis of this thesis focuses on the neural generators of Speech ABR. The development of a methodology for recording topographies of this response, up to now described as strictly subcortical, first suggested the possibility of a cortical generator. A stereo-electroencephalography study then confirmed the existence of Speech ABR activity in bilateral primary auditory cortices. This result sheds a new light on the representation of speech sounds within the auditory nervous system. The second axis concerns the study of Speech ABR in hearing aid users. After having developed a methodology of acoustic stimulation directly through hearing aids, we investigated neural plasticity induced by hearing aid use. Results show an improvement in the identification of amplified phonemes, linked to an altered cortical representation and a rebalanced frequency encoding. This very first evidence of neural plasticity as soon as the first four months of hearing aid use opens up new therapeutic hopesA ce jour, six millions de français sont atteints de troubles de l'audition. Face à ce problème de santé publique, des outils performants d'exploration de la fonction auditive sont indispensables. La Speech ABR (Speech Auditory Brainstem Response ou Réponse du tronc cérébral auditif à la parole) est un outil prometteur, comme marqueur électrophysiologique fin de l'encodage neuronal de la parole. Cependant, sa méthodologie reste peu développée, son origine neuronale incertaine et elle n'a jamais été enregistrée chez le malentendant porteur d'aides auditives. Le premier axe de cette thèse porte sur les générateurs neuronaux de la Speech ABR. Le développement d'une méthodologie de recueil topographique de cette réponse jusqu'alors décrite comme strictement sous-corticale, a d'abord suggéré la possibilité d'un générateur cortical. Une étude en stéréo-électroencéphalographie a ensuite confirmé l'existence d'une activité Speech ABR dans les cortex auditifs primaires bilatéraux. Ce résultat apporte un éclairage nouveau sur la représentation des sons de parole par système nerveux auditif. Le second axe concerne l'étude de la Speech ABR chez le malentendant appareillé. Après avoir développé une méthodologie de stimulation acoustique directement au travers des aides auditives, nous avons étudié la plasticité neuronale induite par le port d'aides auditives. Les résultats montrent une amélioration de l'identification des phonèmes amplifiés, liée à une représentation corticale modifiée et à un encodage fréquentiel rééquilibré. Ces toutes premières preuves de plasticité neuronales dès les 4 premiers mois d'utilisation des aides auditives ouvrent de nouveaux espoirs thérapeutique

    Adult Male Mice Emit Context-Specific Ultrasonic Vocalizations That Are Modulated by Prior Isolation or Group Rearing Environment

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    Social interactions in mice are frequently analysed in genetically modified strains in order to get insight of disorders affecting social interactions such as autism spectrum disorders. Different types of social interactions have been described, mostly between females and pups, and between adult males and females. However, we recently showed that social interactions between adult males could also encompass cognitive and motivational features. During social interactions, rodents emit ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), but it remains unknown if call types are differently used depending of the context and if they are correlated with motivational state. Here, we recorded the calls of adult C57BL/6J male mice in various behavioral conditions, such as social interaction, novelty exploration and restraint stress. We introduced a modulator for the motivational state by comparing males maintained in isolation and males maintained in groups before the experiments. Male mice uttered USVs in all social and non-social situations, and even in a stressful restraint context. They nevertheless emitted the most important number of calls with the largest diversity of call types in social interactions, particularly when showing a high motivation for social contact. For mice maintained in social isolation, the number of calls recorded was positively correlated with the duration of social contacts, and most calls were uttered during contacts between the two mice. This correlation was not observed in mice maintained in groups. These results open the way for a deeper understanding and characterization of acoustic signals associated with social interactions. They can also help evaluating the role of motivational states in the emission of acoustic signals

    Neural encoding of speech sounds : methodological developments, neural generators, and application to hearing aid users

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    A ce jour, six millions de français sont atteints de troubles de l'audition. Face à ce problème de santé publique, des outils performants d'exploration de la fonction auditive sont indispensables. La Speech ABR (Speech Auditory Brainstem Response ou Réponse du tronc cérébral auditif à la parole) est un outil prometteur, comme marqueur électrophysiologique fin de l'encodage neuronal de la parole. Cependant, sa méthodologie reste peu développée, son origine neuronale incertaine et elle n'a jamais été enregistrée chez le malentendant porteur d'aides auditives. Le premier axe de cette thèse porte sur les générateurs neuronaux de la Speech ABR. Le développement d'une méthodologie de recueil topographique de cette réponse jusqu'alors décrite comme strictement sous-corticale, a d'abord suggéré la possibilité d'un générateur cortical. Une étude en stéréo-électroencéphalographie a ensuite confirmé l'existence d'une activité Speech ABR dans les cortex auditifs primaires bilatéraux. Ce résultat apporte un éclairage nouveau sur la représentation des sons de parole par système nerveux auditif. Le second axe concerne l'étude de la Speech ABR chez le malentendant appareillé. Après avoir développé une méthodologie de stimulation acoustique directement au travers des aides auditives, nous avons étudié la plasticité neuronale induite par le port d'aides auditives. Les résultats montrent une amélioration de l'identification des phonèmes amplifiés, liée à une représentation corticale modifiée et à un encodage fréquentiel rééquilibré. Ces toutes premières preuves de plasticité neuronales dès les 4 premiers mois d'utilisation des aides auditives ouvrent de nouveaux espoirs thérapeutiquesTo date, six million French are hearing impaired. To address this public health issue, efficient tools for exploration of the hearing function are essentials. Speech ABR (Speech Auditory Brainstem Response) is a promising tool, being a fine electrophysiological marker of the neuronal encoding of speech. Though, its methodology remains underdeveloped, its neural origin is still uncertain, and it has never been recorded in hearing aid users. The first axis of this thesis focuses on the neural generators of Speech ABR. The development of a methodology for recording topographies of this response, up to now described as strictly subcortical, first suggested the possibility of a cortical generator. A stereo-electroencephalography study then confirmed the existence of Speech ABR activity in bilateral primary auditory cortices. This result sheds a new light on the representation of speech sounds within the auditory nervous system. The second axis concerns the study of Speech ABR in hearing aid users. After having developed a methodology of acoustic stimulation directly through hearing aids, we investigated neural plasticity induced by hearing aid use. Results show an improvement in the identification of amplified phonemes, linked to an altered cortical representation and a rebalanced frequency encoding. This very first evidence of neural plasticity as soon as the first four months of hearing aid use opens up new therapeutic hope

    Coupling cosmogenic dating and magnetostratigraphy to constrain the chronological evolution of peri-Mediterranean karsts during the Messinian and the Pliocene: Example of Ardèche Valley, Southern France

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    International audienceThe Ardèche River entrenches a deep canyon in the Saint Remèze plateau from Vallon-Pont-d'Arc to its confluence with the Rhône. This plateau is part of the Ardèche Cretaceous limestone plateau located at the edge of the Mid Rhône valley. It is characterized by dense multi-level cave systems, such as Saint-Marcel Cave (50 km of mapped passages) and Chauvet Cave, famous for its paleolithic paintings. Until now, and despite the absence of absolute dating, stepping of the Saint Remèze cave levels has been interpreted as the result of the Messinian salinity crisis. To clarify this interpretation, fluvial sediments of cave systems have been absolutely dated, while cave sediments have been demonstrated to be ideal for "burial dating" based on the different radioactive decay rates of the in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides 10Be and 26Al. Combined with magnetostratigraphy and constrained by the Lower Ardèche base-level curve, this contribution provides an absolute dating for each cave level. The obtained results are consistent with the stepping per ascensum model of both surface landforms and caves for the Messinian-Pliocene eustatic cycle. Finally, this study provides evidence for a rise of the Ardèche river level to 40 m above the Pliocene abandonment surface. The second active period of the Chauvet Cave is evidenced between 2.96 and 2.18 Ma (cave filling). An absolute dating for the Pliocene abandonment surface between 1.94 and 1.77 Ma is also obtained, which brings new understandings to the geodynamic evolution of the area. The Lower Ardèche has been uplifted after the Pliocene, with a rate of 0.03 mm/year since 1.77 Ma

    The effect of river dynamics induced by the Messinian Salinity Crisis on karst landscape and caves: Example of the Lower Ardeche river (mid Rhone valley)

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    International audienceThe karstic canyon of Lower Ardehe is located in the Middle Rhone valley, which is directly tributary to the Mediterranean Sea. The Rhone River is emblematic of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) impact on landscape morphology. Along the edge of the Saint-Remeze Plateau, the Rhone valley displays four benchmark levels generated by the MSC: the Pre-evaporitic abandonment surface (11), the Messinian erosional surface (2), the Marine/non-marine surface of the Pliocene ria (3) and the Pliocene abandonment surface (4) The study of these benchmark levels allows us to reconstruct the evolution of the regional base level over the last 6 Ma. We obtain a curve for base-level evolution that provides a geodynamic reference. Which is used to investigate the morphogenesis of the Sant-Remeze karstic plateau. The Ardeche River downcuts the Saint-Remeze Plateau in a deep canyon, from Vallon-Pont-d'Arc to the West, to its confluence with the Rhone to the East. Several abandoned valleys are present along the western edge of the Saint-Remeze Plateau at the inlet of the Ardeche canyon. In these abandoned valleys, the fluvial deposits are related to several periods, from the Pliocene onwards. They Provide important insights into the fluvial dynamics: a 160 m-thick aggradation sequence infilled the Ardeche canyon during the Pliocene. This aggrading river caused the first lateral shifting, as an aggradation epigenesis. This first infilling shows that the Ardeche canyon already existed before the Pliocene. Secondly, it has been demonstrated that the Ardeche Canyon is downcut into the Pre-evaporitic surface of the Saint-Remeze Plateau, dated to 5.45 Ma [Martini, J., 2005. Etude des paleokarsts des environs de Saint-Remeze (Ardeche, France): mise en evidence d'une riviere souterraine fossilisee durant la crise de salinity messinienne. Karstologia 45-46, 1-18]. Consequently, the canyon downcutting is entirely due to the MSC, and occurred during a time span of only 100 000 years. Based on these observations, it is possible to elucidate the curve of the regional base-level evolution. Hence, we are able to propose a new interpretation of the geomorphological evolution of the Saint-Remeze karstic plateau and its cave levels for the last 6 Ma. The cave levels Consist in underground short-cuts of the surface meanders. They mainly developed during the Pliocene aggradation cycle. The Chauvet Cave, famous for its Palaeolithic paintings, corresponds to one of these underground short-cuts. The aggradation period ends at the end of the Pliocene with long hi.-h-level riverbed stability. It favours the development of large low gradient surfaces as pediments. The complete Messinian-Pliocene eustatic cycle is responsible for the downcutting of the Ardeche canyon and its infilling during the Pliocene. Consequently, karst developed according to the base-level oscillations, as low gradient Surfaces and as cave levels. For the Study of the pen-Mediterranean caves and karst areas, we propose to apply the Lower Ardeche valley evolution model, based on the base-level oscillations during and after the MSC. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Dynamic expectations: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of sub-second updates in reward predictions

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    Abstract Expectations are often dynamic: sports fans know that expectations are rapidly updated as games unfold. Yet expectations have traditionally been studied as static. Here we present behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of sub-second changes in expectations using slot machines as a case study. In Study 1, we demonstrate that EEG signal before the slot machine stops varies based on proximity to winning. Study 2 introduces a behavioral paradigm to measure dynamic expectations via betting, and shows that expectation trajectories vary as a function of winning proximity. Notably, these expectation trajectories parallel Study 1’s EEG activity. Studies 3 (EEG) and 4 (behavioral) replicate these findings in the loss domain. These four studies provide compelling evidence that dynamic sub-second updates in expectations can be behaviorally and electrophysiologically measured. Our research opens promising avenues for understanding the dynamic nature of reward expectations and their impact on cognitive processes