1,864 research outputs found

    A Importância da Tradição Oral em Man Made of Words, de Scott Momaday, ou a Palavra como Epifania

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    Para o sujeito euro-americano, o Mundo é feito de pares binários dicotómicos (começando, desde logo, com a oposição binária entre o Bem e o Mal), sendo que é a própria Linguagem que antecipa essas dicotomias, desencadeadas, desde logo, pela distinção, a cisão, entre significante e significado. Para o sujeito nativo-americano, por outro lado, o Mundo é feito de dialéticas, de intercessões e interdependência entre diferentes elementos que, estando todos imbuídos de sacralidade, se conjugam harmoniosamante, dando origem a um universo uno, holístico. É à luz destes pressupostos que deve entender-se a obra The Man Made of Words, de Scott Momaday. Na coletânea em apreço, a palavra é entendida como a génese, o sopro espiritual que funde significante e significado, a qual, transmitida de geração em geração, graças à preservação de uma tradição oral, dá vida a uma mundividência que permite ao sujeito ultrapassar ruturas e fragmentações, identificando-se com a Cultura e tradições do seu povo.Abstract For the Euro-American subject, the world is made up of dichotomous binary pairs (starting out with the binary opposition between Good and Evil), and it is language itself which anticipates these dichotomies, at once brought about by the distinction, the split between signifier and signified. For the Native American subject, on the other hand, the Earth relies on a dialectics, an intersectedness and interdependence between different elements, all of which are imbued with sacredness, harmoniously combining, giving rise to a unified, holistic universe. It is in the light of the aforementioned assumptions that the work The Man Made of Words, by Scott Momaday ought to be understood/viewed. In the collection at issue, the word is understood as the genesis, the spiritual breath which enables signifier and signified to merge. Thenceforward, it is handed over from generation to generation, thanks to the preservation of an oral tradition which gives birth to a worldview that allows the individual to overcome disruptions and fragmentations, and identify with the Culture and traditions of his people

    Religious jouissance, bigotry and identificatory mis-recognition in Elmer Gantry's conversion experience

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    Abstract: Assuming that the American self (and culture) was founded upon Puritan values, the aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of identificatory processes in helping to enforce conformity towards prevailing religious mores, as stated above, of a puritanical nature. Underlying our decision to focus the discussion on the novel Elmer Gantry is our belief that, as a novelist of manners, the author of Elmer Gantry, Sinclair Lewis, was particularly talented in the art of deconstructing many of the mechanisms used by the ruling class, the American middle class, to enforce conformity of the individual towards the dominant ideological, religious and social order. Contrary to the myth of the province as locus amoenus, an extension/enlargement of the myth of the farmer as the most honest and hardworking of men (whose forefathers were puritans, believed to be no less pious than their descendants were to become), popularized by authors such as Zona Gale, Booth Tarkington or Meredith Nicholson, Sinclair Lewis showed that the province had received the legacy of three centuries of ideological indoctrination and intellectual, moral and spiritual dilettantism. Having broken, after the publication of Main Street in 1920, with the prevailing literary tradition, Lewis demonstrates, in all the novels pertaining to the 20s (including obviously Elmer Gantry) that white middle class Americans (of Anglo-Saxon ancestry), assume the role of “subjects” maintaining with “the other”, be he an Indian, an immigrant, or even nature, a castrating relationship that eventually results in the puerile, neurotic or megalomaniac alienation of the subject himself/herself. Thus, the trajectory of Lewis’s hero Elmer Gantry can be analysed through an application of key psychoanalytic concepts, such as Melanie Klein’s theory of “good” and bad breasts” or the Oedipus complex or paternal metaphor, elaborated by Freud and recovered by Lacan, under the designation of the Name-of–the–Father. Accepting the Name-of-the-Father implies a perception of a denial, a lack, a prohibition, once the French word nom (name), when pronounced orally, is indistinguishable from non (no). Elmer, therefore, will commit a double murder, symbolically killing both his earthly and his Heavenly Father, so as to become equal to (or even replace) him/Him. Key words: “good and bad objects/breasts”; subject; other; introjection; Oedipus complex; The –Name-of-the-Fathe


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    The objective of the present research is to analyze the potential of Restorative Justice (JR) practices in the development process of adolescents who have accepted to participate in these practices. The research is qualitative, descriptive and exploratory, composed of a semi-structured interview with two adolescents who participated in the Restorative Justice Center (NJR). The research is a multi-case study. For the data analysis, the content analysis was used. The results indicate the involvement of adolescents in the NJR, identifying the recognition of themselves as psychosocial support to maintain social ties and a critical review of the family model. Regarding the adolescent connection aspects, they are able to identify a list of them involved in the search for better living conditions. Concerning their life history, the adolescents suffer effects of the childhood history with absence of a paternal figure. Regarding adolescents' perceptions of their participation in the NJR, they had the family re-issue of violence through disqualification, but also the possibility of communicating the suffering and experimenting with violence from public security until arriving at the NJR. The data set allows reflections on the expansion of practices with adolescents in conflict with the law from the NJR.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar críticamente la teoría de Jeremy Waldron sobre la libertad de expresión y la regulación del discurso de odio. Para ello, el artículo se divide en tres partes. En la primera parte, la teoría de Jeremy Waldron sobre la libertad de expresión se analiza a través del examen de sus tres pilares (dignidad, sentido de seguridad y vulnerabilidad) y se muestra que la teoría de Waldron permite el equilibrio de principios, especialmente en virtud de las consecuencias producidas. por el discurso. En la segunda parte, se presentan los principales críticos formulados por Edwin C. Baker y Ronald Dworkin contra la teoría de Jeremy Waldron, así como sus respectivas respuestas. En la tercera parte, se defiende la crítica formulada por Ronald Dworkin contra la teoría de Jeremy Waldron, en el sentido de que permite la restricción de la libertad de expresión, incluso cuando esto representa una violación de los derechos individuales. El artículo concluye que la tesis de Waldron falla al crear criterios objetivos controlables para definir la hipótesis en la que se debe prohibir o regular el discurso de odio.O objetivo da presente pesquisa é analisar as potencialidades das práticas de Justiça Restaurativa (JR) no processo de desenvolvimento de adolescentes que aceitaram participar dessas práticas. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, composta de entrevista semiestruturada com dois adolescentes que participaram do Núcleo de JR (NJR). A pesquisa é um estudo multi caso. Para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam os desdobramentos da participação dos adolescentes no NJR, identificando o reconhecimento de si como apoio psicossocial para deter laços sociais e uma crítica ao modelo familiar. Com relação a aspectos vinculares dos adolescentes, estes conseguem identificar um rol deles envolto na busca por melhores condições de vida. Concernente à história de vida, os adolescentes sofrem efeitos do histórico de infância com ausência da figura paterna. Com relação às percepções dos adolescentes sobre sua participação junto ao NJR, estes tiveram, por parte da família, a reedição da violência por meio da desqualificação, mas também possibilidade de comunicação do sofrimento e experimentação de violência da segurança pública até chegar ao NJR. O conjunto de dados permite reflexões para a ampliação de práticas com adolescentes em conflito com a lei a partir do NJR

    Cystic fibrosis-related liver disease: a single-center experience

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    Prospective studies concerning liver disease in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients are scarce. The present study aimed to describe the prevalence and clinical expression of cystic fibrosis - related liver disease, in a cohort of 62 pediatric patients. Descriptive study, resulting from the prospective evaluation, between 1994 and 2009, of 62 pediatric patients (age <18 years) with cystic fibrosis. The follow-up protocol included a clinical assessment every 2 months, liver function tests every 6 months and annual liver ultrasonography. The cumulative prevalence of liver disease was 11.2% (7/62 cases). All patients had ΔF508 mutation and pancreatic insufficiency, none had meconium ileus. The liver involvement became clinically evident at a mean age of 8 years (3–15 years), revealed by hepatomegaly or hepatosplenomegaly (3 cases) and/ or abnormalities of liver function tests (3 cases) changes of liver ultrasound (7 cases) with evidence of portal hypertension (2 cases). Four patients were submitted to liver biopsy; biliary fibrosis was documented in one case, focal biliary cirrhosis in 2 cases and multilobular cirrhosis in another case. Within a median 11.6 years follow-up period (all patients under UDCA therapy after liver disease diagnosis), progression of liver disease was observed in 2 patients; one patient developed refractory variceal bleeding and progressive hepatic failure, requiring liver transplant. The results of the present study agree with those of previous pediatric studies, further documenting clinical expression of liver disease in CF patients, which is usually detected in the first decade of life and emphasize the contribution of ultrasound to early diagnosis of liver involvement. Moreover, although advanced liver disease is a relatively rare event, early isolated liver transplantation may have to be considered at this age group

    Development of a mixed-meal that impacts carotid-body mediated cardiorespiratory and metabolic parameters - a pilot study

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    The carotid bodies (CB) have been recently implicated in the genesis of metabolic diseases in animal models. The CBs respond to circulating insulin to increase heart rate, respiratory rate and blood glucose levels. In humans, this mechanism is not well characterized.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Korsakow platform and nonlinear narratives as a means to enhance foreign language learning in HE

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has posed great challenges to higher education (HE) and, in particular, to foreign language (FL) teaching. If, on the one hand, the lockdown and remote learning measures have brought constraints to teaching and research activities, on the other hand, they have fostered resilience, promoted creativity, and accelerated the use of technologies and digital transformation. The use of the Korsakow platform and the creation of non-linear storytelling are the strategies underlying an innovative methodology concerning the learning process of French and English as FL, in HE in Portugal. The JASM project (Open window onto the world: foreign languages, multimodal creativity, and pedagogical innovation in higher education) involves a group of students attending the bachelor’s course in Media Studies of the School of Education in Viseu. Students develop their assignments based on data analysis, related to diverse cultural and linguistic contexts within the city of Viseu, including interviews, photographs, and narratives centred on a migrant’s tradition. Digital art and online tools ensure greater motivation in acquiring multilingual skills and developing multilingual awareness. In this way, the various dimensions of language (aesthetic, emotional, and cognitive) are reinforced, in a remote teaching scenario/context, which is creative and collaborative while also mobilizing interdisciplinary skills. Such a reflection appears to be particularly relevant at a time when one needs clearly to adapt teaching and learning to the needs of society and rely upon pedagogical innovation, with students whose HE training has specific objectives other than the ones of those enrolled in language courses. The methodology is discussed, and the results of this project-based learning are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Looking into Foreign Languages and Multimodal Creativity as a Tool for Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education: The JASM Project - Open Window onto the World

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    The innovation of pedagogical practices is a challenge currently faced by higher education, in which the student is the main actor in the learning process. The aim of this project is to develop collaborative work, using multimodality in communication, adapted to the professional context, as a strategy to foster the learning of foreign languages. The JASM project ([Janela aberta sobre o mundo].Open Window onto the World: Foreign Languages, Multimodal Creativity and Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education), developed by a multidisciplinary team, rests upon an active learning dynamic based on projects, through the creation of digital narratives focused on the linguistic and cultural diversity of a city in Beira Alta, Viseu. The use of several action-research approaches allowed students of the undergraduate course in media studies at the School of Education in Viseu to develop a multilingual and multicultural awareness, in a creative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ensino remoto de emergência em tempos de pandemia: a experiência de professores portugueses

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    The closure of the schools as a result of the need to mitigate the dissemination of SARS-CoV-2 virus has entailed the adoption of an emergency remote teaching to which teachers and pupils had to adapt. In this paper data drawn from a wider study are presented. The study aimed at analyzing the conditions in which teachers dealt with teaching, their emotional and cognitive experiences and the personal, professional and contextual factors that have affected their work. Data were collected through an online survey with teachers from all sectors of teaching (n=2638). Findings point to an overall positive perception about the ways in which teachers and pupils responded to emergency remote teaching. However, difficulties were also found. These relate to the functioning of remote teaching, namely technical problems, internal and external distractions, time management and challenges in the interaction with pupils. Implications for (re)thinking remote teaching, in regard to technical and technological, but also pedagogical aspects, as well as teacher education and organisation of teachers’ work are discussed.O encerramento das escolas decorrente da necessidade de mitigar a disseminação do vírus SARS-CoV-2 ditou a adoção de um ensino remoto de emergência a que professores e alunos rapidamente tiveram de se adaptar. Neste artigo apresentam-se resultados de um estudo mais vasto que pretendeu analisar as condições em que os professores realizaram as suas tarefas de ensino, as suas vivências emocionais e cognitivas e os fatores pessoais, profissionais e contextuais que afetaram o seu trabalho. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário online com professores de todos os ciclos de ensino (n=2638). Os resultados apontam para uma perceção em geral positiva sobre o modo como os professores e os alunos responderam ao ensino remoto de emergência, sendo, no entanto, possível identificar dificuldades associadas ao seu funcionamento, nomeadamente problemas técnicos, distrações internas e externas, gestão de tempo e desafios na interação com os alunos. Estes dados suscitam implicações para (re)pensar o ensino remoto – quanto aos aspetos não só técnicos e tecnológicos, mas também pedagógicos –, bem como a formação de professores e a organização o trabalho docente

    Iodine supplementation: compliance and association with adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes

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    Free PMC article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmid/34981750/Objectives: Over 1.9 billion people worldwide are living in areas estimated to be iodine insufficient. Strategies for iodine supplementation include campaigns targeting vulnerable groups, such as women in pre-conception, pregnancy and lactation. Portuguese women of childbearing age and pregnant women were shown to be mildly-to-moderately iodine deficient. As a response, in 2013, the National Health Authority (NHA) issued a recommendation that all women considering pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding, take a daily supplement of 150-200 μg iodine. This study explored how the iodine supplementation recommendation has been fulfilled among pregnant and lactating women in Portugal, and whether the reported iodine supplements intake impacted on adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Design and methods: Observational retrospective study on pregnant women who delivered or had a fetal loss in the Braga Hospital and had their pregnancies followed in Family Health Units. Results: The use of iodine supplements increased from 25% before the recommendation to 81% after the recommendation. This was mostly due to an increase in the use of supplements containing iodine only. Iodine supplementation was protective for the number of adverse obstetric outcomes (odds ratio (OR) = 0.791, P = 0.018) and for neonatal morbidities (OR = 0.528, P = 0.024) after controlling for relevant confounding variables. Conclusion: The recommendation seems to have succeeded in implementing iodine supplementation during pregnancy. National prospective studies are now needed to evaluate the impact of iodine supplementation on maternal thyroid homeostasis and offspring psychomotor development and on whether the time of the beginning of iodine supplementation (how early during preconception or pregnancy) is relevant to consider.This work has been funded by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) – project UIDB/50026/2020 and UIDP/50026/2020 and by the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000039, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Funding agencies did not participate in any part of the research or in data or manuscript preparationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient-physician discordance in assessment of adherence to inhaled controller medication: a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts

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    We aimed to compare patient's and physician's ratings of inhaled medication adherence and to identify predictors of patient-physician discordance.(SFRH/BPD/115169/2016) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029130 ('mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases—generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies') cofunded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio