21 research outputs found

    Una modesta proposición sobre El exiliado de aquí y allá de Juan Goytisolo

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    Después de la publicación de Telón de boca en 2003, los lectores y relectores de Juan Goytisolo pensaron que ésta iba a ser su última novela ya que el autor declaró que se jubilaba como novelista. Pero luego publicó en 2008 El exiliado de aquí y allá, una prolongación de Paisajes después de la batalla (1982), y una sátira mordaz que presenta, al estilo swiftiano, un retrato corrosivo y demoledor del mundo actual. De ahí que resultara sorprendente que Goytisolo comentara en 2014, a raíz de su selección como ganador del Premio Cervantes, que dicha novela fue «quizás innecesaria». Contrariamente al juicio del autor, argumento aquí que El exiliado de aquí y allá es una novela bien «necesaria». Es una brillante contribución a una gran tradición satírica, completa la visión del mundo que Goytisolo ha elaborado a lo largo de los años y marca la despedida del autor de la ficción.Les lecteurs de Juan Goytisolo avaient tout à fait raison de penser que Telon de boca (2003) serait son dernier roman. Goytisolo lui-même a declaré après sa publication qu’il prenait sa retraite en tant que romancier. Mais ensuite en 2008, il a surpris ses lecteurs en publiant El exiliado de aquí y allá, la suite de son roman de 1982, Paisajes después de la batalla, et une satire mordante qui se presentait comme un portrait très critique du monde actuel. En 2014, a l’occasion de sa nomination comme gagnant du prix Cervantes prestigieux, Goytisolo a surpris ses lecteurs encore une fois en remarquant que El exiliado de aquí y allá i y alla «n’était peut-être pas nécessaire». Cet article met en question l’opinion de Goytisolo et démontre que El exiliado de aquí y allá est en eff et «nécessaire». Le roman fait une contribution brillante à une tradition satirique; il complète la vision du monde que Goytisolo a élaborée au cours des années, et signale les adieux de l’auteur à la fiction.Juan Goytisolo’s readers had every reason to assume that Telón de boca (2003) would be his last novel. Goytisolo himself pointedly declared after its publication that he was retiring as a novelist. But then in 2008, he surprised his readers by publishing El exiliado de aquí y allá, a continuation of his 1982 novel, Paisajes después de la batalla, and a biting satire that presented a scathing portrait of contemporary society. In 2014, on the occasion of being named the winner of the prestigious «Premio Cervantes» (Cervantes Prize), Goytisolo surprised his public yet again by commenting that El exiliado de aquí y allá was «perhaps unnecessary.» This article argues against Goytisolo’s assertion and demonstrates that El exiliado is indeed «necessary.» It is a brilliant contribution to a rich satirical tradition; it completes the vision of the world that Goytisolo has elaborated throughout the years, and it marks the author’s farewell to fiction

    Knowledge, Fiction, and the Other in Cervantes’s La Gitanilla.

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    In recent years, a number of critics have brought the history of science as well as more contemporary scientific approaches to bear on Spanish baroque literature and culture with positive results (a little pun for you there, Moi). Scholars such Amy Williamsen, David Castillo and Massimo Lollini, Vicente Pérez de León, William Egginton, and Carroll Johnson, among others, have illuminated the struggles taking place between emergent, modern scientific paradigms and residual natural philosophies and how Cervantes’s aesthetic experiments perform and problematize these paradigms and their collisions. The goal of this paper is to reframe these discussions according to contemporary scientific models of inquiry in order to demonstrate how Cervantes’s timely marriage of poiesis and scientific knowledge not only questions early modern assumptions about scientific knowledge but our own as well

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Makbara: entre la espada y la pared ¿política marxista o política sexual?

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    L'écriture infectieuse de Juan Goytisolo. Contamination et quarantaine

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    Gould Levine Linda, El Yamani Mohamed Saad Eddine. L'écriture infectieuse de Juan Goytisolo. Contamination et quarantaine. In: Horizons Maghrébins - Le droit à la mémoire, N°28-29, 1995. Juan Goytisolo : trajectoires. pp. 119-129

    Shadow Subjects: A Category of Analysis for Empathic Stancetaking

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    This article analyzes conversational and material data collected during 12 months of fieldwork at a secondary school in southeast Spain. I focus on the cultivation of stance positions—particularly around gender equality—involving “shadow subjects”: imagined discursive figures that both prompt and constrain empathy for others whose rights have been violated. Within this multicultural context, Moroccan immigrant youth get positioned as defenders of outdated patriarchal mores. I argue that the semiotic burdening and elaboration of stance on behalf of shadow subjects makes this possible and points to inherent biases in operationalizing “universal” egalitarian values among ideologically and experientially diverse communities