5,008 research outputs found

    Os partidos políticos e a concepção democrática da ordem jurídica constitucional

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    Trata da matéria dos partidos políticos, correlacionando-a com a natureza democrática da Federação Brasileira, e destaca os institutos da filiação e disciplina partidárias. Aborda a concepção e o estudo do Estado Democrático de Direito, explicitando seus princípios basilares

    Voluntary Simplicity and Willingness not to buy

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research and CRMThis study aims to understand why people do not buy in the scope of voluntary simplicity. The importance of this study is related to questions raised about consumption and lifestyle. The main objective is to measure whether the trend for voluntary simplicity would be influential and how it acts on consumers' willingness not to buy. To better understand this phenomenon of voluntary simplicity, we will use the hypothesis as a predictive model, to provide a directional response to our main goal. The Millennials, with ages between 18-34, both genders, actively studying and working, and living in Portugal were the target population of the study. The survey was conducted from May 4th, 2020, until January 19th, 2021. During this period, 282 people responded to a questionnaire with 72 questions. This study provided valuable insights into the key factors influencing the Willingness Not to buy. The model explains 51% of the variance of variables presented, which is a good value in market research. The relevance of this research is based on understanding these changes in the economy and how they affect purchasing intentions. By doing so, this study contributes to academic research and companies, to improve customer experience and satisfaction regarding voluntary simplicity

    The interpretation of Brazilian Portuguese bare singulars in neutral contexts

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    Abstract The interpretation of Bare Singular count nouns (henceforth BS nouns) has been at the center of much debate in the literature on countability in Brazilian Portuguese. In this paper, we ad- dress the question whether BS nouns may only be interpreted as mass nouns or as names of kinds, or whether they may also be interpreted as object denoting nouns. It is generally agreed that BS nouns can be interpreted as names of kinds. Furthermore, Beviláqua and Pires de Oliveira (2014) show that BS nouns are interpreted as mass nouns in contexts that favor a mass interpretation. However, the preferred interpretation of BS nouns in neutral contexts (i.e. contexts that favor neither a count nor a mass interpretation) has never been investigated experimentally. We present the results of two experiments, which show that speakers tend to interpret BS nouns as count nouns in neutral contexts.

    A actorness securitária da União Europeia: A abordagem holística comprometida pela diferenciação política

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    The purpose of the article is to analyse the implications of policy differentiation for EU’s comprehensive approach in security matters. The change in the post-Cold War security environment (opportunity) favoured the explicitness of the (pillarised) security actorness of the European Union. Following the 9/11 attacks, the EU adopted an ambitious security approach that confirmed four interconnected dynamics: expansion of the security agenda, externalisation of internal security cooperation, internalisation of Common Security Defence Policy, and cross-pillarisation. It was an upgrade for the assertion of the European Union as a comprehensive and multi-functional security actor, endowed with autonomy, capability and presence. Since then, the EU narrative and practices on Comprehensive Approach have been applied to several security problems such as crises and conflicts, organised crime, piracy, cybersecurity, failed states, trafficking in human beings, radicalisation, hybrid threats. The comprehensive approach combined with a global (reach) ambition impose unique requirements on EU. A major challenge to EU’s security actorness is policy differentiation in the security domain. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU acquired legal personality, enabling it to conclude treaties and to assume external representation. This also means that, for the first time, external and internal security policies evolve in the framework of an International Organisation. The Treaty also overcame pillarisation, transferred the cooperation on internal security to the TFEU, introduced amendments in the continued search for the Union’s external coherence and demonstrated the dynamism of the policies of the former second and third pillars. However, the adjustments that were introduced denote a constructive ambiguity, patent in the existence of provisions enabling a comprehensive action, on the one hand, and of a hidden pillarisation, on the other hand, aggravated by the absence of an explicit concern with the coherence between the external and internal dimensions of security (‘the missing link’).O artigo tem por objetivo analisar as implicações da policy differentiation para a comprehensive approach (CA) da União Europeia no domínio da segurança. O ambiente do pós-Guerra Fria (oportunidade) favoreceu a explicitação da actorness de segurança da UE. Após os ataques terroristas de 11 de Setembro de 2001, a União adotou uma abordagem ambiciosa demonstrativa de quatro dinâmicas interconectadas: expansão da agenda de segurança; externalização da cooperação no domínio da segurança interna; internalização da Política Comum de Segurança e Defesa; transpilarização. Tal representou um avanço em benefício da afirmação da UE como ator de segurança holístico e multifuncional, dotado de autonomia, capacidade e presença. Desde então, a narrativa e as práticas europeias generalizam-se a diversos problemas de segurança tais como crises e conflitos, crime organizado, pirataria, cibersegurança, Estados Falhados, tráfico de seres humanos, radicalização, ameaças híbridas. Esta abordagem associada a uma ambição de actorness global impõem exigências únicas à UE. Um dos principais desafios decorre da policy differentiation na área da segurança. Com a entrada em vigor das alterações introduzidas pelo Tratado de Lisboa, a UE passou a estar dotada de personalidade jurídica, o que lhe permite celebrar tratados internacionais e ter representação externa. Tal significa que, pela primeira vez na história da construção europeia, a cooperação no domínio da segurança (interna e externa) desenvolve-se no âmbito de uma Organização Internacional. O Tratado de Lisboa também superou a estrutura em pilares, introduziu alterações com vista a reforçar a coerência da atuação externa do ator europeu e comprovou o dinamismo cooperativo no âmbito das políticas dos antigos segundo e terceiros pilares. No entanto, os ajustamentos consagrados pelo Tratado Reformador evidenciam uma ambiguidade construtiva patente nas disposições que favorecem uma ação holística, por um lado, e na pilarização encoberta, por outro, agravada pela ausência de uma preocupação explícita com a coerência entre as dimensões interna e externa da segurança (the missing link)

    Happy Life Expectancy Among Older Adults: Differences By Sex And Functional Limitations

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    To evaluate if the happy life expectancy in older adults differs according to sex and functional limitations. METHODS: Life expectancy was estimated by Chiang method, and happy life expectancy was estimated by Sullivan method, combining mortality data with the prevalence of happiness. The questions on happiness and limitations came from a health survey, which interviewed 1,514 non-institutionalized older adults living in the city of Campinas, SP, Southeastern Brazil. The happy life expectancy was estimated by sex, age, and functional limitations. Based on the variance and standard error of the happy life expectancy, we estimated 95% confidence intervals, which allowed us to compare the statistical differences of the number of happy years lived among men and women. RESULTS: Differences by sex in happy life expectancy were significant at ages 60, 65, and 70. In absolute terms, women live more years happily. But, in relative terms, older men could expect to live proportionally more years with happiness. Happy life expectancy decreased significantly with increasing age in both men and women. Among older people living without functional limitation, differences by sex were statistically significant in all age groups, except at age 80. In the group with limitations, no significant differences by sex were found. Significant differences between the group without and with functional limitations were seen in both men and women. CONCLUSIONS: Older men could expect to live a greater proportion of their lives happily in comparison to same-aged women, but women show more years with happiness than men. Functional limitations have a significant impact on happy life expectancy for both sexes.5

    Entrepreneurial orientation and export performance: the mediating effect of organisational resources and dynamic capabilities

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    This study analyses the relationships among entrepreneurial orientation, organisational resources, dynamic capabilities, and export performance. Specifically, we propose that entrepreneurial orientation enhances the attraction of financial, informational and relational resources thus affecting export performance through dynamic capabilities. This model is empirically tested with data from 265 managers of exporting companies in Portugal. Results validate ten out of eleven direct relationships of the model and confirm the mediating effect of organisational resources and dynamic capabilities on export performance. Entrepreneurial orientation contributes to the attraction of relational and informational resources, relational resources boost the development of informational and financial resources, and these three types of organisational resources directly affect the development of dynamic capabilities and export performance. In what concerns the managerial implications, managers, public policy makers, and researchers aiming to contribute to firms’ competitiveness and performance must clearly understand how resources affect the development of differentiated dynamic capabilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceptions towards a healthy diet among a sample of university people in Portugal

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    Purpose: A healthy diet has been recognized as one of the most important factors associated with the maintenance of human health as well as to help preventing the development of some chronic diseases. Therefore, this work aimed at studying the perceptions of a sample of university people regarding a healthy diet. Methodology: It was undertaken a descriptive cross-sectional study on a non-probabilistic sample of 382 participants. The data was collected among a sample of Portuguese university people and measured if people´s perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. Findings: The results revealed that the participants’ perceptions were, in general, compliant with a healthy diet (scores between 0.5 and 1.5, on a scale from -2 to +2). However, were found significant differences between age groups (p=0.004), with a higher average score for young adults, and also between groups with different levels of education (p=0.025), with a higher score for university degree. The variable chronic diseases also showed significant differences (p=0.017), so that people who did not have any chronic diseases obtained a higher score. Originality/Value: This study is considered important because it provides evidences about the relation between nutrition knowledge and the perceptions towards a healthy diet. The study allowed concluding that the participants were aware about some nutritional aspects of their diets and, therefore, their perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. This finding is very relevant, because it could be a support for health policy initiatives directed at promoting healthy eating behaviours.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação de impacto de treinamento em amplitude : o curso Programa de Desenvolvimento para Líderes na ANVISA

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, 2018.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a percepção de impacto em amplitude de uma amostra de egressos do curso Programa de desenvolvimento para líderes, ministrado para gestores, analistas, especialistas e técnicos da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA, em Brasília (DF). O impacto é importante variável que permite medir a efetividade da ação instrucional em termos do uso de competências aprendidas no curso pelos egressos, em seu contexto de trabalho. O estudo contou com a participação de 71 profissionais, escolhidos por acessibilidade, que, por meio de questionário eletrônico de pesquisa, disponibilizado na plataforma Google Docs, responderam as questões referentes ao impacto em amplitude do treinamento e um questionário sociodemográfico. Foi utilizado instrumento de impacto em amplitude já validado pelo Brasil. Observou-se contribuições importantes do treinamento para o desempenho dos colaboradores participantes, entre elas, a utilização das habilidades desenvolvidas no curso com frequência, melhor aproveitamento das oportunidades de trabalho, qualidade no serviço, aumento da autoconfiança e da motivação para o trabalho. Os resultados demonstram também que o setor estudado proporciona contexto predominantemente favorável para a aplicação dos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, ensinados nos eventos de capacitação desses profissionais. Sugere-se para pesquisas futuras, através de uma avaliação de impacto de treinamento em profundidade, investigar quais fatores que impedem a agilidade nas realizações das atividades e quais tarefas, e serviços estão relacionados de forma indireta ao conteúdo do treinamento para que seja possível analisar os limites que influenciam a qualidade destas. Ao final, os limites da pesquisa são discutidos


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    Neste artigo analisamos uma avaliação de rendimento propostas por um livro didático de Língua Estrangeira (Inglês) voltado para alunos dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental brasileiro, a fim de observar se há relação entre o que se ensina e o que se avalia, bem como se esse teste está de acordo com o que as pesquisas na área de avaliação de línguas consideram apropriadas para a avaliação da aprendizagem de crianças

    Uma proposta de análise de desempenho dos estudantes e de valorização da primeira fase da OBMEP

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2015.A Olimpíada Brasileira de Matemática das Escolas Públicas (OBMEP) tem, cada vez mais, ganhado espaço no cenário nacional pelo alcance de sua aplicação e pela proposta de incentivar os estudantes brasileiros a desenvolver o gosto pela aprendizagem da Matemática na educação básica. Em 2014, mais de 18 milhões de estudantes foram inscritos para participar da primeira fase em todo o país. Esse cenário motivou o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, com o intuito de compreender melhor em que medida a prova da primeira fase dessa competição pode servir de instrumento para dar feedback aos estudantes e docentes, em termos da aprendizagem de Matemática, e aos elaboradores da prova, acerca da qualidade do instrumento de avaliação aplicado. O estudo foi feito considerando uma amostra composta de 534 estudantes de oitavos e nonos anos de uma escola pública de uma cidade satélite do Distrito Federal, que _zeram a Primeira Fase da OBMEP em 2014. Para o tratamento dos dados, contou-se com o apoio do Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Avaliação e Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos (CEBRASPE), utilizando-se os softwares SPSS e BILOG-MG. Para a análise psicométrica dos itens, lançou-se mão da Teoria Clássica dos Testes (TCT) e da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI). Adotou-se o modelo logístico de 3 parâmetros da TRI, que descreve a probabilidade de um estudante acertar determinado item do teste em função de sua proficiência e dos parâmetros de dificuldade, discriminação e acerto ao acaso do respectivo item. Os resultados mostraram que a prova apresentou alto grau de dificuldade para o grupo pesquisado e com quantidade elevada de itens com baixo poder discriminativo. Observou-se, também, significativa divergência nos resultados em relação aos estudantes selecionados para a Segunda Fase da OBMEP, caso o critério utilizado fosse embasado unicamente na TRI, e não na TCT em conjunto com outros critérios subjetivos definidos pelas escolas. Ao final da pesquisa, foram criadas propostas de modelos de boletim de desempenho para todos os participantes da OBMEP, atitude que pode contribuir para maior envolvimento e motivação dos alunos e das escolas com a Olimpíada, gerando benefícios no processo de aprendizagem da Matemática dos participantes.The Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad of Public Schools (OBMEP) has been gaining, each day, more space in national scenario due to the extent of its application and its proposal of stimulating Brazilian students in order to develop taste in learning Mathematics in basic education. In 2014, more than 18 million students were enrolled for its first round all over the country. This scenario motivates the development of this research in order to better comprehend in what ways the first phase exam of this competition can be used as a feedback instrument to students and teachers, in terms of Mathematics learning, and to exam developers, in terms of quality of the applied instrument evaluation. The study was made based on a sample of 534 eighth and ninth grade students of a public school in a satellite city of the Federal District of Brazil that took the first phase of the exam (OBMEP) in 2014. For data treatment, this research counted with the support of the Brazilian Center of Research in Evaluation and Selection and Events Promotion (CEBRASPE), and the softwares SPSS and BILOG-MG. For the items psychometric analysis the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Item Response Theory (IRT) were also utilized. This research adopted the 3 parameters logistic model of IRT, which describes the probability of a student to succeed in a certain item according to its proficiency and the difficulty parameters, discrimination and random guess of the respective item. The results have shown that the exam presented a high level of difficulty for the researched group and with a high quantity of items with low discriminative power. It was also observed a meaningful divergence of the results regarding the selected students for the second phase of the OBMEP, if the chosen criteria were based solely on the IRT analysis and not on the CTT in conjunction with other subjective criteria defined by the schools. By the end of the research, performance report models were created for all the OBMEP participants, attitude that can contribute for better involvement and motivation of students and schools with the Olympiad, generating benefits in the Mathematics learning process of participants