2,483 research outputs found

    Minimum fuel attitude control of a nonlinear satellite system with bounded control by a method based on linear programming

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    Optimal control method based on linear programming for satellite fuel consumptio

    Minimum time control of a nonlinear system

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    Time-optimal control problem studied for system representing second-order nonlinear differential equatio

    Role of Galaxy Mergers in Cosmic Star Formation History

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    We present a morphology study of intermediate-redshift (0.2<z<1.2) luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and general field galaxies in the GOODS fields using a revised asymmetry measurement method optimized for deep fields. By taking careful account of the importance of the underlying sky-background structures, our new method does not suffer from systematic bias and offers small uncertainties. By redshifting local LIRGs and low-redshift GOODS galaxies to different higher redshifts, we have found that the redshift dependence of the galaxy asymmetry due to surface-brightness dimming is a function of the asymmetry itself, with larger corrections for more asymmetric objects. By applying redshift-, IR-luminosity- and optical-brightness-dependent asymmetry corrections, we have found that intermediate-redshift LIRGs generally show highly asymmetric morphologies, with implied merger fractions ~50% up to z=1.2, although they are slightly more symmetric than local LIRGs. For general field galaxies, we find an almost constant relatively high merger fraction (20-30%). The B-band LFs of galaxy mergers are derived at different redshifts up to z=1.2 and confirm the weak evolution of the merger fraction after breaking the luminosity-density degeneracy. The IR luminosity functions (LFs) of galaxy mergers are also derived, indicating a larger merger fraction at higher IR luminosity. The integral of the merger IR LFs indicates a dramatic evolution of the merger-induced IR energy density [(1+z)^(5-6)}], and that galaxy mergers start to dominate the cosmic IR energy density at z>~1.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 25 pages, 23 figures (2 colors). The high-resolution pdf is at http://cztsy.as.arizona.edu/~yong/Research/SHI_MERGER.pd

    Quantified HI Morphology V: HI Disks in the Virgo Cluster

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    We explore the quantified morphology of atomic hydrogen (HI) disks in the Virgo cluster. These galaxies display a wealth of phenomena in their Hi morphology, e.g., tails, truncation and warps. These morphological disturbances are related to the ram-pressure stripping and tidal interaction that galaxies undergo in this dense cluster environment. To quantify the morphological transformation of the HI disks, we compute the morphological parameters of CAS, Gini, and M20 and our own GM for 51 galaxies in 48 HI column density maps from the VIVA project. Some morphological phenomena can be identified in this space of relatively low resolution HI data. Truncation of the HI disk can be cleanly identified via the Concentration parameter (C<1) and Concentration can also be used to identify HI deficient disks (1<C<5). Tidal interaction is typically identified using combinations of these morphological parameters, applied to (optical) images of galaxies. We find that some selection criteria (Gini-M20, Asymmetry, and a modified Concentration-M20) are still applicable for the coarse (~15" FWHM) VIVA HI data. The phenomena of tidal tails can be reasonably well identified using the Gini-M20 criterion (60% of galaxies with tails identified but with as many contaminants). Ram-pressure does move HI disks into and out of most of our interaction criteria: the ram-pressure sequence identified by Vollmer et al. (2009) tracks into and out of some of these criteria (Asymmetry based and the Gini-M20 selections, but not the Concentration-M20 or the GM based ones). Therefore, future searches for interaction using HI morphologies should take ram-pressure into account as a mechanism to disturb HI disks enough to make them appear as gravitationally interacting. One mechanism would be to remove all the HI deficient (C<5) disks from the sample, as these have undergone more than one HI removal mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS, appendixes not include

    Editorial: The Policy-in-Practice Nexus

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    No Abstrac

    Quantified HI Morphology III: Merger Visibility Times from HI in Galaxy Simulations

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    Major mergers of disk galaxies are thought to be a substantial driver in galaxy evolution. To trace the fraction and the rate galaxies are in mergers over cosmic times, several observational techniques, including morphological selection criteria, have been developed over the last decade. We apply this morphological selection of mergers to 21 cm radio emission line (HI) column density images of spiral galaxies in nearby surveys. In this paper, we investigate how long a 1:1 merger is visible in HI from N-body simulations. We evaluate the merger visibility times for selection criteria based on four parameters: Concentration, Asymmetry, M20, and the Gini parameter of second order moment of the flux distribution (GM). Of three selection criteria used in the literature, one based on Concentration and M20 works well for the HI perspective with a merger time scale of 0.4 Gyr. Of the three selection criteria defined in our previous paper, the GM performs well and cleanly selects mergers for 0.69 Gyr. The other two criteria (A-M20 and C-M20), select isolated disks as well, but perform best for face-on, gas-rich disks (T(merger) ~ 1 Gyr). The different visibility scales can be combined with the selected fractions of galaxies in any large HI survey to obtain merger rates in the nearby Universe. All-sky surveys such as WALLABY with ASKAP and the Medium Deep Survey with the APETIF instrument on Westerbork are set to revolutionize our perspective on neutral hydrogen and will provide an accurate measure of the merger fraction and rate of the present epoch.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted by MNRAS, appendix not include

    Quantified HI Morphology I: Multi-Wavelengths Analysis of the THINGS Galaxies

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    Galaxy evolution is driven to a large extent by interactions and mergers with other galaxies and the gas in galaxies is extremely sensitive to the interactions. One method to measure such interactions uses the quantified morphology of galaxy images. Well-established parameters are Concentration, Asymmetry, Smoothness, Gini, and M20 of a galaxy image. Thus far, the application of this technique has mostly been restricted to restframe ultra-violet and optical images. However, with the new radio observatories being commissioned (MeerKAT, ASKAP, EVLA, WSRT/APERTIF, and ultimately SKA), a new window on the neutral atomic hydrogen gas (HI) morphology of a large numbers of galaxies will open up. The quantified morphology of gas disks of spirals can be an alternative indicator of the level and frequency of interaction. The HI in galaxies is typically spatially more extended and more sensitive to low-mass or weak interactions. In this paper, we explore six morphological parameters calculated over the extent of the stellar (optical) disk and the extent of the gas disk for a range of wavelengths spanning UV, Optical, Near- and Far-Infrared and 21 cm (HI) of 28 galaxies from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). Though the THINGS sample is small and contains only a single ongoing interaction, it spans both non-interacting and post-interacting galaxies with a wealth of multi-wavelength data. We find that the choice of area for the computation of the morphological parameters is less of an issue than the wavelength at which they are measured. The signal of interaction is as good in the HI as in any of the other wavelengths in which morphology has been used to trace the interaction rate to date, mostly star-formation dominated ones (near- and far-ultraviolet). The Asymmetry and M20 parameters are the ones which show the most promise as tracers of interaction in 21 cm line observations.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure, table 1, accepted by MNRAS, appendix not include

    The Colors of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy Globular Cluster Systems, Nuclei and Stellar Halos

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    We present the results of a Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 F555W and F814W survey of 69 dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) in the Virgo and Fornax Clusters and Leo Group. The VIV-I colors of the dE globular clusters, nuclei, and underlying field star populations are used to trace the dE star-formation histories. We find that the dE globular cluster candidates are as blue as the metal-poor globular clusters of the Milky Way. The observed correlation of the dE globular cluster systems' VIV-I color with the luminosity of the host dE is strong evidence that the globular clusters were formed within the the halos of dEs and do not have a pre-galactic origin. Assuming the majority of dE clusters are old, the mean globular cluster color- host galaxy luminosity correlation implies a cluster metallicity - galaxy luminosity relation of ZGCLB0.22±0.05Z_{GC} \propto L_B^{0.22 \pm 0.05}, which is significantly shallower than the field star metallicity - host galaxy luminosity relationship observed in Local Group dwarfs (ZFSL0.4Z_{FS} \propto L^{0.4}). The dE stellar envelopes are magnitudes redder in VIV-I than their globular clusters and nuclei. This color offset implies separate star-formation episodes within the dEs for the clusters and field stars, while the very blue colors of two dE nuclei trace a third star-formation event in those dEs less than a Gyr ago.Comment: 39 pages, including 5 tables and 10 figures; accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Investigating evidence for different black hole accretion modes since redshift z~1

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    Chandra data in the COSMOS, AEGIS-XD and 4Ms CDFS are combined with optical/near-IR photometry to determine the rest-frame U-V vs V-J colours of X-ray AGN hosts at mean redshifts 0.40 and 0.85. This combination of colours (UVJ) provides an efficient means of separating quiescent from star-forming, including dust reddened, galaxies. Morphological information emphasises differences between AGN split by their UVJ colours. AGN in quiescent galaxies are dominated by spheroids, while star-forming hosts are split between bulges and disks. The UVJ diagram of AGN hosts is then used to set limits on the accretion density associated with evolved and star-forming systems. Most of the black hole growth since z~1 is associated with star-forming hosts. Nevertheless, ~15-20% of the X-ray luminosity density since z~1, is taking place in the quiescent region of the UVJ diagram. For the z~0.40 subsample, there is tentative evidence (2sigma significance), that AGN split by their UVJ colours differ in Eddington ratio. AGN in star-forming hosts dominate at high Eddington ratios, while AGN in quiescent hosts become increasingly important as a fraction of the total population toward low Eddington ratios. At higher redshift, z~0.8, such differences are significant at the 2sigma level only at Eddington ratios >1e-3. These findings are consistent with scenarios in which diverse accretion modes are responsible for the build-up of SMBHs at the centres of galaxies. We compare our results with the GALFORM semi-analytic model, which postulates two black hole fuelling modes, the first linked to star-formation and the second occuring in passive galaxies. GALFORM predicts a larger fraction of black hole growth in quiescent galaxies at z<1, compared to the data. Relaxing the strong assumption of the model that passive AGN hosts have zero star-formation rate could reconcile this disagreement.Comment: MNRAS accepte