88 research outputs found

    Differential effects of alprazolam and clonazepam on the immune system and blood vessels of non-stressed and stressed adult male albino rats

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    Benzodiazepines belongs to one of the most commonly used anxiolytic and anticonvulsant drugs in the world. Full description of toxic effects on different organs is lacking for nearly all the current benzodiazepines. The aim of the current work was to study the immunologic and vascular changes induced by sub-chronic administration of alprazolam and clonazepam in non-stressed and stressed adult male albino rats. Forty-two adult male albino rats were divided into 6 groups (I): (Ia) Negative control rats, (Ib): Positive control rats received distilled water, (II): Stressed rats, (III): Non-stressed rats received daily oral dose of clonazepam (0.5 mg/kg), (IV): Stressed rats received daily oral dose of clonazepam (0.5 mg/kg), (V): Non-stressed rats received daily oral dose of alprazolam (0.3 mg/kg). (VI): Stressed rats received daily oral dose of alprazolam (0.3 mg/kg). At the end of the 4th week, total leukocyte count (WBCs) and differential count were determined, anti-sheep RBC antibody (Anti-SRBC) titer and interleukin-2 (IL-2) level were assessed, thymus glands, lymph nodes, spleens and abdominal aortae were submitted to histopathological examination. Alprazolam was found to induce a significant increase in neutrophil count and a significant decrease in lymphocytes, anti-SRBC titer and IL-2 level with severe depletion of the splenic, thymal and nodal lymphocytes, accompanied by congestion and eosinophilic vasculitis of all organs tested in comparison to clonazepam treated rats. Stress enhanced the toxic effects. It was concluded that the immune system and blood vessels can be adversely affected to a greater extent by short-term chronic administration of alprazolam than by clonazepam, and these toxic effects are aggravated by stress

    Measuring changes in Schlemm’s canal and trabecular meshwork in different accommodation states in myopia children: an observational study

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    Abstract Purpose: Studies were designed to evaluate changes in the size of the Schlemm's Canal (SC) and trabecular meshwork(TM) during accommodation stimuli and cycloplegia states in myopic children. Methods: 34 children were enrolled. A -6D accommodation stimulus was achieved by looking at an optotype through a mirror. Cycloplegia state was induced with 1% tropicamide. Two states were confirmed by measuring the central lens thickness(CLT), the anterior chamber depth and the pupil diameter. The size of the Schlemm's Canal (SC) and Trabecular Meshwork(TM) was measured using swept-source optical coherence tomography. And the associations between the change of the SC and the CLT were analyzed. Results: When compared with the relaxation state, under -6D accommodation stimuli, the size of SC increased significantly: the SC area (SCA) amplified from 6371±2517μm2 to 7824±2727 μm2; the SC length (SCL) from 249±10 μm to 295±12 μm, and SC width (SCW) from 27±9 μm to 31±8 μm. Under cycloplegia state, the SCA reduced to 5009±2028 μm2; the SCL to 212±μm and the SCW to 22±5 μm. In addition, the changed areas of SCA (r=0. 35; P=0.0007), SCL (r=0. 251; P=0.0172), and SCW (r=0. 253; P=0.016) were significantly correlated with the change in CLT. However, the size of TM did not change substantially when compared with the relaxation state. Only the TM length (TML) increased from 562±45μm to 587±47μm after -6D accommodation stimulus. Conclusion: SC size enlarges after -6D accommodation stimuli and shrinks under cycloplegia. However, for TM, only the TM length increase under accommodation stimulus state. KEYWORDS: Schlemm’s Canal, Trabecular Meshwork, accommodatio

    Diversity of Cl− Channels

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    Cl− channels are widely found anion pores that are regulated by a variety of signals and that play various roles. On the basis of molecular biologic findings, ligand-gated Cl− channels in synapses, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductors (CFTRs) and ClC channel types have been established, followed by bestrophin and possibly by tweety, which encode Ca2+-activated Cl− channels. The ClC family has been shown to possess a variety of functions, including stabilization of membrane potential, excitation, cellvolume regulation, fluid transport, protein degradation in endosomal vesicles and possibly cell growth. The molecular structure of Cl− channel types varies from 1 to 12 transmembrane segments. By means of computer-based prediction, functional Cl− channels have been synthesized artificially, revealing that many possible ion pores are hidden in channel, transporter or unidentified hydrophobic membrane proteins. Thus, novel Cl−-conducting pores may be occasionally discovered, and evidence from molecular biologic studies will clarify their physiologic and pathophysiologic roles

    Role of Interaction and Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase B in Regulation of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Function by cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase A

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    Cystic fibrosis results from mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) and ATP-regulated chloride channel. Here, we demonstrate that nucleoside diphosphate kinase B (NDPK-B, NM23-H2) forms a functional complex with CFTR. In airway epithelia forskolin/IBMX significantly increases NDPK-B co-localisation with CFTR whereas PKA inhibitors attenuate complex formation. Furthermore, an NDPK-B derived peptide (but not its NDPK-A equivalent) disrupts the NDPK-B/CFTR complex in vitro (19-mers comprising amino acids 36-54 from NDPK-B or NDPK-A). Overlay (Far-Western) and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) analysis both demonstrate that NDPK-B binds CFTR within its first nucleotide binding domain (NBD1, CFTR amino acids 351-727). Analysis of chloride currents reflective of CFTR or outwardly rectifying chloride channels (ORCC, DIDS-sensitive) showed that the 19-mer NDPK-B peptide (but not its NDPK-A equivalent) reduced both chloride conductances. Additionally, the NDPK-B (but not NDPK-A) peptide also attenuated acetylcholine-induced intestinal short circuit currents. In silico analysis of the NBD1/NDPK-B complex reveals an extended interaction surface between the two proteins. This binding zone is also target of the 19-mer NDPK-B peptide, thus confirming its capability to disrupt NDPK-B/CFTR complex. We propose that NDPK-B forms part of the complex that controls chloride currents in epithelia

    Human aquaporins: regulators of transcellular water flow

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    Background: Emerging evidence supports the view that (AQP) aquaporin water channels are regulators of transcellular water flow. Consistentwith their expression in most tissues, AQPs are associatedwith diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes. Scope of review: AQP knockout studies suggest that the regulatory role of AQPs, rather than their action as passive channels, is their critical function. Transport through all AQPs occurs by a common passive mechanism, but their regulation and cellular distribution varies significantly depending on cell and tissue type; the role of AQPs in cell volumeregulation (CVR) is particularly notable. This reviewexamines the regulatory role of AQPs in transcellular water flow, especially in CVR.We focus on key systems of the human body, encompassing processes as diverse as urine concentration in the kidney to clearance of brain oedema. Major conclusions: AQPs are crucial for the regulation of water homeostasis, providing selective pores for the rapidmovement ofwater across diverse cellmembranes and playing regulatory roles in CVR. Gatingmechanisms have been proposed for human AQPs, but have only been reported for plant andmicrobial AQPs. Consequently, it is likely that the distribution and abundance of AQPs in a particular membrane is the determinant of membrane water permeability and a regulator of transcellular water flow. General significance: Elucidating the mechanisms that regulate transcellular water flow will improve our understanding of the human body in health and disease. The central role of specific AQPs in regulating water homeostasis will provide routes to a range of novel therapies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Aquaporins

    Electrogenic sodium-bicarbonate cotransport in human ciliary muscle cells

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    We investigated membrane voltage and intracellular pH (pHi) in cultured human ciliary muscle cells using a cell line (H7CM) and primary-cultured human ciliary muscle cells. 1) Resting potential was 58.9 +/- 1.0 mV in H7CM cells and 61.9 +/- 1.4 mV in primary cultures. The following data are from H7CM cells, but results from primary cultures were basically similar. 2) In HCO3(-)-CO2-buffered solution, removal of extracellular sodium resulted in a depolarization [change in membrane resistance (delta V) = 31.3 +/- 2.8 mV] that was less marked in the absence of HCO3(-)-CO2 (delta V = 0.5 +/- 2.6 mV) and reduced by 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS) (delta V = 19.3 +/- 1.9 mV). 3) Removal of extracellular HCO3(-)-CO2 led to a depolarization (delta V = 13.2 +/- 0.8 mV) that was abolished in the absence of extracellular sodium and inhibited by DIDS. 4) Intracellular alkalinization led to a depolarization (delta V = 24.7 +/- 2.3 mV), and intracellular acidification resulted in a hyperpolarization (delta V = 9.4 +/- 1.1 mV) that was inhibited by DIDS and dependent on extracellular HCO3(-)-CO2 and sodium. 5) pHi backregulation after an acid load occurred in both the presence and absence of extracellular bicarbonate but not in the absence of extracellular sodium. Our data are consistent with an electrogenic Na(+)-HCO3- cotransport in human ciliary muscle cells, which is activated by intracellular acidification

    Conductance and permeation of monovalent cations through depletion-activated Ca2+ channels (ICRAC) in Jurkat T cells.

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    We studied monovalent permeability of Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels (ICRAC) in Jurkat T lymphocytes following depletion of calcium stores. When external free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) was reduced to micromolar levels in the absence of Mg2+, the inward current transiently decreased and then increased approximately sixfold, accompanied by visibly enhanced current noise. The monovalent currents showed a characteristically slow deactivation (tau = 3.8 and 21.6 s). The extent of Na+ current deactivation correlated with the instantaneous Ca2+ current upon readdition of [Ca2+]o. No conductance increase was seen when [Ca2+]o was reduced before activation of ICRAC. With Na+ outside and Cs+ inside, the current rectified inwardly without apparent reversal below 40 mV. The sequence of conductance determined from the inward current at -80 mV was Na+ > Li+ = K+ > Rb+ >> Cs+. Unitary inward conductance of the Na+ current was 2.6 pS, estimated from the ratios delta sigma2/delta Imean at different voltages. External Ca2+ blocked the Na+ current reversibly with an IC50 value of 4 microM. Na+ currents were also blocked by 3 mM Mg2+ or 10 microM La3+. We conclude that ICRAC channels become permeable to monovalent cations at low levels of external divalent ions. In contrast to voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, the monovalent conductance is highly selective for Na+ over Cs+. Na+ currents through ICRAC channels provide a means to study channel characteristics in an amplified current model
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