203 research outputs found

    Reseña de "El Capital en el Siglo XXI", de Thomas Piketty

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    El siguiente artículo es una reseña crítica sobre el libro del economista Thomas Piketty, "Le capital au XXIème siècle" (2013), el cual ha sido recibido por diversas disciplinas dentro de la comunidad académica como una obra de gran importancia dentro del actual marco político, económico y social. Piketty trata el tema de la creciente desigualdad de riqueza y por tanto, de la diferencia de clases, combinando nociones de la economía clásica con un mensaje contundente: el capitalismo por sí sólo tiende de manera natural a crear desigualdad. Con un título que hace una clara referencia al "Das Kapital" de Karl Marx, se reabren los debates clásicos de las ciencias sociales

    Transcontextual model application in the prediction of veteran judo athletes’ life satisfaction

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    Background and Study Aim: Despite recognised benefits of regular physical activity for health, the percentage of individuals linking with a physical activity practice sufficient to confer health benefits is low. The aim of current work is knowledge about effects of an extension of the motivation trans-contextual model application, specifically in the prediction of life satisfaction by veteran judo athletes. Material and Methods: It was used a sample of 99 Portuguese veteran judo athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 76 years (M = 42.61 ±9.75), where through questionnaires were measured: basic psychological needs satisfaction, motivation, planned behaviour variables and life satisfaction. Results: The structural equations model showed that autonomy perception positively and significantly predicts autonomous motivation. In its turn it positively and significantly predicts intentions. Conclusions: Life satisfaction is positively and significantly predicted by intentions. Results authorise to emphasise the importance of fostering autonomy, since this will favour autonomous motivation, promoting a higher behavioural control over the practitioners’ intentions, thus generating a higher life satisfaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio del error en la interpolación polinómica

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    This dissertation provides a study of the error of Lagrange’s Polynomial Interpolation. It consists of seven chapters that include some topics of the Numerical Analysis. Firstly, we will have introduced a series of basic tools that are also very useful in other fields of Numerical Analysis and that we will use throughout the project. Secondly, we will recall the main results related to the approximation of a function of a real variable by an algebraic polynomial. After that, we will study the error of polynomial interpolation when the nodes are equidistant. In addition, we will analyse the problem of minimizing the oscillations produced in the extremes in the Runge phenomenon and we will study the existence of the polynomial of best approximation. From here, the Weierstrass Theorem is deduced and the approximation of a class C1 function is studied by polynomials that interpolate it to the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials. Finally, we will conclude the dissertation by considering which choice of nodes uniformly approximate regular functions.En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un estudio del error de la interpolación polinómica de Lagrange. Consta de siete capítulos que recoge algunos temas del Cálculo Numérico. En los capítulos 1 y 2, hemos introducido una serie de herramientas básicas que también son muy útiles en otros campos del análisis numérico y que utilizaremos a lo largo del trabajo. En el capítulo 3, recordamos los principales resultados relativos a la aproximación de una función de una variable real por un polinomio algebraico. Comenzamos el capítulo introduciendo el concepto de la interpolación polinómica de Lagrange, citando un resultado de existencia y unicidad del polinomio de interpolación y una expresión del error de interpolación, ya estudiada en el grado. En el capítulo 4, estudiaremos el error de la interpolación polinómica cuando los nodos son equidistantes y veremos lo que puede ocurrir en los extremos del intervalo cuando estudiamos el fenómeno de Runge. En el capítulo 5, analizaremos el problema de minimizar las oscilaciones producidas en los extremos en el fenómeno de Runge mediante otra elección de los nodos, en este caso, los ceros de los polinomios de Chebyshev, dando una mejor estimación del error. En el capítulo 6, estudiaremos la existencia del polinomio de mejor aproximación, introduciendo el concepto de Constante de Lebesgue y probando la acotación del grado de aproximación (mínima distancia entre la función y el polinomio de mejor aproximaci´on de grado n) por el módulo de continuidad de la función en el intervalo b − a / n. De aquí se deduce el Teorema de Weierstrass y se estudia la aproximación de una función de clase C1 por polinomios que la interpolan a los ceros del los polinomios de Chebyshev. Finalmente concluiremos el trabajo viendo qué elección de los nodos aproximan uniformemente a funciones regulares.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Matemática

    Review of 'Caring for Strangers', by Megha Amrith (ed.2017)

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    Caring for Strangers (2017) takes the reader on an interesting journey to the everyday lives of Filipino migrant nurse workers placed in Singapore. It does so focusing on the narratives and the frequent encounters that anthropologist Megha Amrith had over her fieldwork time in Singapore. The result is a rich compilation of the social, political, and economic factors that make many men and women in the Philippines undertake nursing education with the purpose of migrating to work abroad. This review of the book focuses on three aspects of the book that the present author found to be of great importance in the contemporary anthropology of economy and labour: the political economy of global capital, the marketization of care work, and the ways in which these migrant workers built their subjectivities.Caring for Strangers (2017) ofrece un interesante viaje a las vidas cotidianas de los emigrantes Filipinos que trabajan como enfermeros en Singapur. Este libro lo logra enfocándose en las narrativas y los encuentros frecuentes que su autora, la antropóloga Megha Amrith, mantuvo durante su trabajo de campo en Singapur. El resultado es una rica descripción de los factores sociales, políticos y económicos que llevan a un gran número de hombres y mujeres en Filipinas a cursar estudios de enfermería para poder trabajar después en el extranjero. Esta reseña se centra en tres aspectos recurrentes del libro que la autora considera significativos para la antropología del trabajo y del capitalismo: la política económica del capital globalizado, la mercantilización del trabajo de los cuidados y las formas en las que se construyen las subjetividades de los trabajadores emigrantes

    Application of two intervention programs in order to optimize motivation and to improve eating habits in adult and elderly women

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of two intervention programs: a physical exercise program with strategies to support the three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness); and a physical exercise program with nutritional education in order to improve the lifestyles of adult and elderly women who practiced functional maintenance. The Self-Determination Theory was applied as the theoretical framework. A sample of 135 women aged between 40 and 88 years (59.66 ± 10.76) who enrolled in a 12-week functional maintenance program and attended 24 exercise classes took part in the study. A quasi-experimental study was performed where strategies to support the three basic psychological needs were applied to one group and strategies for the improvement of eating habits were applied to the other group. No strategy was applied to the control group. The main results showed na improvement in experimental groups I and II when compared to the control group regarding the variables of autonomy, competence, intrinsic regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation and eating habits, after the application of the intervention programs. The conclusion is that both intervention programs were successful with this project's participants and that it is crucial to promote such intervention programs in functional maintenance classes, as they foster healthy lifestyles among participants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Self-determined motivation and life satisfaction in portuguese veterans athletes

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    The aims of this work were to determine correlations and predictive variables, between the levels of motivation, basic psychological needs and life satisfaction of Portuguese veteran athletes. The sample consisted in 684 Portuguese veteran athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M = 43.78 DP = 8.61), competitors of various modalities. As instruments we used the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), the Basic Psychological Needs Scale Exercise (BPNES), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Positives and Negatives Affections Scale (PANAS). It was applied the bivariate Pearson correlation test and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the veteran athletes present a good selfdetermination for the sport practice, being their welfare levels in life satisfaction related to the same self-determination, but rather dependent on the affections produced by sports. This study is presented as a contribution to understanding the role of sport in promoting wellness in veteran sports population.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las correlaciones y variables predictivas entre los niveles de motivación, las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la satisfacción con la vida de atletas veteranos portugueses. La muestra se compuso de 684 atletas veteranos portugueses de ambos géneros, con edades comprendidas entre los 30 y los 90 años (M = 43.78; DP = 8.61),, competidores de varias modalidades. Los instrumentos utilizados fueran el Cuestionario de la Regulación Conductual en el Deporte (BRSQ), la Escala de Satisfacción de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (BPNES), la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS) y la Escala de Afectos Positivos y Negativos (PANAS). Se aplicó la prueba de correlación bivariada de Pearson y una regresión lineal múltiple.Los resultados mostraron una motivación autodeterminada de los atletas veteranos hacia la práctica deportiva, estando sus niveles de bienestar en la satisfacción con la vida relacionados con esta motivación autodeterminada, aunque también depende de los afectos producidos por la práctica deportiva. Este estudio supone una contribución hacia la comprensión de la función del deporte en la promoción del bienestar en la población de deportistas veteranos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adaptation and validation of the portuguese version of the healthy life styles questionnaire

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    The aim of this study was the adaptation and validation of Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (EVS), of Jimenez Castuera (2004) adapted of Wold (1995), using an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model, with a sample of sports veterans. In the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis part 684 Portuguese veteran athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M=43.78 SD=8.61), of which 547 male subjects and 137 subjects were female, which are competitors of various sports. The main results showed that the psychometric qualities of both the exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, proved the adequacy of adaptation performed, demonstrating that the factor structure (Adaptation to Sports Questionnaire EVS: 3 factors/20 items) It has quite acceptable levels of validity (?2 = 172.117, df=41, p = .000, ?2/g.l. = 4.190, CFI = .966, IFI = .966, MFI = .909, GFI = .955, AGFI = .927, RMR = .049, SRMR = .043, RMSEA = .068), with reasonable levels of internal consistency of the three primary factors (eating habits =.80; tobacco consumption =.91; resting habits =.84). This led us to conclude that the adaptation to the Sports of the Portuguese version of the EVS can be used with high confidence in the assessment of healthy lifestyles in the sports context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Empresas sociales en Cataluña : ¿cambio de paradigma o estrategia de clase media?

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    La crisis fi nanciera que se inicia en España en 2008 ha tenido un profundo impacto socioeconómico en la población civil, particularmente entre las clases medias. El gobierno, en vez de incentivar el ahorro, ha llevado a cabo una política de recortes y de inmovilismo público. Como consecuencia del incremento del desempleo, del adelgazamiento del Estado del Bienestar, de la pobreza y de un amplio descontento de los excesos del capitalismo, ha surgido una amplia diversidad de economías sociales para posibilitar el acceso básico a bienes y servicios y una emergencia considerable de empresas sociales. El análisis de estas iniciativas revela, sin embargo, dos aspectos relevantes: primero, que son iniciativas 'autorreferenciadas'(es decir, generadas por y pensadas para la clase media) y, segundo, que son alternativas más destinadas a la auto-ocupación y el autoempleo que a colectivos realmente necesitados. En cualquier caso, estos movimientos se relacionan con otros colectivos descontentos con la política actual, que está dando lugar a una mayor conciencia política hacia la izquierdaThe financial crisis that began in Spain in 2008 has had a profound economic impact on the civil population, particularly among the middle classes. The government, instead of encouraging savings, has carried out a policy of cuts and public immobility. As a result of rising unemployment, the weakening of the welfare state, the increase of poverty and the widespread discontent of the excesses of capitalism, there emerged a wide range of social economies to enable basic access to goods and services and a considerable emergence of social companies. An analysis of these initiatives reveals, however, two important aspects: first, that many of these initiatives are 'self-referential' (i.e. generated by and designed for the middle class) and, second, that such alternatives are often designed for selfemployment. In any case, these movements are related to other groups dissatisfied with the current policy, which is leading to a greater political tendency to left-wing policie

    Caracterização de casos de lesão medular e a sua relação com a independência funcional e qualidade de vida

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    Introdução: As lesões medulares acarretam consigo a problemática da deficiência, as suas respectivas sequelas interferem na qualidade de vida bem como na independência funcional destas pessoas, sendo habitual a existência de limitações que se prolongam ao longo a vida. O presente estudo visa a caracterização de sujeitos com lesão medular há mais de um ano, no que diz respeito à sua qualidade de vida e independência funcional, assim como, a relação entre as variáveis sóciodemográficas (género, idade, estado civil, escolaridade e profissão) e clínicas em estudo (nível, tipo, etiologia e data da lesão). Materiais e Métodos: O presente trabalho apresenta-se como um estudo observacional exploratório descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi formada por indivíduos adultos com lesão medular recrutados através da Associação Salvador e Associação Vida Independente. As medidas instrumentais utilizadas pelo estudo são o questionário sóciodemográfico e clínico, bem com a escala MIF (Granger, Hamilton, Keith, Zielezny, & Sherwins, 1986) e a escala SF-36 (Ware % Sherbourne, 1992). Resultados e Discussão: As análises demonstraram valores satisfatórios. A independência funcional e sua respectiva dimensão física e sóciocognitiva revelam resultados estatisticamente significativos com a variável nível neurológico. No que diz respeito à qualidade de vida esta demonstrou resultados estatisticamente significativos entre a dimensão desempenho emocional e a escolaridade entre o desempenho físico e a profissão e vitalidade e idade. Revelou igualmente valores satisfatórios entre todas as dimensões e o nível neurológico, entre a função social e data da lesão e por último entre a etiologia e função social, vitalidade, dor, saúde geral e mental. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos com este estudo vêm reforçar a visão de que apesar dos indivíduos experienciarem um evento traumático e aspetos negativos após a lesão medular, há diferentes níveis de percepção de QoL e IF e que estas variam em função de algumas variáveis sóciodemográficas e clínicas. Neste ponto são ainda apresentadas as limitações do estudo e discutidas propostas de trabalhos futuros.Introduction: Spinal cord injury modifies the individual's body, causing a problem of disability. The consequences of such injuries affect the quality of life and functional ability of these people, with the usual dependence on carers as well as the existence of limitations that extend along the life. This study aims to characterize subjects with spinal cord injury over than a year, with regard to its quality of life and functional independence, as well as the relationship between the socio demographic variables (gender, age, marital status , education and profession), and the clinic variables (time of injury, cause of injury, extent of injury and neurological level).Materials and Methods: The present work is characterized as a observational exploratory descriptive study with quantitative approach. The sample will consist of adult individuals with spinal cord injury recruited by “Salvador” and “Vida Independente” Association. The instrumental measures used by the study are the clinical and socio demographic questionnaire: MIF Scale developed by Granger, Hamilton, Keith, Zielezny, & Sherwins (1986) and the SF-36 scale, developed by Ware e Sherbourne in 1992. Results and Discussion: The analysis shows satisfactory values. The functional independence and their dimensions reveal relationship only with the neurological level. With regard to the quality of life is revealed significant statistically results between emotional performance dimension with education, also between physical performance and vitality and between profession and age. There are relationships between all the dimensions and the neurological level, between social function and date of injury. The etiology reveal association with the social function, vitality, bodily pain, general and mental health.Conclusion: The results of this study reinforce the recent view that despite the individuals experienced a traumatic event and negative aspects after spinal cord injury, there are different levels of perception of QoL and IF and these vary according to some sociodemographic variables and clinics. One of the limitations of the study has to do with the shortage of data for LVM samples. Despite growing empirical evidence that has emerged there is still a long way to go. At this point it is also represented the limitations of the study and discussed some proposals for future investigations

    Crosstalk between chromatin structure, cohesin activity and transcription

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    Background: A complex interplay between chromatin and topological machineries is critical for genome architec‑ ture and function. However, little is known about these reciprocal interactions, even for cohesin, despite its multiple roles in DNA metabolism. Results: We have used genome‑wide analyses to address how cohesins and chromatin structure impact each other in yeast. Cohesin inactivation in scc1‑73 mutants during the S and G2 phases causes specific changes in chromatin structure that preferentially take place at promoters; these changes include a significant increase in the occupancy of the − 1 and + 1 nucleosomes. In addition, cohesins play a major role in transcription regulation that is associated with specific promoter chromatin architecture. In scc1‑73 cells, downregulated genes are enriched in promoters with short or no nucleosome‑free region (NFR) and a fragile “nucleosome − 1/RSC complex” particle. These results, together with a preferential increase in the occupancy of nucleosome − 1 of these genes, suggest that cohesins promote transcription activation by helping RSC to form the NFR. In sharp contrast, the scc1‑73 upregulated genes are enriched in promoters with an “open” chromatin structure and are mostly at cohesin‑enriched regions, suggesting that a local accumulation of cohesins might help to inhibit transcription. On the other hand, a dramatic loss of chromatin integrity by histone depletion during DNA replication has a moderate effect on the accumulation and distribution of cohesin peaks along the genome. Conclusions: Our analyses of the interplay between chromatin integrity and cohesin activity suggest that cohesins play a major role in transcription regulation, which is associated with specific chromatin architecture and cohesin‑ mediated nucleosome alterations of the regulated promoters. In contrast, chromatin integrity plays only a minor role in the binding and distribution of cohesins.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes BFU2012-38171, BFU2015-63698-PAndalusian Government P12-CTS-227