844 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Investigation of High-speed Impact: the Penetration of Small Spheres into Thick Copper Targets

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    Small metal spheres of various densities were fired at high speed into thick targets of copper and lead. In general, it was found that all of the penetrations could be correlated quite well for engineering purposes by a function relating the depth of penetration to the impact momentum per unit volume

    The G-Protein β3 subunit 825 TT genotype is associated with epigastric pain syndrome-like dyspepsia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although familial clustering of functional dyspepsia (FD) has been reported, the role of genetics in the susceptibility to FD is still not well understood. Several reports indicate an association between FD and G-protein β3 (GNB3) subunit gene polymorphism (C825T); however, these studies had small sample sizes and the findings are inconclusive. In the present study we clarified the association between GNB3 gene polymorphism and dyspepsia in a large population of Japanese subjects who visited a hospital for annual health check-up.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subjects with significant upper gastrointestinal findings were excluded. Subjects with dyspeptic symptoms were divided into either a postprandial distress syndrome (PDS) group or an epigastric pain syndrome (EPS) group according to the Rome III criteria. The presence of the GNB3 C825T polymorphism was then evaluated and logistic regression analysis was used to test all variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The GNB3 genotype distribution in subjects without dyspepsia was 191 CC (25.1%), 368 TC (48.4%), and 202 TT (26.5%) and 17 CC (25.0%), 29 TC (42.6%), and 22 TT (32.4%) in subjects with dyspepsia. No significant correlation was found between the GNB3 825TT genotype and dyspepsia. However, the TT genotype was significantly associated with subjects with EPS-like symptoms (odds ratio (OR) = 2.00, 95% confidence interval (CI); 1.07-3.76) compared to the CT/CC genotype adjusted for gender and age. No significant correlation was found between GNB3 polymorphism and PDS-like symptoms (OR = 0.68, 95% CI; 0.31-1.51). With the exclusion of subjects with both EPS- and PDS-like symptoms, only the TT genotype was significantly associated with EPS-like symptoms (OR = 2.73, 95% CI; 1.23-5.91).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The homozygous GNB3 825T allele influences the susceptibility to EPS-like dyspepsia.</p

    Moderation in management research: What, why, when and how.

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    Many theories in management, psychology, and other disciplines rely on moderating variables: those which affect the strength or nature of the relationship between two other variables. Despite the near-ubiquitous nature of such effects, the methods for testing and interpreting them are not always well understood. This article introduces the concept of moderation and describes how moderator effects are tested and interpreted for a series of model types, beginning with straightforward two-way interactions with Normal outcomes, moving to three-way and curvilinear interactions, and then to models with non-Normal outcomes including binary logistic regression and Poisson regression. In particular, methods of interpreting and probing these latter model types, such as simple slope analysis and slope difference tests, are described. It then gives answers to twelve frequently asked questions about testing and interpreting moderator effects

    Making things happen : a model of proactive motivation

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    Being proactive is about making things happen, anticipating and preventing problems, and seizing opportunities. It involves self-initiated efforts to bring about change in the work environment and/or oneself to achieve a different future. The authors develop existing perspectives on this topic by identifying proactivity as a goal-driven process involving both the setting of a proactive goal (proactive goal generation) and striving to achieve that proactive goal (proactive goal striving). The authors identify a range of proactive goals that individuals can pursue in organizations. These vary on two dimensions: the future they aim to bring about (achieving a better personal fit within one’s work environment, improving the organization’s internal functioning, or enhancing the organization’s strategic fit with its environment) and whether the self or situation is being changed. The authors then identify “can do,” “reason to,” and “energized to” motivational states that prompt proactive goal generation and sustain goal striving. Can do motivation arises from perceptions of self-efficacy, control, and (low) cost. Reason to motivation relates to why someone is proactive, including reasons flowing from intrinsic, integrated, and identified motivation. Energized to motivation refers to activated positive affective states that prompt proactive goal processes. The authors suggest more distal antecedents, including individual differences (e.g., personality, values, knowledge and ability) as well as contextual variations in leadership, work design, and interpersonal climate, that influence the proactive motivational states and thereby boost or inhibit proactive goal processes. Finally, the authors summarize priorities for future researc

    Structural identifiability of dynamic systems biology models

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    22 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas.-- This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.A powerful way of gaining insight into biological systems is by creating a nonlinear differential equation model, which usually contains many unknown parameters. Such a model is called structurally identifiable if it is possible to determine the values of its parameters from measurements of the model outputs. Structural identifiability is a prerequisite for parameter estimation, and should be assessed before exploiting a model. However, this analysis is seldom performed due to the high computational cost involved in the necessary symbolic calculations, which quickly becomes prohibitive as the problem size increases. In this paper we show how to analyse the structural identifiability of a very general class of nonlinear models by extending methods originally developed for studying observability. We present results about models whose identifiability had not been previously determined, report unidentifiabilities that had not been found before, and show how to modify those unidentifiable models to make them identifiable. This method helps prevent problems caused by lack of identifiability analysis, which can compromise the success of tasks such as experiment design, parameter estimation, and model-based optimization. The procedure is called STRIKE-GOLDD (STRuctural Identifiability taKen as Extended-Generalized Observability with Lie Derivatives and Decomposition), and it is implemented in a MATLAB toolbox which is available as open source software. The broad applicability of this approach facilitates the analysis of the increasingly complex models used in systems biology and other areasAFV acknowledges funding from the Galician government (Xunta de Galiza, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria http://www.edu.xunta.es/portal/taxonomy/term/206) through the I2C postdoctoral program, fellowship ED481B2014/133-0. AB and AFV were partially supported by grant DPI2013-47100-C2-2-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). AFV acknowledges additional funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 686282 (CanPathPro). AP was partially supported through EPSRC projects EP/M002454/1 and EP/J012041/1.Peer reviewe

    A cloud-based enhanced differential evolution algorithm for parameter estimation problems in computational systems biology

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Cluster Computing. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-0860-1[Abstract] Metaheuristics are gaining increasing recognition in many research areas, computational systems biology among them. Recent advances in metaheuristics can be helpful in locating the vicinity of the global solution in reasonable computation times, with Differential Evolution (DE) being one of the most popular methods. However, for most realistic applications, DE still requires excessive computation times. With the advent of Cloud Computing effortless access to large number of distributed resources has become more feasible, and new distributed frameworks, like Spark, have been developed to deal with large scale computations on commodity clusters and cloud resources. In this paper we propose a parallel implementation of an enhanced DE using Spark. The proposal drastically reduces the execution time, by means of including a selected local search and exploiting the available distributed resources. The performance of the proposal has been thoroughly assessed using challenging parameter estimation problems from the domain of computational systems biology. Two different platforms have been used for the evaluation, a local cluster and the Microsoft Azure public cloud. Additionally, it has been also compared with other parallel approaches, another cloud-based solution (a MapReduce implementation) and a traditional HPC solution (a MPI implementation)Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad; DPI2014-55276-C5-2-RMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad; TIN2013-42148-PMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad; TIN2016-75845-PXunta de Galicia ; R2016/045Xunta de Galicia; GRC2013/05

    Objectively measured patterns of sedentary time and physical activity in young adults of the Raine study cohort

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    Background: To provide a detailed description of young adults' sedentary time and physical activity. Methods: 384 young women and 389 young men aged 22.1±0.6 years, all participants in the 22 year old follow-up of the Raine Study pregnancy cohort, wore Actigraph GT3X+ monitors on the hip for 24 h/day over a one-week period for at least one 'valid' day (=10 h of waking wear time). Each minute epoch was classified as sedentary, light, moderate or vigorous intensity using 100 count and Freedson cut-points. Mixed models assessed hourly and daily variation; t-tests assessed gender differences. Results: The average (mean±SD) waking wear time was 15.0±1.6 h/day, of which 61.4±10.1 % was spent sedentary, 34.6±9.1 % in light-, 3.7±5.3 % in moderate- and, 0.3±0.6 % in vigorous-intensity activity. Average time spent in moderate to vigorous activity (MVPA) was 36.2±27.5 min/day. Relative to men, women had higher sedentary time, but also higher vigorous activity time. The 'usual' bout duration of sedentary time was 11.8±4.5 min in women and 11.7±5.2 min in men. By contrast, other activities were accumulated in shorter bout durations. There was large variation by hour of the day and by day of the week in both sedentary time and MVPA. Evenings and Sundays through Wednesdays tended to be particularly sedentary and/or inactive. Conclusion: For these young adults, much of the waking day was spent sedentary and many participants were physically inactive (low levels of MVPA). We provide novel evidence on the time for which activities were performed and on the time periods when young adults were more sedentary and/or less active. With high sedentary time and low MVPA, young adults may be at risk for the life-course sequelae of these behaviours

    First Neutrino Observations from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    The first neutrino observations from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory are presented from preliminary analyses. Based on energy, direction and location, the data in the region of interest appear to be dominated by 8B solar neutrinos, detected by the charged current reaction on deuterium and elastic scattering from electrons, with very little background. Measurements of radioactive backgrounds indicate that the measurement of all active neutrino types via the neutral current reaction on deuterium will be possible with small systematic uncertainties. Quantitative results for the fluxes observed with these reactions will be provided when further calibrations have been completed.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, 10 figures, Invited paper at Neutrino 2000 Conference, Sudbury, Canada, June 16-21, 2000 to be published in the Proceeding

    Adding Robustness in Dynamic Preemptive Scheduling

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    In this paper we introduce a robust earliest deadline scheduling algorithm for deal ing with hard aperiodic tasks under overloads in a dynamic realtime environment The algorithm synergistically combines many features including dynamic guarantees graceful degradation in overloads deadline tolerance resource reclaiming and dy namic reguarantees A necessary and sucient schedulability test is presented and an ecient On guarantee algorithm is proposed The new algorithm is evaluated via simulation and compared to several baseline algorithms The experimental results show excellent performance of the new algorithm in normal and overload conditions Static realtime systems are designed for worst case situations Assuming that all the assumptions made in the design and analysis are correct we can say that the level of guarantee for these systems is absolute and all tasks will make their deadlines Unfortunately static systems are not always possible becaus
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