115 research outputs found

    Impactos del riego con aguas cloacales en las propiedades del suelo de una granja en China: Una revisión

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    El agua limpia es un recurso valioso y juega un rol importante en mantener los desarrollos económico y social. La limitación de recursos hídricos ciertamente no permitirá un desarrollo sostenible de las industrias básicas en China en un futuro cercano, considerando su gran población y potencial de consumo. La aplicación de aguas cloacales, hasta cierto punto, se observó como un camino alternativo para resolver el problema de la escasez de agua en agricultura en algunas áreas (tales como en el Norte de China). Sin embargo, acompañado con una implementación extensiva de riego con aguas cloacales, algunos problemas se hicieron obvios, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la contaminación y destrucción de granjas. En este manuscrito se revisaron los efectos del riego con aguas cloacales en granjas en China sobre algunas características físicas (densidad aparente del suelo, resistencia del suelo a la penetración y capacidad de campo), químicas (pH, materia orgánica del suelo, nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio, metales pesados y contaminantes orgánicos) y biológicas de suelo (microorganismos del suelo, y actividad enzimática). Esto se basó en el grado actual de utilización del riego con aguas cloacales de las granjas de China. Se propusieron algunas sugerencias posibles con respecto a las perspectivas de desarrollo en el futuro. Esta revisión será benéfica para promover un desarrollo saludable del riego con aguas cloacales y proveer un apoyo teórico para el reclamo y un gran uso eficiente de los efluentes en China.Fresh water is a valuable nonrenewable resource and plays an important role in maintaining economic and social development. Considering its large population and consumption potential, water resource deficits will certainly not allow a sustainable development of basic industries in China in the near future. Application of sewage irrigation, to some extent, was regarded as an alternative way to solve the problem of agricultural water shortage in some areas (such as North China). However, accompanied with an extensive implementation of sewage irrigation, some problems with sewage irrigation became gradually obvious in agriculture, especially those related with pollution and destruction of farmlands. In this paper, the effects of sewage irrigation on soil physical (soil bulk density, soil resistance to penetration and field capacity), chemical (pH, soil organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, heavy metal and organic pollutants) and biological characteristics (soil microorganisms and enzyme activities) were systematically reviewed on farmlands in China, based on the current utilization status of China’s farmland sewage irrigation. Some feasible suggestions were put forward to the development prospects in the future. This review will be beneficial for promoting a healthy development of sewage irrigation and providing a theoretical support for reclamation and a high efficiency use of effluents in China.Fil: Li, Q.K.. Yellow River Conservancy Commission. Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research; ChinaFil: Tang, J.. Henan Institute of Science and Technology. School of Resource and Environment ; ChinaFil: Wang, T.. Henan Bureau of Geo-Exploration & Mineral Development. Third Institute of Geo-exploration Institute; ChinaFil: Wu, D.. Henan Institute of Science and Technology. School of Resource and Environment ; ChinaFil: Busso, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Jiao, R.F.. Henan Institute of Science and Technology. School of Resource and Environment ; ChinaFil: Ren, J.X.. Henan Institute of Science and Technology. School of Resource and Environment ; Chin

    Hamiltonian Formalism of the de-Sitter Invariant Special Relativity

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    Lagrangian of the Einstein's special relativity with universal parameter cc (SRc\mathcal{SR}_c) is invariant under Poincar\'e transformation which preserves Lorentz metric ημν\eta_{\mu\nu}. The SRc\mathcal{SR}_c has been extended to be one which is invariant under de Sitter transformation that preserves so called Beltrami metric BμνB_{\mu\nu}. There are two universal parameters cc and RR in this Special Relativity (denote it as SRcR\mathcal{SR}_{cR}). The Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formulism of SRcR\mathcal{SR}_{cR} is formulated in this paper. The canonic energy, canonic momenta, and 10 Noether charges corresponding to the space-time's de Sitter symmetry are derived. The canonical quantization of the mechanics for SRcR\mathcal{SR}_{cR}-free particle is performed. The physics related to it is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, no figur

    Integrated proteomic and glycoproteomic characterization of human high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma

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    Many gene products exhibit great structural heterogeneity because of an array of modifications. These modifications are not directly encoded in the genomic template but often affect the functionality of proteins. Protein glycosylation plays a vital role in proper protein functions. However, the analysis of glycoproteins has been challenging compared with other protein modifications, such as phosphorylation. Here, we perform an integrated proteomic and glycoproteomic analysis of 83 prospectively collected high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSC) and 23 non-tumor tissues. Integration of the expression data from global proteomics and glycoproteomics reveals tumor-specific glycosylation, uncovers different glycosylation associated with three tumor clusters, and identifies glycosylation enzymes that were correlated with the altered glycosylation. In addition to providing a valuable resource, these results provide insights into the potential roles of glycosylation in the pathogenesis of HGSC, with the possibility of distinguishing pathological outcomes of ovarian tumors from non-tumors, as well as classifying tumor clusters

    EuFe2_2As2_2 under high pressure: an antiferromagnetic bulk superconductor

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    We report the ac magnetic susceptibility χac\chi_{ac} and resistivity ρ\rho measurements of EuFe2_2As2_2 under high pressure PP. By observing nearly 100% superconducting shielding and zero resistivity at PP = 28 kbar, we establish that PP-induced superconductivity occurs at TcT_c \sim~30 K in EuFe2_2As2_2. ρ\rho shows an anomalous nearly linear temperature dependence from room temperature down to TcT_c at the same PP. χac\chi_{ac} indicates that an antiferromagnetic order of Eu2+^{2+} moments with TNT_N \sim~20 K persists in the superconducting phase. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field is also determined.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 78 No.

    A search for the decay B+K+ννˉB^+ \to K^+ \nu \bar{\nu}

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    We search for the rare flavor-changing neutral-current decay B+K+ννˉB^+ \to K^+ \nu \bar{\nu} in a data sample of 82 fb1^{-1} collected with the {\sl BABAR} detector at the PEP-II B-factory. Signal events are selected by examining the properties of the system recoiling against either a reconstructed hadronic or semileptonic charged-B decay. Using these two independent samples we obtain a combined limit of B(B+K+ννˉ)<5.2×105{\mathcal B}(B^+ \to K^+ \nu \bar{\nu})<5.2 \times 10^{-5} at the 90% confidence level. In addition, by selecting for pions rather than kaons, we obtain a limit of B(B+π+ννˉ)<1.0×104{\mathcal B}(B^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu})<1.0 \times 10^{-4} using only the hadronic B reconstruction method.Comment: 7 pages, 8 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    High-reflectivity broadband distributed Bragg reflector lattice matched to ZnTe

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    We report on the realization of a high quality distributed Bragg reflector with both high and low refractive index layers lattice matched to ZnTe. Our structure is grown by molecular beam epitaxy and is based on binary compounds only. The high refractive index layer is made of ZnTe, while the low index material is made of a short period triple superlattice containing MgSe, MgTe, and ZnTe. The high refractive index step of Delta_n=0.5 in the structure results in a broad stopband and the reflectivity coefficient exceeding 99% for only 15 Bragg pairs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Improved measurement of CP asymmetries in B-0 ->(c(c)over-bar)K0((*)) decays

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    We present results on time-dependent CP asymmetries in neutral B decays to several CP eigenstates. The measurements use a data sample of about 227x10(6) Upsilon(4S)-> B (B) over bar decays collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. The amplitude of the CPasymmetry, sin2 beta in the standard model, is derived from decay-time distributions from events in which one neutral B meson is fully reconstructed in a final state containing a charmonium meson and the other B meson is determined to be either a B-0 or (0) from its decay products. We measure sin2 beta=0.722 +/- 0.040(stat)+/- 0.023(syst) in agreement with the standard model expectation

    Measurement of the electron energy spectrum and its moments in inclusive B -> Xe nu decays

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    We report a measurement of the inclusive electron energy spectrum for semileptonic decays of B mesons in a data sample of 52 million Y(4S)-->B(B) over bar decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B-meson factory at SLAC. We determine the branching fraction, first, second, and third moments of the spectrum for lower cutoffs on the electron energy between 0.6 and 1.5 GeV. We measure the partial branching fraction to be B(B-->Xenu,E-e>0.6 GeV)=[10.36+/-0.06(stat.)+/-0.23(sys.)]%

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Individual-breed assignments in caprine populations using microsatellite DNA analysis

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    Genetic variability of 18 microsatellites in five Chinese goat breeds was characterized and then individual-breed assignments were implemented on the basis of microsatellite multi-genotypes. Although the low Gst value of 5.7% occurred among these breeds, the accumulated non-parental exclusion probabilities of 99.99% and the correct assignment percentage of 82% demonstrated that microsatellites were feasible for paternity testing and individual-breed assignments in caprine populations. All of loci showed high polymorphism except that MAF35 had only two alleles, and INRA0132 had potential null allele in these breeds. The non-parental exclusion probability per locus varied from 0.081 to 0.534 under case I for paternity testing and ranged from 0.161 to 0.699 under case II, respectively. Both of Excl 1 and Excl 2 were significantly correlated to the genetic diversity measures including genetic heterozygosity, polymorphism information content (PIC) and gene differential coefficients, and that suggested genetic polymorphism of marker provide enough information for microsatellite selection. In addition, the Bayesian method was proven to have superiority of the correct assignment percentage in comparison to gene frequency method and genetic distance methods, with the assumptions of locus-population Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium and no linkage between loci. The correct assignment percentage were always higher in YC and Boer than other three goat breeds, implying assignment efficiency was positively relative to populations with greater uniformity and low population genetic variability. The correct assignment percentage rose with the increase of number of loci used, and it could reach 71.5% when nine microsatellites with the highest genetic polymorphism were combined together