12 research outputs found

    Rapid establishment of the European Bank for induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC):The Hot Start experience

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    A fast track “Hot Start” process was implemented to launch the European Bank for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC) to provide early release of a range of established control and disease linked human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines. Established practice amongst consortium members was surveyed to arrive at harmonised and publically accessible Standard Operations Procedures (SOPs) for tissue procurement, bio-sample tracking, iPSC expansion, cryopreservation, qualification and distribution to the research community. These were implemented to create a quality managed foundational collection of lines and associated data made available for distribution. Here we report on the successful outcome of this experience and work flow for banking and facilitating access to an otherwise disparate European resource, with lessons to benefit the international research community. eTOC: The report focuses on the EBiSC experience of rapidly establishing an operational capacity to procure, bank and distribute a foundational collection of established hiPSC lines. It validates the feasibility and defines the challenges of harnessing and integrating the capability and productivity of centres across Europe using commonly available resources currently in the field

    Valutazione di nuove reti neurali per la predizione della glicemia futura mediante sensori CGM e modelli dell'assorbimento del glucosio dopo pasto

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    Valutazione di nuove reti neurali, note come neural network Jump, per la predizione a breve termine (30 min) della glicemia futura sulla base di informazioni ottenute da sensori per il Continuos Glucose Monitoring (CGM) e informazioni sui pasti. La peculiaritĂ  delle reti Jump permette, con un unico modello, di gestire le dinamiche lineari/non lineari del segnale glicemico. Tre reti saranno proposte, ciascuna in due versioni, e testate su tre data set diversi, uno simulato e due ottenuti da monitoraggio di pazienti reali. Le performance di tali reti verranno poi confrontate con quelle di due predittori stato dell'arte: poly(1) e NN-LP

    The ANTAREX Approach to Autotuning and Adaptivity for Energy Efficient HPC Systems

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    International audienceThe ANTAREX project aims at expressing the application self-adaptivity through a Domain Specific Language (DSL) and to run-time manage and autotune applications for green and heterogeneous High Performance Computing (HPC) systems up to Exas-ale. The DSL approach allows the definition of energy-efficiency, performance, and adaptivity strategies as well as their enforcement at runtime through application autotuning and resource and power management. We show through a mini-app extracted from one of the project application use cases some initial exploration of application precision tuning by means enabled by the DSL

    The ANTAREX Tool Flow for Monitoring and Autotuning Energy Efficient HPC Systems

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    International audienceDesigning and optimizing HPC applications are difficult and complex tasks, which require mastering specialized languages and tools for performance tuning. As this is incompatible with the current trend to open HPC infrastructures to a wider range of users, the availability of more sophisticated programming languages and tools to assist and automate the design stages is crucial to provide smoothly migration paths towards novel heterogeneous HPC platforms. The ANTAREX project intends to address these issues by providing a tool flow, a DSL, and APIs to provide application's adaptivity and to runtime manage and autotune applications for heterogeneous HPC systems. Our DSL provides a separation of concerns, where analysis, runtime adaptivity, performance tuning and energy strategies are specified separately from the application functionalities with the goal to increase productivity, significantly reduce time to solution, while making possible the deployment of substantially improved implementations. This paper presents the ANTAREX tool flow and shows the impact of optimization strategies in the context of one of the ANTAREX use cases which is related to personalized drug design. We show how simple strategies, not devised by typical compilers, can substantially speedup the execution and reduce energy consumption

    ANTAREX: A DSL-Based approach to adaptively optimizing and enforcing extra-functional properties in high performance computing

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    The ANTAREX project relies on a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) concepts to allow applications to enforce extra functional properties such as energy-efficiency and performance and to optimize Quality of Service (QoS) in an adaptive way. The DSL approach allows the definition of energy-efficiency, performance, and adaptivity strategies as well as their enforcement at runtime through application autotuning and resource and power management. In this paper, we present an overview of the ANTAREX DSL and some of its capabilities through a number of examples, including how the DSL is applied in the context of one of the project use cases

    The ANTAREX domain specific language for high performance computing

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    The ANTAREX project relies on a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) concepts to allow applications to enforce extra functional properties such as energy-efficiency and performance and to optimize Quality of Service (QoS) in an adaptive way. The DSL approach allows the definition of energy-efficiency, performance, and adaptivity strategies as well as their enforcement at runtime through application autotuning and resource and power management. In this paper, we present an overview of the key outcome of the project, the ANTAREX DSL, and some of its capabilities through a number of examples, including how the DSL is applied in the context of the project use cases.Web of Science68735

    Autotuning and adaptivity in energy efficient HPC systems: The ANTAREX toolbox (invited paper)

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    Designing and optimizing applications for energy-efficient High Performance Computing systems up to the Exascale era is an extremely challenging problem. This paper presents the toolbox developed in the ANTAREX European project for autotuning and adaptivity in energy efficient HPC systems. In particular, the modules of the ANTAREX toolbox are described as well as some preliminary results of the application to two target use cases