218 research outputs found


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    Pembelajaran Geografi memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat erat dengan fenomena alam yang terjadi di permukaan bumi, baik itu berupa gejala fisik maupun sosial. Kerusakan lingkungan secara kompleks terjadi di muka bumi ini disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia yang kurang arif dalam memperlakukan lingkungan. Kamojang merupakan salah satu daerah yang di dalamnya terdapat sekelompok masyarkat yang masih arif dalam perlakuan lingkungan. Peran serta masyarakat tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber bahan ajar pada mata pelajaran Geografi. Permasalahan penelitian ini membahas mengenai upaya masyarkat Kamojang dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, menindaklanjuti para perambah yang merusak lingkungan dan upaya melestarikan kembali lingkungan Kamojang yang sempat rusak. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan melibatkan Informan Pokok dan Informan Sekunder sebagai sumber data, adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, interview, member check dan triangulasi. Terdapat beberapa temuan dari hasil penelitian yaitu berupa upaya masyarakat di Kawasan Kamojang dalam melestarikan lingkungan, diantaranya: 1) Pembentukan organisasi aktivis lingkungan; 2) Tindakan lingkungan secara personal; 3) Sekolah Adiwiyata; 4) Pemberlakuan kembali kearifan lokal; 5) Pengenalan konsep Patanjala; 6) Penanaman 10.000 pohon; 7) Penerapan konsep zonasi lahan mikro. Hasil temuan ini sangat menarik jika dikemas dan disajikan dalam bahan ajar pada mata pelajaran Geografi di kelas XI Semester Genap Kurikulum 2013 pada Topik Bahasan Pencemaran, Perusakan dan Resiko Lingkungan. Peneliti merekomendasikan agar pembelajaran Geografi dapat dikemas lebih menarik salah satunya dengan cara menyajikan fenomena alam yang Up to Date untuk dikemas dalam bahan ajar, sehingga hasil dari proses KBM dapat tertanam dalam jiwa peserta didik.;--- Geography learning has the strong relationship with phenomenon that is happening in the earth both physically and socially. The complex damage of the environment that happens in the earth is caused by human activities which are not wise in treating the environment. Kamojang is one of the areas where there is society that is still wise in treating the environment. Their participation can be a source of Geography teaching and learning. The Problems of this research discuss about the effort of society of Kamojang in keeping their environment, following up the sneakers who break the environment, and the effort to conservate the environment of Kamojang wich has been broken. This research used qualitative approach, which involved the Main Informan and Secondary Informan as the source of data, meanwhile, the techniques of collecting the data used in this research are observation, interview, member check, and triangulation. There are several findings in this research, the effort of society of Kamojang in conservating their environment, they are: 1) Forming the environment association; 2) Taking an action personally; 3) School of Adiwiyata; 4) The relegation of local wiseness; 5) Introducing the concept of Patanjala; 6) Planting 10.000 trees; 7) Implementing the concept of micro land zone. These findings are interesting if they are packed and served as the teaching and learning material on Geography for XI Grade of Second Semester Curriculum of 2013 on the Topic of Pollution (Pencemaran), Damage (Perusakan), and Risk of Environment (Resiko Lingkungan). The researcher reccomends that the Geography teaching and learning can be packed more interesting, one of the ways is with serving the up-to-date phenomenon as the material to teach, so that the result of the teaching and learning process can be meaningful to students


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    In this paper, we have introduced the compression of electrocardiogram (ECG) using a wavelet transformation. We will treat ECG as a signal and will implement a matched filter; and more precisely, the Wiener filter which is proportional to the signal itself. Also, we will use this filter to detect the positions of the heart beats. In this application, we will be using the white noise. However, the matched filter will not be proportional to the signal itself. Other results we have computed for this ECG signal are the mean difference of the heart beats and the heart rate. All these results are well–established diagnostic tools for cardiac diseases


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    In this paper, we have introduced the compression of electrocardiogram (ECG) using a wavelet transformation. We will treat ECG as a signal and will implement a matched filter; and more precisely, the Wiener filter which is proportional to the signal itself. Also, we will use this filter to detect the positions of the heart beats. In this application, we will be using the white noise. However, the matched filter will not be proportional to the signal itself. Other results we have computed for this ECG signal are the mean difference of the heart beats and the heart rate. All these results are well–established diagnostic tools for cardiac diseases

    Silene latifolia temporal patterns of volatile induction and suppression after floral interaction by the nursery pollinator, Hadena bicruris (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    After 24-hour Hadena bicruris floral interaction on Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) with or without oviposition, we examined temporal volatile emission patterns for 3 days from plants with moth interaction and from neighboring plants only exposed to plant volatiles. Several lilac aldehydes and veratrole were progressively reduced after moth exposure without oviposition (by 30 to 40% after 24 hours and by 60 to 90% after 72 hours), but β -myrcene and β -pinene emissions increased by 200 to 300% only when exposure involved oviposition. Exposing S. latifolia to H. bicruris floral interaction without oviposition yielded no change in volatile organic compound (VOC) emission of neighboring S. latifolia; with oviposition, neighboring plants had 80 to126% increases in emission rates for β -myrcene and β -pinene. Progressive reduction of S. latifolia VOC emission rates might help plants to avoid nursery pollinator oviposition. In contrast, with H. bicruris oviposition on S. latifolia flowers some VOCs (common herbivore induced plant volatiles i. e. HIPVs) were induced. Whether oviposition occurred on S. latifolia strongly influenced neighboring plant VOC emission

    Effects of mechanical injury and insect feeding on volatiles emitted by wheat plants

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    We report on changes in the volatiles emitted by wheat plants of the cultivar ‘Tonacja’ after the plants were scraped, pierced or damaged by adults of Oulema melanopus (Linnaeus). The blend of volatiles was dominated by typical green leaf volatiles and in addition contained linalool and B-caryophyllene, but the latter two were released in large amounts only after more than one day of insect feeding. Overall, the plants that had been damaged by the insect released more odors than the plants that were subjected to mechanical damage. Moreover, control plants released significantly lower amounts of volatiles. Scraping of leaves induced higher volatile emission than puncturing the leaves. A Y-tube bioassay was used to evaluate upwind orientation ofadult cereal leafbeetles. Greater number of female 0. melanopus was attracted to (Z)-3-hexenal and (Z)-3 -hexenyl acetate at low concentrations. Higher concentration of these compounds and linalool significantly repelled both females and males

    A Novel Methodology to Evaluate Health Impacts Caused by VOC Exposures Using Real-Time VOC and Holter Monitors

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    While various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are known to show neurotoxic effects, the detailed mechanisms of the action of VOCs on the autonomic nervous system are not fully understood, partially because objective and quantitative measures to indicate neural abnormalities are still under development. Nevertheless, heart rate variability (HRV) has been recently proposed as an indicative measure of the autonomic effects. In this study, we used HRV as an indicative measure of the autonomic effrects to relate their values to the personal concentrations of VOCs measured by a real-time VOC monitor. The measurements were conducted for 24 hours on seven healthy subjects under usual daily life conditions. The results showed HF powers were significantly decreased for six subjects when the changes of total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentrations were large, indicating a suppression of parasympathetic nervous activity induced by the exposure to VOCs. The present study indicated these real-time monitoring was useful to characterize the trends of VOC exposures and their effects on autonomic nervous system

    Poly(3-alkylthiophenes): new sorption materials for solid phase microextraction of drugs isolated from human plasma

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    A novel sorbent in solid phase microextraction (SPME) method based on poly(3-alkylthiophenes) was used in the isolation of linezolid from human plasma samples following liquid chromatography determination. The effect of extraction time on the sorption capacity of the SPME process was studied and pointed at 10 min both for adsorption and desorption. Poly(3-methylthiophene) and poly(3-nonylthiophene) were applied for the extraction of linezolid from water solutions. In plasma samples, four coatings including polythiophene and poly(3-penthylthiophene) were investigated. With these measurements, correlation coefficients were calculated in the range from 0.9820 to 0.9995, and the relative standard deviations were below 15%. That allowed claiming that the synthesized and described materials can be successfully applied in the analysis of linezolid also from other matrices such as urine or blood

    Physiological modeling of isoprene dynamics in exhaled breath

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    Human breath contains a myriad of endogenous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are reflective of ongoing metabolic or physiological processes. While research into the diagnostic potential and general medical relevance of these trace gases is conducted on a considerable scale, little focus has been given so far to a sound analysis of the quantitative relationships between breath levels and the underlying systemic concentrations. This paper is devoted to a thorough modeling study of the end-tidal breath dynamics associated with isoprene, which serves as a paradigmatic example for the class of low-soluble, blood-borne VOCs. Real-time measurements of exhaled breath under an ergometer challenge reveal characteristic changes of isoprene output in response to variations in ventilation and perfusion. Here, a valid compartmental description of these profiles is developed. By comparison with experimental data it is inferred that the major part of breath isoprene variability during exercise conditions can be attributed to an increased fractional perfusion of potential storage and production sites, leading to higher levels of mixed venous blood concentrations at the onset of physical activity. In this context, various lines of supportive evidence for an extrahepatic tissue source of isoprene are presented. Our model is a first step towards new guidelines for the breath gas analysis of isoprene and is expected to aid further investigations regarding the exhalation, storage, transport and biotransformation processes associated with this important compound.Comment: 14 page
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