151 research outputs found

    Anacamptis × dafnii nothosubsp. solanoi Serra & López Esp., nothosubsp. nov. (Orchidaceae), un híbrido nuevo

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    Anacamptis × dafnii nothosubsp. solanoi Serra & López Esp., nothosubsp. nov. is described and illustrated. It is a hybrid of A. collina and A. papilionacea subsp. grandiflora. Its known distribution and current situation in Spain are here presented, as well as its relationships with other hybrids of the A. papilionacea group.Se describe e ilustra Anacamptis ? dafnii nothosubsp. solanoi Serra & López Esp., nothosubsp. nov., un híbrido de A. collina y A. papilionacea subsp. grandiflora. Se ofrece su distribución y situación actual en España, así como su relación con otros híbridos del grupo de A. papilionacea

    Un año de registro de traumatismos graves en Cataluña. Análisis de los primeros resultados

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    Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados del primer año de implantación de un registro poblacional hospitalario de traumatismos graves en Cataluña (TraumCat). Método: Un total de 15 hospitales han recogido de forma prospectiva información sobre pacientes traumáticos graves, adultos y pediátricos (menores de 16 años), durante un periodo de un año (del 1 julio 2012 al 1 julio 2013) y la han introducido en un registro informatizado accesible en red. Resultados: Se han registrado 1.106 casos de pacientes con traumatismos de alta energía (12,2% en menores de 16 años). Un 84% de los traumatismos fueron no intencionales en adultos jóvenes. El 54,4% de los traumatismos se originaron en accidentes de circulación y el 26,9% en precipitaciones. Un 5,4% correspondían a agresiones. Un 46% de pacientes presentaban un ISS mayor a 15, mientras que el NISS era mayor a 15 en un 51%. La tasa media de mortalidad fue del 10%. Sin embargo, en mayores de 60 años la tasa alcanzó el 25,2%. Conclusiones: TraumCat permite conocer la dimensión y evaluar el proceso asistencial en torno al traumatismo grave en Cataluña. Es preciso avanzar en la consolidación y mejora de esta herramienta como estrategia de monitorización del proceso asistencial y análisis de resultados

    Early prognostic performance of miR155-5p monitoring for the risk of rejection: Logistic regression with a population pharmacokinetic approach in adult kidney transplant patients

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    Previous results from our group and others have shown that urinary pellet expression of miR155-5p and urinary CXCL-10 production could play a key role in the prognosis and diagnosis of acute rejection (AR) in kidney transplantation patients. Here, a logistic regression model was developed using NONMEM to quantify the relationships of miR155-5p urinary expression, CXCL-10 urinary concentration and tacrolimus and mycophenolic acid (MPA) exposure with the probability of AR in adult kidney transplant patients during the early post-transplant period. Owing to the contribution of therapeutic drug monitoring to achieving target exposure, neither tacrolimus nor MPA cumulative exposure was identified as a predictor of AR in the studied population. Even though CXCL-10 urinary concentration showed a trend, its effect on AR was not significant. In contrast, urinary miR155-5p expression was prognostic of clinical outcome. Monitoring miR155-5p urinary pellet expression together with immunosuppressive drug exposure could be very useful during routine clinical practice to identify patients with a potential high risk of rejection at the early stages of the post-transplant period. This early risk assessment would allow for the optimization of treatment and improved prevention of AR

    Isotopic niche partitioning in two sympatric howler monkey species

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    ObjectivesEcological similarity between species can lead to interspecific trophic competition. However, when ecologically similar species coexist, they may differ in foraging strategies and habitat use, which can lead to niche partitioning. As the body tissues of consumers contain a stable isotope signature that reflects the isotopic composition of their diet, stable isotope analysis is a useful tool to study feeding behavior. We measured the isotopic niche width, which is a proxy for trophic niche width, of mantled (Alouatta palliata) and black (A. pigra) howler monkeys. Specifically, studied populations in allopatry and sympatry to assess whether these species showed niche partitioning.Materials and MethodsBetween 2008 and 2012, we collected hair samples from 200 subjects (113 black and 87 mantled howler monkeys) and used continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry to estimate δ13C and δ15N. We described the isotopic niche width of each species in allopatry and sympatry with the Bayesian estimation of the standard ellipse areas.ResultsIn allopatry, isotopic niche width and isotopic variation were similar in both species. In sympatry, black howler monkeys had a significantly broader isotopic niche, which was mainly determined by high δ15N values, and included the majority of mantled howler monkeys’ isotopic niche. The isotopic niche of mantled howler monkeys did not differ between sympatry and allopatry.ConclusionsThe coexistence of these ecologically similar species may be linked to trophic niche adjustments by one species, although the particular features of such adjustments (e.g., dietary, spatial, or sensory partitioning) remain to be addressed.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155926/1/ajpa24028.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155926/2/ajpa24028_am.pd

    HII regions in the CALIFA survey: I. Catalog presentation

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    We present a new catalogue of H II regions based on the integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data of the extended CALIFA and PISCO samples. The selection of H II regions was based on two assumptions: a clumpy structure with high contrast of H α emission and an underlying stellar population comprising young stars. The catalogue provides the spectroscopic information of 26 408 individual regions corresponding to 924 galaxies, including the flux intensities and equivalent widths of 51 emission lines covering the wavelength range between 3745 and 7200 Å. To our knowledge, this is the largest catalogue of spectroscopic properties of H II regions. We explore a new approach to decontaminate the emission lines from diffuse ionized gas contribution. This diffuse gas correction was estimated to correct every emission line within the considered spectral range. With the catalogue of H II regions corrected, new demarcation lines are proposed for the classical diagnostic diagrams. Finally, we study the properties of the underlying stellar populations of the H II regions. It was found that there is a direct relationship between the ionization conditions on the nebulae and the properties of stellar populations besides the physicals condition on the ionized regions.Fil: Espinosa Ponce, Carlos. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Sánchez, S. F.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Morisset, C.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Barrera Ballesteros, J. K.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Galbany, Lluís. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: García Benito, Rubén. Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Lacerda, E. A. D.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Mast, Damian. Archivo del Observatorio Astronomico de Cordoba ; Observatorio Astronomico de Cordoba ; Rectorado ; Universidad Nacional de Cordoba; . Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Single loss of a Trp53 allele triggers an increased oxidative, DNA damage and cytokine inflammatory responses through deregulation of IκBα expression

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    Dose of Trp53, the main keeper of genome stability, influences tumorigenesis; however, the causes underlying and driving tumorigenesis over time by the loss of a single p53 allele are still poorly characterized. Here, we found that single p53 allele loss specifically impacted the oxidative, DNA damage and inflammatory status of hematopoietic lineages. In particular, single Trp53 allele loss in mice triggered oxidative stress in peripheral blood granulocytes and spleenocytes, whereas lack of two Trp53 alleles produced enhanced oxidative stress in thymus cells, resulting in a higher incidence of lymphomas in the Trp53 knockout (KO) mice compared with hemizygous (HEM). In addition, single or complete loss of Trp53 alleles, as well as p53 downregulation, led to a differential increase in basal, LPS- and UVB-induced expression of a plethora of pro-inflammatory cytokine, such as interleukin-12 (Il-12a), TNFα (Tnfa) and interleukin (Il-23a) in bone marrow-derived macrophage cells (BMDMs) compared to WT cells. Interestingly, p53-dependent increased inflammatory gene expression correlated with deregulated expression of the NF-κB pathway inhibitor IκBα. Chromatin immunoprecipitation data revealed decreased p65 binding to Nfkbia in the absence of p53 and p53 binding to Nfkbia promoter, uncovering a novel crosstalk mechanism between p53 and NF-κB transcription factors. Overall, our data suggest that single Trp53 allele loss can drive a sustained inflammatory, DNA damage and oxidative stress response that, over time, facilitate and support carcinogenesis

    Risk of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among travellers visiting friends and relatives to continental Latin America

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    Chagas disease (CD) is regarded as a possible risk for travellers to endemic areas of continental Latin America (LA). The aim of the study is to determine the risk of Trypanosoma cruzi (TC) infection among travellers to CD endemic areas and to identify risk factors for acquiring TC infection. We designed a multicenter cross-sectional study among travellers in Spain (Badalona, Barcelona and Madrid). All available adults with laboratory confirmed proof of absence of TC infection from January 2012 to December 2015 were contacted. Participants referring a trip to LA after the negative TC screening were offered to participate. We performed a standardized questionnaire of travel related factors and measurement of TC antibodies in serum. A total of 971 participants with baseline negative TC serology were selected from the microbiology records. After excluding participants not meeting inclusion criteria, eighty participants were selected. Sixty three (78.8%) were female, and the median age was 38 (IQR 34-47) years. The reason to travel was visiting friends and relatives in 98.8% of the participants. The median duration of travel was 40 (IQR 30-60) days, with 4911 participants-day of exposure. Seventy seven cases (96.25%) participants had two negative TC serology tests after the travel, two cases (2.5%) had discordant serology results (considered false positive results) and one case was infected before travelling to LA. According to our data, the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the incidence rate of TC acquisition in travellers is 0.8 per 1000 participant-days. Among 79 non-CD travellers to TC endemic areas, we found no cases of newly acquired TC infection. The incidence rate of TC acquisition in travellers to endemic countries is less than or equal to 0.8 per 1000 traveller-days. Chagas disease is caused by the protozoan parasite T. cruzi. It is endemic in certain areas of continental Latin America. Few cases of T. cruzi infection have been described in travellers. However, there is little information regarding the incidence rate of T. cruzi infection during a trip to continental Latin America. In this study we aim to study the incidence of T. cruzi infection among migrants from Latin America living in Spain travelling to visit friends and relatives. In this study we found no cases of newly acquired T. cruzi infection among 79 previously uninfected travellers and calculate that the upper limit of the 95% CI of the incidence rate of T. cruzi acquisition in travellers is 0.8 per 1000 participants-da

    Vertebral fracture risk in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: the role of hypogonadism and corticosteroid boluses

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors associated with fragility fracture (FF) development in glucocorticoid (GC)-treated patients. Methods: 127 patients (aged 62±18 years, 63% women) on GC-treatment (mean dose 14.5±14.1 mg/day and duration 47.7±69 months) were included. The clinical data collected included bone metabolism study (including gonadal axis), GC-treatment, disease activity, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis (evaluating densitometric osteoporosis (OP) and trabecular bone score (TBS) degraded microarchitecture values (DMA)), X-ray (assessing vertebral fractures (VF)), FRAX risk (GC-adjusted) and previous FF. Results: 17% of the patients had VF, 28% FF (VF and/or non-VF), 29% OP and 52% DMA. Patients with VF received more GC boluses (57.1% vs 29.5%, p=0.03), were older (68±13 vs 60±19 years, p=0.02), postmenopausal (100% vs 67%, p=0.02), had low testosterone levels (57% vs 11%, p=0.02), lower TBS values (1.119±0.03 vs 1.237±0.013, p100, p=0.01) and having received GC boluses (OR 3.45; 95% CI 1.04 to 12.15, p=0.01) were the main factors related to VF. Hypogonadism (OR 7.03; 95% CI 1.47 to 38.37, p=0.01) and FRAX >20 (OR 7.08; 95% CI 1.28 to 53.71, p=0.02) were factors related to FF. Conclusion: Hypogonadism is the principal risk factor for developing fractures in GC-treated men and women, whereas receiving GC boluses is a major factor for VF. These results indicate the importance of evaluating the gonadal axis in these patients

    Blocking IL-6 signaling prevents astrocyte-induced neurodegeneration in an iPSC-based model of Parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease associated with progressive death of midbrain dopamine (DAn) neurons in the substantia nigra (SN). Since it has been proposed that patients with PD exhibit an overall proinflammatory state, and since astrocytes are key mediators of the inflammation response in the brain, here we sought to address whether astrocyte-mediated inflammatory signaling could contribute to PD neuropathology. For this purpose, we generated astrocytes from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) representing patients with PD and healthy controls. Transcriptomic analyses identified a unique inflammatory gene expression signature in PD astrocytes compared with controls. In particular, the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 was found to be highly expressed and released by PD astrocytes and was found to induce toxicity in DAn. Mechanistically, neuronal cell death was mediated by IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) expressed in human PD neurons, leading to downstream activation of STAT3. Blockage of IL-6R by the addition of the FDA-approved anti-IL-6R antibody, Tocilizumab, prevented PD neuronal death. SN neurons overexpressing IL-6R and reactive astrocytes expressing IL-6 were detected in postmortem brain tissue of patients at early stages of PD. Our findings highlight the potential role of astrocyte-mediated inflammatory signaling in neuronal loss in PD and pave the way for the design of future therapeutics