738 research outputs found


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    Este estudo tem por objetivos verificar se existe conscientização entre os professores do Ensino Fundamental II sobre a possibilidade da existência do preconceito linguístico e, em havendo, sugerir atitudes que possam ser tomadas para minimizar este problema, além de identificar como é o trabalho com as variedades linguísticas nas aulas de língua portuguesa. Para alcançar tais objetivos, foram realizadas pesquisas com análises de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo, por meio de questionário respondido por professores que trabalham com o Ensino Fundamental II. Tem-se como fundamentação teórica Bagno (2011), Silva (2006) e Calvet (2002), entre outros. Com a pesquisa de campo, foi possível perceber que muitos professores ainda não conhecem o conceito de preconceito linguístico, mas a maioria dos entrevistados já presenciou alguma situação relacionada a esse preconceito dentro da escola. Notou-se também a necessidade de retomar tal assunto regularmente com os alunos, de modo que eles possam respeitar os diferentes falares do português brasileiro. ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study are to verify whether there is awareness among the teachers of elementary school, second cycle, about the possibility of the existence of linguistic prejudice. In having, we have tried to suggest attitudes, which may be taken to minimize this problem at school, besides identifying the way the linguistic varieties in the Portuguese language are dealt with. To achieve such objectives, we have done research with quantitative and qualitative analyses, by means of a questionnaire to be answered by teachers who work with elementary education. As theoretical frame, we have drawn on Bagno (2011), Silva (2006) e Calvet (2002), among others. With the field research, it was possible to realize that many teachers do not know the linguistic prejudice, but the majority has already dealt with any situation related with this prejudice inside the school. We have also noticed the need to discuss such topic regularly with the students, so as they may respect the different speeches of the Brazilian Portuguese

    The importance of microalgae biotechnology to the wastewater treatment and biofuels production/ A importância da biotecnologia das microalgas para o tratamento de águas residuais e a produção de biocombustíveis

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    After the Second Industrial Revolution, the use of fossil fuels increased due to growth of cities. The burning of these fuels results in air pollution, which can cause health problems in the most sensitive population, environmental impacts due to SO2, and CO2 emissions in the atmosphere that add to the greenhouse effect. The unbridled consumption of fossil fuels, a non-renewable resource, has stimulated many countries to invest in different types of renewable energies including biofuels. Biofuels can be produced from agricultural crops (first generation); residual biomass from the agricultural sector, which are not fit to the human consumption (second generation); residual microalgae biomass (third generation); and genetically modified microalgae biomass (fourth generation). The microalgae have become an attractive resource for biofuel production because they do not require arable lands for their cultivation and can use wastewater as growth medium, while simultaneously treating this effluent by assimilating the pollutants presents in these waters (nitrogen, phosphorus, and metals). The aim of this work is to analyze the relevance of microalgae applied for wastewater treatment and biofuels production, through an exploratory literature review. Wastewater treatment using microalgae is well documented and presents efficient results for biofuels production; nevertheless the use of microalgae is still in the development phase and the major barrier being economic viability. Additional studies are recommended that explore more microalgae species and focus on genetic engineering to make this biotechnology economically viable


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    O presente estudo destaca a importância da biossegurança no trabalho de técnicos e tecnólogos em Radiologia. Como forma de motivação da pesquisa, observou-se que, apesar do investimento das clínicas e hospitais para o aprimoramento das técnicas radiológicas, pouco tem sido feito para prevenir o surgimento de enfermidades nos IOE (Indivíduos Ocupacionalmente Expostos). Para tanto, realizou-se a mesma mediante direcionamento quantitativo e qualitativo, utilizando-se o método analítico e questionário como técnica de análise, contando com a amostra de 29 profissionais localizados em hospitais públicos, na Faculdade LS e em clínica particular. A pesquisa de campo demonstrou que existe o conhecimento da biossegurança entre os profissionais da Radiologia, porém, não existe o entendimento da relevância do tema por boa parte dos mesmos

    A Interferência de Fatores Socioambientais e Urbanos na Saúde das Pessoas com Doença Falciforme, em Palmas/TO, Brasil

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    Objetivo: Este trabalho objetivou levantar os fatores socioambientais e urbanos que podem interferir na gravidade da doença falciforme de pessoas que residem no município de Palmas/TO. Materiais e métodos: As pessoas com a doença falciforme foram localizadas por busca ativa e pelo método de bola de neve. Uma amostra dessa população foi entrevistada para levantar os dados socioambientais, de estrutura urbana e as informações clínicas, e ainda, foi coletado sangue para confirmação do diagnóstico das hemoglobinas e determinação dos haplótipos. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 29 pessoas, dessas 59% tiveram dificuldades para estudar, 45% tiveram dificuldades para conseguir emprego ou se manter nele, 62% declararam nível médio de conforto do domicílio, e 55% residem nos bairros que estão fora do plano diretor do município. As pessoas com a doença, classificadas com maior gravidade clínica, apresentaram genótipo HbSS (66%) e tiveram nível de conforto de moradia intermediário baixo, sendo o haplótipo Bantu o mais frequente. Conclusão: O perfil socioambiental e urbano das pessoas com doença falciforme foi caracterizado como nível de conforto de moradia baixo ou intermediário, associado à baixa renda per capita. Esses fatores estão relacionados com a falta de conforto e estabilidade financeira, o que favorece o agravamento da doença


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    The state of Pará due to its location in equatorial region, presents climatic and epidemiologic characteristics propitious to the maintenance of the Toxoplasma gondii in the environment. The objective of the present study is verifying the occurrence of anti-T. gondii antibodies in Veterinary Medicine students from the Federal University of Pará and serologically following them up for three consecutive semesters assessing their hygiene-food habits and behaviors. 51 veterinary students (22 women and 29 men) participated on the study. All the volunteers signed an informed consent and answered an epidemiologic questionnaire. The anti-T. gondii antibodies research was performed by indirect immunofluorescence reaction. From the 51 students 22 (43.14%) were reactant to anti-T. gondii antibodies. The variables with strong statistical association were: the presence of cats at home (p=0.002), cats from the neighborhood with access to the backyard (p=0.046), the consumption of water or juice of unknown provenance in the streets (p=0.026), the consumption of raw salad in restaurants (p=0.031), and the consumption of sandwiches containing raw vegetables in the streets (p=0.009). It can be concluded that eating food in places without hygienic standards of sanitation favors the contamination by T. gondii.Keywords: toxoplasmosis; serology; college students; Pará.O Estado do Pará por se localizar em região equatorial apresenta características climáticas e epidemiológicas propicias para a manutenção do Toxoplasma gondii no meio ambiente. O objetivo do presente estudo é verificar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-T. gondii em alunos de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Pará e acompanhá-los sorologicamente durante três semestres consecutivos avaliando os seus hábitos e comportamentos higiênico-alimentares. Participaram do estudo 51 alunos de Medicina Veterinária (22 mulheres e 29 homens). Todos os voluntários assinaram um termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido e responderam a um questionário epidemiológico. A pesquisa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii foi realizada pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Dos 51 alunos 22 (43.14%) foram reagentes a anticorpos anti-T. gondi. As variáveis que tiveram forte associação estatística foram: a presença de gatos em casa (p=0.002), se gatos dos vizinhos tinham acesso ao quintal (p=0.046), o consumo de água ou suco na rua com procedência desconhecida (p=0.026), o consumo de salada crua em restaurantes (p=0.031) e o consumo de sanduíches contendo legumes crus na rua (p=0.009). Conclui-se que a alimentação realizada em locais sem padrão higiênico sanitário favorece a infecção pelo T. gondii.Palavras-chave: toxoplasmose, sorologia, universitários, Pará

    Prolonged caffeine intake decreases alveolar bone damage induced by bingelike ethanol consumption in adolescent female rats

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    Ethanol consumption has been reported to negatively impact on periodontal disease. In particular, oral cavity disorders occur upon ethanol exposure during adolescence, a life period associated with particular patterns of short and intense (‘binge-like’) ethanol consumption that is most deleterious to oral health. The hazardous central effects of ethanol have been linked to the overfunction of adenosine receptors, which are antagonized by caffeine, a bioactive substance present in numerous natural nutrients, which can also modify bone metabolism. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of caffeine on alveolar bone damage induced by an ethanol binge drinking paradigm during adolescence. Female Wistar rats (35 days old; n = 30) were allocated to six groups: control (vehicle), ethanol (3 g/kg/day; 3 days On-4 days Off challenge), caffeine (10 mg/kg/day), caffeine plus ethanol, SCH58261 (0.1 mg/kg/day, an antagonist of A2A receptors), and SCH58261 plus ethanol. Bone micromorphology and vertical bone loss were analyzed by computed microtomography. Our data showed that ethanol binge drinking reduced alveolar bone quality, with repercussion on alveolar bone size. This ethanolinduced alveolar bone deterioration was abrogated upon treatment with caffeine, but not with SCH58261. This shows that caffeine prevented the periodontal disorder caused by ethanol binge drinking during adolescence, an effect that was not mediated by adenosine A2A receptor blockad

    Cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of direct and indirect pulp capping materials

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    There are several studies about the cytotoxic effects of dental materials in contact with the pulp tissue, such as calcium hydroxide (CH), adhesive systems, resin composite and glass ionomer cements. The aim of this review article was to summarize and discuss the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of materials used for protection of the dentin-pulp complex, some components of resin composites and adhesive systems when placed in direct or indirect contact with the pulp tissue. A large number of dental materials present cytotoxic effects when applied close or directly to the pulp, and the only material that seems to stimulate early pulp repair and dentin hard tissue barrier formation is CH

    Polyphasic identification and typing Trichophytum rubrum strains of clinical origin

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    The dermatophyte Trychophytum rubrum is the most frequent aetiological agent of dermatophytosis in humans around the world representing a major public health problem, not just for European countries but also for tropical countries where climate conditions allow major propagation for this ascomycete. For instance, in Portugal, T. rubrum was the dermatophyte most frequently isolated (83.3%) in a toenail onychomycosis geriatric population survey [1]. The identification, pathogenicity, biology, and epidemiology of T. rubrum, is of interest for both dermatologists and medical mycologists [1,2]. Currently, in many countries and clinical laboratories, the T. rubrum strains isolated from lesions are primarily identified by conventional culture-based methods, including colony morphology and slide culture only. This approach does not provide evidence of intraspecific variations with a lack of information to track infections, determine common sources of infections and recurrence or reinfection after treatment, and analyse their virulence and drug resistance [3]. The aim of this work is to use a polyphasic approach to study T. rubrum from different geographic origins in order to identify intraspecific characteristics with clinical interest. Materials and Methods About 40 European and South American T. rubrum and reference strains were used. Macro and micro morphological techniques, urease assay, dermatophyte milk agar test and hair perforation test (HPT) where combined with molecular biology techniques, such as the analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, Trubrum specific primers for species differentiation among close related species, mating type MAT1-1 -box characterisation and DNA fingerprinting (e.g., (GACA)4). Results and conclusions Culturally T. rubrum strains showed on the plates white and cottony colonies on the obverse and blood-red pigment on the reverse. T. rubrum strains were urease negative and inhibited in dermatophyte milk agar. In the HPT, which is useful to differentiate T. rubrum from T. interdigitale, any strain was able to perforate the hair despite normal growth being observed. The analysis of ITS region confirmed all the strains as a T. rubrum species as well as the Trubrum primers generate a typical amplicon of 200 bp. The DNA fingerprinting is now explored in order to find the best approach to differentiate intraspecific variations and/or geographic differences. In conclusion, there are several techniques that can be applied to identify and characterise T. rubrum from different origins depending of the technologies available in each clinical laboratory or country.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Repetitive Strain Injuries' prevention and semantic nets

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    Due to the occupational demands, more and more workers are subject to the development of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries). To combat such disturbances the information is indispensable, offering to the worker an appropriate knowledge, so much theoretical as practical. The aim of this study is to discover, through a questionnaire, the semantic nets about RSI built by the participants and non participants of a work site health promotion program. The results demonstrated by the group that participated in the work site health promotion program indicated that the same seems to have been efficient in the RSI's prevention.Devido às exigências do cotidiano laboral, cada vez mais trabalhadores estão sujeitos ao desenvolvimento dos DORT (Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho). Para combater tais distúrbios faz-se imprescindível a informação, oferecendo ao trabalhador um conhecimento adequado do problema, tanto teórico quanto prático. O presente estudo teve como objetivo averiguar, por meio de um questionário, as redes semânticas construídas sobre os DORT em sujeitos participantes e não-participantes de um programa de promoção da saúde do trabalhador. Os resultados obtidos junto ao grupo de sujeitos participantes em relação ao grupo de não-participantes indicaram que o programa demonstrou haver sido eficiente na prevenção dos DORT

    Teste Do Suor E Fibrose Cística: Panorama Da Realização Do Teste Em Centros Públicos E Privados Do Estado De São Paulo

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    The sweat test (ST) measures chloride levels in sweat and is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF). However, the reliability of a ST depends on their being performed by experienced technicians and in accordance with strict guidelines. Our aim was to evaluate how sweat stimulation, sweat collection, and chloride measurement are performed at 14 centers (9 public centers and 5 private centers) that routinely perform STs in the state of São Paulo, which has the highest frequency of CF in Brazil. Methods: This was a cross-sectional cohort study, using a standardized questionnaire administered in loco to the staff responsible for conducting STs. Results: No uniformity regarding the procedures was found among the centers. Most centers were noncompliant with the international guidelines, especially regarding the collection of sweat (the samples were insufficient in 10-50% of the subjects tested); availability of stimulation equipment (which was limited at 2 centers); modernity and certification of stimulation equipment (most of the equipment having been used for 3-23 years); and written protocols (which were lacking at 12 centers). Knowledge of ST guidelines was evaluated at only 1 center. Conclusions: Our results show that STs largely deviate from internationally accepted guidelines at the participating centers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for standardization of STs, training of qualified personnel, and acquisition/certification of suitable equipment. These are essential conditions for a reliable diagnosis of CF, especially with the increasing demand due to newborn screening nationwide, and for the assessment of a possible clinical benefit from the use of modulator drugs.43212112