160 research outputs found

    Exploring the formation of spheroidal galaxies out to z ∌ 1.5 in GOODS

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    The formation of massive spheroidal galaxies is studied on a visually classified sample extracted from the Advanced Camera for Surveys/Hubble Space Telescope (ACS/HST) images of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey north and south fields, covering a total area of 360 arcmin . The sample size (910 galaxies brighter than i = 24) allows us to explore in detail the evolution over a wide range of redshifts (0.4 10 M galaxies by a factor of 2 between z = 1 and 0, in contrast with a factor of ∌50 for lower mass galaxies (10 <M / M <10 ). One-quarter of the whole sample of early types are photometrically classified as blue galaxies. On a volume-limited sample out to z <0.7, the average stellar mass of the blue ellipticals is 5 × 10 M compared to 4 × 10 M for red ellipticals. On a volume-limited subsample out to z = 1.4 probing the brightest galaxies (M <-21), we find the median redshift of blue and red early types: 1.10 and 0.85, respectively. Blue early types only amount to 4 per cent of this sample (compared to 26 per cent in the full sample). The intrinsic colour distribution correlates overall bluer colours with blue cores (positive radial gradients of colour), suggesting an inside-out process of formation. The redshift evolution of the observed colour gradients is incompatible with a significant variation in stellar age within each galaxy. The slope of the Kormendy relation in the subsample of massive galaxies does not change over 0.4 <z <1.4 and is compatible with z = 0 values. The 'zero-point' of the Kormendy relation (i.e. the surface brightness at a fixed half-light radius) is 1 mag fainter (in the B band) for the subsample of low-mass (M <3.5 × 10 M ) early types.Peer reviewe

    Virgo cluster early-type dwarf galaxies with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IV. The color-magnitude relation

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    We present an analysis of the optical colors of 413 Virgo cluster early-type dwarf galaxies (dEs), based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging data. Our study comprises (1) a comparison of the color-magnitude relation (CMR) of the different dE subclasses that we identified in Paper III of this series, (2) a comparison of the shape of the CMR in low and high-density regions, (3) an analysis of the scatter of the CMR, and (4) an interpretation of the observed colors with ages and metallicities from population synthesis models. We find that the CMRs of nucleated (dE(N)) and non-nucleated dEs (dE(nN)) are significantly different from each other, with similar colors at fainter magnitudes (r > 17 mag), but increasingly redder colors of the dE(N)s at brighter magnitudes. We interpret this with older ages and/or higher metallicities of the brighter dE(N)s. The dEs with disk features have similar colors as the dE(N)s and seem to be only slightly younger and/or less metal-rich on average. Furthermore, we find a small but significant dependence of the CMR on local projected galaxy number density, consistently seen in all of u-r, g-r, and g-i, and weakly i-z. We deduce that a significant intrinsic color scatter of the CMR is present, even when allowing for a distance spread of our galaxies. No increase of the CMR scatter at fainter magnitudes is observed down to r = 17 mag (Mr = -14 mag). The color residuals, i.e., the offsets of the data points from the linear fit to the CMR, are clearly correlated with each other in all colors for the dE(N)s and for the full dE sample. We conclude that there must be at least two different formation channels for early-type dwarfs in order to explain the heterogeneity of this class of galaxy. (Abridged)Comment: 17 pages + 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A

    Internal convection in thermoelectric generator models

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    Coupling between heat and electrical currents is at the heart of thermoelectric processes. From a thermal viewpoint this may be seen as an additional thermal flux linked to the appearance of electrical current in a given thermoelectric system. Since this additional flux is associated to the global displacement of charge carriers in the system, it can be qualified as convective in opposition to the conductive part associated with both phonons transport and heat transport by electrons under open circuit condition, as, e.g., in the Wiedemann-Franz relation. In this article we demonstrate that considering the convective part of the thermal flux allows both new insight into the thermoelectric energy conversion and the derivation of the maximum power condition for generators with realistic thermal coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    The young stellar population at the center of NGC 205

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    Context. NGC 205 is a peculiar dwarf elliptical galaxy hosting in its center a population of young blue stars. Their origin is still matter of debate, the central fresh star formation activity possibly being related to dynamical interactions between NGC 205 and M31. Aims. The star formation history in the central 30\arcsec (∌\sim120 pc) around the NGC 205 central nucleus is investigated in order to obtain clues to the origin of the young stellar population. Methods. Deep HST/ACS CCD photometry is compared with theoretical isochrones and luminosity functions to characterize the stellar content of the region under study and compute the recent SF rate. Results. Our photometry reveals a previously undetected blue plume of young stars clearly distinguishable down to I≃\simeq26. Our analysis suggests that 1.9×105\times10^5 M⊙_\odot were produced between approximately 62 Myr and 335 Myr ago in the NGC 205 inner regions, with a latest minor episode occurring ∌\sim25 Myr ago. This implies a star formation rate of ∌7×10−4\sim7\times10^{-4} M⊙_\odot/yr over this period. Conclusions. The excellent fit of the observed luminosity function of young main sequence stars obtained with a model having a constant star formation rate argues against a tidally triggered star formation activity over the last ∌\sim300 Myr. Rather, a constant SF may be consistent with NGC 205 being on its first interaction with M 31.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A letter

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey: VII. Dust in cluster dwarf elliptical galaxies

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    We use the Science Demonstration Phase data of the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey to search for dust emission of early-type dwarf galaxies in the central regions of the Virgo Cluster as an alternative way of identifying the interstellar medium.We present the first possible far-infrared detection of cluster early-type dwarf galaxies: VCC781 and VCC951 are detected at the 10 sigma level in the SPIRE 250 micron image. Both detected galaxies have dust masses of the order of 10^5 Msun and average dust temperatures ~20K. The detection rate (less than 1%) is quite high compared to the 1.7% detection rate for Hi emission, considering that dwarfs in the central regions are more Hi deficient. We conclude that the removal of interstellar dust from dwarf galaxies resulting from ram pressure stripping, harassment, or tidal effects must be as efficient as the removal of interstellar gas.Comment: Letter accepted for publication in A&A (Herschel special issue

    A deep view on the Virgo cluster core

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    In this study we investigate the optical photometric properties of early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster core region, by analysing their location on the colour magnitude relation (CMR) and the structural scaling relations down to faint magnitudes, and by constructing the luminosity function to compare it with theoretical expectations. We visually select potential cluster members based on morphology and angular size, excluding spiral galaxies. A photometric analysis has been carried out for 295 galaxies, using surface brightness profile shape and colour as further criteria to identify probable background contaminants. 216 galaxies are considered to be certain or probable Virgo cluster members. Our study reveals 77 galaxies not catalogued in the VCC (with 13 of them already found in previous studies) that are very likely Virgo cluster members because they follow the Virgo CMR and exhibit low Sersic indices. Those galaxies reach -8.7 mag in V band. The CMR shows a clear change in slope from dEs to dSphs, while the scatter of the CMR in the dSph regime does not increase significantly. Our sample might, however, be somewhat biased towards redder colours. The scaling relations given by the dEs appear to be continued by the dSphs indicating a similar origin. The observed change in the CMR slope may mark the point at which gas loss prevented significant metal enrichment. The almost constant scatter around the CMR possibly indicates a short formation period, resulting in similar stellar populations. The luminosity function shows a Schechter function's faint end slope of -1.50\pm0.17, implying a lack of galaxies related to the expected number of low-mass dark matter haloes from theoretical models. Our findings could be explained by suppressed star formation in low-mass dark matter halos or by tidal disruption of dwarfs in the dense core region of the cluster.Comment: A&A accepted, photometry of newly identified dwarf galaxies is provided in Table 3, 17 pages, 8 figure

    Relating basic properties of bright early-type dwarf galaxies to their location in Abell 901/902

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    We present a study of the population of bright early-type dwarf galaxies in the multiple-cluster system Abell 901/902. We use data from the STAGES survey and COMBO-17 to investigate the relation between the color and structural properties of the dwarfs and their location in the cluster. The definition of the dwarf sample is based on the central surface brightness and includes galaxies in the luminosity range -16 >= M_B >~-19 mag. Using a fit to the color magnitude relation of the dwarfs, our sample is divided into a red and blue subsample. We find a color-density relation in the projected radial distribution of the dwarf sample: at the same luminosity dwarfs with redder colors are located closer to the cluster centers than their bluer counterparts. Furthermore, the redder dwarfs are on average more compact and rounder than the bluer dwarfs. These findings are consistent with theoretical expectations assuming that bright early-type dwarfs are the remnants of transformed late-type disk galaxies involving processes such as ram pressure stripping and galaxy harassment. This indicates that a considerable fraction of dwarf elliptical galaxies in clusters are the results of transformation processes related to interactions with their host cluster.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, typo corrected in abstrac

    Evolution of field early-type galaxies: The view from GOODS/CDFS

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    (Abridged) We explore the evolution of field early-type galaxies on a sample extracted from GOODS/CDFS. The galaxies are selected by means of a non-parametric analysis followed by visual inspection. We exclude those galaxies which are not consistent with an evolution into the Kormendy relation. The final set comprises 249 galaxies with a median redshift z=0.7. The distribution of number counts versus apparent magnitude suggests a substantial decrease of the comoving number density with redshift. The majority of the galaxies feature passively evolving old stellar populations. One third of those in the upper half of the redshift distribution have blue colors, in contrast to only 10% in the lower redshift subsample. An adaptive binning of the color maps is performed to explore the internal color distribution. We find that most blue galaxies in our sample feature blue cores whereas most of the red early-types are passively evolving stellar populations with red cores. The color gradients and scatter do not evolve with redshift and are compatible with the observations at z=0 assuming a radial dependence of the metallicity within each galaxy. This work emphasizes the need for a careful sample selection, as we found that most of those galaxies which were visually classified as early types -- but then rejected based on the Kormendy relation -- feature blue colors characteristic of recent star formation.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures. Uses emulateapj. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Some figures in low resolutio

    Maternal knowledge of the risk of vertical transmission and offspring acquisition of hepatitis B.

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Universal vaccination at birth and in infancy is key to the elimination of chronic hepatitis B infection. We aimed to assess hepatitis B immune-prophylaxis and perinatal transmission knowledge, in a large and ethnically diverse cohort of previously pregnant North American women, chronically infected with hepatitis B. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Hepatitis B Research Network (HBRN) is comprised of 28 Clinical Centers in the United States and Canada. Female cohort participants were administered a questionnaire to assess: (1) their assertion of knowledge regarding HBV prophylaxis at birth, testing, and diagnosis of hepatitis B in their children, and (2) the percentage of affirmative to negative responses for each of the HBV-related interventions her child may have received. The relationship between asserted knowledge, actions taken and maternal demographics were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 351 mothers with 627 children born in or after 1992 were included. Median age at enrollment was 39.8 years. Mothers were mostly foreign-born with the largest percentage from Asia (73.4%) and Africa (11.7%). Of the 627 children, 94.5% had mothers who asserted that they knew whether their child had received HBIG or HBV vaccine at birth, for 88.8% of the children, their mothers indicated that they knew if their child was tested for HBV and for 84.5% of children, their mothers knew if the child was diagnosed with HBV infection. Among children whose mothers asserted knowledge of their HBV management, 95.3% were reported to have received HBIG or HBV vaccine, 83.4% of children were said to have been tested for HBV, and 4.8% of children were said to have been diagnosed with HBV. Younger maternal age was the only factor significantly associated with higher percentage of children for whom mothers reported knowledge of testing (p=0.02) or diagnosis of HBV (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: While high percentages of North American children had mothers asserting knowledge of HBV prophylaxis and testing, knowledge gaps remain, with mothers of 5.5-15.5% of children lacking knowledge of key components of the HBV prevention and diagnosis in the perinatal setting. Targeted education of HBsAg-positive mothers may aid in closing this gap and reducing vertical transmission

    HST Morphologies of z ~ 2 Dust-Obscured Galaxies II: Bump Sources

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of 22 ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z~2 with extremely red R-[24] colors (called dust-obscured galaxies, or DOGs) which have a local maximum in their spectral energy distribution (SED) at rest-frame 1.6um associated with stellar emission. These sources, which we call "bump DOGs", have star-formation rates of 400-4000 Msun/yr and have redshifts derived from mid-IR spectra which show strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission --- a sign of vigorous on-going star-formation. Using a uniform morphological analysis, we look for quantifiable differences between bump DOGs, power-law DOGs (Spitzer-selected ULIRGs with mid-IR SEDs dominated by a power-law and spectral features that are more typical of obscured active galactic nuclei than starbursts), sub-millimeter selected galaxies (SMGs), and other less-reddened ULIRGs from the Spitzer extragalactic First Look Survey (XFLS). Bump DOGs are larger than power-law DOGs (median Petrosian radius of 8.4 +/- 2.7 kpc vs. 5.5 +/- 2.3 kpc) and exhibit more diffuse and irregular morphologies (median M_20 of -1.08 +/- 0.05 vs. -1.48 +/- 0.05). These trends are qualitatively consistent with expectations from simulations of major mergers in which merging systems during the peak star-formation rate period evolve from M_20 = -1.0 to M_20 = -1.7. Less obscured ULIRGs (i.e., non-DOGs) tend to have more regular, centrally peaked, single-object morphologies rather than diffuse and irregular morphologies. This distinction in morphologies may imply that less obscured ULIRGs sample the merger near the end of the peak star-formation rate period. Alternatively, it may indicate that the intense star-formation in these less-obscured ULIRGs is not the result of a recent major merger.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 22 pages, 8 Figures, 7 Table
