60 research outputs found

    Modelo TPACK en contextos de aprendizaje cooperativo: percepción de alumnado universitario de Educación Física durante la formación docente inicial

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    Esta investigación persiguió analizar si el modelo TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - Conocimiento Técnico Pedagógico del Contenido) en contextos de Aprendizaje Cooperativo (AC) favorece la percepción de competencia digital de alumnado universitario de educación física en formación inicial docente. El diseño fue cuasi-experimental pretest-postest sin grupo control con 126 participantes. Tras la intervención, los resultados mostraron el aumento de percepción en las competencias TPACK (disciplinares, pedagógicas, tecnológicas, pedagógicas del contenido, tecnológicas del contenido, tecnológicas pedagógicas, y tecnológicas y pedagógicas del contenido). No hay estudios previos que hayan examinado este modelo en contextos de AC por lo que este trabajo se presenta como una alternativa para fomentar la percepción de la competencia digital docente

    Influência dos tipos de agrupamento na competência social dos futuros professores Educação Física na implementação da aprendizagem cooperativa

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    The objective of this research was to verify the incidence of cooperative learning (CL) in social competence depending on the types of grouping of students. Fifty-three (53) third-year students of the Primary Education Teaching Degree participated with the mention of Physical Education (PE). A quasi-experimental design was used where intervention was implemented for four months with pre-test and post-test measures through a sociometric questionnaire. Data processing was performed using Sociomet software. The results obtained indicate that the seminars that have used free and heterogeneous groupings have obtained better scores for the perception of social competence than the seminar organized in homogeneous subgroups. Thus, it is considered that the homogeneity criterion should be discarded when implementing CA in PE.El objetivo de esta investigación fue comprobar la incidencia del aprendizaje cooperativo (AC) en la competencia social en función de los tipos de agrupamiento del alumnado. Participaron 53 estudiantes de tercer curso del Grado de Magisterio Educación Primaria de la mención de Educación Física (EF). Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental donde se implementó una intervención durante cuatro meses con medidas pre-test y post-test a través de un cuestionario sociométrico. El tratamiento de datos se realizó mediante el software Sociomet. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los seminarios que han utilizado agrupamientos libres y heterogéneos han obtenidos mejores puntuaciones de percepción de competencia social que el seminario organizado en subgrupos homogéneos. Así pues, se considera que el criterio de homogeneidad debe ser descartado a la hora de implementar el AC en EF.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a incidência da aprendizagem cooperativa (LC) na competência social em função dos tipos de agrupamento de alunos. Participaram 53 alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Fundamental da Licenciatura da menção à Educação Física (EF). Foi utilizado um desenho quase experimental onde foi implementada uma intervenção durante quatro meses com medidas pré-teste e pós-teste através de um questionário sociométrico. O processamento dos dados foi realizado por meio do software Sociomet. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os seminários que utilizaram agrupamentos livres e heterogêneos obtiveram melhores pontuações para a percepção de competência social do que o seminário organizado em subgrupos homogêneos. Assim, considera-se que o critério de homogeneidade deve ser descartado na implementação da AC em EF

    Exploring the perception of barriers to a dual career by student-athletes with/out disabilities

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    n recent years, there has been an increase in knowledge about the barriers experienced by people with disabilities in the education system or sports. However, no studies have analyzed the barriers for those who try to succeed in both disciplines (dual career). The purpose of this study was to examine the barriers faced by student-athletes with/out disability to a dual career combining studies and sport. Two groups were involved in the study (n = 162): student-athletes with disabilities (n = 79) and student-athletes without disabilities (n = 83). Data collected included: (a) socio-demographic aspects; and (b) barriers towards achieving a good balance between sport and academics during the dual career, through the "Perceptions of dual career student-athletes" (ESTPORT) questionnaire. The results showed that student-athletes with disabilities were more likely to perceive in a greater extent the barriers, the university is far from my home (p = 0.007) and the university is far from my training site (p = 0.006), I find myself unable to balance study and training time (p = 0.030), I have to take care of my family (p<0.001), and my current job does not allow me to study enough (p<0.001). The MANOVA analysis showed that the factors gender, competitive level, and employment status had an influence on the perception of some barriers between groups. In conclusion, student-athletes with disabilities perceived barriers more strongly than those without disabilities, and measures are needed to ensure their inclusion in the education system


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    Libro de actas con los resúmenes de las ponencias, comunicaciones, pósteres y proyectos de innovación presentados en el IV Congreso Internacional Universitario Trail Running y Raids de Aventura Ruta de las Fortalezas 2018Actividad Física y Deport

    Design and validation of a questionnaire about the perceptions of dual career student-athletes (ESTPORT)

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    Abstract The purpose of this paper was to design and validate a questionnaire about the perceptions of elite studentathletes at university relating to their dual career. In the initial creation of the instrument, constructs were defined and three dimensions were established: academic life, sporting life and sports tutor. After a process of ‘back translation’, experts (n = 8) agreed the construct to ensure content validity, the dimensions and the questionnaire questions. Statistical analysis of the items showed adequate comprehension to confirm content validity of participants (n = 30). In construct validity (n = 73), the results showed correct psychometric quality, internal consistency, reliability and adequacy of the structural model. The instrument had evidence of external validity, since the results were congruent with the main findings of the research. This questionnaire was found to be a valid and reliable assessment instrument, consisting of 84 questions (in Spanish and English language), that enables the perception of elite student-athletes to be known about their dual career whilst at university

    Diseño y validación del cuestionario de percepción de los estudiantes universitarios-deportistas de alto nivel sobre la carrera dual (ESTPORT).

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue diseñar y validar un instrumento de evaluación para conocer la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios-deportistas de alto nivel sobre la carrera dual. En la creación inicial del instrumento se definió el constructo y se establecieron tres dimensiones: carrera académica, carrera deportiva y tutor deportivo. En la validez de contenido, tras un proceso de traducción inversa, los expertos (n = 8) valoraron positivamente el constructo, las dimensiones y las preguntas cuestionario. Los resultados estadísticos de los ítems mostraron la adecuada validez de comprensión de los participantes (n = 30). En la validez de constructo (n = 73), las propiedades psicométricas mostraron la adecuada calidad psicométrica, consistencia interna, fiabilidad y bondad de ajuste. El instrumento también contó con evidencias externas de validez, dado que los resultados fueron en la línea de lo que demuestra la literatura. Por ello, este trabajo ofrece un cuestionario válido y fiable de 84 preguntas (en español y en inglés) que permite medir la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios-deportistas de alto nivel sobre la carrera dual.Actividad Física y Deport

    Influence of an Educational Innovation Program and Digitally Supported Tasks on Psychological Aspects, Motivational Climate, and Academic Performance

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    Background: In university education, there is a need to provide students with the ability to use knowledge, and it has been shown that the cooperative model, with respect to information and communication technology (ICT), is effective. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of an educational innovation program, based on the jigsaw technique and digitally supported tasks, on the psychological aspects, motivational climate, and academic performance of university students. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted with an experimental group consisting of 100 university students (mean age: 21.84 ± 1.50 years). The motivational climate and the basic psychological needs in education, intrinsic motivation, academic self-concept, and academic performance were measured. Results: Significant increases were found in all variables after the intervention (p < 0.006–0.001), except for the variable, ego-motivational climate. The covariate perception of prior competences was significant for the model (p < 0.001). The students who had chosen a specific topic to develop with the jigsaw technique obtained a better grade than the rest of their classmates when the student’s academic performance was included as a covariate (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The psychological aspects, motivational climates, and academic performances of university students improved after the implementation of an educational innovation program, based on the cooperative learning model with the jigsaw technique, and the use of digitally supported tasks.Educació

    Implementing the European Sports Leadership Programme: A vehicle to help development graduate workplace competencies

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    This research was part of a large intervention study implementing the European Sports Leadership Programme (ESLP). This paper reports the outcomes of the qualitative study that employed focus groups to assess the students’ perceptions of the 15 competencies determined according to the Framework for qualifications of the European Higher Education Area, before and after the ESLP. Focus groups were carried out at each of the five universities. The ESLP involved university students working as a sports leader for 24 months with the aim to engage more students in university sport, whilst they took part in a graduate employability programme. Each university recruited five sports leaders in their second year at university, to deliver 10 new sport and recreational activities targeting the wider inactive or semi-active student population. Findings highlighted that Organization and planning, Oral and written communication, Development of planning and decision making, and Teamworking, followed closely by Emotional control and Adapting to new situations, were the most commonly reported competencies. They affirmed that this programme had helped to develop these competencies. Use of information, communication and technology, Communication in a foreign language, Research and Emotional control were the most common competencies that students stated they needed to improve further. This research found that implementing the ESLP helped to develop students’ perceptions of their workplace and career competencies. The ESLP is therefore, recommended as one approach to helping universities to develop student’s workplace and career competencies

    Effects of a sport leadership programme on the perceptions of university students about their leadership competencies (Efectos de un programa de liderazgo deportivo sobre las percepciones de alumnado universitario)

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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a sport leadership programme (ESLP) on variables related to the leaders’ perception regarding instrumental, personal, and systemic skills in university students. In doing so, the second purpose was to analyse the trans-cultural validity of the Cuestionario de Evaluación de Competencias Transversales de Grado (CECTGRA). Participated 61 students as leaders, 25 mentors and 25 employers, from five European countries. The design was pre-test-post-test, following a longitudinal approach of 24 months to evaluate the effects of the ESLP on variables related to the leader’s perception. An adaptation of the CECTGRA was administered. The questionnaire was valid and reliable to know the effects of the ESLP on the students’ perceptions. However, the sports leaders did not improve their perceptions of competence regarding development, mastery and relevance after the application of the programme. From the finding of this study it is recommended to improve the programme based on the leadership competencies to develop, the teaching-learning methodologies to follow, the activities to implement, and the roles to determine

    Percepción de la influencia del modelo Estport en la carrera dual de los estudiantes-deportistas en universidades de España e Italia

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the influence of the Estport model implemented in universities in Spain and Italy, after intervention in an academic year. 153 student-athletes participated, 109 Spaniards and 44 Italians, with ages between 17 and 48 years (M = 23.62; DT = 4.31) of different sports level: amateur (25.4%), semi-professional (42.8%), and professional (31.8%). The ESTPORT questionnaire on the perception of university students-high-level athletes about the dual career was used. The Italian athletes perceived more barriers than the Spanish and in general, the men perceived more barriers than the women. Regarding the perception of aid tools and sports mentoring, there are no significant differences between countries and gender, a similar perception of the influence of the Estport model could suppose it.El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la in-fluencia del modelo Estport a través de la evaluación de las percepciones de los deportistas en cuanto a ba-rreras, herramientas de ayuda y el tutor deportivo. La intervención tuvo una duración de un curso académico universitario en universidades de España e Italia. Par-ticiparon 153 estudiantes-deportistas, 109 españoles y 44 italianos, con edades comprendidas entre los 17 y 48 años (M = 23.62; DT = 4.31) de distinto nivel deportivo: amateur (25.4%), semi-profesional (42.8%) y profesio-nal (31.8%). Se utilizó el cuestionario de percepción de los estudiantes universitarios-deportistas de alto nivel sobre la carrera dual. Los deportistas italianos percibie-ron más barreras que los españoles y, en general, los hombres percibieron más barreras que las mujeres. Con respecto a la percepción de las herramientas de ayuda y la tutoría deportiva, no existieron diferencias significa-tivas entre países y género, lo que podría suponer una percepción similar de la influencia del modelo EstportActividad Física y Deport