35 research outputs found

    LITERASI KEAGAMAAN DI KALANGAN TAKMIR MASJID (Studi Perbandingan Pada Masjid Al-Furqon Dan Masjid Ad-Du’a Kota Bandar Lampung)

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    ABSTRAK Takmir masjid berarti pengurus masjid, pengurus masjid adalah mereka yang menerima amanah jama'ah untuk memimpin dan mengelola masjid dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui literasi keagamaan takmir masjid di Masjid Al-Furqon dan Ad-Dua dalam mencari sumber-sumber keagamaan untuk menambah wawasan keagamaan. Literasi Keagamaan yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan berbahasa takmir masjid untuk berkomunikasi, mengolah informasi, memecahkan masalah dan kemampuan berpikir kritis serta kreatif untuk memakmurkan masjid Al-Furqon dan Masjid Ad-Dua, serta membangun literasi yang baik sebagai sumber informasi umum maupun informasi keagamaan yang valid, aktual dan dapat di pertanggungjawabkan. Penulis menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan jenis penelitian yaitu kulitatif. Masjid memiliki peran penting dalam mewujudkan cita-cita islam yang Rahmatan lil‟alamin. Bahkan dapat dikatakan masjid menjadi fokus sentral dalam mendiseminasikan ide�ide toleransi, perdamaian dan anti kekerasan. Namun demikian, tidak dapat dipungkiri juga bahwa narasi-narasi intoleran dan juga bernuansa kekerasan tak jarang disuarakan didalam masjid baik dalam ceramah maupun khutbah. Karena itu menjadi penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana posisi dan peran masjid saat ini dalam meningkatkam literasi keagamaan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, yaitu sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan atau melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data yang berhasil didapat kemudian diolah dan dianalisis dengan cara kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi komparatif dan studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk mengukur literasi keagamaan di kalangan takmir masjid. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh American Academy of Religion sebuah asosiasi sarjana yang terdiri atas peneliti dan pengajar masalah keagamaan telah mengadopsi rumusan definisi Diane L. Moore. Asosiasi tersebut mengartikan literasi keagamaan sebagai kemampuan menganalisis serta memahami perbedaan dan persimpangan (interseksi) agama dengan kehidupan sosial, politik, dan budaya melalui berbagai sudut pandang. Literasi keagamaan dikaitkan dengan beberapa aspek penting dan strategis dalam memerankan atau memfungsikan konkret ajaran agama dalam kehidupan sosial, politik, dan kultural masyarakat modern. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa literasi keagamaan di masjid�masjid besar Kota Bandar Lampung masih dilaksanakan secara konvensional, yaitu melalui khutbah dan ceramah keagamaan yang bersifat normatif dan cenderung indoktrinatif. Tidak banyak masjid yang mengadakan diskusi membahas topik-topik sosial, budaya, ekonomi dan politik ditinjau dari perspektif keislaman. Di kedua masjid tersebut hanya sedikit masjid yang menyatakan pernah mengadakan forum diskusi dengan mengundang cendekiawan Muslim sebagai narasumber. Umumnya masjid di Kota mengadakan khutbah jumat dan ceramah dengan menghadirkan kiai atau ustadz yang dianggap sealiran atau pendakwah yang tidak dianggap melenceng oleh fatwa MUI. Data ini menunjukkan bahwa para takmir masjid memahami tujuan literasi keagamaan di masjid untuk memelihara ortodoksi Islam melalui indoktrinasi pemahaman keagamaan. Literasi keagamaan sengaja diarahkan semata-mata untuk penyampaian ajaran normatif Islam guna memperkuat aqidah, ibadah dan akhlaq para jamaah. Seperti sudah menjadi kesepakatan diam di kalangan jamaah masjid di kedua daerah tersebut bahwa seorang penceramah atau khatib hendaknya tidak mengupas isu- isu social dan politik dalam khutbahnya meskipun untuk tujuan menilainya dari perspektif Islam. Kata Kunci: Literasi, Takmir, Masjid. ABSTRACT Takmir mosque means mosque administrator, mosque administrators are those who receive the mandate of the congregation to lead and manage the mosque well. The aim of this research is to determine the religious literacy of mosque takmirs at the Al-Furqon and Ad-Dua Mosques in looking for religious sources to increase religious insight. Religious Literacy referred to in this research is the ability to speak the mosque takmir language to communicate, process information, solve problems and the ability to think critically and creatively to prosper the Al-Furqon Mosque and the Ad-Dua Mosque, as well as building good literacy as a source of general information and religious information which is valid, actual and accountable. The author uses field research with a type of research, namely qualitative. Mosques have an important role in realizing the ideals of Islam which are Rahmatan lil'alamin. It can even be said that mosques are the central focus in disseminating the ideas of tolerance, peace and non�violence. However, it cannot be denied that intolerant and violent narratives are often voiced in mosques, both in lectures and sermons. Therefore, it is important to know the current position and role of mosques in increasing religious literacy. This research is descriptive in nature, namely as a problem solving procedure that is investigated by describing or depicting the current state of the subject or research object based on visible facts or as they really are. Data collection methods use interviews, observation and documentation. The data that was obtained was then processed and analyzed qualitatively using a comparative study and case study approach which aimed to measure religious literacy among mosque takmirs. The theory used in this research is the theory put forward by the American Academy of Religion, an association of scholars consisting of researchers and teachers of religious issues who have adopted Diane L. Moore's definition. The association defines religious literacy as the ability to analyze and understand the differences and intersections of religion with social, political and cultural life from various points of view. Religious literacy is associated with several important and strategic aspects in the role or concrete functioning of religious teachings in the social, political and cultural life of modern society. The results of this research show that religious literacy in the large mosques of Bandar Lampung City is still carried out conventionally, namely through sermons and religious lectures which are normative and tend to be indoctrinative. Not many mosques hold discussions discussing social, cultural, economic and political topics from an Islamic perspective. In these two mosques, only a few mosques stated that they had held discussion forums inviting Muslim scholars as resource persons. Generally, mosques in the city hold Friday sermons and lectures by presenting kiai or ustadz who are considered religious or preachers who are not considered deviant by the MUI fatwa. This data shows that mosque takmirs understand the purpose of religious literacy in mosques to maintain Islamic orthodoxy through indoctrination in religious understanding. Religious literacy is deliberately directed solely at conveying normative Islamic teachings in order to strengthen the faith, worship and morals of the congregation. It has become a silent agreement among mosque congregations in both areas that a preacher or khatib should not discuss social and political issues in his sermon, even for the purpose of assessing it from an Islamic perspective. Keywords: Literacy, Takmir, Mosque

    Relationship between Pollutant Sources and Water Quality of Dug Well Based on Biological Parameters of E. Coli

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    Water from dug wells is one of the sources of clean water used by the community both in villages and cities. Groundwater consumed by the community must have quality in accordance with the specified requirements. One of the important parameters is the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria (E.coli). The aims of this study is to identify the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria in dug well. In addition, to determine the correlation between the distance of the pollutant source (cowshed and septic tank) and the well. The analytical method used is univariate descriptive method and quantitative analysis. The results showed from 7 wells that were used as research objects, there were 4 wells positive for E. Coli bacteria and 3 wells were negative for E. Coli bacteria. The correlation value test showed that the pollutant source from cowshed had a coefficient of determination of R 2 = 0.911 or 91.1% which means that there is a strong relationship between the presence of E.Coli bacteria in the well and cow dung. As for the pollutant source from the septic tank, the results of the correlation test show the value of R 2 = 0.201 or 20.1% which means that the relationship between the presence of E. Coli bacteria and the septic tank is not strong. Septic tanks construction that conform to standards are one of the factors that cause dug well water quality to remain protected from pollutants

    Relationship between Pollutant Sources and Water Quality of Dug Well Based on Biological Parameters of E. Coli

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    Water from dug wells is one of the sources of clean water used by the community both in villages and cities. Groundwater consumed by the community must have quality in accordance with the specified requirements. One of the important parameters is the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria (E.coli). The aims of this study is to identify the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria in dug well. In addition, to determine the correlation between the distance of the pollutant source (cowshed and septic tank) and the well. The analytical method used is univariate descriptive method and quantitative analysis. The results showed from 7 wells that were used as research objects, there were 4 wells positive for E. Coli bacteria and 3 wells were negative for E. Coli bacteria. The correlation value test showed that the pollutant source from cowshed had a coefficient of determination of R 2 = 0.911 or 91.1% which means that there is a strong relationship between the presence of E.Coli bacteria in the well and cow dung. As for the pollutant source from the septic tank, the results of the correlation test show the value of R 2 = 0.201 or 20.1% which means that the relationship between the presence of E. Coli bacteria and the septic tank is not strong. Septic tanks construction that conform to standards are one of the factors that cause dug well water quality to remain protected from pollutants

    Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Dan Perilaku Dysfunctional Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Provinsi Banten

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of standard operating procedures, budget participation, and budget control on dysfunctional behaviour of Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) at Banten Province. The population of this study is the chief officers at all districts and cities in Banten area. We select the officers who involved in reconstructing the planning and using Sistem Informasi Keuangan Daerah (SIKD), which consist of the head of department, the head of field, the head of financial, accounting and budget planning division. The data were collected by using questioner and analyzed by using SmartPLS (Partial Least Square). The results show that those management control tools have an impact on dysfunctional behavior of SKPD. We found that a better standards operating procedures of SKPD could reduce the dysfuctional behavior. The more involvement of SKPD in budget planning, the more dysfunctional behavior could avoid. Finally, dysfunctional behavior could decrease by using budget control for positive intention

    Struktur, Fungsi dan Makna Mitos Masyarakat Melayu Sambas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur, fungsi dan makna mitos masyarakat Melayu Sambas. masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi, pendeskripsian struktur mitos, pendeskripsian fungsi mitos, pendeskripsian makna mitos, pendeskripsian hasil penelitian dalam rencana pelaksannaan pembelajran bahasa Indonesia di sekolah. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat asli Sambas yang tinggal di Desa Seburing. Teknik pengumpul data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik wawancara, teknik pengamatan lapangan, dan teknik rekam. Sedangkan alat pengumpul data berupa lembar wawancara, lembar observasi, dan alat rekam. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptif. Pengecekan keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada ketekunan pengamatan dan triangulasi. Berdasarkan analisis dalam pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa mitos masyarakat Melayu Sambas terdapat 35 mitos. Hasil penelitian tersebut terdapat 31 Struktur dua bagian dan 4 struktur tiga bagian dalam mitos. Mitos masyarakat Melayu Sambas terdapat fungsi mitos. Makna dalam mitos masyarakat Melayu Sambas terdapat makna terdalam. Selanjutnya penelitian ini diimplementasikan pada kelas VII, semester ganjil pada kompetensi dasar (KD) 3.4 Menelaah struktur dan kebahasaan teks narasi (cerita fantasi) yang dibaca dan didengar. 4.4 menyajikan gagasan kreatif dalam benuk ceita fantasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan memperhatikan stuktur dan kebahasaan


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    Tourism is one of the vital economic sectors for local communities in Indonesia this makes the tourism development in every region is growing rapidly. However, there are obstacles faced during the development, so it requires interventions from local government to assist and support the local people. Using a qualitative approach, this research aims to examine the role of the village government in Keditan Village, District of Ngablak, Magelang Regency, in increasing support of people towards the ongoing tourism development. The result of the research shows that the government of Keditan have taken the role in supporting the people, but such role is not yet optimal. Researcher sees that it needs some further mentoring from stakeholders to support the village government to implement that role

    Analisis Variasi Kalimat Dan Jenis Klausa Pada Teks Biografi Siswa Kelas Viii Di Smp Negeri 2 Sidoharjo Sragen

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    The purpose of this study is to describe sentence of variations and types of clause in the biographies text of VIII class in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. This is a qualitative research. Data source a research are student biographies text of VIII class in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. The data research is word, phrase, clause, and sentences in the students biographies text of VIII class in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. Data collection method and techniques use are refer to method and tapping of techniques, then further more refer to the involved free conversation and record techniques. Data analysis used is apportion and equal method. The data analysis techniques using sorting technique decisive element with referential power, then proceed with the appeal circuit techniques to distinguish. As for using the direct elements techniques, and then followed by vanished, replace, insert, change intention, and expand techniques. The result of this study sentences of variation indicate as in the biographies text written by student vary variation. The sentences of variaions that are use inside, (a) sentence variation in order, consist of 67,4% usual sequence sentences and 32,6% sentences invertion, (b) sentence variation of intonation, consist of 100% news sentences, (c) sentence of variation passive-active in the form of 85,60% active sentences, 11,30% passive sentences, and 3,10% active-passive sentences, and (d) sentence variation of short-long the are 58,80% short and 41,20% long sentences. As for the result of this study types of clause that are use long sentences in the biographies text indicate as follow, (a) 32 complete clause, (b) 24 uncomplete clause, (c) 47 positive clause, (d) 8 negative clause, (e) 45 verb clause, (f) 1 noun clause, and (g) 8 preposition clause. Keyword: biographies text, sentence of variation, types of claus

    The EFL Undergraduate Students and English Reading Styles: Evidence from One English Education Program

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    The study was aimed to investigate the students’ English reading learning styles used by EFL undergraduate students. The participants were students from one English study program at Faculty Teacher Training and Education in Jambi, which aims to produce teachers in English teaching. This study used total sampling with 75 participants consisting of 22 participants in the second semester, and 53 participants in the sixth semester. The analysis of the data was based on the students’ response to twenty five statements that consist of five parts: there are auditory, kinesthetic, group, visual, and individual.  For which they were required to choose any of five alternatives namely strongly agree, agree, not sure, disagree, and strongly disagree. The results revealed that the most preferred reading learning style among the respondents was the auditory learning style and the least is visual learning style. Then, for the gender male used kinesthetic learning style and female used auditory learning style. In this study, suggestions for future research, students, lectures and university are also discussed


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    ABSTRAK - Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kontribusi model pembelajaran POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) terhadap pemahaman konsep materi sistem sirkulasi di SMAN 1 Konawe. Jenis penelitian ini berupa penelitian Quasi Eksperimen menggunakan rancangan penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MIPA SMAN 1 Konawe yang terdaftar pada tahun pelajaran 2021/2022 yang terdiri dari dua kelas dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 50 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes pemahaman konsep siswa sebanyak 20 butir soal pilihan ganda. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) Analisis deskriptif digunakan sebagai metode analisis data untuk memberikan gambaran pemahaman konsep. (2) pengujian hipotesis penelitian dengan analisis inferensial. Analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa kelas eksperimen pada pemahaman konsep lebih baik dari pada kelas kontrol, dengan nilai rata-rata 82,08 berbanding 73,46 untuk kelas kontrol. Jika hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa thit = 5 dan ttab = 1,67, maka H1 diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pemahaman materi sistem sirkulasi.Kata Kunci : POE (Predict-Observe-Explain), Pemahaman Konsep, Sistem Sirkulas


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    Kapasitas dari TPA Sarimukti sudah penuh untuk menampung tingginya sampah yang dibuang. Kota Bandung dan Kota Cimahi yang membuang sampah ke TPA Sarimukti perlu melakukan pengelolaan sampah yang efektif dan efisien. Bank sampah menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk pengelolaan sampah yang ada di Kota Bandung dan Kota Cimahi. Bank sampah tidak hanya terdapat di wilayah permukiman tapi juga terdapat di fasilitas pendidikan seperti sekolah dan perguruan tinggi, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan sarana edukasi, pengelolaan sampah dan peningkatan pendapatan. Keberlanjutan dalam sebuah bank sampah sangat penting diperhatikan untuk mengetahui manfaat dari bank sampah tersebut. Potensi tingkat keberlanjutan dapat ditentukan berdasarkan nilai adaptabilitas bank sampah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat adaptabilitas Bank Sampah Daun Kapas Unpas Setiabudi, Bank Sampah SMAN 6 Cimahi dan Bank Sampah Oh Darling Cibunut. Nilai adaptabilitas didapatkan dengan menghitung faktor niat berperilaku, perilaku sikap dan norma subjektif nasabah serta pengurus, faktor efisiensi dan faktor efektivitas. Nilai total akhir skor tingkat adaptabilitas bank sampah kampus, sekolah dan di masyarakat didapatkan tingkat adaptabilitasnya tinggi yang memiliki arti mampu beradaptasi. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Bank Daun Kapas, Bank Sampah SMAN 6 Cimahi dan Bank Sampah Oh Darling memiliki tingkat adaptabilitas yang tinggi dan memiliki potensi tingkat keberlanjutan cukup tinggi. Kata Kunci : Adaptabilitas, Bank Sampah, Keberlanjutan