69 research outputs found

    Ordenación del territorio y sostenibilidad. Análisis del concepto en el ámbito cultural occidental interpelación legislativa para un nuevo modelo en el caso valenciano

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    [ES] Constituye el objeto de esta tesis establecer un proceso de reflexión sobre determinados conceptos naturalizados históricamente por la ciencia urbanística y ambiental, de tal manera que pueda llevarse a cabo una revisión de los mismos -y, consecuentemente, de la legislación que los adopta filosóficamente- en el sentido de, frente a la situación de cambio climático y depredación territorial, permitirnos proceder a cuestionar un sistema que establece el desarrollo como un elemento de progreso económico en términos de crecimiento ilimitado, y proponer la posibilidad real de establecer un desarrollo en equilibrio con el medio. Para ello, se define el contexto evolutivo de la formación del concepto Ordenación Territorial, llegándose a la conclusión de que el significante tradicionalmente aceptado resulta más propio de un modelo basado en la generación de plusvalías, que en la determinación de su propia ordenación, derivada ésta de sus determinaciones intrínsecas, para poder, posteriormente, generar la planificación de los usos y actividades que sobre éste deben o pueden llevarse a cabo. Se trata de reflexionar en cómo considerar el territorio como un recurso ya ordenado en sí mismo, constituido por lo que denominamos sus invariantes, el cual va a ser utilizado por la sociedad -desordenándolo necesariamente-, para poder extraer respetuosamente de él los beneficios que precisa para el propio desarrollo social, todo ello alternativamente al modelo de explotación económica -corregida en base a criterios de «sostenibilidad»- tratado como un mero tablero de actuación, sobre el que planificar usos y actividades. Esta mencionada «sostenibilidad» viene instrumentalizada por el denominado Desarrollo Sostenible, término al que calificamos de oxímoron, por cuanto «desarrollo» -obviamente, en nuestro contexto, desarrollo económico- es un término que se contrapone a «límite», indicador que se debe considerar inherente al concepto de sostenibilidad. Entenderemos, por tanto, que la Ordenación Territorial vinculada a criterios de Desarrollo Sostenible implica la incapacidad, en la evolución territorial, de considerar el equilibrio necesario para poder recuperar y mantener aquellos elementos territoriales, sus recursos, para considerar unos niveles de bienestar aceptables. Consecuentemente, cualquier evolución hacia el límite, que no implique recuperación de lo agostado, con mayor o menor celeridad -desarrollo en «sostenibilidad» -, implicará, indefectiblemente, aproximación a la depleción definitiva. Revisar un sistema basado en el crecer por crecer, implementando un sistema de Estabilidad Continuada, que, en la situación de exaltación de políticas expansivas, sólo será alcanzable mediante un proceso de decrecimiento, senda de reversión hacia posiciones intralímite. Es así, por tanto, como se proponen nuevas figuras territoriales previas a la planificación urbanística basadas en lo que denominamos Capacidades Funcionales de Acogida, figura que vinculamos a la naturaleza intrínseca del territorio y su capacidad para mantenerse en un cierto equilibrio. Capacidades que vienen vinculadas para su activación a la real y verificable Necesidad Social, sin la cual carece de sentido la transformación del patrimonio común. Ello implica, por otro lado, instrumentos básicos limitativos a implementar en la legislación, de manera que el criterio vire hacia posiciones no expansionistas: desterrar la clase de suelo urbanizable; considerar el suelo rural, con sus diferentes aptitudes desarrollables, como alternativa; desclasificación, descalificación e, incluso, desurbanización, ante el expansionismo; determinaciones como ciudad cuidadora, ciudad mediterránea, compacta, mixta, cohesionada, localizabilidad de los recursos; el derecho al aprovechamiento, con recuperación social de plusvalías reales; renaturalización, revegetación y desmovilidad -movilidad no motorizada, proximidad- como ítem proyectual, serían incorporados como proceso cultural de decrecimiento.[CA] Constitueix l'objecte d'aquesta tesi establir un procés de reflexió al voltant de determinats conceptes naturalitzats històricament per la ciència urbanística i ambiental, de tal manera que puga dur-se a terme una revisió dels mateixos -i, conseqüentment, de la legislació que els adopta filosòficament- en el sentit de, enfront de la situació de canvi climàtic i depredació territorial, permetre'ns procedir a qüestionar un sistema que estableix el desenvolupament com un element de progrés econòmic en termes de creixement il·limitat, i proposar la possibilitat real d'establir un desenvolupament en equilibri amb el medi. Per a això, es defineix el context evolutiu de la formació del concepte Ordenació Territorial, arribant-se a la conclusió que el significant tradicionalment acceptat resulta més propi d'un model basat en la generació de plusvàlues, que en la determinació de la seua pròpia ordenació, derivada esta de les seues determinacions intrínseques, per a poder, posteriorment, generar la planificació dels usos i activitats que sobre aquell deuen o poden dur-se a terme. Es tracta de reflexionar en com considerar el territori com un recurs ja ordenat en si mateix, constituït pel que denominem les seues invariants, el qual serà utilitzat per la societat -desordenant-ho necessàriament-, per a poder extreure respectuosament d'ell els beneficis que precisa per al propi desenvolupament social, tot això alternativament al model d'explotació econòmica -corregida sobre la base de criteris de «sostenibilitat»- tractat com un simple tauler d'actuació, sobre el qual planificar usos i activitats. Esta esmentada «sostenibilitat» ve instrumentalitzada pel denominat Desenvolupament Sostenible, terme al qual qualifiquem d'oxímoron, doncs que «desenvolupament» -òbviament, en el nostre context, desenvolupament econòmic- és un terme que es contraposa a «límit», indicador que s'ha de considerar inherent al concepte de sostenibilitat. Entendrem, per tant, que l'Ordenació Territorial vinculada a criteris de Desenvolupament Sostenible implica la incapacitat, en l'evolució territorial, de considerar l'equilibri necessari per a poder recuperar i mantenir aquells elements territorials, els seus recursos, per a considerar uns nivells de benestar acceptables. Conseqüentment, qualsevol evolució cap al límit, que no implique recuperació d'allò ja agostat, amb major o menor celeritat -desenvolupament en «sostenibilitat» -, implicarà, indefectiblement, aproximació a la depleció definitiva. Revisar un sistema basat en el créixer pel créixer, implementant un sistema d'Estabilitat Continuada, que, en la situació d'exaltació de polítiques expansives, només serà assolible mitjançant un procés de decreixement, senda de reversió cap a posicions intralímit. És així, per tant, com es proposen noves figures territorials prèvies a la planificació urbanística basades en allò que denominem Capacitats Funcionals d'Acolliment, figura que vinculem a la naturalesa intrínseca del territori i la seua capacitat per a mantenir-se en un cert equilibri. Capacitats que venen vinculades per a la seua activació a la real i verificable Necessitat Social, sense la qual manca de sentit la transformació del patrimoni comú. Això implica, d'altra banda, instruments bàsics limitatius a implementar en la legislació, de manera que el criteri vire cap a posicions no expansionistes: bandejar la classe de sòl urbanitzable; considerar el sòl rural, amb les seues diferents aptituds desenvolupables, com a alternativa; desclassificació, desqualificació i, fins i tot, desurbanización, davant l'expansionisme; determinacions com a ciutat cuidadora, ciutat mediterrània, compacta, mixta, cohesionada, localizabilitat dels recursos; el dret a l'aprofitament, amb recuperació social de plusvàlues reals; renaturalització, revegetació i desmovilidad -mobilitat no motoritzada, proximitat- com a ítem projectual, serien incorporats com a procés cultural de decreixement.[EN] The object of this thesis is to establish a process of reflection on certain concepts historically naturalized by urban and environmental science, in such a way that a review of them can be carried out -and, consequently, of the legislation that adopts them philosophically- in the sense of, in the face of the situation of climate change and territorial predation, allowing us to proceed to question a system that establishes development as an element of economic progress in terms of unlimited growth, and to propose the real possibility of establishing development in balance with the territorial environment. To get this, the evolutionary context of the formation of the Territorial Planning concept is defined, reaching the conclusion that the traditionally accepted signifier is more typical of a model based on the generation of capital gains, than on the determination of its own planning, derived from this of its intrinsic determinations, in order to subsequently generate the planning of the uses and activities that must or can be carried out on it. It is about reflecting on how to consider the territory as a resource already ordered in itself, made up of what we call its invariants, which will be used by society -necessarily disordering it-, in order to respectfully extract from it the benefits it needs. for social development itself, all of this alternatively to the economic exploitation model -corrected based on "sustainability" criteria- treated as a mere action board, on which to plan uses and activities. This aforementioned "sustainability" is instrumentalized by the so-called Sustainable Development, a term that we describe as oxymoron, since "development" -obviously, in our context, economic development- is a term that is opposed to "limit", an indicator that must be considered inherent to the concept of sustainability. We will understand, therefore, that Territorial Planning linked to Sustainable Development criteria implies the inability, in territorial evolution, to consider the necessary balance to be able to recover and maintain those territorial elements, their resources, to consider acceptable levels of well-being. Consequently, any evolution towards the limit, which does not imply recovery of what has been exhausted, with greater or lesser speed -development in "sustainability"- will inevitably imply an approach to definitive depletion. Review a system based on growth by growth, implementing a system of Permanent Stability, which, in the situation of exaltation of expansive policies, will only be achievable through a process of decrease, a path of reversion towards intra-limit positions. This is, therefore, how new territorial figures are proposed prior to urban planning based on what we call Functional Acceptance Capabilities, a figure that we link to the intrinsic nature of the territory and its capacity to maintain a certain balance. Capacities that are linked for their activation to the real and verifiable Social Need, without which the transformation of the common heritage is meaningless. This implies, on the other hand, basic limiting instruments to be implemented in the legislation, so that the criterion turns towards non-expansionist positions: banishing the type of developable land; consider rural land, with its different developable abilities, as an alternative; disclassification, disqualification and even disurbanization, in front of expansionism; determinations such as caring city, mediterranean city, compact, mixed, cohesive, localizability of resources; the right to get urban benefits, with social recovery of real capital gains; renaturalization, revegetation and demobility -non-motorized mobility, proximity- as a project item would be incorporated as a cultural process of degrowth.Pérez Lores, LD. (2024). Ordenación del territorio y sostenibilidad. Análisis del concepto en el ámbito cultural occidental interpelación legislativa para un nuevo modelo en el caso valenciano [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/20340

    Modelling Weirs in Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Models

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    Datos experimentais dispoñibles en: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5062775[Abstract] 2D models based on the shallow water equations are widely used in river hydraulics. However, these models can present deficiencies in those cases in which their intrinsic hypotheses are not fulfilled. One of these cases is in the presence of weirs. In this work we present an experimental dataset including 194 experiments in nine different weirs. The experimental data are compared to the numerical results obtained with a 2D shallow water model in order to quantify the discrepancies that exist due to the non-fulfillment of the hydrostatic pressure hypotheses. The experimental dataset presented can be used for the validation of other modelling approaches.This study received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ministerio de Ciencia Innovacion y Universidades) within the project “VAMONOS: Development of non-hydrostatic models forenvironmental hydraulics. Two-dimensional flow in rivers” (reference CTM2017-85171-C2-2-R).http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.506277

    Pyrolysis-GC-MS for the Rapid Environmental Forensic Screening of Contaminated Brownfield Soil

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    An abandoned chemical plant in Asturias (Spain) was studied using a multi-faceted molecular fingerprinting approach, demonstrating that it is possible to: (1) carefully unravel tangled evidence resulting from multiple pollution sources, and (2) recognize major contaminants largely ignored by conventional analyses. This methodology employed a battery of GC-MS analyses of liquid chromatographic fractions of soil extracts, plus the pyrolysis products of the soil extract\u27s asphaltene fraction and the whole soil itself. In this example, coal tar distillation and the subsequent production of naphthalene, phenols and polymer resins are responsible for most of the soil contamination. Styrene, naphthalene, indene, and their methylated derivatives and dimers (most notably, naphthyl-methylnaphthalene) are particularly abundant and/or distinctive. It is remarkable that most of the contaminants were detected simply by pyrolysis-GC-MS, demonstrating its effectiveness for rapid environmental forensic screening of organic contamination. Commonly used environmental analytical approaches would likely have overlooked the predominant pollutants at this site. This could lead to serious shortcomings in remediation planning and implementation. The novel methodology presented herein appears practical and applicable to complexly-contaminated brownfield sites around the world

    Value of procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, and neopterin in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    The identification of biological markers in order to assess different aspects of COPD is an area of growing interest. The objective of this study was to investigate whether levels of procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP), and neopterin in COPD patients could be useful in identifying the etiological origin of the exacerbation and assessing its prognosis. We included 318 consecutive COPD patients: 46 in a stable phase, 217 undergoing an exacerbation, and 55 with pneumonia. A serum sample was collected from each patient at the time of being included in the study. A second sample was also collected 1 month later from 23 patients in the exacerbation group. We compared the characteristics, biomarker levels, microbiological findings, and prognosis in each patient group. PCT and CRP were measured using an immunofluorescence assay. Neopterin levels were measured using a competitive immunoassay. PCT and CRP showed significant differences among the three patient groups, being higher in patients with pneumonia, followed by patients with exacerbation (P < 0.0001). For the 23 patients with paired samples, PCT and CRP levels decreased 1 month after the exacerbation episode, while neopterin increased. Neopterin showed significantly lower levels in exacerbations with isolation of pathogenic bacteria, but no differences were found for PCT and CRP. No significant differences were found when comparing biomarker levels according to the Gram result: PCT (P = 0.191), CRP (P = 0.080), and neopterin (P = 0.109). However, median values of PCT and CRP were high for Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and enterobacteria. All biomarkers were higher in patients who died within 1 month after the sample collection than in patients who died later on. According to our results, biomarker levels vary depending on the clinical status. However, the identification of the etiology of infectious exacerbation by means of circulating biomarkers is encouraging, but its main disadvantage is the absence of a microbiological gold standard, to definitively demonstrate their value. High biomarker levels during an exacerbation episode correlate with the short-term prognosis, and therefore their measurement can be useful for COPD management

    Bioaugmentation Treatment of a PAH-Polluted Soil in a Slurry Bioreactor

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    [EN] A bioslurry reactor was designed and used to treat loamy clay soil polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). To this end, biostimulation alone, or combined with bioaugmentation with two bacterial strains (Rhodocccus erythropolis and Pseudomonas stuzeri) previously isolated from the polluted site, was applied. The PAH concentrations decreased notably after 15 days in all of the treatments. The concentrations of the two- and three-ring compounds fell by >80%, and, remarkably, the four- to six-ring PAHs also showed a marked decrease (>70%). These results thus indicate the capacity of bioslurry treatments to improve, notably, the degradation yields obtained in a previous real-scale remediation carried out using biopiles. In this sense, the remarkable results for recalcitrant PAHs can be attributed to the increase pollutants’ bioavailability achieves in the slurry bioreactors. Regarding bioaugmentation, although treatment with R. erythropolis led to a somewhat greater reduction of lighter PAHs at 15 days, the most time-effective treatment was achieved using P. stutzeri, which led to an 84% depletion of total PAHs in only three days. The effects of microbial degradation of other organic compounds were also monitored by means of combined qualitative and quantitative gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) tools, as was the evolution of microbial populations, which was analyzed by culture and molecular fingerprinting experiments. On the basis of our findings, bioslurry technology emerges as a rapid and operative option for the remediation of polluted sites, especially for fine soil fractions with a high load of recalcitrant pollutants

    The Main Clinical Indicators of Sarcopenia in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Disease: Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction Approach

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    Patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) have a disorder in muscle structure and function, but their function increases with physical progress and decreases the risk of general, and muscular weakness are more likely to develop sarcopenia. We randomly selected patients (N = 38) with mean age of 72 ± 1.0 years old men and women elderly with chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis and obesity with dyspnea score ≥ 2 in MRC index. All patients after receiving research information and signing informed consent have gone through performing clinical assessments. They performed femur bone mineral density (FBMD) and ultrasound on the rectus femoris muscle mid-tight cross-sectional area (RFMTCSA) in the quadriceps muscle. The significant changes in BMI were seen in all patients, pre-rehabilitation, BMI = 30 ± 1.06 kg/m2 and post-rehabilitation, BMI = 29 ± 1.00 kg/m2. In Pearson’s correlation of r = 0.607 between T-score and Z-score in FBMD and RFMTCSA in pre-rehabilitation, there is a little bit significant correlation between the variables than in the Pearson’s correlation of r = 0.910 in post-rehabilitation, P < 0.00. Comparing femur bone and rectus femoris muscle parameters as indicators for diagnosis of sarcopenia in chronic respiratory patients, we observed that in rectus femoris muscle, ultrasound is the most effective foot muscle detector

    Exploring the powerful phytoarsenal of white grape marc against bacteria and parasites causing significant diseases

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    Natural extracts containing high polyphenolic concentration possess antibacterial, antiparasitic and fungicidal activities. The present research characterises white grape marc, a winemaking by-product describing their physicochemical features and antimicrobial capacities. Main components of 2 different extracts generated were phenolic acids, flavan-3-ols and their gallates, and flavonols and their glycosides. As a result of this complex composition white grape marc extracts showed pronounced bioactivities with potential uses in agricultural, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, among others. Specifically, polyphenol compounds were extracted by using hydro-organic solvent mixtures from the by-product of Albariño white wines (Galicia, NW Spain) production. In the present work the “in vitro” antimicrobial activity of the bioactive extracts was evaluated using two different hydro-organic mixtures (HOL & HOP). The microorganisms tested included Gram positive and negative bacteria, two Apicomplexan parasite species and one Oomycota parasite. Microbial species investigated are causing agents of several human and animal diseases, such as foodborne illnesses (Bacillus cereus, Eschericha coli, Salmonella enterica), skin infections (Staphylococcus aureus), mastitis (Streptococcus uberis), parasite infections as Malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) or Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii), and plant infections as "chestnut ink" in chestnuts or "root rot" in avocado, both diseases caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Both extracts verified activity against all the tested species demonstrating their potentiality to be used for the development of biocides to control a wide range of pathogenic agents; at the same time that they contribute to winemaking industry residues valorisationThis research was supported by projects GPC2017/04 (Consolidated Research Groups Program) & ED431E 2018/01 Cross-Research in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS) (Xunta de Galicia, Spain)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gender disparity of changes in heart rate during the six-minute walk test among patients with chronic obstructive airway disease

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    BackgroundChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of chronic morbidity and mortality worldwide. Clarify; COPD is the fifth leading cause of death and disease burden globally. AimsThe purpose of this study is to compare the gender disparity of changes in heart rate during 6-minute walk test (6MWT) among patients with chronic obstructive airway disease (COPD). We also aimed to assess the relationship between change in heart rate and body mass index (BMI). MethodsWe randomly selected 59 elderly subjects with COPD (made up of 45 men and 14 women). The selected patients all had Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnea index of ≥3. All patients in this study had informed written consent and carried out the 6 minute walk tests (6MWT) according to standards. Data analysis was carried out with SPSS version 21.0 software and Excel 2016 with level of significance taken as p < 0.05. We used of ANOVA to identify difference in the means among three or more groups. ResultsAs the BMI range is 15–50 while the mean BMI was 26±00 include the standard deviation has been observed overweight in all patients with COPD. There was significant difference in the distance covered during the 6MWT between men and women (Men=397.00, Women=375.00) at p < 0.001. Also, we can be seeing lowest significant different in heart rate basic (Mean Square=0.0) and oxygen saturation at rest (Mean Square=2.0) in value p < 0.00 between men and women.ConclusionIn this study, distance, SPO2, resting heart rate and 1-minute heart rate variables were evaluated for assessing exercise capacity and then the amount of breathlessness and exercise in patients with COPD