2,711 research outputs found

    Anàlisi del cicle de vida del tractament de purins basat en l'assecatge solar

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    The intensive production of livestock has increased the excess of pig slurry and has caused the need for their treatment mainly due to the negative consequences that slurry can produce on the environment. This project is a study of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of slurry treatment based on solar drying in conveniently adapted greenhouses. It's an innovative treatment designed by EMA Depuration and Water Engineering S.L.U. Company. As a result, it's obtained a final product with a 95% of reduction of the initial weight, being ideal for composting. SimaPro 8.4 program of Pré-Consultants has been used to carry out this analysis, because of the large number of databases that it includes. The ILCD (International Reference Life Data System), has been used as a methodology in order to evaluate the environmental impacts. Once evaluated all the environmental impacts, it can be affirmed that it's an economically and environmentally sustainable treatment method where emissions generated are lower than other LCA studies.La producció intensiva de bestiar ha fet incrementar el volum de dejeccions ramaderes i ha causat la necessitat del seu tractament degut principalment a les conseqüències negatives que els purins poden causar sobre el medi ambient. Aquest projecte realitza un estudi d'Anàlisi del Cicle de Vida (ACV) del tractament de purins basat en l'assecatge solar en hivernacles convenientment adaptats. Es tracta d'un tractament innovador, dissenyat per l'empresa EMA Depuració i Enginyeria de l'Aigua S.L.U., a partir del qual s'obté un producte final amb una reducció del 95% del pes inicial, resultant òptim pel compostatge. Per dur a terme aquesta anàlisi s'ha utilitzat el programa SimaPro 8.4 de Pré-Consultants, ja que inclou un gran nombre de bases de dades. Pel que fa a la metodologia d'avaluació d'impactes ambientals, s'ha utilitzat el ILCD (International Reference Life Data System). Un cop avaluats tots els impactes ambientals es pot afirmar que és un mètode de tractament econòmica i ambientalment sostenible on les emissions generades estan per sota d'altres estudis d'ACV realitzats.La producción intensiva de ganado ha incrementado el volumen de deyecciones ganaderas y ha causado la necesidad de su tratamiento debido principalmente a las consecuencias negativas que los purines pueden causar sobre el medio ambiente. Éste proyecto realiza un estudio de Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (ACV) del tratamiento de purines basado en el secado solar en invernaderos convenientemente adaptados. Se trata de un tratamiento innovador, diseñado por la empresa EMA Depuración e Ingeniería del agua S.L.U., a partir del cual se obtiene un producto final con una reducción del 95% del peso inicial, resultando óptimo para el compostaje. Para llevar a cabo éste análisis se ha utilizado el programa SimaPro 8.4 de Pré-Consultants, ya que incluye un gran número de bases de datos. Respecto a la metodología de evaluación de impactos ambientales, se ha utilizado el ILCD (International Reference Life Data System). Una vez evaluados todos los impactos ambientales se puede afirmar que se trata de un método de tratamiento económica y ambientalmente sostenible donde las emisiones generadas están muy por debajo de otros estudios de ACV realizados

    Predictors of administrative innovation: functions and organizational methods - Mexican and Colombian hospitals

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    Objectiv e To determine to what extent functions and organizational methods influence on administrative innovation. Design/methodology/approach This research is quantitative approach, with a not experimental and transversal design. The hypothesis was supported by using a transactional study with a sample of Mexican and Colombian hospitals through the perception of their high and medium level managers. The hospital sampling was by convenience. Findings Organizational functions and methods are associated and are predictors of administrative innovation. Practical implications As long as the hospital encourages the development of training and knowledge methods, autonomy methods for employees are developed, and when performance appraisal takes place in hospital, new methods will be able to develop and organize the routines and the management procedures, allocation of responsibilities and power among employees could be developed, as well as to develop new structure concepts for workplace, organizational practices and external relationships

    Descriptive study of stress and satisfaction at work in the Saragossa university services and administration staff

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The notion of stress in connection with the work environment became an important topic during the 1970's, when the first studies on the subject were published and the term of work stress was first coined. In 1974, Freudenberger proposed the term <it>burnout </it>to refer to the condition of physical and emotional exhaustion, as well as the associated negative attitudes, resulting from the intense interaction in working with people. The aim of our study is to examine burnout and job satisfaction in Saragossa University Services and Administration Staff (SAS) and detect the main factors which could contribute to too much stress, because job stress has emerged as a major psychosocial influence on mental health, associated with burnout.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>24 people from the Services and Administration Staff in the University of Saragossa participated in the study. The research was carried out during the implementation of a module on Stress Management organised by the University of Saragossa and commissioned to the Unit for Research in Physical Therapy (University School of Health Sciences) from that University. This research is an exploratory research to improve the stress management program. A personal interview was carried out and additionally, participants were given the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Scale of Satisfaction at Work of Warr, Cook & Wall.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>However using small sample this is worth to state that participants present most of them low burnout levels in the burnout scale. Only in one person high exhaustion level was reflected, even though other seven showed mean levels; in the professional self-esteem section, most of them showed high self-esteem, with two cases of low self-esteem and five with mean level.</p> <p>With regard to satisfaction people participating in the study show mean levels in intrinsic as much as in extrinsic factors and general satisfaction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Services and Administration Staff from the University of Saragossa shows low burnout levels linked with high professional self-esteem and low emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.</p> <p>It has been found also medium levels in work satisfaction probably related with the continuous quality improvement efforts in the academics environment to create protective factors in decreasing levels of job stress.</p> <p>These results show that not only personality or temperament have an influence on burnout and stress, also the job conditions are related with these diseases. These aspects should be taken into account in the design of stress prevention programme at work.</p

    A palaeoecological approach to understanding the past and present of Sierra Nevada, a Southwestern European biodiversity hotspot

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    Mediterranean mountainous environments are biodiversity hotspots and priority areas in conservation agendas. Although they are fragile and threatened by forecasted global change scenarios, their sensitivity to long-term environmental variability is still understudied. The Sierra Nevada range, located in southern Spain on the north-western European flanks of the Mediterranean basin, is a biodiversity hotspot. Consequently, Sierra Nevada provides an excellent model system to apply a palaeoecological approach to detect vegetation changes, explore the drivers triggering those changes, and how vegetation changes link to the present landscape in such a paradigmatic mountain system. A multi-proxy strategy (magnetic susceptibility, grain size, loss-on-ignition, macroremains, charcoal and palynological analyses) is applied to an 8400-year long lacustrine environmental archive from the Laguna de la Mosca (2889 masl). The long-term ecological data show how the Early Holocene pine forests transitioned towards mixed Pinus-Quercus submediterranean forests as a response to a decrease in seasonality at ~7.3 cal. kyr BP. The mixed Pinus-Quercus submediterranean forests collapsed drastically giving way to open evergreen Quercus formations at ~4.2 cal. kyr BP after a well-known aridity crisis. Under the forecasted northward expansion of the Mediterranean area due to global change-related aridity increase, mountain forests inhabiting territories adjacent to the Mediterranean Region could experience analogous responses to those detected in the Sierra Nevada forests to the Mid to Late Holocene aridification, moving from temperate to submediterranean and then Mediterranean formations


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    Objective: To develop and validate an easy, rapid, sensitive and selective high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode diode-array (HPLC-PDA) detection method for quantification of paracetamol and to demonstrate its application in a pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic study with arthritic rats.Methods: Paracetamol was separated from plasma samples (50-100 µl) by a single protein precipitation step, prior to HPLC-PDA detection. The separation was performed on a Knauer Eurospher II, C18 column 5 µm, 150 × 4.6 mm. The mobile phase comprised a mixture of water: methanol (75:25) and the flow rate was 1.1 ml/min. The detection wavelength was set at 245 nm. All analyses were carried out at room temperature (25 °C). Pharmacodynamics data were obtained with a gout-type pain model in rats.Results: The method was linear within a range of 0.2-200 µg/ml (R2≥0.99). The intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy expressed as coefficient of variation and relative error, respectively were below 10%. The lower limit of quantification was 0.2 µg/ml. Plasma samples were stable at least for 5 w at ‒20° C.Conclusion: The validated method is sensitive, precise, accurate and specific as other more complex high-performance liquid chromatographic methods coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), using small plasma samples (50-100 µl) and with a short time analysis (&lt;5 min). The method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic study of paracetamol in arthritic rats.Â

    Proteomic characterization of human coronary thrombus in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction

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    Acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) initiates with intraluminal thrombosis and results in total occlusion of the coronary artery. To date, characterization of the coronary thrombus proteome in STEMI patients has not been yet accomplished. Therefore, we aimed to perform an in-depth proteomic characterization of the human coronary thrombus by means of three different approaches: 2-DE followed by mass spectrometry (MALDI MS/MS), 1-DE combined either with liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in a MALDI TOF/TOF (LC-MALDI-MS/MS), or in a LTQ-Orbitrap (LC-ESI-MS/MS). This approach allowed us to identify a total of 708 proteins in the thrombus. Expression in coronary thrombi (n=20) of 14 proteins was verified, and the expression of fibrin and 6 cell markers (platelets, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, T-cells and B-cells) quantified by selected reaction monitoring (SRM). A positive correlation of 5 proteins (fermitin homolog 3, thrombospondin-1, myosin-9, beta parvin and ras-related protein Rap-1b) with CD41 was found, pointing out the potential activation of a focal adhesion pathway within thrombus platelets. DIDO1 protein was found to correlate negatively with thrombus fibrin, and was found up-regulated in the plasma of these STEMI patients, which may constitute a starting point for further analyses in the search for biomarkers of thrombosis. BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The proteomic characterization of the human coronary thrombus may contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in acute coronary syndrome, and thus pave the road for the identification of new therapeutic targets that may help addressing this and other thrombotic diseases. A novel methodology to characterize thrombus composition and expression of a sub-group of proteins is hereby described, which allowed linking protein expression with cellular and ECM matrix composition of the thrombus. Five proteins (fermitin homolog 3, thrombospondin-1, myosin-9, beta parvin and ras-related protein Rap-1b) co-express within the human coronary thrombus with CD41, pointing out the potential activation of a focal adhesion pathway within thrombus platelets during thrombus formation. Besides, the protein death-inducer obliterator 1, found to be expressed within the human coronary thrombus, has been proved to increase in the plasma of STEMI patients, which constitutes an important starting point for further analyses in the search for biomarkers of thrombosis.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI070537, PI11/02239), Fondos Feder, Redes temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud (RD12/0042/ 0071, RD06/0014/1015), and Fundación para la Investigación Sanitaria de Castilla-La Mancha (FISCAM PI2008-08, PI2008-28, PI2008-52). These results are lined up with the Spanish initiative on the Human Proteome Project (SpHPP). The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the Fundacion Pro-CNIC. We would like to thank Dr. Gloria Alvarez-Llamas for her kind suggestions for the manuscript; Gemma Barroso from Proteomic Unit, Hospital Nacional de Paraplejicos, for her help and dedication to this work, as well as Veronica Moral and Ana Gallardo from the same Unit, and TamaraSastre andCarmenBermudez for their technical support.S

    Versatile Graphene-Based Platform for Robust Nanobiohybrid Interfaces

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    Technologically useful and robust graphene-based interfaces for devices require the introduction of highly selective, stable, and covalently bonded functionalities on the graphene surface, whilst essentially retaining the electronic properties of the pristine layer. This work demonstrates that highly controlled, ultrahigh vacuum covalent chemical functionalization of graphene sheets with a thiol-terminated molecule provides a robust and tunable platform for the development of hybrid nanostructures in different environments. We employ this facile strategy to covalently couple two representative systems of broad interest: metal nanoparticles, via S-metal bonds, and thiol-modified DNA aptamers, via disulfide bridges. Both systems, which have been characterized by a multi-technique approach, remain firmly anchored to the graphene surface even after several washing cycles. Atomic force microscopy images demonstrate that the conjugated aptamer retains the functionality required to recognize a target protein. This methodology opens a new route to the integration of high-quality graphene layers into diverse technological platforms, including plasmonics, optoelectronics, or biosensing. With respect to the latter, the viability of a thiol-functionalized chemical vapor deposition graphene-based solution-gated field-effect transistor array was assessed

    Guide for Current Nutrigenetic, Nutrigenomic, and Nutriepigenetic Approaches for Precision Nutrition Involving the Prevention and Management of Chronic Diseases Associated with Obesity

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    Chronic diseases, including obesity, are major causes of morbidity and mortality in most countries. The adverse impacts of obesity and associated comorbidities on health remain a major concern due to the lack of effective interventions for prevention and management. Precision nutrition is an emerging therapeutic approach that takes into account an individual's genetic and epigenetic information, as well as age, gender, or particular physiopathological status. Advances in genomic sciences are contributing to a better understanding of the role of genetic variants and epigenetic signatures as well as gene expression patterns in the development of diverse chronic conditions, and how they may modify therapeutic responses. This knowledge has led to the search for genetic and epigenetic biomarkers to predict the risk of developing chronic diseases and personalizing their prevention and treatment. Additionally, original nutritional interventions based on nutrients and bioactive dietary compounds that can modify epigenetic marks and gene expression have been implemented. Although caution must be exercised, these scientific insights are paving the way for the design of innovative strategies for the control of chronic diseases accompanying obesity. This document provides a number of examples of the huge potential of understanding nutrigenetic, nutrigenomic, and nutriepigenetic roles in precision nutrition