46 research outputs found

    Atomic site sensitive processes in low energy ion-dimer collisions

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    Electron capture processes for low energy Ar9+ ions colliding on Ar2 dimer targets are investigated, focusing attention on charge sharing as a function of molecule orientation and impact parameter. A preference in charge-asymmetric dissociation channels is observed, with a strong correlation between the projectile scattering angle and the molecular ion orientation. The measurements provide here clear evidences that projectiles distinguish each atom in the target and, that electron capture from near-site atom is favored. Monte Carlo calculations based on the classical over-the-barrier model, with dimer targets represented as two independent atoms, are compared to the data. They give a new insight into the dynamics of the collision by providing, for the di erent electron capture channels, the two-dimensional probability maps p(~b), where ~b is the impact parameter vector in the molecular frame

    Interatomic Coulombic Decay as a New Source of Low Energy Electrons in slow Ion-Dimer Collisions

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    We provide the experimental evidence that the single electron capture process in slow collisions between O3+^{3+} ions and neon dimer targets leads to an unexpected production of low-energy electrons. This production results from the interatomic Coulombic decay process, subsequent to inner shell single electron capture from one site of the neon dimer. Although pure one-electron capture from inner shell is expected to be negligible in the low collision energy regime investigated here, the electron production due to this process overtakes by one order of magnitude the emission of Auger electrons by the scattered projectiles after double-electron capture. This feature is specific to low charge states of the projectile: similar studies with Xe20+^{20+} and Ar9+^{9+} projectiles show no evidence of inner shell single-electron capture. The dependence of the process on the projectile charge state is interpreted using simple calculations based on the classical over the barrier model

    A reduced-order strategy for 4D-Var data assimilation

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    This paper presents a reduced-order approach for four-dimensional variational data assimilation, based on a prior EO F analysis of a model trajectory. This method implies two main advantages: a natural model-based definition of a mul tivariate background error covariance matrix Br\textbf{B}_r, and an important decrease of the computational burden o f the method, due to the drastic reduction of the dimension of the control space. % An illustration of the feasibility and the effectiveness of this method is given in the academic framework of twin experiments for a model of the equatorial Pacific ocean. It is shown that the multivariate aspect of Br\textbf{B}_r brings additional information which substantially improves the identification procedure. Moreover the computational cost can be decreased by one order of magnitude with regard to the full-space 4D-Var method

    Measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron

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    We present the result of an experiment to measure the electric dipole moment EDM) of the neutron at the Paul Scherrer Institute using Ramsey's method of separated oscillating magnetic fields with ultracold neutrons (UCN). Our measurement stands in the long history of EDM experiments probing physics violating time reversal invariance. The salient features of this experiment were the use of a Hg-199 co-magnetometer and an array of optically pumped cesium vapor magnetometers to cancel and correct for magnetic field changes. The statistical analysis was performed on blinded datasets by two separate groups while the estimation of systematic effects profited from an unprecedented knowledge of the magnetic field. The measured value of the neutron EDM is d_{\rm n} = (0.0\pm1.1_{\rm stat}\pm0.2_{\rmsys})\times10^{-26}e\,{\rm cm}

    Statistical sensitivity of the nEDM apparatus at PSI to n - n' oscillations

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    The neutron and its hypothetical mirror counterpart, a sterile state degenerate in mass, could spontaneously mix in a process much faster than the neutron β-decay. Two groups have performed a series of experiments in search of neutron - mirror-neutron (n − n')oscillations. They reported no evidence, thereby setting stringent limits on the oscillation time τnn. Later, these data sets have been further analyzed by Berezhiani et al.(2009-2017), and signals, compatible with n - n' oscillations in the presence of mirror magnetic fields, have been reported. The Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Collaboration based at the Paul Scherrer Institute performed a new series of experiments to further test these signals. In this paper, we describe and motivate our choice of run configurations with an optimal filling time of 29 s, storage times of 180 s and 380 s, and applied magnetic fields of 10 µT and 20 µT. The choice of these run configurations ensures a reliable overlap in settings with the previous efforts and also improves the sensitivity to test the signals. We also elaborate on the technique of normalizing the neutron counts, making such a counting experiment at the ultra-cold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute possible. Furthermore, the magnetic field characterization to meet the requirements of this n − n oscillation search is demonstrated. Finally, we show that this effort has a statistical sensitivity to n − n' oscillations comparable to the current leading constraints for B' = 0

    Magnetic-field uniformity in neutron electric-dipole-moment experiments

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    Magnetic field uniformity is of the utmost importance in experiments to measure the electric dipole moment of the neutron. A general parametrization of the magnetic field in terms of harmonic polynomial modes is proposed, going beyond the linear-gradients approximation. We review the main undesirable effects of non-uniformities: depolarization of ultracold neutrons, and Larmor frequency shifts of neutrons and mercury atoms. The theoretical predictions for these effects were verified by dedicated measurements with the single-chamber nEDM apparatus installed at the Paul Scherrer Institute

    The n2EDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute

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    We present the new spectrometer for the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) search at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), called n2EDM. The setup is at room temperature in vacuum using ultracold neutrons. n2EDM features a large UCN double storage chamber design with neutron transport adapted to the PSI UCN source. The design builds on experience gained from the previous apparatus operated at PSI until 2017. An order of magnitude increase in sensitivity is calculated for the new baseline setup based on scalable results from the previous apparatus, and the UCN source performance achieved in 2016

    Optically pumped Cs magnetometers enabling a high-sensitivity search for the neutron electric dipole moment

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    An array of 16 laser-pumped scalar Cs magnetometers was part of the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) experiment taking data at the Paul Scherrer Institute in 2015 and 2016. It was deployed to measure the gradients of the experiment's magnetic field and to monitor their temporal evolution. The originality of the array lies in its compact design, in which a single near-infrared diode laser drives all magnetometers that are located in a high-vacuum chamber, with a selection of the sensors mounted on a high-voltage electrode. We describe details of the Cs sensors' construction and modes of operation, emphasizing the accuracy and sensitivity of the magnetic-field readout. We present two applications of the magnetometer array directly beneficial to the nEDM experiment: (i) the implementation of a strategy to correct for the drift of the vertical magnetic-field gradient and (ii) a procedure to homogenize the magnetic field. The first reduces the uncertainty of the nEDM result. The second enables transverse neutron spin relaxation times exceeding 1500 s, improving the statistical sensitivity of the nEDM experiment by about 35% and effectively increasing the rate of nEDM data taking by a factor of 1.8

    Data blinding for the nEDM experiment at PSI

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    Psychological bias towards, or away from, prior measurements or theory predictions is an intrinsic threat to any data analysis. While various methods can be used to try to avoid such a bias, e.g. actively avoiding looking at the result, only data blinding is a traceable and trustworthy method that can circumvent the bias and convince a public audience that there is not even an accidental psychological bias. Data blinding is nowadays a standard practice in particle physics, but it is particularly difficult for experiments searching for the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM), as several cross measurements, in particular of the magnetic field, create a self-consistent network into which it is hard to inject a false signal. We present an algorithm that modifies the data without influencing the experiment. Results of an automated analysis of the data are used to change the recorded spin state of a few neutrons within each measurement cycle. The flexible algorithm may be applied twice (or more) to the data, thus providing the option of sequentially applying various blinding offsets for separate analysis steps with independent teams. The subtle manner in which the data are modified allows one subsequently to adjust the algorithm and to produce a re-blinded data set without revealing the initial blinding offset. The method was designed for the 2015/2016 measurement campaign of the nEDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. However, it can be re-used with minor modification for the follow-up experiment n2EDM, and may be suitable for comparable projects elsewhere

    The design of the n2EDM experiment: nEDM Collaboration

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    We present the design of a next-generation experiment, n2EDM, currently under construction at the ultracold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) with the aim of carrying out a high-precision search for an electric dipole moment of the neutron. The project builds on experience gained with the previous apparatus operated at PSI until 2017, and is expected to deliver an order of magnitude better sensitivity with provision for further substantial improvements. An overview is of the experimental method and setup is given, the sensitivity requirements for the apparatus are derived, and its technical design is described