37 research outputs found

    Aspectos a considerar para a avaliação de riscos no caso da aplicação do óleo descofrante

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    Mestrado em Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho.Existem 10 anexos em CDROM (conforme o índice do trabalho) que podem ser disponibilizados a pedido. Dado o peso dos ficheiros e as empresas envolvidas no estudo não foram incluídos neste depósito, mas estão disponíveis individualmente e a pedido.A construcão civil é um local de trabalho perigoso por natureza, onde as quedas em altura são a primeira causa de acidentes de trabalho. Mas não são apenas as quedas em altura que potenciam acidentes. Também o manuseamento de substâncias químicas, cada vez mais utilizadas neste ramo de actividade, originam situações de exposição profissional que podem culminar em acidentes de trabalho e muitas das vezes, em doenças profissionais, que nem sempre são levadas em consideração aquando da elaboração da análise de riscos. Um exemplo disso mesmo é a aplicação do óleo descofrante durante o processo de execução de cofragens. Com a realização deste estudo pretendeu-se, ainda que de uma forma sumária, estudar mais em detalhe as substâncias que constituem este tipo de óleo, bem como as patologias profissionais associadas a cada uma delas através de recolha bibliográfica. Por outro lado, efectuou-se uma análise da actividade de execução de cofragens onde a tarefa da aplicação de óleo descofrante se inclui, com o intuito de se analisar a relevância da mesma na exposição profissional a agentes químicos nesta área de actividade. Adicionalmente, consideraram-se alguns documentos elaborados em obras de referência em Portugal, tais como, as avaliações de riscos e os planos de trabalhos com riscos especiais para a montagem de cofragens, com o objectivo de averiguar quais os principais riscos profissionais identificados pelos técnicos de segurança em obra, bem como as medidas de protecção colectiva e individuais preconizadas para eliminar ou pelo menos mitigar a exposição dos trabalhadores ao risco químico. Ao longo da referida análise documental, foi possível constatar que as recomendações existentes nas fichas de dados de segurança dos produtos, nem sempre são levadas em consideração nas subsequentes análises de risco, nomeadamente no que se refere às protecções individuais bem como aos tempos de exposição, deixando evidente que esta tarefa tem pouco relevo ao nível da organização produtiva em obra e isso reflecte-se posteriormente na hierarquização dos riscos profissionais.ABSTRACT - Construction is, by nature, a very dangerous activity, where falls from heights are the leading cause for an accident at work. But falls are not the only type of accidents that can happen. Also the handling of chemicals, can originate situations of occupational exposure that can led to accidents at work, and sometimes, in occupational diseases, which are not always taken into consideration in the risk assessment. One example of that is the application of formwork release agent during the execution of formwork. With this research we intended to study in detail the substances present in the oil, as well as the health effects associated in each one of them. Furthermore, an analysis was made in the execution of formworks where the task of applying the formwork release agent was included in order to analyse the relevance in the building process. Finally, there were considered documents that are reference in Portugal, such as risk assessments and job hazard analysis, with the aim of ascertaining the main occupational risks identified by the safety technicians officers at the site, as well as the safety collective and personal measures recommended to eliminate or at least mitigate the exposure to chemical agents. Throughout the documentary analysis, it was possible to verify that the existing recommendations in the safety data sheets of the products are not always taken into consideration in the subsequent risk assessments, particularly in regard to personal protection as well as the exposure times, making it clear that this task has little relevance to the level of the productive organization in work and this is reflected later in the hierarchy of the occupational risks

    A diversidade do grupo e a diferenciação pedagógica

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    Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado no ISPA- Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, criado por Aviso n.º 1154/2020, publicado no Diário da República, 2.ª série, n.º153, de 7 de Agosto.A diversidade dos alunos já não é um tema novo e perante este reconhecimento de que não somos todos iguais, é emergente respeitar esta individualidade no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Deste modo, é de extrema importância o reconhecimento dos professores como promotores de práticas de Diferenciação Pedagógica numa sala de aula, indo ao encontro das necessidades individuais de cada criança. Assim, para o presente Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (RPES), intitulado como A Diversidade do Grupo e a Diferenciação Pedagógica, tenho como objetivos “Caracterizar as estratégias de Diferenciação Pedagógica presentes no contexto em estudo como promotoras de aprendizagem” e “Dinamizar estratégias de Diferenciação Pedagógicas com base no contexto em estudo”. Tendo em conta os objetivos definidos, este estudo tem como base as seguintes questões de investigação: “Quais são as práticas de Diferenciação Pedagógica presentes no contexto em estudo?” e “Como aprofundar estratégias de Diferenciação Pedagógica no contexto em estudo?”. A presente investigação qualitativa foi realizada numa Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social, num grupo de 16 crianças que se encontram no 1º e 2º ano de escolaridade. Os instrumentos utilizados para a recolha de dados foram entrevistas, notas de campo, tabelas de observação e registos fotográficos. Após a análise dos dados recolhidos, conclui-se que, não existe uma fórmula concreta (receita) para promover a Diferenciação Pedagógica, mas sim algumas estratégias que podem ajudar o docente a conseguir ir ao encontro das necessidades de cada criança.The diversity of students it’s an acknowledge topic nowadays and with the recognition that we are all different, it is important to respect the individuality in the teaching and learning process. Thus, it is of urgent to recognize teachers as promoters of Pedagogical Differentiation practices in a classroom, meeting the individual needs of each child. Therefore, for this Report on Supervised Teaching Practice (RPES), entitled Group Diversity and Pedagogical Differentiation, I have multiple goals, such as to "Characterize the Pedagogical Differentiation strategies present in the context under study as promoters of learning" and "Dynamize Pedagogical Differentiation strategies based on the context under study". Considering the previous points, this study is based on the following research questions, namely, "What are the Pedagogical Differentiation practices present in the context under study?" and "How to deepen Pedagogical Differentiation strategies in the context under study?". The qualitative research present was carried out in a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, in a group of 16 children who are in the 1st and 2nd year of schooling. The instruments used for data collection were interviews, field notes, observation tables and photographic records. After analyzing the data collected, i came to the conclusion that there is no concrete formula (recipe) to promote Pedagogical Differentiation, but some strategies that can help the teacher to meet the needs of each child

    Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams

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    The main objective of this work is to evaluate, by non-destructive techniques, seven old Chestnut beams. For that, after the geometric assessment and the detailed visual inspection that allowed to strength grade the beams, a series of non-destructive tests was setup. In a first step, non-destructive bending tests, under the elastic limit, were performed to quantify the modulus of elasticity in bending (MoE) of the seven beams. Then, Resistograph® and Pilodyn® tests were done to assess the superficial decay and to have aclearer idea of the voids dimensions. Then, two beams were tested in bending until failure to evaluate the bending strength. In a second step, end parts were cut from the beams, one per end of the beams, to perform Resistograph®, Pilodyn® and ultrasound tests, to quantify the density of the beams and to extract meso-specimens to be used in tension parallel to the grain test

    Multi-scale approach using phytoplankton as a first step towards the definition of the ecological status of reservoirs

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    The growing need to analyse the present state of ecosystems and predict their rate of change has triggered a demand to explore species environment relationships for assessing alterations under anthropogenic influence. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the definition of different types of water bodies which are of relevance when assessing their ecological status. The main aim of this study was to define of the types of Portuguese reservoirs located in the North and Centre of Portugal and to assess their ecological status using phytoplankton as water quality indicators. In this study, sampling was carried out in 34 reservoirs during four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter), through a period of 8 years (1996-2004).http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6W87-4ST4CF7-1/1/911b46293dcdcf046f40a1c1863a619

    HLA‐A23/HLA‐A24 serotypes and dementia interaction in the elderly: Association with increased soluble HLA class I molecules in plasma

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    MHC class I molecules regulate brain development and plasticity in mice and HLA class I molecules are associated with brain disorders in humans. We investigated the relationship between plasma-derived soluble human HLA class I molecules (sHLA class I), HLA class I serotypes and dementia. A cohort of HLA class I serotyped elderly subjects with no dementia/predementia (NpD, n = 28), or with dementia (D, n = 28) was studied. Multivariate analysis was used to examine the influence of dementia and HLA class I serotype on sHLA class I levels, and to compare sHLA class I within four groups according to the presence or absence of HLA-A23/A24 and dementia. HLA-A23/A24 and dementia, but not age, significantly influenced the level of sHLA class I. Importantly, the concurrent presence of HLA-A23/A24 and dementia was associated with higher levels of sHLA class I (p < 0.001). This study has shown that the simultaneous presence of HLA-A23/HLA-A24 and dementia is associated with high levels of serum sHLA class I molecules. Thus, sHLA class I could be considered a biomarker of neurodegeneration in certain HLA class I carriers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The significance of cephalopod beaks in marine ecology studies: Can we use beaks for DNA analyses and mercury contamination assessment?

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    Cephalopod beaks found in the diet of predators have been a major source of scientific information. In this study, we evaluated the usefulness of DNA and contaminants analysis (total mercury — T-Hg) in cephalopod beaks in order to assess their applicability as tools in marine ecology studies. We concluded that, when applying DNA techniques to cephalopod beaks from Antarctic squid species, when using flesh attached to those beaks, it was possible to obtain DNA and to successfully identify cephalopod species; DNA was not found on the beaks themselves. This study also showed that it is possible to obtain information on T-Hg concentrations in beaks: the T-Hg concentrations found in the beaks were 6 to 46 times lower than in the flesh of the same cephalopod species. More research on the relationships of mercury concentrations in cephalopod beaks (and other tissues), intra- and inter-specifically, are needed in the future

    CD45RA, CD8β, and IFNγ Are Potential Immune Biomarkers of Human Cognitive Function

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    There is increasing evidence that in humans the adaptive immunological system can influence cognitive functions of the brain. We have undertaken a comprehensive immunological analysis of lymphocyte and monocyte populations as well as of HLA molecules expression in a cohort of elderly volunteers (age range, 64-101) differing in their cognitive status. Hereby, we report on the identification of a novel signature in cognitively impaired elderly characterized by: (1) elevated percentages of CD8+ T effector-memory cells expressing high levels of the CD45RA phosphate receptor (Temra hi); (2) high percentages of CD8+ T cells expressing high levels of the CD8β chain (CD8βhi); (3) augmented production of IFNγ by in vitro activated CD4+ T cells. Noteworthy, CD3+CD8+ Temra hi and CD3+CD8βhi cells were associated with impaired cognition. Cytomegalovirus seroprevalence showed that all volunteers studied but one were CMV positive. Finally, we show that some of these phenotypic and functional features are associated with an increased frequency of the HLA-B8 serotype, which belongs to the ancestral haplotype HLA-A1, Cw7, B8, DR3, DQ2, among cognitively impaired volunteers. To our knowledge, this is the first proof in humans linking the amount of cell surface CD45RA and CD8β chain expressed by CD8+ Temra cells, and the amount of IFNγ produced by in vitro activated CD4+ T cells, with impaired cognitive function in the elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contribuições Para A Formulação de Políticas Públicas No Horizonte 2013 Relativas ao Tema ‘Cultura, Identidades e Património

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