265 research outputs found

    Role of movement in long-term basal ganglia changes: implications for abnormal motor responses

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    Abnormal involuntary movements (AIMs) and dyskinesias elicited by drugs that stimulate dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia are a major issue in the management of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Preclinical studies in dopamine-denervated animals have contributed to the modeling of these abnormal movements, but the precise neurochemical and functional mechanisms underlying these untoward effects are still elusive. It has recently been suggested that the performance of movement may itself promote the later emergence of drug-induced motor complications, by favoring the generation of aberrant motor memories in the dopamine-denervated basal ganglia. Our recent results from hemiparkinsonian rats subjected to the priming model of dopaminergic stimulation are in agreement with this. These results demonstrate that early performance of movement is crucial for the manifestation of sensitized rotational behavior, indicative of an abnormal motor response, and neurochemical modifications in selected striatal neurons following a dopaminergic challenge. Building on this evidence, this paper discusses the possible role of movement performance in drug-induced motor complications, with a look at the implications for PD management

    Cannabidiol stimulates AML-1a-dependent glial differentiation and inhibits glioma stem-like cells proliferation by inducing autophagy in a TRPV2-dependent manner

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    Glioma stem-like cells (GSCs) correspond to a tumor cell subpopulation, involved in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumor ini- tiation and acquired chemoresistance. Currently, drug-induced differentiation is considered as a promising approach to eradi- cate this tumor-driving cell population. Recently, the effect of cannabinoids (CBs) in promoting glial differentiation and inhibiting gliomagenesis has been evidenced. Herein, we demonstrated that cannabidiol (CBD) by activating transient receptor potential vanilloid-2 (TRPV2) triggers GSCs differentiation activating the autophagic process and inhibits GSCs proliferation and clonogenic capability. Above all, CBD and carmustine (BCNU) in combination overcome the high resistance of GSCs to BCNU treatment, by inducing apoptotic cell death. Acute myeloid leukemia (Aml-1) transcription factors play a pivotal role in GBM proliferation and differentiation and it is known that Aml-1 control the expression of several nociceptive receptors. So, we evaluated the expression levels of Aml-1 spliced variants (Aml-1a, b and c) in GSCs and during their differentiation. We found that Aml-1a is upregulated during GSCs differentiation, and its downregulation restores a stem cell phenotype in differ- entiated GSCs. Since it was demonstrated that CBD induces also TRPV2 expression and that TRPV2 is involved in GSCs differ- entiation, we evaluated if Aml-1a interacted directly with TRPV2 promoters. Herein, we found that Aml-1a binds TRPV2 promoters and that Aml-1a expression is upregulated by CBD treatment, in a TRPV2 and PI3K/AKT dependent manner. Alto- gether, these results support a novel mechanism by which CBD inducing TRPV2-dependent autophagic process stimulates Aml-1a-dependent GSCs differentiation, abrogating the BCNU chemoresistance in GSCs

    Clinical assessment of the TechArm system on visually impaired and blind children during uni- and multi-sensory perception tasks

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    We developed the TechArm system as a novel technological tool intended for visual rehabilitation settings. The system is designed to provide a quantitative assessment of the stage of development of perceptual and functional skills that are normally vision-dependent, and to be integrated in customized training protocols. Indeed, the system can provide uni- and multisensory stimulation, allowing visually impaired people to train their capability of correctly interpreting non-visual cues from the environment. Importantly, the TechArm is suitable to be used by very young children, when the rehabilitative potential is maximal. In the present work, we validated the TechArm system on a pediatric population of low-vision, blind, and sighted children. In particular, four TechArm units were used to deliver uni- (audio or tactile) or multi-sensory stimulation (audio-tactile) on the participant's arm, and subject was asked to evaluate the number of active units. Results showed no significant difference among groups (normal or impaired vision). Overall, we observed the best performance in tactile condition, while auditory accuracy was around chance level. Also, we found that the audio-tactile condition is better than the audio condition alone, suggesting that multisensory stimulation is beneficial when perceptual accuracy and precision are low. Interestingly, we observed that for low-vision children the accuracy in audio condition improved proportionally to the severity of the visual impairment. Our findings confirmed the TechArm system's effectiveness in assessing perceptual competencies in sighted and visually impaired children, and its potential to be used to develop personalized rehabilitation programs for people with visual and sensory impairments

    Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotube materials on Ruditapes philippinarum under climate changes: the case of salinity shifts

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    The toxicity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is closely related to their physico-chemical characteristics as well as the physico-chemical parameters of the media where CNTs are dispersed. In a climate change scenario, changes in seawater salinity are becoming a topic of concern particularly in estuarine and coastal areas. Nevertheless, to our knowledge no information is available on how salinity shifts may alter the sensitivity (in terms of biochemical responses) of bivalves when exposed to different CNTs. For this reason, a laboratory experiment was performed exposing the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, one of the most dominant bivalves of the estuarine and coastal lagoon environments, for 28 days to unfunctionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube MWCNTs (Nf-MWCNTs) and carboxylated MWCNTs (f-MWCNTs), maintained at control salinity (28) and low salinity 21. Concentration-dependent toxicity was demonstrated in individuals exposed to both MWCNT materials and under both salinities, generating alterations of energy reserves and metabolism, oxidative status and neurotoxicity compared to non-contaminated clams. Moreover, our results showed greater toxic impacts induced in clams exposed to f-MWCNTs compared to Nf-MWCNTs. In the present study it was also demonstrated how salinity shifts altered the toxicity of both MWCNT materials as well as the sensitivity of R. philippinarum exposed to these contaminates in terms of clam metabolism, oxidative status and neurotoxicity.publishe

    The influence of Climate Change on the fate and behavior of different carbon nanotubes materials and implication to estuarine invertebrates

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    The widespread use of Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been increasing exponentially, leading to a significant potential release into the environment. Nevertheless, the toxic effects of CNTs in natural aquatic systems are related to their ability to interact with abiotic compounds. Considering that salinity variations are one of the main challenges in the environment and thus may influence the behavior and toxicity of CNTs, a laboratory experiment was performed exposing the tube-building polychaete Diopatra neapolitana (Delle Chiaje 1841) for 28 days to pristine multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNTs) and carboxylated MWCNTs, maintained at control salinity 28 and low salinity 21. An innovative approach based on thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was adopted for the first time to assess the presence of MWCNTs aggregates in the organisms. Both CNTs generated toxic impacts in terms of regenerative capacity, energy reserves and metabolic capacity as well as oxidative and neuro status, however greater toxic impacts were observed in polychaetes exposed to carboxylated MWCNTs. Moreover, both CNTs maintained under control salinity (28) generated higher toxic impacts in the polychaetes compared to individuals maintained under low salinity (21), indicating that exposed polychaetes tend to be more sensitive to the alteration induced by salinity variations on the chemical behavior of both MWCNTs in comparison to salt stress.publishe

    HSP90 Inhibitor, NVP-AUY922, Improves Myelination in Vitro and Supports the Maintenance of Myelinated Axons in Neuropathic Mice.

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    Hereditary demyelinating neuropathies linked to peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) involve the disruption of normal protein trafficking and are therefore relevant targets for chaperone therapy. Using a small molecule HSP90 inhibitor, EC137, in cell culture models, we previously validated the chaperone pathway as a viable target for therapy development. Here, we tested five commercially available inhibitors of HSP90 and identified BIIB021 and AUY922 to support Schwann cell viability and enhance chaperone expression. AUY922 showed higher efficacy, compared to BIIB021, in enhancing myelin synthesis in dorsal root ganglion explant cultures from neuropathic mice. For in vivo testing, we randomly assigned 2-3 month old C22 and 6 week old Trembler J (TrJ) mice to receive two weekly injections of either vehicle or AUY922 (2 mg/kg). By the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route, the drug was well-tolerated by all mice over the 5 month long study, without influence on body weight or general grooming behavior. AUY922 improved the maintenance of myelinated nerves of both neuropathic models and attenuated the decline in rotarod performance and peak muscle force production in C22 mice. These studies highlight the significance of proteostasis in neuromuscular function and further validate the HSP90 pathway as a therapeutic target for hereditary neuropathies

    Are the impacts of carbon nanotubes enhanced in Mytilus galloprovincialis submitted to air exposure?

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    Intertidal species are frequently exposed to environmental changes associated with multiple stressors, which they must either avoid or tolerate by developing physiological and biochemical strategies. Some of the natural environmental changes are related with the tidal cycle which forces organisms to tolerate the differences between an aquatic and an aerial environment. Furthermore, in these environments, organisms are also subjected to pollutants from anthropogenic sources. The present study evaluated the impacts in Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to multi-walled carbon nanotubes (0.01mg/L MWCNTs) when continuously submersed or exposed to tides (5h of low tide, 7h of high tide) for 14 days. Our results demonstrated that mussels were physiologically and biochemically affected by MWCNTs, especially when exposed to tides. In fact, when only exposed to the carbon nanoparticles oronly exposed to tides,the stress induced was notenough to activate mussels’ antioxidant defenses which resulted in oxidative damage. However, when mussels were exposed to the combination of tides and MWCNTs increased metabolism was observed, associated with a possible higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to a significant increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, SOD and glutathione peroxide, GPx) and oxidized glutathione content (GSSG), preventing the occurrence of cellular damage, expressed as no lipid peroxidation (LPO) or protein carbonylation (PC). Therefore, organisms seemed to be able to tolerate MWCNTs and air exposure during tidal regime; however, the combination of both stressors induced higher oxidative stress. These findings indicate that the increasing presence of carbon nanoparticles in marine ecosystems can induce higher toxic impacts in intertidal organisms compared to organisms continuously submerged. Also, our results may indicate that air exposure can act as a cofounding factor on the assessment of different stressors in organisms living in coastal systems.publishe

    The influence of Arsenic on the toxicity of carbon nanoparticles in bivalves

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    Although an increasing number of studies have been published on the effects of emergent pollutants such as carbon nanoparticles, there is still scarce information on the impact of these contaminants on marine organisms when acting in combination with classical pollutants such as meta(loid)s. The present study evaluated the impacts of Arsenic and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum, assessing the effects induced when both contaminants were acting individually (As, NP) and as a mixture (As+NP). Metabolic capacity (electron transport system activity), oxidative stress (antioxidant and biotransformation enzymes activity and cellular damage) and neurotoxicity (Acetylcholinesterase activity) biomarkers were evaluated inclams aftera28 daysexposure period.Theresults obtained showedthatthe accumulation ofAs was not affected by the presence of the NPs. Our results demonstrated that higher injuries were noticed in clams exposed to NPs, with higher metabolic depression and oxidative stress, regardless of the presence of As. Furthermore, higher neurotoxicity was observed in clams exposed to the combination of both contaminants in comparison to the effects of As and NPs individually.publishe