4,087 research outputs found

    On the Role of Primary and Secondary Assets in Adaptive Security: An Application in Smart Grids

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    peer-reviewedAdaptive security aims to protect valuable assets managed by a system, by applying a varying set of security controls. Engineering adaptive security is not an easy task. A set of effective security countermeasures should be identified. These countermeasures should not only be applied to (primary) assets that customers desire to protect, but also to other (secondary) assets that can be exploited by attackers to harm the primary assets. Another challenge arises when assets vary dynamically at runtime. To accommodate these variabilities, it is necessary to monitor changes in assets, and apply the most appropriate countermeasures at runtime. The paper provides three main contributions for engineering adaptive security. First, it proposes a modeling notation to represent primary and secondary assets, along with their variability. Second, it describes how to use the extended models in engineering security requirements and designing required monitoring functions. Third, the paper illustrates our approach through a set of adaptive security scenarios in the customer domain of a smart grid. We suggest that modeling secondary assets aids the deployment of countermeasures, and, in combination with a representation of assets variability, facilitates the design of monitoring function

    Uji In Silico Senyawa Emodin sebagai Ligan pada Reseptor Estrogen Alfa

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    Breast cancer is a disease with abnormal cell proliferation at breast tissue that can invade the surrounding tissue and spread to another organ. Based on WHO (2014) at 2012, there are 48,998 breast cancer cases on women in Indonesia with 19,730 death cases. In breast cancer, overexpression estrogen receptor alpha (ER-α) usually observed. Hence ER-α became the focus of prevention and therapy for breast cancer. In vitro study of emodin shows IC50 2.7 µM and Ki 0.77 µM on ER-α. In silico research using docking protocol and post docking analysis protocol shown that emodin was not an active ligand on ER-α. The outcome shown as ChemPLP score with average -75.292 and PLIF bitstring. Emodin binds with LEU346, LEU387, and ARG394 residue. Currently, the protocol that used in this research has yet identified marginal compound like emodin as an active ligand on ER-α

    From the triangular to the kagome lattice: Following the footprints of the ordered state

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    We study the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model in a lattice that interpolates between the triangular and the kagome lattices. The exchange interaction along the bonds of the kagome lattice is J, and the one along the bonds connecting kagome and non-kagome sites is J', so that J'=J corresponds to the triangular limit and J'=0 to the kagome one. We use variational and exact diagonalization techniques. We analyze the behavior of the order parameter for the antiferromagnetic phase of the triangular lattice, the spin gap, and the structure of the spin excitations as functions of J'/J. Our results indicate that the antiferromagnetic order is not affected by the reduction of J' down to J'/J ~ 0.2. Below this value, antiferromagnetic correlations grow weaker, a description of the ground state in terms of a Neel phase renormalized by quantum fluctuations becomes inadequate, and the finite-size spectra develop features that are not compatible with antiferromagnetic ordering. However, this phase does not appear to be connected to the kagome phase as well, as the low-energy spectra do not evolve with continuity for J'-> 0 to the kagome limit. In particular, for any non-zero value of J', the latter interaction sets the energy scale for the low-lying spin excitations, and a gapless triplet spectrum, destabilizing the kagome phase, is expected.Comment: 9 pages, 10 Figures. To be published in PR

    Stationary transport in mesoscopic hybrid structures with contacts to superconducting and normal wires. A Green's function approach for multiterminal setups

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    We generalize the representation of the real time Green's functions introduced by Langreth and Nordlander [Phys. Rev. B 43 2541 (1991)] and Meir and Wingreen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 2512 (1992)] in stationary quantum transport in order to study problems with hybrid structures containing normal (N) and superconducting (S) pieces. We illustrate the treatment in a S-N junction under a stationary bias and investigate in detail the behavior of the equilibrium currents in a normal ring threaded by a magnetic flux with attached superconducting wires at equilibrium. We analyze the flux sensitivity of the Andreev states and we show that their response is equivalent to the one corresponding to the Cooper pairs with momentum q=0 in an isolated superconducting ring.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Portal Skripsi Di Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Kristen Petra Berbasis Website

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    At the moment, the Informatics Engineering Program needs a system that can manage an online registration, which can help in controlling the lecturers' schedules and also a better way for theses' title search. One problem that this department has, is in the system that controls the lecturers' teaching quota that is currently having an issue. The issue is the fact that a lecturer could teach way more than the quota and vice versa. The process of scheduling and checking of the lecturers' schedules for the theses' proposal and theses' defense is also a problem that raises in this department. However, the quota setting in this application will certainly could give an answer for both the lecturers and the students, since it will help making an equal division of the students' quantity for each lecturer. Moreover, the application also offers a better way for theses' title search in the sense that it makes the students easier to trace the previous theses' titles that already existed and avoid any overlapping titles in the future. This theses' title search feature uses SOLR technology to do a searching process that is counted based on the basic words from every searched word. The whole process in making this application is basically using yii framework and the database is using postgresql. Based on the testing result, this application succeeding to run smoothly. For additional thing in the future, this application can be added with a feature to check the theses' titles that can no longer be used (already been used) and some title suggestions that are available (never been used yet)

    Implementasi Efek Caustic Pada Objek Transparan Dengan Menggunakan Ray Tracing

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    Rendering is the process by the end of the whole process of modeling or computer animation to change the form of three-dimensional objects into two dimensions. One popular method of rendering known today is ray tracing. Ray tracing is a technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light through pixels in the image.Ray tracing method is able to produce realistic images because it is calculating lighting effects such as ambient, diffuse and specular. Reflection and refraction of light is also calculated in ray tracing. In addition, ray tracing method is divided into two kinds, known as the tracing rays from the eye (backward ray tracing) and tracing rays from the light source (forward ray tracing).Caustic effect produced by emitting light in a transparent object. Refracted light will gather in an area so that the area will appear brighter than the surrounding areas. In previous studies, the effect of caustic applied to the primitive object, where the light checks done once per object. In this study, the object used is mesh. Checking the light will be performed on each triangle in the mesh.Results showed the greater refractive index, the more caustic effect gathered in certain areas of the body bare round, but spread on a flat and taper grounded object. The increase in the complexity of the mesh will increase linearly time. Comparison with other software shows the difference in the form of caustic effects and rendering time

    Pengamatan Ekspresi Wajah Secara Adaptif Dengan Presentasi Pemutaran Musik

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    High life demands nowadays make the individual emotional state change easily. Music is one of many media that is used to stabilize a person's emotional condition. However, wrong use of music can worsen a person's emotional condition, as in the case of today's society.To prevent that, an application that can detect the user's facial expression to stabilize the user's emotional state through music is developed. The expression on the face is determined by the position of eyebrows, eyes, mouth, and wrinkles features. The positions of detected features are compared with those in a neutral face that has been previously calibrated. The difference of features' positions will be used as input of the trained neural network to determine the expression on the detected face.Through some experiments, the accuracy of detection of facial features and facial expressions are known. The detected expression will trigger the playback of music to stabilize the user's emotional condition. The weakness of this application is that the music library must be set manually by the user

    Media Interaktif Pembelajaran Sistem Pernapasan Manusia

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    Lessons learned in the field of biology like human breathing often becomes a tough lesson to understand because in biology lessons often rely solely on pictures in the textbooks, while students can sometimes interpret the picture differently. One way to understand the biology of the concept could use multimedia applications these applications would pack the human respiratory system become lessons interactive and engaging, where users will be involved in the learning process.The material in this interactive media among others are breathing and respiratory phase, respiratory organs, respiratory gas transport mechanisms in the alveoli and respiratory disease. There is also a test to measure the level of understanding the user that has been studied from this application. Applications created by using Adobe Flash CS6.Simulation and animation in the application will greatly assist the user in understanding the material. Therefore user's interest in learning is increased, coupled with the easiness of application USAge and user friendl

    Heat pumping in nanomechanical systems

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    We propose using a phonon pumping mechanism to transfer heat from a cold to a hot body using a propagating modulation of the medium connecting the two bodies. This phonon pump can cool nanomechanical systems without the need for active feedback. We compute the lowest temperature that this refrigerator can achieve.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, published versio
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