85 research outputs found

    Sediment acidification and temperature increase in an artificial CO2 vent

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    We investigated the effect of an artificial CO2 vent (0.0015−0.037 mol s−1), simulating a leak from a reservoir for carbon capture and storage (CCS), on the sediment geochemistry. CO2 was injected 3 m deep into the seafloor at 120 m depth. With increasing mass flow an increasing number of vents were observed, distributed over an area of approximately 3 m. In situ profiling with microsensors for pH, T, O2 and ORP showed the geochemical effects are localized in a small area around the vents and highly variable. In measurements remote from the vent, the pH reached a value of 7.6 at a depth of 0.06 m. In a CO2 venting channel, pH reduced to below 5. Steep temperature profiles were indicative of a heat source inside the sediment. Elevated total alkalinity and Ca2+ levels showed calcite dissolution. Venting decreased sulfate reduction rates, but not aerobic respiration. A transport-reaction model confirmed that a large fraction of the injected CO2 is transported laterally into the sediment and that the reactions between CO2 and sediment generate enough heat to elevate the temperature significantly. A CO2 leak will have only local consequences for sediment biogeochemistry, and only a small fraction of the escaped CO2 will reach the sediment surface

    Effects of fluctuating hypoxia on benthic oxygen consumption in the Black Sea (Crimean shelf)

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    The outer western Crimean shelf of the Black Sea is a natural laboratory to investigate effects of stable oxic versus varying hypoxic conditions on seafloor biogeochemical processes and benthic community structure. Bottom-water oxygen concentrations ranged from normoxic (175 ÎŒmol O2 L−1) and hypoxic (< 63 ÎŒmol O2 L−1) or even anoxic/sulfidic conditions within a few kilometers' distance. Variations in oxygen concentrations between 160 and 10 ÎŒmol L−1 even occurred within hours close to the chemocline at 134 m water depth. Total oxygen uptake, including diffusive as well as fauna-mediated oxygen consumption, decreased from 15 mmol m−2 d−1 on average in the oxic zone, to 7 mmol m−2 d−1 on average in the hypoxic zone, correlating with changes in macrobenthos composition. Benthic diffusive oxygen uptake rates, comprising respiration of microorganisms and small meiofauna, were similar in oxic and hypoxic zones (on average 4.5 mmol m−2 d−1), but declined to 1.3 mmol m−2 d−1 in bottom waters with oxygen concentrations below 20 ÎŒmol L−1. Measurements and modeling of porewater profiles indicated that reoxidation of reduced compounds played only a minor role in diffusive oxygen uptake under the different oxygen conditions, leaving the major fraction to aerobic degradation of organic carbon. Remineralization efficiency decreased from nearly 100 % in the oxic zone, to 50 % in the oxic–hypoxic zone, to 10 % in the hypoxic–anoxic zone. Overall, the faunal remineralization rate was more important, but also more influenced by fluctuating oxygen concentrations, than microbial and geochemical oxidation processes

    Assessing the impact of the global subsea telecommunications network on sedimentary organic carbon stocks

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    The sequestration of organic carbon in seafloor sediments plays a key role in regulating global climate; however, human activities can disturb previously-sequestered carbon stocks, potentially reducing the capacity of the ocean to store CO2. Recent studies revealed profound seafloor impacts and sedimentary carbon loss due to fishing and shipping, yet most other human activities in the ocean have been overlooked. Here, we present an assessment of organic carbon disturbance related to the globally-extensive subsea telecommunications cable network. Up to 2.82–11.26 Mt of organic carbon worldwide has been disturbed as a result of cable burial, in water depths of up to 2000 m. While orders of magnitude lower than that disturbed by bottom fishing, it is a non-trivial amount that is absent from global budgets. Future offshore developments that disturb the seafloor should consider the safeguarding of carbon stocks, across the full spectrum of Blue Economy industries

    Metal preservation and mobilization in sediments at the TAG hydrothermal field, Mid‐Atlantic Ridge

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    At the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse hydrothermal field, metalliferous sediments cover extinct hydrothermal mounds and the surrounding seafloor. Here, we report the morphological, mineralogical and geochemical processes that deposit these sediments, remobilize their metals, and affect their preservation. We found that the initial sediment metal tenor is controlled by physical transport of hydrothermal material from its source, followed by diagenetic redistribution and potentially diffuse fluid flow after high-temperature hydrothermal activity has ceased. We distinguished three different environments: (a) proximal metalliferous sediments on top of extinct mounds are mainly derived from oxidative weathering of primary sulfide structures and are predominantly composed of Fe oxyhydroxides with low contents of Cu, Co, and Zn; metal enrichments in specific layers are likely related to upward flow of low-temperature hydrothermal fluids; (b) medial distant metalliferous sediments found at the base of the mounds, deposited by mass transport, contain cm-thick layers of unsorted sulfide sands with high base metal contents (e.g., up to 28% Cu); these buried sulfides continue to undergo dissolution, resulting in metal release into porewaters; (c) distal metalliferous sediments, found in depositional basins a few hundreds of meters from the extinct mounds, include fining-upwards sequences of thin sulfide sand layers with Fe oxyhydroxides and were deposited by recurrent turbiditic flows. Dissolved metals (e.g., Cu2+ and Mn2+) diffuse upwards under reducing conditions and precipitate within the sediment. Hence, when using hydrothermal sediments to construct reliable geochronological records of hydrothermal activity, distance from source, local seafloor morphology, mass-transport and depositional, and diagenetic modification should all be considered

    Factors influencing microplastic abundances in the sediments of a seagrass-dominated tropical atoll

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    Seagrass meadows are one of the world's most diverse ecosystems offering habitats for an extensive array of species, as well as serving as protectors of coral reefs and vital carbon sinks. Furthermore, they modify hydrodynamics by diminishing water flow velocities and enhancing sediment deposition, indicating the potential for microplastic accumulation in their sediments. The build-up of microplastics could potentially have ecological impacts threatening to ecosystems, however little is known about microplastic abundance and controlling factors in seagrass sediments. Here we investigated microplastic characteristics and abundances within sediments underlying four seagrass meadow sites on the Turneffe Atoll, Belize. Sediment cores were collected and sub-sampled to include a range of replicate surface sediments (0-4 cm) and depth cores (sediment depths 0-2, 2-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm). These were analysed using 25 ÎŒm resolution ÎŒFTIR, with spectral maps processed using siMPle software. Microplastics were prevalent across the sites with an abundance range (limit of detection (LOD) blank-corrected) of < LOD to 17137 microplastics kg dw found on the east side of the atoll. However, their abundances varied greatly between the replicate samples. Polyethylene and polypropylene were the most commonly detected polymers overall, although the dominant polymer type varied between sites. There were no differences in the abundance of microplastics between sites, nor could abundance distributions be explained by seagrass cover. However, abundances of microplastics were highest in sediments with lower proportions of fine grained particles (clay, <4 ÎŒm) suggesting that hydrodynamics override seagrass effects. Additionally, no patterns were seen between microplastic abundance and depth of sediment. This suggests that microplastic abundance and distribution in seagrass meadows may vary significantly depending on the specific geographical locations within those meadows, and that more complex hydrodynamic factors influence spatial variability at a localised scale

    Seismic chimney characterisation in the North Sea – Implications for pockmark formation and shallow gas migration

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    Fluid-escape structures within sedimentary basins permit pressure-driven focused fluid flow through inter-connected faults, fractures and sediment. Seismically-imaged chimneys are recognised as fluid migration pathways which cross-cut overburden stratigraphy, hydraulically connecting deeper strata with the seafloor. However, the geological processes in the sedimentary overburden which control the mechanisms of genesis and temporal evolution require improved understanding. We integrate high resolution 2D and 3D seismic reflection data with sediment core data to characterise a natural, active site of seafloor methane venting in the UK North Sea and Witch Ground Basin, the Scanner pockmark complex. A regional assessment of shallow gas distribution presents direct evidence of active and palaeo-fluid migration pathways which terminate at the seabed pockmarks. We show that these pockmarks are fed from a methane gas reservoir located at 70 metres below the seafloor. We find that the shallow reservoir is a glacial outwash fan, that is laterally sealed by glacial tunnel valleys. Overpressure generation leading to chimney and pockmark genesis is directly controlled by the shallow geological and glaciogenic setting. Once formed, pockmarks act as drainage cells for the underlying gas accumulations. Fluid flow occurs through gas chimneys, comprised of a sub-vertical gas-filled fracture zone. Our findings provide an improved understanding of focused fluid flow and pockmark formation within the sediment overburden, which can be applied to subsurface geohazard assessment and geological storage of CO2

    Increased fluid flow activity in shallow sediments at the 3 km Long Hugin Fracture in the central North Sea

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    The North Sea hosts a wide variety of seafloor seeps that may be important for transfer of chemical species, such as methane, from the Earth's interior to its exterior. Here we provide geochemical and geophysical evidence for fluid flow within shallow sediments at the recently discovered, 3-km long Hugin Fracture in the Central North Sea. Although venting of gas bubbles was not observed, concentrations of dissolved methane were significantly elevated (up to six-times background values) in the water column at various locations above the fracture, and microbial mats that form in the presence of methane were observed at the seafloor. Seismic amplitude anomalies revealed a bright spot at a fault bend that may be the source of the water column methane. Sediment porewaters recovered in close proximity to the Hugin Fracture indicate the presence of fluids from two different shallow (<500m) sources: (i) a reduced fluid characterized by elevated methane concentrations and/or high levels of dissolved sulfide (up to 6 mmol L−1), and (ii) a low-chlorinity fluid (Cl ∌305 mmol L−1) that has low levels of dissolved methane and/or sulfide. The area of the seafloor affected by the presence of methane-enriched fluids is similar to the footprint of seepage from other morphological features in the North Sea
