1,285 research outputs found
Edge-enhanced disruptive camouflage impairs shape discrimination
Disruptive colouration (DC) is a form of camouflage comprised of areas of pigmentation across a target’s surface that form false edges, which are said to impede detection by disguising the outline of the target. In nature, many species with DC also exhibit edge enhancement (EE); light areas have lighter edges and dark areas have darker edges. EE DC has been shown to undermine not only localisation but also identification of targets, even when they are not hidden (Sharman, Moncrieff, & Lovell, 2018). We use a novel task, where participants judge which “snake” is more “wiggly,” to measure shape discrimination performance for three colourations (uniform, DC, and EE DC) and two backgrounds (leafy and uniform). We show that EE DC impairs shape discrimination even when targets are not hidden in a textured background. We suggest that this mechanism may contribute to misidentification of EE DC targets
Is countershading camouflage robust to lighting change due to weather?
Countershading is a pattern of coloration thought to have evolved in order to implement camouflage. By adopting a pattern of coloration that makes the surface facing towards the sun darker and the surface facing away from the sun lighter, the overall amount of light reflected off an animal can be made more uniformly bright. Countershading could hence contribute to visual camouflage by increasing background matching or reducing cues to shape. However, the usefulness of countershading is constrained by a particular pattern delivering ‘optimal’ camouflage only for very specific lighting conditions. In this study, we test the robustness of countershading camouflage to lighting change due to weather, using human participants as a ‘generic’ predator. In a simulated three-dimensional environment, we constructed an array of simple leaf-shaped items and a single ellipsoidal target ‘prey’. We set these items in two light environments: strongly directional ‘sunny’ and more diffuse ‘cloudy’. The target object was given the optimal pattern of countershading for one of these two environment types or displayed a uniform pattern. By measuring detection time and accuracy, we explored whether and how target detection depended on the match between the pattern of coloration on the target object and scene lighting. Detection times were longest when the countershading was appropriate to the illumination; incorrectly camouflaged targets were detected with a similar pattern of speed and accuracy to uniformly coloured targets. We conclude that structural changes in light environment, such as caused by differences in weather, do change the effectiveness of countershading camouflage
Establishing the behavioural limits for countershaded camouflage
Countershading is a ubiquitous patterning of animals whereby the side that typically faces the highest illumination is darker. When tuned to specific lighting conditions and body orientation with respect to the light field, countershading minimizes the gradient of light the body reflects by counterbalancing shadowing due to illumination, and has therefore classically been thought of as an adaptation for visual camouflage. However, whether and how crypsis degrades when body orientation with respect to the light field is non-optimal has never been studied. We tested the behavioural limits on body orientation for countershading to deliver effective visual camouflage. We asked human participants to detect a countershaded target in a simulated three-dimensional environment. The target was optimally coloured for crypsis in a reference orientation and was displayed at different orientations. Search performance dramatically improved for deviations beyond 15 degrees. Detection time was significantly shorter and accuracy significantly higher than when the target orientation matched the countershading pattern. This work demonstrates the importance of maintaining body orientation appropriate for the displayed camouflage pattern, suggesting a possible selective pressure for animals to orient themselves appropriately to enhance crypsis
Dynamic response of finite-length cylindrical shells to nearly uniform radical impulse.
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76135/1/AIAA-1968-144-634.pd
Dissociating the effect of disruptive colouration on localisation and identification of camouflaged targets
Disruptive camouflage features contrasting areas of pigmentation across the animals’ surface that form false edges which disguise the shape of the body and impede detection. In many taxa these false edges feature local contrast enhancement or edge enhancement, light areas have lighter edges and dark areas have darker edges. This additional quality is often overlooked in existing research. Here we ask whether disruptive camouflage can have benefits above and beyond concealing location. Using a novel paradigm, we dissociate the time courses of localisation and identification of a target in a single experiment. We measured the display times required for a stimulus to be located or identified (the critical duration). Targets featured either uniform, disruptive or edge enhanced disruptive colouration. Critical durations were longer for identifying targets with edge enhanced disruptive colouration camouflage even when presented against a contrasting background, such that all target types were located equally quickly. For the first time, we establish empirically that disruptive camouflage not only conceals location, but also disguises identity. This shows that this form of camouflage can be useful even when animals are not hidden. Our findings offer insights into how edge enhanced disruptive colouration undermines visual perception by disrupting object recognition
Derivation of surface properties from Magellan altimetry data
The fit of the Hagfors model to the Magellan altimetry data provides a means to characterize the surface properties of Venus. However, the derived surface properties are only meaningful if the model provides a good representation of the data. The Hagfors model provides a good representation of the data. The Hagfors model is generally a realistic fit to surface scattering properties of a nadir-directed antenna such as the Magellan altimeter; however, some regions of the surface of Venus are poorly described by the existing model, according to the goodness of fit parameter provided on the ARCDR CD-ROMs. Poorly characterized regions need to be identified and fit to new models in order to derive more accurate surface properties for use in inferring the geological processes that affect the surface in those regions. We have compared the goodness of fit of the Hagfors model to the distribution of features across the planet, and preliminary results show a correlation between steep topographic slopes and poor fits to the standard model, as has been noticed by others. In this paper, we investigate possible relations between many classes of features and the ability of the Hagfors model to fit the observed echo profiles. In the regions that are not well characterized by existing models, we calculate new models that compensate for topographic relief in order to derive improved estimates of surface properties. Areas investigated to date span from longitude 315 through 45, at all latitudes covered by Magellan. A survey of those areas yields preliminary results that suggest that topographically high regions are well suited to the current implementation of the Hagfors model. Striking examples of such large-scale good fits are Alpha Regio, the northern edges of Lada Terra, and the southern edge of Ishtar Terra. Other features that are typically well fit are the rims of coronae such as Heng-O and the peaks of volcanos such as Gula Mons. Surprisingly, topographically low regions, such as the ubiquitous plains areas, are modeled poorly in comparison. However, this generalization has has exceptions: Lakshmi Planum is an elevated region that is not well fit compared to the rest of neighboring Ishtar, while the southern parts of topographically low Guinevere Planitia are characterized quite well by the Hagfors model. Features that are candidates for improved models are impact craters, coronae, ridges of significant scale, complex ridged terrains, moderate-sized mountains, and sharp terrain boundaries. These features are chosen because the goodness of fit is likely to be most affected either by departures from normal incidence angles or by sharp changes in terrain type within a single footprint. Most large features that are elevated with respect to their surroundings will suffer from steep slope effects, and smaller coronae and impact craters will probably suffer due to rapid changes in their appearance within a single footprint (10-20 km)
Reaction Time under Different Stimulus Conditions
For military purposes it was desired to know the relation between two types of reaction time tests. These tests were: (1) a simple reaction time test of the usual type, (2) a clock reaction time test in which the subject attempted to stop the moving hand of a clock at a certain predesignated point on the face, by pressing a standard telegraph key. Seashore, Buxton, and McCollom (1940) have reported that certain factors corresponding to motor skills have been isolated in terms of qualitative similarity in the pattern of action, including perceptual activity, involved in various tests rather than to anatomical units such as the dominant sense-field, or even the musculature employed. Seashore, Starmann, Kendall, and Helmick (1941) found that both simple and discriminative reaction times for visual and auditory stimuli are included in a group factor of speeds of single reactions. The same authors, however, warn against extending this factor to include other kinds of reaction time without experimental verification
Egg-laying substrate selection for optimal camouflage by quail
Camouflage is conferred by background matching and disruption, which are both affected by microhabitat [1]. However, microhabitat selection that enhances camouflage has only been demonstrated in species with discrete phenotypic morphs [2 and 3]. For most animals, phenotypic variation is continuous [4 and 5]; here we explore whether such individuals can select microhabitats to best exploit camouflage. We use substrate selection in a ground-nesting bird (Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica). For such species, threat from visual predators is high [6] and egg appearance shows strong between-female variation [7]. In quail, variation in appearance is particularly obvious in the amount of dark maculation on the light-colored shell [8]. When given a choice, birds consistently selected laying substrates that made visual detection of their egg outline most challenging. However, the strategy for maximizing camouflage varied with the degree of egg maculation. Females laying heavily maculated eggs selected the substrate that more closely matched egg maculation color properties, leading to camouflage through disruptive coloration. For lightly maculated eggs, females chose a substrate that best matched their egg background coloration, suggesting background matching. Our results show that quail “know” their individual egg patterning and seek out a nest position that provides most effective camouflage for their individual phenotyp
Orientation to the sun by animals and its interaction with crypsis
1. Orientation with respect to the sun has been observed in a wide range of species and hasgenerally been interpreted in terms of thermoregulation and/or ultraviolet (UV) protection. For countershaded animals, orientation with respect to the sun may also result from the pres-sure to exploit the gradient of coloration optimally to enhance crypsis.2. Here, we use computational modelling to predict the optimal countershading pattern for anoriented body. We assess how camouflage performance declines as orientation varies using acomputational model that incorporates realistic lighting environments.3. Once an optimal countershading pattern for crypsis has been chosen, we determineseparately how UV protection/irradiation and solar thermal inflow fluctuate with orientation.4. We show that body orientations that could optimally use countershading to enhance crypsisare very similar to those that allow optimal solar heat inflow and UV protection.5. Our findings suggest that crypsis has been overlooked as a selective pressure on orientationand that new experiments should be designed to tease apart the respective roles of these different selective pressures. We propose potential experiments that could achieve this
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