208 research outputs found

    Thiamine pyrophosphokinase deficiency causes a Leigh disease like phenotype in a sibling pair: Identification through whole exome sequencing and management strategies

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    We present a sibling pair with Leigh-like disease, progressive hypotonia, regression, and chronic encephalopathy. Whole exome sequencing in the younger sibling demonstrated a homozygous thiamine pyrophosphokinase (TPK) mutation. Initiation of high dose thiamine, niacin, biotin, α-lipoic acid and ketogenic diet in this child demonstrated improvement in neurologic function and re-attainment of previously lost milestones. The diagnosis of TPK deficiency was difficult due to inconsistent biochemical and diagnostic parameters, rapidity of clinical demise and would not have been made in a timely manner without the use of whole exome sequencing. Molecular diagnosis allowed for attempt at dietary modification with cofactor supplementation which resulted in an improved clinical cours

    Consensus guidelines for management of hyperammonaemia in paediatric patients receiving continuous kidney replacement therapy.

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    Hyperammonaemia in children can lead to grave consequences in the form of cerebral oedema, severe neurological impairment and even death. In infants and children, common causes of hyperammonaemia include urea cycle disorders or organic acidaemias. Few studies have assessed the role of extracorporeal therapies in the management of hyperammonaemia in neonates and children. Moreover, consensus guidelines are lacking for the use of non-kidney replacement therapy (NKRT) and kidney replacement therapies (KRTs, including peritoneal dialysis, continuous KRT, haemodialysis and hybrid therapy) to manage hyperammonaemia in neonates and children. Prompt treatment with KRT and/or NKRT, the choice of which depends on the ammonia concentrations and presenting symptoms of the patient, is crucial. This expert Consensus Statement presents recommendations for the management of hyperammonaemia requiring KRT in paediatric populations. Additional studies are required to strengthen these recommendations


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    Background Phenylacetic acid (PAA) is the active moiety in sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPBA) and glycerol phenylbutyrate (GPB, HPN-100), both are approved for treatment of urea cycle disorders (UCDs) - rare genetic disorders characterized by hyperammonemia. PAA is conjugated with glutamine in the liver to form phenylacetyleglutamine (PAGN), which is excreted in urine. PAA plasma levels ≥500 μg/dL have been reported to be associated with reversible neurological adverse events (AEs) in cancer patients receiving PAA intravenously. Therefore, we have investigated the relationship between PAA levels and neurological AEs in patients treated with these PAA pro-drugs as well as approaches to identifying patients most likely to experience high PAA levels. Methods The relationship between nervous system AEs, PAA levels and the ratio of plasma PAA to PAGN were examined in 4683 blood samples taken serially from: [1] healthy adults [2], UCD patients ≥2 months of age, and [3] patients with cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy (HE). The plasma ratio of PAA to PAGN was analyzed with respect to its utility in identifying patients at risk of high PAA values. Results Only 0.2% (11) of 4683 samples exceeded 500 ug/ml. There was no relationship between neurological AEs and PAA levels in UCD or HE patients, but transient AEs including headache and nausea that correlated with PAA levels were observed in healthy adults. Irrespective of population, a curvilinear relationship was observed between PAA levels and the plasma PAA:PAGN ratio, and a ratio > 2.5 (both in μg/mL) in a random blood draw identified patients at risk for PAA levels > 500 μg/ml. Conclusions The presence of a relationship between PAA levels and reversible AEs in healthy adults but not in UCD or HE patients may reflect intrinsic differences among the populations and/or metabolic adaptation with continued dosing. The plasma PAA:PAGN ratio is a functional measure of the rate of PAA metabolism and represents a useful dosing biomarker

    The HNF4A R76W mutation causes atypical dominant Fanconi syndrome in addition to a β cell phenotype

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    types: JOURNAL ARTICLEMutation specific effects in monogenic disorders are rare. We describe atypical Fanconi syndrome caused by a specific heterozygous mutation in HNF4A. Heterozygous HNF4A mutations cause a beta cell phenotype of neonatal hyperinsulinism with macrosomia and young onset diabetes. Autosomal dominant idiopathic Fanconi syndrome (a renal proximal tubulopathy) is described but no genetic cause has been defined.This article presents independent research supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Exeter Clinical Research Facility. The research is funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award, (grant number 098395/Z/12/Z).Wellcome Trus

    Impaired neural development in a zebrafish model for Lowe syndrome

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    Lowe syndrome, which is characterized by defects in the central nervous system, eyes and kidneys, is caused by mutation of the phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase OCRL1. The mechanisms by which loss of OCRL1 leads to the phenotypic manifestations of Lowe syndrome are currently unclear, in part, owing to the lack of an animal model that recapitulates the disease phenotype. Here, we describe a zebrafish model for Lowe syndrome using stable and transient suppression of OCRL1 expression. Deficiency of OCRL1, which is enriched in the brain, leads to neurological defects similar to those reported in Lowe syndrome patients, namely increased susceptibility to heat-induced seizures and cystic brain lesions. In OCRL1-deficient embryos, Akt signalling is reduced and there is both increased apoptosis and reduced proliferation, most strikingly in the neural tissue. Rescue experiments indicate that catalytic activity and binding to the vesicle coat protein clathrin are essential for OCRL1 function in these processes. Our results indicate a novel role for OCRL1 in neural development, and support a model whereby dysregulation of phosphoinositide metabolism and clathrin-mediated membrane traffic leads to the neurological symptoms of Lowe syndrome

    The Genetic Landscape and Epidemiology of Phenylketonuria

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU), caused by variants in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene, is the most common autosomal-recessive Mendelian phenotype of amino acid metabolism. We estimated that globally 0.45 million individuals have PKU, with global prevalence 1:23,930 live births (range 1:4,500 [Italy]-1:125,000 [Japan]). Comparing genotypes and metabolic phenotypes from 16,092 affected subjects revealed differences in disease severity in 51 countries from 17 world regions, with the global phenotype distribution of 62% classic PKU, 22% mild PKU, and 16% mild hyperphenylalaninemia. A gradient in genotype and phenotype distribution exists across Europe, from classic PKU in the east to mild PKU in the southwest and mild hyperphenylalaninemia in the south. The c.1241A gt G (p.Tyr414Cys)-associated genotype can be traced from Northern to Western Europe, from Sweden via Norway, to Denmark, to the Netherlands. The frequency of classic PKU increases from Europe (56%) via Middle East (71%) to Australia (80%). Of 758 PAH variants, c.1222C gt T (p.Arg408Trp) (22.2%), c.1066-11G gt A (IVS10-11G gt A) (6.4%), and c.782G gt A (p.Arg261Gln) (5.5%) were most common and responsible for two prevalent genotypes: p.[Arg408Trp];[Arg408Trp] (11.4%) and c.[1066-11G gt A];[1066-11G gt A] (2.6%). Most genotypes (73%) were compound heterozygous, 27% were homozygous, and 55% of 3,659 different genotypes occurred in only a single individual. PAH variants were scored using an allelic phenotype value and correlated with pre-treatment blood phenylalanine concentrations (n = 6,115) and tetrahydrobiopterin loading test results (n = 4,381), enabling prediction of both a genotype-based phenotype (88%) and tetrahydrobiopterin responsiveness (83%). This study shows that large genotype databases enable accurate phenotype prediction, allowing appropriate targeting of therapies to optimize clinical outcome

    Lowe Syndrome Protein OCRL1 Supports Maturation of Polarized Epithelial Cells

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    Mutations in the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase OCRL1 cause Lowe Syndrome, leading to cataracts, mental retardation and renal failure. We noted that cell types affected in Lowe Syndrome are highly polarized, and therefore we studied OCRL1 in epithelial cells as they mature from isolated individual cells into polarized sheets and cysts with extensive communication between neighbouring cells. We show that a proportion of OCRL1 targets intercellular junctions at the early stages of their formation, co-localizing both with adherens junctional components and with tight junctional components. Correlating with this distribution, OCRL1 forms complexes with junctional components α-catenin and zonula occludens (ZO)-1/2/3. Depletion of OCRL1 in epithelial cells growing as a sheet inhibits maturation; cells remain flat, fail to polarize apical markers and also show reduced proliferation. The effect on shape is reverted by re-expressed OCRL1 and requires the 5′-phosphatase domain, indicating that down-regulation of 5-phosphorylated inositides is necessary for epithelial development. The effect of OCRL1 in epithelial maturation is seen more strongly in 3-dimensional cultures, where epithelial cells lacking OCRL1 not only fail to form a central lumen, but also do not have the correct intracellular distribution of ZO-1, suggesting that OCRL1 functions early in the maturation of intercellular junctions when cells grow as cysts. A role of OCRL1 in junctions of polarized cells may explain the pattern of organs affected in Lowe Syndrome

    The 3-methylglutaconic acidurias: what’s new?

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    The heterogeneous group of 3-methylglutaconic aciduria (3-MGA-uria) syndromes includes several inborn errors of metabolism biochemically characterized by increased urinary excretion of 3-methylglutaconic acid. Five distinct types have been recognized: 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type I is an inborn error of leucine catabolism; the additional four types all affect mitochondrial function through different pathomechanisms. We provide an overview of the expanding clinical spectrum of the 3-MGA-uria types and provide the newest insights into the underlying pathomechanisms. A diagnostic approach to the patient with 3-MGA-uria is presented, and we search for the connection between urinary 3-MGA excretion and mitochondrial dysfunction