12 research outputs found


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    In this work we characterize how the instrumental criteria used by the contemporary capitalism are the roots of the existing economical, social and political crisis among the occidental societies. We also criticize the ambivalent ethical approach that these societies adopt cheering the system when facilitates their development and looking for others to blame when they are excluded by the capitalism. Finally, we claim for the need of a new individual and social educational approach to build up a new contemporary citizen.En el presente artículo caracterizamos cómo los criterios instrumentales del capitalismo contemporáneo fundamentan la crisis actual, económica, social y política, de las sociedades occidentales. De la misma manera criticamos la ambivalencia ética que se produce en dichas sociedades avanzadas alabando al propio sistema capitalista cuando éste les beneficia y culpabilizando a terceros cuando éste les excluye. Por último destacamos la necesidad de una nueva educación, de un nuevo enfoque individual y social en la conformación del ciudadano contemporáneo

    O papel dos gestores atuais para sobreviver num ambiente VUCA

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    O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sucintamente sobre as disruptivas e rápidas mudanças que estão ocorrendo no nosso mundo e, mais profundamente, apresentar um modelo para que os indivíduos que dele fazem parte e as organizações que nele operam, possam liderar uma transformação e uma mudança de paradigma, (co)criando essa nova realidade. Descrevem-se um conjunto de pressupostos caracterizadores da época em que vivemos e apresenta-se um modelo holístico de intervenção (individual, equipas, processos/projetos, organizacional e social) no sentido de catalisar processos de mudança normalmente difíceis de concretizar. Líderes e gestores em geral e os gestores de recursos em particular, podem e devem assumir a responsabilidade de imaginar um futuro diferente e melhor para si, para as suas equipas, organizações e em última instância para a sociedade.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Postnatal exposure to mercury and neuropsychological development among preschooler children

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    The objective of this study was to describe the postnatal exposure to Hg and to evaluate its association with neuropsychological development among preschool children. The study population are 4–5 years old children (n = 1252) participant in the Spanish INMA Project. Total Hg was measured in cord blood and in hair samples taken at 4 years of age (2008–2012). Neuropsychological development was assessed using the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities (MSCA). Information on covariates and possible confounders was obtained by questionnaires during pregnancy and childhood. Generalized additive and linear regression models were built in order to assess the relationship between MSCA scores and Hg exposure. We also evaluated the magnitude of the possible bias generated from measurement error in seafood intake estimate from questionnaire and Hg determination. The geometric mean of hair Hg was 0.98 μg/g [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.94, 1.03]. In the regression analysis, the association between Hg and the MSCA scores was positive for all the scales and statistically significant for the verbal (β = 0.89; 95%CI 0.38, 1.39), memory (β = 0.42; 95%CI 0.09, 0.76) and general cognitive scales (β = 1.35; 95%CI 0.45, 2.25). However, these associations were clearly attenuated when we adjusted by the children’s fish intake variables or when took into account theoretical scenarios of low precision in fish intake and Hg measurements. Hg levels in this Spanish population were high in comparison with other European countries; however, we did not observe adverse effects on child neuropsychological development associated with this postnatal exposure to Hg


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    En el presente artículo caracterizamos cómo los criterios instrumentales del capitalismo contemporáneo fundamentan la crisis actual, económica, social y política, de las sociedades occidentales. De la misma manera criticamos la ambivalencia ética que se produce en dichas sociedades avanzadas alabando al propio sistema capitalista cuando éste les beneficia y culpabilizando a terceros cuando éste les excluye. Por último destacamos la necesidad de una nueva educación, de un nuevo enfoque individual y social en la conformación del ciudadano contemporáneo.In this work we characterize how the instrumental criteria used by the contemporary capitalism are the roots of the existing economical, social and political crisis among the occidental societies. We also criticize the ambivalent ethical approach that these societies adopt cheering the system when facilitates their development and looking for others to blame when they are excluded by the capitalism. Finally, we claim for the need of a new individual and social educational approach to build up a new contemporary citizen.En el presente artículo caracterizamos cómo los criterios instrumentales del capitalismo contemporáneo fundamentan la crisis actual, económica, social y política, de las sociedades occidentales. De la misma manera criticamos la ambivalencia ética que se produce en dichas sociedades avanzadas alabando al propio sistema capitalista cuando éste les beneficia y culpabilizando a terceros cuando éste les excluye. Por último destacamos la necesidad de una nueva educación, de un nuevo enfoque individual y social en la conformación del ciudadano contemporáneo

    El ciudadano del capitalismo contemporáneo. Una caracterización de la alta dirección de las empresas multinacionales.

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    [spa] En esta tesis, a partir de identificar y describir los rasgos principales del capitalismo contemporáneo (desde 1980, aproximadamente, hasta la actualidad, julio de 2014) y de reflexionar cómo, dada su racionalidad instrumental, es capaz de alinear medios de manera altamente eficiente sin evaluar los fines, en sí mismos, que persigue, concluimos que la conformación, la fabricación del ciudadano contemporáneo, lejos de ser casual o natural, responde a las exigencias y necesidades que el propio sistema, en pos de su expansión y crecimiento, genera. Tanto en su faceta de mercancía (como fuerza de trabajo a adquirir), como en su faceta productora (en la ejecución de sus tareas y funciones) como, finalmente, en su faceta consumidora (necesaria para alimentar y acelerar el crecimiento del sistema) el ciudadano medio contemporáneo es producido por el sistema capitalista como un medio más, como un recurso más, necesario para su propia expansión. En su caracterización contemporánea el ciudadano medio es elegido y excluido por el sistema en función de su competitividad global comparada estando, en cierta manera, predestinado a su exclusión, más temprana que tardía, desde el mismo momento de su inclusión. Este proceso de inclusión y exclusión es liderado, ejecutado, en buena medida, por los sujetos caracterizados en nuestra tesis (la alta dirección de las empresas multinacionales cotizadas, representativas de la mitad del Producto Interior Bruto mundial). Específicamente, en lo que respecta a estas figuras, profundizamos en cómo son fabricadas y constituidas como mercancías de alto valor añadido completamente alineadas con los criterios, valores y carácter que el sistema capitalista contemporáneo requiere. La separación entre propiedad y gestión, la maximización de beneficios en el menor plazo, la exigida servidumbre al reino del capital impaciente apátrida y global, el cambio permanente y acelerado y, por último, la competitividad, el crecimiento y la expansión global se traducen en una serie de conocimientos, habilidades, competencias, criterios y valores con los que estos ciudadanos son global e uniformemente producidos (tanto a partir de las realidades empresariales de estas corporaciones multinacionales, de sus culturas corporativas, como, de manera más específica, en las escuelas de negocios) para estar alineados con los fines y para ser capaces de alcanzar los objetivos que el sistema capitalista contemporáneo define y necesita. En su faceta productiva, en el ejercicio de sus funciones, estos gestores son el paradigma de la instrumentalidad del razonamiento del sistema alineando medios para maximizar beneficios en el menor plazo y así tratar de mantener la competitividad global comparada que, sin duda, se les exige. En paralelo, la utilización de todos los medios a su alcance (asesores y consultores especializados) para separar el poder que atesoran de la responsabilidad que se les pudiese atribuir en función de los resultados que de sus decisiones pudieran derivarse, se convierte en una característica clave de estos gestores. En la persecución de la máxima rentabilidad todos los medios disponibles son utilizados, estén estos avalados o sancionados por otros poderes contemporáneos (legales o políticos) o por consideraciones éticas o morales. El fin que, en su condición de primeros ejecutivos de estas multinacionales deben inexorablemente alcanzar, la maximización de beneficios en el menor plazo y la expansión global del propio sistema, dada su conformación en criterios y valores, justifica cualquier toma de decisiones y/o curso de acción en su faceta ejecutiva. Como consumidores, aun a pesar de su alto poder adquisitivo y sus múltiples opciones de compra, acaban, en lo que a sus consumos se refiere, conformando un “habitus”, una pertenencia fáctica al colectivo que estas figuras conforman de modo y manera que les haga reconocibles y les califique como pertenecientes a una élite que, en ocasiones, se convierte en consumidor de referencia. De manera más sintomática, se constituyen como los auténticos consumidores de otros ciudadanos mediante la toma de decisiones ejecutivas para la que han sido conformados. Se constituyen, como figuras emblemáticas que son del capitalismo contemporáneo, en la encarnación del espíritu de dicho capitalismo y en el brazo ejecutor de su expansión, quedando las posibles consecuencias de sus actos, sociales o individuales (aquellas de índole no económico ni financiero con repercusión en el corto plazo) fuera del análisis y/o de los objetivos a alcanzar. Nuestras conclusiones, que conjugan la experiencia y el conocimiento directo de estas figuras (con entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 400 de estos gestores durante más de veinte años), una visión “desde dentro”, y la reflexión filosófica, externa al propio sistema, una visión “desde fuera”, nos permite caracterizar por primera vez a estas figuras y mostrar no sólo su relevancia y paradigmático e instrumental alineamiento con los criterios del capitalismo contemporáneo, sino también la dramática eficiencia y la implacable eficacia del capitalismo contemporáneo en la violenta conformación del ciudadano que el sistema necesita para su expansión, aunque ni su crecimiento ni la globalización, ni sus consecuencias, responda a unos fines que hayan sido pensados ni valorados por la instrumentalidad del razonamiento del sistema.[eng] In this thesis, after identifying and describing the main features of contemporary capitalism (since 1980, approximately, to present, July 2014) and after reflecting on how, given its instrumental rationality, it is capable of aligning means highly efficiently without evaluating the final objectives, in themselves, that the system itself is chasing, we conclude that the conformation, the production of the contemporary citizen, far from casual or natural, responds to the demands and needs that the capitalism, focused in its expansion and growth, itself generates. Both in his role as merchandise (such as labor force to acquire), and his production role (in the execution of their tasks and functions) and finally in the consumer role (needed to power and accelerate the growth of the system) the contemporary average citizen is produced by the capitalist system as a tool, as a resource necessary for its own expansion. In its contemporary characterization the average citizen is chosen and excluded by the system in terms of its overall compared competitiveness being, in some way, predestined to their exclusion, earlier than later, from the time of its inclusion. This process of inclusion and exclusion is led, performed, largely by the subjects characterized in our thesis (senior management of listed multinational companies, representing half of global GDP). Specifically, with regard to these figures, we delve into how they are made and constituted as high value-added goods completely aligned with the criteria, values and character that contemporary capitalism requires. The key features of this system: the separation between ownership and management, maximizing profits in the shortest possible period, the required easement to the kingdom of eager stateless and global capital, permanent and rapid change and, finally, competitiveness, growth and global expansion; translate into a range of specific knowledge, skills, competencies, criteria and values that these citizens have to have, as they are globally and uniformly produced (both from business realities of these multinational corporations, their corporate cultures, and, more specifically, in business schools) in order to be aligned with the system’s goals and in order to be able to achieve the objectives defined by the contemporary capitalist system and its very demanding needs. In its productive role, in the exercise of their functions, these managers are the paradigm of the instrumentality of the reasoning of aligning means to maximize profits in the shortest period and, therefore, fighting to maintain the global competitiveness that, undoubtedly, is required from their actions. In parallel, the use of all means available (specialized consultants) to separate the power they have from the responsibility that it could be attributed to them (according to the bad results that, potentially, could appear due to their decisions), becomes a key feature in the production role of these managers. Additionally, in the pursuit of maximum returns all available means are used, regardless if they are endorsed or sanctioned by other (legal or political) powers or other contemporary ethical or moral considerations. The goal they must inevitably reach, in his role as chief executives of these multinationals, is maximizing profits in the shortest period of time and, at the same time, the overall and global expansion of the system itself. Considering their conformation, according to the criteria and values of the contemporary capitalism, their decisions, actions and their consequences are always justified according to the contemporary capitalism criteria. As consumers, even despite their high purchasing power and the multiple buying options they have, they end up, just in what their consumption is concerned, forming a "habitus", a factual belonging to the group that these figures conform. Doing so, following a not previously defined but yet existing buying pattern, contributes to make them recognizable and qualifies them as belonging to an elite that often becomes a type of “consumer of reference”. More symptomatically, these figures constitute the real consumers of other citizens by executing their decision making process for which they have been produced. They are, as one of the more emblematic figures of contemporary capitalism, the incarnation of the spirit of the capitalism and the implementation arm of its expansion, leaving the possible consequences of their actions, social or individual (those with non-economic or financial nature) out of their analysis and out of the objectives and goals to be achieved. Our findings, which combine the experience with and the direct knowledge of these figures (in-depth interviews with 400 of these senior managers during the last twenty years), a vision "from within"; and a philosophical reflection, external to the system itself, a view "from outside"; allows us to characterize these figures for the first time. These combined exercises also allow us to show, not only their relevance and their paradigmatic and instrumental alignment with the criteria of contemporary capitalism, but also the dramatic efficiency and relentless effectiveness of contemporary capitalism in violently shaping the kind of citizen that the system needs for its own expansion. Although neither its expansion and growth nor globalization, nor its consequences, have been thought and evaluated by the instrumentality of the reasoning of the contemporary capitalism

    Exposure to metals and metalloids among pregnant women from Spain: Levels and associated factors

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    This study was funded by Grants from EU (FP7-ENV-2011 cod 282957 and HEALTH.2010.2.4.5-1); Spain: ISCIII (Red INMA G03/176, CB06/02/0041; FIS-FEDER: PI03/1615, PI04/1509, PI04/1112, PI04/1931, PI05/1079, PI05/1052, PI06/0867, PI06/1213, PI07/0314, PI09/00090, PI09/02647, PI11/01007, PI11/02591, PI11/02038, PI13/1944, PI13/2032, PI13/02187, PI14/00891, PI14/01687, PI16/1288, PI17/00663, PI18/01142 and PI19/1338; Miguel Servet FEDER MS15/00025, MS20/0006, CPII16/00051, and FIS-FSE: 17/00260); CIBERESP; Generalitat Valenciana: FISABIO (UGP 15-230, UGP-15-244, and UGP-15-249), AICO/2020/285, and Alicia Koplowitz Foundation 2017; Generalitat de Catalunya-CIRIT 1999SGR 00241; Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089 and 2015111065); Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (DFG06/002, DFG08/001 and DFG15/221). We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the "Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023" Programme (CEX2018000806-S), and from the Generalitat de Catalunya through the CERCA Programme, as well as the municipalities in the study area.Background: Humans are regularly exposed to metals and metalloids present in air, water, food, soil and domestic materials. Most of them can cross the placental barrier and cause adverse impacts on the developing foetus. Objectives: To describe the prenatal concentrations of metals and metalloids and to study the associated sociodemographic, environmental and dietary factors in pregnant Spanish women. Methods: Subjects were 1346 pregnant women of the INMA Project, for whom the following metals arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), thallium (Tl) and zinc (Zn) were determined in urine, at both the first and the third trimesters of gestation. Sociodemographic, dietary and environmental information was collected through questionnaires during pregnancy. Multiple linear mixed models were built in order to study the association between each metal and metalloid concentrations and the sociodemographic, environmental and dietary factors. Results: The most detected compounds were As, Co, Mo, Sb, Se and Zn at both trimesters. Zn was the element found in the highest concentrations at both trimesters and Tl was detected in the lowest concentrations. We observed significant associations between As, Cd, Cu, Sb, Tl and Zn concentrations and working situation, social class and age. Seafood, meat, fruits, nuts, vegetables and alcohol intake affected the levels of all the metals but Cd and Cu. Proximity to industrial areas, fields and air pollution were related to all metals except Cd, Sb and Se. Conclusions: This is the first large prospective longitudinal study on the exposure to metals and metalloids during pregnancy and associated factors to include several cohorts in Spain. The present study shows that some modifiable lifestyles, food intakes and environmental factors could be associated with prenatal exposure to metal (loid)s, which may be considered in further studies to assess their relationship with neonatal health outcomes.European Commission 282957 HEALTH.2010.2.4.5-1Spain: ISCIII Red INMA G03/176 CB06/02/0041 CIBERESPGeneralitat Valenciana: FISABIO UGP 15-230 UGP-15-244 UGP-15-249 AICO/2020/285Alicia Koplowitz FoundationGeneralitat de CatalunyaGeneral Electric CIRIT 1999SGR 00241Department of Health of the Basque Government 2005111093 2009111069 2013111089 2015111065Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa DFG06/002 DFG08/001 DFG15/221Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities CEX2018000806-SGeneralitat de CatalunyaGeneral ElectricSpain (FIS-FEDER) PI03/1615 PI04/1509 PI04/1112 PI04/1931 PI05/1079 PI05/1052 PI06/0867 PI06/1213 PI07/0314 PI09/00090 PI09/02647 PI11/01007 PI11/02591 PI11/02038 PI13/1944 PI13/2032 PI13/02187Spain (Miguel Servet FEDER) MS15/00025 MS20/0006 CPII16/00051Spain (FIS-FSE) 17/00260the Spain (FIS-FEDER) PI14/00891 PI14/01687 PI16/1288 PI17/00663 PI18/01142 PI19/133

    Selenium status during pregnancy: Influential factors and effects on neuropsychological development among Spanish infants

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    Selenium (Se) has been positively associated with neurodevelopment in early life. However, its margin of safety is rather narrow, and few prospective studies have evaluated its potential neurotoxic effects at intermediate levels. We aimed to explore the association between maternal Se concentrations and child neuropsychological development, including the genetic effect modification of the Se metabolizing gene INMT. Study subjects were 650 mother-child pairs from the Spanish Childhood and Environment Project (INMA, 2003–2005). Infant neuropsychological development was assessed around 12 months of age by the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Sociodemographic and dietary characteristics were collected by questionnaire at the first and third trimester of gestation. Se was measured in serum samples at the first trimester. The mean serum Se concentration was 79.7 (standard deviation = 7.9) μg/L. In multivariate analysis, nonsignificant inverse linear associations were found between Se concentrations and standardized mental and psychomotor development scores (β (95% CI) = − 0.13 (− 0.29, 0.03) and β (95% CI) = − 0.08 (− 0.24, 0.07), respectively). Generalized additive models indicated inverted U-shaped relationships between Se concentrations and both scales. Using segmented regression, the turning point for the associations was estimated at 86 μg/L for both scales. The association between Se and neuropsychological development was inverted U-shaped for children with the AG + AA genotype for rs6970396 INMT but a descending curve was suggested for the GG genotype. Further studies would be necessary in order to disentangle the complex equilibrium between the toxicity and benefits of Se exposure during the prenatal period

    Expression of huntingtin and TDP-43 derivatives in fission yeast can cause both beneficial and toxic effects

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    Many neurodegenerative disorders display protein aggregation as a hallmark, Huntingtin and TDP-43 aggregates being characteristic of Huntington disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, respectively. However, whether these aggregates cause the diseases, are secondary by-products, or even have protective effects, is a matter of debate. Mutations in both human proteins can modulate the structure, number and type of aggregates, as well as their toxicity. To study the role of protein aggregates in cellular fitness, we have expressed in a highly tractable unicellular model different variants of Huntingtin and TDP-43. They each display specific patterns of aggregation and toxicity, even though in both cases proteins have to be very highly expressed to affect cell fitness. The aggregation properties of Huntingtin, but not of TDP-43, are affected by chaperones such as Hsp104 and the Hsp40 couple Mas5, suggesting that the TDP-43, but not Huntingtin, derivatives have intrinsic aggregation propensity. Importantly, expression of the aggregating form of Huntingtin causes a significant extension of fission yeast lifespan, probably as a consequence of kidnapping chaperones required for maintaining stress responses off. Our study demonstrates that in general these prion-like proteins do not cause toxicity under normal conditions, and in fact they can protect cells through indirect mechanisms which up-regulate cellular defense pathways.This work is supported by grant PGC2018-093920-B-I00 to E.H, funded by MCINN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, by the “European Union”. The Oxidative Stress and Cell Cycle group is also supported by Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) (2017-SGR-539) and by Excellence Unit «María de Maeztu» Grant CEX2018-000792-M funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. E.H. is recipient of an ICREA Academia Award (Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain)

    Mielopatía cervical: análisis retrospectivo de los resultados quirúrgicos de 54 pacientes tratados mediante discectomía y fusión intersomática por vía anterior

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    Mielopatía cervical: análisis retrospectivo de los resultados quirúrgicos de 54 pacientes tratados mediante discectomía y fusión intersomática por vía anterio