24 research outputs found

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Municipios de Tunja, Sogamoso, Villa de Leyva y Soatá, Departamento de Boyacá

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    La violencia en Colombia ha sido un problema complejo durante décadas, con múltiples facetas, conflicto armado interno, grupos armados ilegales, narcotráfico y factores socioeconómicos. En las diferentes narrativas como la de Nelson “capítulo 4 historias que retornan” y el relato de Yurley sobre la masacre de El Salado dan cuentan de lo que el conflicto armado ha traído; víctimas civiles, desplazamientos internos y graves violaciones a los derechos humanos. Factores como la lucha por el control territorial, la producción de drogas ilícitas y las luchas políticas han contribuido a la persistencia de la violencia armada en muchas partes del país; través de las narrativas y la foto – voz logramos identificar eventos y experiencias que reflejan la realidad de manera coherente y que dan cuenta de situaciones que se han podido afrontar día a día y para las personas ha sido una forma de comunicar ideas, emociones y perspectivas vividas. Desde diferentes municipios del departamento de Boyacá se analizaron hechos que han surgido, en el norte del departamento entre Soatá y Boavita grupos armados derribaron el puente con explosivos dejando a las poblaciones incomunicadas, pérdidas económicas, dificultad para acceder a servicios médicos y educación. De igual forma en Villa de Leyva, Tunja y Sogamoso encontramos violencia de género y el uso de sustancias psicoactivas. A pesar de la devastación, los sujetos han encontrado fuerza en sus conexiones culturales y simbólicas, lo que les ha permitido demostrar su resiliencia, estos son factores fundamentales en su capacidad para superar los desafíos.Violence in Colombia has been a complex problem for decades, with multiple facets, internal armed conflict, illegal armed groups, drug trafficking and socioeconomic factors. In the different narratives such as Nelson's "chapter 4 stories that return" and Yurley's account of the El Salado massacre, they tell what the armed conflict has brought; civilian casualties, internal displacement and serious human rights violations. Factors such as the struggle for territorial control, illicit drug production and political strife have contributed to the persistence of armed violence in many parts of the country; Through narratives and photo-voice we manage to identify events and experiences that reflect reality in a coherent way and that account for situations that have been faced day by day and for people it has been a way of communicating ideas, emotions and perspectives lived. From different municipalities of the department of Boyacá were analyzed facts that have arisen, in the north of the department between Soatá and Boavita armed groups demolished the bridge with explosives leaving the populations incommunicado, economic losses, difficulty in accessing medical services and education. Similarly in Villa de Leyva, Tunja and Sogamoso we find gender violence and the use of psychoactive substances. Despite the devastation, the subjects have found strength in their cultural and symbolic connections, which has allowed them to demonstrate their resilience, these are fundamental factors in their ability to overcome challenges

    Violencia de la pareja íntima durante el embarazo y sus repercusiones en la salud mental

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    Este artículo presenta un estado del arte sobre violencia de la pareja íntima durante el embarazo y sus  implicaciones en la salud mental de la madre, partiendo de 13 artículos publicados entre 2000 y 2014, obtenidos mediante búsqueda en bases de datos (Pubmed, Medline, Nursing Consult, sCielo, Dialnet, Redalyc, Lilacs, Index y Bireme), utilizando como palabras clave: embarazo, violencia de la pareja íntima, salud mental e implicaciones. Los hallazgos de este estudio, muestran que la violencia de la pareja íntima durante el embarazo incrementa la depresión y depresión posparto, así como el malestar emocional en la gestante.  PALABRAS CLAVE: embarazo, género, salud mental, violencia doméstica. Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and its impact on the mental healthABSTRACTThis article presents a state of the art on intimate partner violence during pregnancy and its implications for the mental health of the mother, based on 13 articles published between 2000 and 2014, they were gotten by looking for databases (PubMed, Medline, Nursing Consult, SciELO, Dialnet, Redalyc, Lilacs, Index and Bireme), using as keywords: pregnancy, intimate partner violence, mental health and implications. The findings of this study show that intimate partner violence during pregnancy increases depression and postpartum depression, and emotional distress in pregnant women. KEYWORDS: pregnancy, gender, mental health, domestic violence. Violência por parceiro íntimo durante a gravidez e seu impacto sobre a saúde mental  RESUMOEste artigo apresenta um estado da arte sobre a violência por parceiro íntimo durante a gravidez e suas implicações para a saúde mental da mãe, com base em 13 artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2014, obtidos através de pesquisa bases de dados (PubMed, Medline, Enfermagem Consult, SciELO, Dialnet, Redalyc, Lilacs, Índice e Bireme), usando como palavras-chave: gravidez, violência por parceiro íntimo, saúde mental e implicações. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que a violência por parceiro íntimo durante a gravidez aumenta a depressão e depressão pós-parto, e problemas emocionais em mulheres grávidas.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: gravidez, género, saúde mental, violência doméstica

    Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples

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    Funder: NCI U24CA211006Abstract: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) curated consensus somatic mutation calls using whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS), respectively. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we compare WES and WGS side-by-side from 746 TCGA samples, finding that ~80% of mutations overlap in covered exonic regions. We estimate that low variant allele fraction (VAF < 15%) and clonal heterogeneity contribute up to 68% of private WGS mutations and 71% of private WES mutations. We observe that ~30% of private WGS mutations trace to mutations identified by a single variant caller in WES consensus efforts. WGS captures both ~50% more variation in exonic regions and un-observed mutations in loci with variable GC-content. Together, our analysis highlights technological divergences between two reproducible somatic variant detection efforts

    Effect of the thermal environment on thermoregulatory responses in sheep

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    A situação climática e suas consequências estão influenciando cada vez mais sobre as produções agropecuárias. Nas regiões tropicais existem espécies nativas de ovinos bem adaptadas ao clima quente, porém, mesmo nestes casos o estresse térmico afeta negativamente o seu desempenho e produtividade. A escolha de indivíduos que respondem adequadamente às variações do clima e as mudanças estratégicas sobre os manejos de produção serão indispensáveis para garantir o potencial produtivo e bem-estar dos ovinos. Nesse contexto, este estudo avaliou em condições de estresse térmico as respostas fisiológicas, endócrinas e anatómicas cutâneas de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e seus mestiços com as raças Dorper e White Dorper, caracterizando as capacidades fisiológicas durante o processo de aclimatação. Foram utilizadas trinta ovelhas divididas em três grupos: o primeiro grupo formado por dez animais da raça Santa Inês (SI) de pelagem e pele preta, o segundo grupo foi composto por dez ovelhas mestiças deslanadas (DES) e um terceiro grupo estabelecido por dez fêmeas mestiças semi-lanadas (LAN). Durante nove dias as ovelhas foram mantidas em câmara climática sujeitas ao estresse por calor à 37 ± 1,0°C durante três horas diárias. As respostas fisiológicas foram avaliadas medindo as temperaturas retal, ocular e superficial, a frequência respiratória e taxa de sudação. Além disso, foi analisada a histologia cutânea e glandular. Foram igualmente quantificados a concentração dos hormônios cortisol, T4 e T3. Após do tratamento térmico, as ovelhas LAN foram tosquiadas e submetidas novamente a um ciclo de estresse térmico. Foi realizado análise de variância dos dados e o modelo estatístico contemplou os efeitos as fases experimentais, dias, horas de amostragem e suas interações e animal como medida repetida. As médias foram comparadas Tukey-Kramer com nível de significância de 5%. A influência de temperaturas elevadas foi evidente sobre os três grupos de ovinos. O tratamento térmico promoveu o aumento da temperatura retal, ocular e superficial e da frequência respiratória, principalmente em ovinos LAN (P&lt;0,05). Independente do grupo genético observou-se que a eliminação de calor por via evaporativa cutânea é indispensável em ovinos para diminuir o desafio causado pelas altas temperaturas. A área das glândulas sudoríparas e a distância das mesmas em relação à epiderme também foram afetadas (P&lt;0,05). As ovelhas SI apresentam glândulas sudoríparas maiores e mais superficiais quando comparadas com as mestiças LAN e DES. O tratamento térmico não influenciou na concentração hormonal, exceto no T4 (P&lt;0,05). Ovelhas LAN sujeitas a estresse térmico por calor após serem tosquiadas aumentaram sua temperatura retal, temperatura superficial e frequência respiratória para perder calor (P&lt;0,05). As ovelhas LAN apresentam maior área glandular e glândulas sudoríparas mais superficiais (P&lt;0,05). Após a tosquia a produção de cortisol e T3 diminuíram (P&lt;0,05). Em conclusão os três grupos de ovinos demostraram ter habilidade para alterar a sua anatomia cutânea, fisiologia e balanço hormonal para manter sua homeotermia, no entanto, ovinos mestiços DES não precisam ativar seus mecanismos termorreguladores como as ovelhas mestiças LAN quando estão submetidas a estrese por calor, porém, não são tão eficientes para eliminar calor como as ovelhas SI. O manejo da tosquia em ovelhas mestiças semi-lanadas não melhora a sua capacidade termolítica.The current climate situation and its consequences are increasingly influencing agricultural production. There are native sheep species well adapted to the warm climate in tropical regions, but heat stress negatively affects animal performance and productivity. The selection of individuals that respond appropriately to climate variations and strategic changes in production management will be indispensable to ensure the productive potential and welfare of sheep. In this context, this study evaluated under stress conditions the physiological, endocrine and anatomicl skin responses of Santa Ines ewes and their crossbreeds with Dorper and White Dorper sheep, characterizing the physiological capacities during the acclimatization process. Thirty ewes were divided into three groups: the first group consisting of ten Santa Ines (SI) animals with black fur and coat; the second group consisted of ten hair crossbred ewes (DES); and a third group composed of ten crossbreed ewes its skin covering which is a mixture of hair and wool (LAN). For nine days, the sheep were kept in a climate chamber subjected to heat stress at 37 ± 1.0 °C for three hours daily. The physiological response was evaluated by rectal temperature, eye temperature, surface temperature, respiratory rate, and sweating rate. Besides, the cutaneous and glandular morphology were analyzed. Cortisol, T3 and T4 hormones were quantified. Data analysis of variance was performed and the statistical model contemplated the effects of experimental phases, days, hours of sampling and their interactions and animal as a repeated measure. The means were compared by Tukey-Kramer with a significance level of 5%. The influence of high temperatures was evident on the three groups of sheep. The heat treatment promoted the increase of rectal, ocular and superficial temperature and respiratory rate, mainly in LAN sheep (P &lt;0.05), which anticipated the physiological response to reestablish homeothermy. Regardless of the sheep group, elimination by cutaneous evaporative heat is indispensable in sheep to reduce the tension caused by high temperatures. The area of the sweat glands and their distance from the epidermis were also affected (P&lt;0.05). SI sheep have larger and more superficial sweat glands when compared to the crossbred LAN and DES crossbred. Heat treatment does not influence hormonal quantification, except for T4. Thermally challenged LAN sheep after shearing increased their rectal temperature, surface temperature, and respiratory rate to lose heat. The sheep presented larger glandular area and more superficial sweat glands before shearing (P&lt;0.05). After sheared, cortisol and T3 production decreased (P&lt;0.05). In conclusion, the three groups of sheep have been shown to have physiological, hormonal and morphological abilities to maintain their homeothermy. However, DES crossbred sheep do not need to activate their thermoregulatory mechanisms such as LAN crossbred sheep when subjected to heat stress. however, they are not as efficient at eliminating heat as the SI sheep. Sheared management in crossbred ewes skin covering, which is a mixture of hair and wool, does not improve heat management

    Sugarcane bagasse as environmental enrichment for recently weaned piglets

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o uso de bagaço de cana como enriquecimento ambiental para suínos a partir do comportamento e respostas fisiológicas do estresse causado pelo confinamento e mudança de ambiente, na fase de creche. O projeto foi conduzido no Laboratório de Biometeorologia e Etologia, da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, Pirassununga-SP, e no setor da Suinocultura da Prefeitura do Campus Administrativo Fernando Costa (PUSP-FC), entre os meses de abril e junho de 2015. Foram utilizados 66 leitões (NK75 X Naïma), machos e fêmeas desmamados aos 28 dias, separados em grupos homogêneos com relação ao peso, transferidos para baias da creche e distribuídos em dois tratamentos: Tratamento Enriquecido (TE) onde as baias foram fornecidas com cama profunda de bagaço de cana, de até 15 cm de profundidade e Tratamento Não Enriquecido (TNE) as baias foram utilizadas da forma convencional, sem cobertura no piso cimentado. Foram avaliadas diferentes respostas fisiológicas, especificamente, níveis de cortisol salivar, temperatura superficial por meio de um termómetro infravermelho e temperatura ocular a través de fotos termográficas. O comportamento dos leitões foi registrado e as análises das observações das atividades foram realizadas pelo efeito dos tratamentos e a interação do tempo. Os dados de desempenho dos animais foram analisados, igualmente como o Ganho de peso diário (GPD) e a conversão alimentar (CA). Animais que receberam enriquecimento ambiental apresentaram concentrações de cortisol mais baixas (P&LT;0,001) durante a primeira semana pós-desmama. A partir da segunda semana pós desmama até o final da fase da creche houve efeito do tratamento (P&LT;0,05), encontrando níveis de cortisol até quatro vezes mais altos para o TNE referentes aos níveis basais, enquanto o TE continua tendo níveis mais baixos (P&LT;0,05). Animais que receberam enriquecimento ambiental tiveram maior frequência em comportamentos exploratórios (P&LT;0,05) e maior atividade brincando (P&LT;0,05) durante toda a fase experimental. Leitões que foram criados em baias pobres manifestaram maior frequência em comportamentos agonísticos (P&LT;0,05) e em repouso (P&LT;0,05). A correlação entre a temperatura superficial do dorso e termografia ocular indicou uma associação moderada positiva (P&LT;0,0001) com a temperatura ocular mínima (r=0,43) e máxima (r=0,41). Apesar de não existir diferença estatística para o desempenho entre tratamentos (P&GT;0,05), o TE apresentou maior ganho de peso diário (0,47±0,015 kg.dia-1) e total (23,47±0,73 kg.dia-1). A conversão alimentar foi maior no TE (2,88±0,25), provavelmente porque os leitões precisavam de mais alimento para compensar a energia gasta pela sua atividade de fuçar e brincar. Ambientes enriquecidos durante a fase da creche melhoram o bem-estar dos animais em confinamento, diminuindo o estresse pela desmama, motivando o animal a expressar comportamentos próprios da espécie suína, tais como fuçar e explorar.The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of sugarcane bagasse as environmental enrichment for pigs by analyzing the behavioral and physiological responses to stress caused by confinement and change of environment at the nursery phase. The project was conducted in Biometeorology and Ethology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo, Pirassununga-SP, in the Swine sector of the Administrative Campus of Fernando Costa (PUSP-FC), from April to June, 2015. Sixty-six piglets (NK75 X Naïma), males and females weaned at 28 days were used in the study. the animals were separated in homogeneous groups respecting the weight, transferred to the nursery stalls and distributed into two treatments: Enriched Treatment (TE) the stalls were provided with deep bed of sugarcane bagasse, up to 15 cm deep and Enriched Treatment (TNE) the stalls were used in the conventional way, without coverage in the cemented floor. Different physiological responses were evaluated, specifically salivary cortisol levels, surface temperature by means of an infrared thermometer and temperature eyepiece through thermography images. The behavior of piglets were recorded and analysis of observations of the activities were carried out by the effect of the treatments and the interaction time. The animal performance data were analyzed also as daily weight gain (ADG) and feed conversion (CA).The animals that received environmental enrichment showed lower cortisol concentrations (P&LT;0.001) during the first post-weaning. From the second week after weaning until the end of the nursery phase, there was effect of treatment (P&LT;0.05), with four times higher cortisol levels to NET related to the baseline, and the ET for this phase continues to have lower levels (P&LT;0.05). The ones that received environmental enrichment had higher frequency in exploratory behaviors (P&LT;0.05) and playing activity (P&LT;0.05) throughout the whole experimental period. The piglets created in poor stalls had higher frequency of agonistic behavior (P&LT;0.05) and at rest (P&LT;0.05). The correlation between the dorsal\' surface temperature and ocular thermography indicated a moderate positive association (P&LT;0.0001) with the minimal eye temperature (r = 0.43) and maximum (r = 0.41). Although there is no difference statistical in performance between treatments (P&GT;0.05), ET showed higher daily gain (0,47±0,015 kg.dia-1) and total (23,47±0,73 kg.dia-1). weight. Feed conversion was higher in ET (2,88±0,25), probably because the piglets needed more food to compensate the energy used for its poke around and exploratory activities. Enriched environments during the nursery phase improve the animals\' welfare in confinement, reducing stress by weaning, prompting the animal to express specific behaviors of the species such as poke around and explore

    Effect of different stunning methods on rigor mortis, shape, energetic status and physical characteristics of Salmo carpio fillets

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    Background: Consumer interest in safeguarding animal welfare and increased demand for fresh aquatic products support the need to understand the effects of stunning methods used in aquaculture on the biochemical process affecting fish fillet quality. The present paper aimed at comparing electrical stunning (ES) and cold shock (ICE) in Salmo carpio, an Italian endemic under-investigated species. Rigor mortis evolution, fillet adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), shape, colour, pH and water holding capacity were assessed by integrating chemical and image analyses. Results: Seventy-two fish (24 fish per treatment) were stunned by ES, ICE or anaesthesia (AN, used as control), then percussively slaughtered. ES and ICE hastened rigor mortis onset and resolution (21 and 28 h post mortem) compared to AN. This was confirmed by the faster ATP degradation in ES and ICE. Fillet shape features varied during rigor mortis, according to the stunning method, with the perimeter showing irreversible variation in ES and ICE groups. Initial circularity was recovered only in AN, while ICE and ES fillets showed significantly different values, between 0 and 192 h. Conclusion: ES is a promising stunning technique for S. carpio, but parameters should be optimized, because of the adverse effect on muscle activity which caused a fast pH drop, and the presence of blood spots in the fillets. Further studies are needed to understand whether fillet shape changes can interfere with filleting or fillet processing and consumer appreciatio

    Growth and Welfare Status of Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Post-Larvae Reared in Aquaponic Systems and Fed Diets including Enriched Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Prepupae Meal

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    : Due to the limited application of insect meal in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture, the present study aimed to (i) produce spirulina-enriched full-fat black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae meal (HM) and (ii) test, for the first time, two experimental diets characterized by 3% or 20% of fish meal and fish oil replacement with full-fat HM (HM3 and HM20, respectively) on M. rosenbergii post-larvae during a 60-day feeding trial conducted in aquaponic systems. The experimental diets did not negatively affect survival rates or growth. The use of spirulina-enriched HM resulted in a progressive increase in α-tocopherol and carotenoids in HM3 and HM20 diets that possibly played a crucial role in preserving prawn muscle-quality traits. The massive presence of lipid droplets in R cells in all the experimental groups reflected a proper nutrient provision and evidenced the necessity to store energy for molting. The increased number of B cells in the HM3 and HM20 groups could be related to the different compositions of the lipid fraction among the experimental diets instead of a nutrient absorption impairment caused by chitin. Finally, the expression of the immune response and stress markers confirmed that the experimental diets did not affect the welfare status of M. rosenbergii post-larvae

    Growth and Welfare Status of Giant Freshwater Prawn (<i>Macrobrachium rosenbergii</i>) Post-Larvae Reared in Aquaponic Systems and Fed Diets including Enriched Black Soldier Fly (<i>Hermetia illucens</i>) Prepupae Meal

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    Due to the limited application of insect meal in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture, the present study aimed to (i) produce spirulina-enriched full-fat black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae meal (HM) and (ii) test, for the first time, two experimental diets characterized by 3% or 20% of fish meal and fish oil replacement with full-fat HM (HM3 and HM20, respectively) on M. rosenbergii post-larvae during a 60-day feeding trial conducted in aquaponic systems. The experimental diets did not negatively affect survival rates or growth. The use of spirulina-enriched HM resulted in a progressive increase in α-tocopherol and carotenoids in HM3 and HM20 diets that possibly played a crucial role in preserving prawn muscle-quality traits. The massive presence of lipid droplets in R cells in all the experimental groups reflected a proper nutrient provision and evidenced the necessity to store energy for molting. The increased number of B cells in the HM3 and HM20 groups could be related to the different compositions of the lipid fraction among the experimental diets instead of a nutrient absorption impairment caused by chitin. Finally, the expression of the immune response and stress markers confirmed that the experimental diets did not affect the welfare status of M. rosenbergii post-larvae

    Heat loss efficiency and thermoregulation responses of Nellore cows

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    <p>Nellore cattle is well adapted to tropical environmental conditions with good thermoregulatory characteristics. However, knowledge related to body temperature regulation and acclimatization mechanisms are still scarce. This investigation aimed to understand the heat loss efficiency and thermoregulation responses of Nellore cows in tropical climate conditions. In this study was used 16 healthy purebred Nellore cows classified by heat loss in efficient and non-efficient using the vaginal temperature continuously monitored by data-loggers. The rectal, tail and ocular temperatures, sweating rate and respiratory frequency were also measured to understand the thermoregulatory responses and correlate to previous classification. In our findings, were noticed that according to heat loss classification the non-efficient cows showed greater amplitude of temperature variation. The body temperature increased from 12:00 PM to 19:00 PM with gradual decreased from 19:00 PM to 07:00 AM, reaching the peak in both groups at around 16:00 PM. In addition, the efficient cows presented higher sweating rate than non-efficient that presented higher rectal temperature, therefore the reduction of body temperature by improving evaporative mechanisms is a good trait of acclimatization to heat. No statistical difference was observed for the other physiological variables between groups. In conclusion, the methodology to classify the cows by heat loss using vaginal data loggers allowed us to distinguish Nellore cows according to their body temperature regulation, being feasible and reproducible. Furthermore, the efficiency to heat loss of this bred was mainly associated with sweating capacity. </p