3,825 research outputs found

    Rings of differential operators on singular varieties

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    This project will be centered in the study of rings of differential operators on singular varieties and the theory of D-modules. We will start with the ring of k-linear differential operators on a polynomial ring. We will prove that it is a simple Noetherian domain and compute its dimension. Also, considering modules over this ring we will show Bernstein s inequality that give us a lower bound to the dimension of the module and, using this result, we will define holonomic D-modules. Our goal is to study what good structural properties of the regular case can be extended in the singular case. We will use Weyl algebras to give a description of the ring of k-linear differential operators on a finitely generated k-algebra. We will show that they do not have as much as good properties as Weyl algebras, however we will obtain some of them under several conditions. We will study modules over these rings and their dimension, proving a generalized Bernstein s inequality under some conditions. Finally, we will study the case of the ring of differential operators on a hyperplane arrangement and explain several methods to obtain a system of generators

    Two-neutrino double-beta decay of 82Se to 82Kr

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2024, Tutor: Javier Menéndez SánchezIn this study, we investigate the two-neutrino double-beta decay (2νββ) of 82Se to the first excited 0+ 2 state of 82Kr within the framework of the nuclear shell model. We consider four different interactions and we analyze the validity of these interactions in reproducing the experimental properties of the initial and final states of the decay. The calculated half-life for the decay is determined using as reference the comparison between the calculated decay of 82Se to the ground state of 82Kr and experimental data. We find an interval for the predicted half-life for this transition that is T2ν1/2(82Se, 0+gs → 0+2 ) = (3.5 − 170) · 1022 yr

    Magnitud, composición y patrones espaciotemporales de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las carreteras a escala regional

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    Although roadkill studies on a large scale are challenging, they can provide valuable information to assess the impact of road traffic on animal populations. Over 22 months (between July 2009–June 2010, and April 2011–March 2012) we surveyed 45 road sections of 10 km within a global biodiversity hotspot in Andalusia (87,000 km2), in southern Spain. We divided the region into five ecoregions differing in environmental conditions and landscape characteristics and recorded the relative magnitude, composition and spatiotemporal patterns of vertebrate (birds, mammal, amphibians, and reptiles) mortality. We used roadkill data from monthly surveys of road stretches with different speed limits, traffic volume, road design, and adjacent landscape composition. Roadkills varied over time and were not randomly distributed across ecoregions and road types. Overall, the groups most frequently encountered were mammals (54.4% of total roadkills) and birds (36.2%). Mortality rates in these two groups were higher on highways than on national or local roads, whereas those of amphibians (4.6%) and reptiles (4.3%) did not differ between road types. Except for mammals, the observed variation in vertebrate roadkills across ecoregions reflects the patterns of species richness previously described in the literature. Roadkills were concentrated over relatively short periods and this pattern was repeated over study periods and for all vertebrate classes. Our findings provide baseline information about road types, time periods and taxa with a higher probability of roadkills across an extensive region. These data represent an essential step towards the future implementation of broad–scale mitigation measures.A pesar de que los estudios a gran escala sobre mortalidad de animales en las carreteras son complejos, pueden aportar información valiosa para evaluar la incidencia del tráfico en las poblaciones de animales. Durante 22 meses (entre julio de 2009 y junio de 2010 y entre abril de 2011 y marzo de 2012), muestreamos 45 tramos de carretera de 10 km de longitud distribuidos en una zona con una gran diversidad en la región de Andalucía (87.000 km2), en el sur de España. La región se dividió en cinco ecorregiones con diferentes condiciones ambientales y características del paisaje, y se analizaron la magnitud, la composición y los patrones espaciotemporales de la mortalidad de vertebrados (aves, mamíferos, anfibios y reptiles). Usamos datos de atropellos obtenidos durante muestreos mensuales en tramos de carretera con diferentes límite de velocidad, volumen de tráfico, diseño de la carretera y composición del paisaje adyacente. Los animales atropellados fueron distintos en el tiempo y no se distribuyeron aleatoriamente entre ecorregiones ni entre tipos de carretera. En total, los grupos que se encontraron con mayor frecuencia fueron los mamíferos (el 54,4% de los atropellos registrados) y las aves (el 36,2%). La tasa de mortalidad observada en estos dos grupos fue mayor en autopistas que en carreteras nacionales o locales, mientras que la mortalidad de anfibios (el 4,6%) y de reptiles (el 4,3%) no presentó diferencias entre tipos de carretera. A excepción de los mamíferos, la variación observada de la mortalidad en las carreteras entre las diferentes ecorregiones refleja los patrones de riqueza de especies descritos en las publicaciones científicas. Los atropellos se concentraron en períodos de tiempo relativamente cortos y este patrón se repitió en las dos temporadas de estudio y con respecto a todas las clases de vertebrados. Nuestros resultados proporcionan información de referencia sobre los tipos de carretera, los períodos de tiempo y los taxones con una mayor probabilidad de morir por atropello en una extensa región, lo que supone un paso esencial para la implementación de medidas de mitigación a gran escala.Fil: Canal Piña, David. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; Argentina. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Camacho, Carlos. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Martín, Beatriz. Complejo Huerta Grande; EspañaFil: de Lucas, Manuela. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Ferrer, Miguel. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    Professores em pedagogia hospitalar: uma revisão sistemática

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    Professores hospitalares enfrentam o desafio de incluir em contextos complexos com poucos antecedentes empíricos. Esta revisão sistemática (Sánchez-Meca, 2010) teve como objetivo analisar os estudos empíricos publicados entre 2000 e 2020 sobre a pedagogia em contextos hospitalares. Utilizando os lineamentos PRISMA, identificamos 363 artigos nas bases de dados; Web of Science, Scielo y Scopus, selecionando 11 sobre o critério de inclusão. Identificamos três categorias: tendências de estudo; dimensões de trabalho e características docentes; e desafios. Os resultados mostram a predominância no campo de estudos descritivos; focos teóricos de inclusão e direitos; e mulheres como docentes e investigadoras. As investigações enfatizam em aspectos emocionais, falta de orientação e dificuldades relacionais do trabalho docente. Concluímos que existe uma necessidade de fortalecer metodologicamente os estudos, aumentar a corresponsabilidade entre docente e equipe medica; e gerar politicas de formação especifica. Esses descobrimentos identificam avanços e desafios no campo, podendo orientar o seu desenvolvimento.Los/as docentes hospitalarios/as enfrentan el desafío de incluir en contextos complejos con pocos antecedentes empíricos. Esta revisión sistemática (Sánchez-Meca, 2010) tuvo por objetivo analizar los estudios empíricos publicados entre el 2000-2020 sobre docencia en pedagogía hospitalaria. Utilizando los lineamientos PRISMA, identificamos 363 artículos en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scielo y Scopus, seleccionando 11 bajo criterios de inclusión. Identificamos tres categorías transversales: tendencias de estudio; dimensiones del trabajo y características docentes; y desafíos. Los resultados muestran el predominio en el campo de: estudios descriptivos; enfoques teóricos de inclusión y derecho; y mujeres como docentes e investigadoras. Las investigaciones enfatizan en aspectos emocionales, la falta de orientaciones y dificultades relacionales del trabajo docente. Se concluye la necesidad de fortalecer metodológicamente los estudios, aumentar la corresponsabilidad docente-personal médico; y generar políticas y formación específica. Estos hallazgos identifican avances y desafíos en el campo pudiendo orientar su desarrollo.Hospital teachers face the challenge of working in complex contexts with few empirical references. This systematic review (Sánchez-Meca, 2010) aims to analyze empirical studies published between 2000-2020 related to teaching in hospital settings. Using the PRISMA guidelines, we identified 363 articles in the Web of Science, SciELO and Scopus databases; 11 studies were selected after the inclusion criteria were applied. We identified three areas of study: research trends; work dimensions and teacher characteristics; and challenges. We found a predominance of descriptive studies, theoretical frameworks of inclusion and civil rights, and female teachers and researchers. The analyzed studies emphasize emotional aspects, a lack of guidelines, and difficulties related to teachers' work. We conclude by signaling the need to strengthen the methodology of related studies, increase the joint responsibility of teachers and medical staff, and generate specific policies and preparation. These findings identify advances and challenges in the field that could guide its development

    Innermost Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting

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    Innermost context-sensitive rewriting (CSR) has been proved useful for modeling the computational behavior of programs of algebraic languages like Maude, OBJ, etc, which incorporate an innermost strategy which is used to break down the nondeterminism which is inherent to reduction relations. Furthermore, innermost termination of rewriting is often easier to prove than termination. Thus, under appropriate conditions, a useful strategy for proving termination of rewriting is trying to prove termination of innermost rewriting. This phenomenon has also been investigated for context-sensitive rewriting. Up to now, only few transformation-based methods have been proposed and used to (specifically) prove termination of innermost CSR. Powerful and e cient techniques for proving (innermost) termination of (unrestricted) rewriting like the dependency pair framework have not been considered yet. In this work, we investigate the adaptation of the dependency pair framework to innermost CSR. We provide a suitable notion of innermost context-sensitive dependency pair and show how to extend and adapt the main notions which conform the framework (chain, termination problem, processor, etc.). Thanks to the innermost context-sensitive dependency pairs, we can now use powerful techniques for proving termination of innermost CSR. This is made clear by means of some benchmarks showing that our techniques dramatically improve over previously existing transformational techniques, thus establishing the new state-of-the-art in the area. We have implemented them as part of the termination tool MU-TERM.Alarcón Jiménez, B.; Lucas, S. (2011). Innermost Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1079

    The impact of the emergency department crowding on acutely ill patient experience and hospital performance

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    Background: ED Crowding is stated as one of the biggest problems in healthcare services that is compromising the quality of care and the performance of EDs and raising problems for patients. Objectives: to expand and provide an updated critical analysis of the findings of peerreviewed research studies, exploring the impact of ED crowding on patient experience and hospital performance. Methods: a systematic literature review was applied, and it includes Englishlanguage scientific articles and primary studies. Inclusion criteria: articles with crowding measure/scale identified and with sufficient scientific evidence to support its impact on one or both affected strands. Search terms: 'Emergency Department', 'ED', 'Emergency Room', 'Emergency Service', 'Crowding', 'Overcrowding', 'Patient Satisfaction', 'Patient Experience' and 'Hospital Performance'. Results: all identified studies revealed an association between ED crowding and patient satisfaction and perceived quality of care. It was, also, identified an association between ED crowding and several KPIs, demonstrating that it has a negative impact on hospital productivity, quality and operational, logistic and financial performance. Conclusions: Literature revealed that ED crowding contributed to a poor patient experience, once it had impact on several domains of healthcare system, such as: safety, efficiency, timeliness, patient-centred care delivery and patient’s perceived quality of care and overall satisfaction. In the future, it would be interesting to develop a primary study about this subject in Portugal, once ED crowding is point out as one of the biggest problems in the Portuguese healthcare sector and there is a lack of studies investigating the Portuguese reality on this matter.Enquadramento: a sobrelotação do serviço de urgência é identificada como um dos maiores problemas na área da saúde, que está a comprometer a qualidade dos cuidados prestados e o desempenho dos Serviços de Urgência (SUs) e a prejudicar o doente agudo. Objetivos: expandir e facultar uma análise crítica e atualizada de resultados encontrados na revisão da literatura dos artigos científicos, sobre o impacto da sobrelotação do serviço de urgência na experiência do doente agudo e no desempenho do hospital. Metodologia: foi aplicada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, que inclui artigos científicos em inglês e estudos primários. Critérios de inclusão: artigos onde foi identificada um indicador de sobrelotação e com evidência científica suficiente que fundamente o impacto deste fenómeno numa ou nas duas vertentes afetadas. Termos de pesquisa: 'Serviço de Urgência', 'SU', 'Sobrelotação', 'Satisfação do Doente', 'Experiência do Doente', e 'Desempenho do Hospital'. Resultados: todos os artigos incluídos na revisão sistemática da literatura revelaram que existe uma associação entre a sobrelotação do SU e a satisfação e perceção do doente sobre a qualidade de cuidados e vários indicadores de desempenho, demonstrando que esta tem um impacto negativo na qualidade, produtividade e desempenho do hospital. Conclusão: esta revisão revelou que a sobrelotação do SU contribuí para que o doente tenha uma experiência pobre no SU, uma vez que tem impacto em vários domínios do sistema de saúde, tais como: segurança, eficiência, pontualidade, prestação de cuidados centrada no doente, satisfação geral e perceção que o doente tem da qualidade dos cuidados. No futuro, seria interessante desenvolver um estudo primário sobre este tema em Portugal, uma vez que a sobrelotação do SU é apontada como um dos maiores problemas do sistema de saúde português e que existe uma escassez de estudos que investiguem a realidade portuguesa sobre esta matéria. Palavras-chave: gestão de saúde, sobrelotação, serviço de urgência, indicadores de desempenho, experiência do doente agudo ou satisfação do doente agudo e desempenho do hospital

    Optimization of a portable NIR device for the optical supervision of milk coagulation process

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    The coagulation of milk is the fundamental process in cheese-making, which is based on a gel formation as consequence of physicochemical changes taking place in the casein micelles. Monitoring the whole process of milk curd formation is a dedicated process for dairy researchers and cheese companies. In addition to advances in composition-based applications by means of NIR spectroscopy, researchers are pursuing dynamic applications that show promise especially with regard to tracking a sample in situ during processing The objective of this work is to propose an original portable NIR equipment to supervise the milk coagulation process. The experiments have been carried out on sheep and goat milk, by immersion of the probe directly in the liquid and acquiring spectrum each 1 minute during the 30 minutes of coagulation process. The increasing values of transflected light registered allow identifying, based on PCA analysis, the different kinetics that occur along the gel formation and the time to reach the optimal gel firmness to cut the cur

    The Impact of Unscheduled Maintenance to an Airline’s on Time Performance

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    Unscheduled maintenance events have a significant impact on airlines performance and network operations. Some events can have its consequences minimized by simple actions due to its simplicity and lack of influence in the safe conduction of a flight. This study aimed on collecting data regarding the cost and consequences of ground turn back events in the Airbus A320 family. The study suggested that after the implementation of proper supporting regulation on Crew Applied MEL, money would be saved as well as network disruption consequences could be avoided. The data presented in this study reflects current Brazilian legislation, and data from reliability engineering, targeting to present the overall impact of Gate Returns during the taxi-out phase. The research presented an estimated combined savings of U$1.239.833, coming from 14.769 minutes and 221 flight delays that could have been avoided in a five-year period (2016-2021). Crew Applied MEL procedures are widely known worldwide but lacks on supportive regulations in Brazil. Therefore, this study also found an opportunity to regulations improvement in order to allow airlines to implement Crew Applied MEL

    Ciclo de Debates: La Geopolítica de las Crisis, Conflictos y Procesos de Integración Regional.

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    El presente proyecto de extensión tiene por objetivo dar a conocer a la comunidad académica y externa conocimientos básicos sobre las principales crisis políticas, económicas y sociales, llevando en consideración las geopolíticas de las principales guerras, conflicto, procesos de cooperación y de integración regional que se desarrollan en el escenario internacional y regional latinoamericano. Incentivando al debate de temas contemporáneos de filosofía política, geopolítica, política y estrategia a partir de la exhibición de videos, presentación de Slide con explicaciones didácticas por parte de docentes, discentes y miembros del equipo del NEEGI (Núcleo de Estudios Estratégicos Geopolítica e Integración Regional) y sus diversos observatorios. Además, son debatidos temas contemporáneos de la política Nacional e Internacional, como la crisis petrolífera y energética, el papel de los medios de comunicación en la política, la cuestión de género y las relaciones sociales de poder, las crisis políticas en América Latina y el papel de los países emergentes en la gobernanza global. Se analizan las principales causas y consecuencias de las grandes crisis, el papel y la influencia de las principales crisis políticas, económicas y sociales contemporáneas. La metodología que se utiliza es través del planeamiento y la organización de minicursos que son divulgados por las diferentes redes sociales (Facebook, Instagram y blog), así como carteles divulgando las diferentes temáticas presentadas. También se procederá al apoyo y realización de eventos, palestras y debates relacionados a las principales temáticas abordadas por el presente proyecto. En cuanto a los resultados que se pretende alcanzar con la acción de extensión es de contribuir para el debate y la difusión de conocimientos sobre la Política Internacional contemporánea, con la finalidad de generar conciencia que nos permita pensar en ideas para futuros proyectos estratégicos que nos ayuden a enfrentar o apaciguar diversas realidades que enfrentamos en la actualidad

    Effects of environmental enrichment upon ethanol-induced conditioned place preference and pre-frontal BDNF levels in adolescent and adult mice

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    Environmental enrichment (EE) provides a non-pharmacological tool to alter drug-induced reward, yet its effects on ethanol-induced reward remain controversial. We analyzed adolescent vs. adult (mice) differences in the influence of EE on ethanol-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). The effects of these treatments on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the prefrontal cortex were examined in a separate group of animals. Ethanol-induced CPP was found in adults, and it was similar in EE and in animals reared under standard housing conditions (SC). Adolescents kept under EE, but not those in SC, exhibited CPP. Among SC, but not among EE, adolescents, BDNF levels were significantly lower in those treated with ethanol than in those given vehicle. These results indicate that, compared to adults, adolescent exhibited reduced sensitivity to ethanol's rewarding effects, yet the youth but not the adults exhibited sensitivity to the promoting effect of EE upon CPP by ethanol. Ethanol significantly reduced BDNF levels in adolescents reared under standard housing conditions, but not in adult mice nor in adolescents given EE housing conditions. The present results add to the plethora of adolescent-specific responses to ethanol or to environmental stimuli that may put the youth at risk for escalation of ethanol intake.Fil: Pautassi, Ricardo Marcos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Suarez, Andrea Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Hoffmann, Lucas Barbosa. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Rueda, André Veloso. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Rae, Mariana. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Marianno, Priscila. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Camarini, Rosana. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi