258 research outputs found

    Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training Intervention on Physical Fitness and Body Mass Index of Overweight Primary Schoolchildren

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    Being overweight has serious health consequences for schoolchildren. Schools use different physical education (PE) programs for obesity prevention in children, but the overall positive impact of school-based interventions is questionable. This scientific work investigated the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) intervention on physical fitness performance and body mass index (BMI) of overweight primary schoolchildren (seven years old males). Sixty-four boys, who had overweight, participated in this study. All participants practiced 44 PE classes. Control group (G1; n=32; mean age: 7.46±0.32 years; mean height: 123.35±3.28 cm; mean body mass: 27.81±2.32 kg; mean BMI: 17.82±0.11) performed curriculum PE during the investigation. The experimental group (G2; n=32; mean age: 7.54±0.27 years; mean height: 123.26±3.41 cm; mean body mass: 27.84±2.07 kg; mean BMI: 17.78±0.14) performed sixteen-week HIIT intervention in PE classes. Participants' height, weight, BMI, and physical fitness: push-up test, running sprint test, standing long jump test (SLJ), seat-and-reach test (SRT), and six-minute walk test (6MWT) were assessed in pre- and post-PE intervention. There were significant (

    RBE of "Prometeus" Facility Protons for Irradiation of Tumor Cells in vitro with One and Three Fields

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    The study was aimed to the biological effectiveness of the proton scanning beam of the first Russian medical facility. The clonogenic assay of B-16 tumor cells was used as a test system. Cell irradiation was carried out in a suspension condition in a water phantom. Single and three-field exposures were studied. The dose interval was 2-8 Gy. The energy range from 47.5 to 92.0 MeV was used for the Bragg peak formation. The relative biological effectiveness of protons comparing to gamma-rays was 1.2 for single-field and 1.5 for three-field irradiation. The results obtained agree with literature data related to the used cell culture (B-16) and linear energy transfer range (3÷8 keV/µm)

    Epicardial cell shape and maturation are regulated by Wt1 via transcriptional control of Bmp4

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    The epicardium plays a crucial role in embryonic heart development and adult heart repair; however, the molecular events underlying its maturation remain unknown. Wt1, one of the main markers of the embryonic epicardium, is essential for epicardial development and function. Here, we analyse the transcriptomic profile of epicardial-enriched cells at different stages of development and from control and epicardial-specific Wt1 knockout (Wt1KO) mice. Transcriptomic and cell morphology analyses of epicardial cells from epicardial-specific Wt1KO mice revealed a defect in the maturation process of the mutant epicardium, including sustained upregulation of Bmp4 expression and the inability of mutant epicardial cells to transition into a mature squamous phenotype. We identified Bmp4 as a transcriptional target of Wt1, thus providing a molecular basis for the retention of the cuboidal cell shape observed in the Wt1KO epicardium. Accordingly, inhibition of the Bmp4 signalling pathway both ex vivo and in vivo rescued the cuboidal phenotype of the mutant epicardium. Our findings indicate the importance of the cuboidal-to-squamous transition in epicardial maturation, a process regulated by Wt1

    Neuropilin 1 mediates epicardial activation and revascularization in the regenerating zebrafish heart

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    Unlike adult mammals, zebrafish can regenerate their heart. A key mechanism for regeneration is the activation of the epicardium, leading to the establishment of a supporting scaffold for new cardiomyocytes, angiogenesis and cytokine secretion. Neuropilins are co-receptors mediating signaling of kinase receptors for cytokines known to play critical roles in zebrafish heart regeneration. We investigated the role of neuropilins in response to cardiac injury and heart regeneration. All four neuropilin isoforms nrp1a, nrp1b, nrp2a and nrp2b were upregulated by the activated epicardium and a nrp1a knockout mutant showed a significant delay in heart regeneration and displayed persistent collagen deposition. The regenerating hearts of nrp1a mutants were less vascularized and epicardial-derived cell migration and re-expression of the developmental gene wt1b was impaired. Moreover, cryoinjury-induced activation and migration of epicardial cells in heart explants was reduced in nrp1a mutant. These results identify a key role for Nrp1 in zebrafish heart regeneration, mediated through epicardial activation, migration and revascularization

    Zebrafish as a model to study cardiac development and human cardiac disease

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    Over the last decade, the zebrafish has entered the field of cardiovascular research as a new model organism. This is largely due to a number of highly successful small- and large-scale forward genetic screens, which have led to the identification of zebrafish mutants with cardiovascular defects. Genetic mapping and identification of the affected genes have resulted in novel insights into the molecular regulation of vertebrate cardiac development. More recently, the zebrafish has become an attractive model to study the effect of genetic variations identified in patients with cardiovascular defects by candidate gene or whole-genome-association studies. Thanks to an almost entirely sequenced genome and high conservation of gene function compared with humans, the zebrafish has proved highly informative to express and study human disease-related gene variants, providing novel insights into human cardiovascular disease mechanisms, and highlighting the suitability of the zebrafish as an excellent model to study human cardiovascular diseases. In this review, I discuss recent discoveries in the field of cardiac development and specific cases in which the zebrafish has been used to model human congenital and acquired cardiac diseases

    Regeneration of Cryoinjury Induced Necrotic Heart Lesions in Zebrafish Is Associated with Epicardial Activation and Cardiomyocyte Proliferation

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    In mammals, myocardial cell death due to infarction results in scar formation and little regenerative response. In contrast, zebrafish have a high capacity to regenerate the heart after surgical resection of myocardial tissue. However, whether zebrafish can also regenerate lesions caused by cell death has not been tested. Here, we present a simple method for induction of necrotic lesions in the adult zebrafish heart based on cryoinjury. Despite widespread tissue death and loss of cardiomyocytes caused by these lesions, zebrafish display a robust regenerative response, which results in substantial clearing of the necrotic tissue and little scar formation. The cellular mechanisms underlying regeneration appear to be similar to those activated in response to ventricular resection. In particular, the epicardium activates a developmental gene program, proliferates and covers the lesion. Concomitantly, mature uninjured cardiomyocytes become proliferative and invade the lesion. Our injury model will be a useful tool to study the molecular mechanisms of natural heart regeneration in response to necrotic cell death

    Revealing New Mouse Epicardial Cell Markers through Transcriptomics

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    The epicardium has key functions during myocardial development, by contributing to the formation of coronary endothelial and smooth muscle cells, cardiac fibroblasts, and potentially cardiomyocytes. The epicardium plays a morphogenetic role by emitting signals to promote and maintain cardiomyocyte proliferation. In a regenerative context, the adult epicardium might comprise a progenitor cell population that can be induced to contribute to cardiac repair. Although some genes involved in epicardial function have been identified, a detailed molecular profile of epicardial gene expression has not been available.Using laser capture microscopy, we isolated the epicardial layer from the adult murine heart before or after cardiac infarction in wildtype mice and mice expressing a transgenic IGF-1 propeptide (mIGF-1) that enhances cardiac repair, and analyzed the transcription profile using DNA microarrays.Expression of epithelial genes such as basonuclin, dermokine, and glycoprotein M6A are highly enriched in the epicardial layer, which maintains expression of selected embryonic genes involved in epicardial development in mIGF-1 transgenic hearts. After myocardial infarct, a subset of differentially expressed genes are down-regulated in the epicardium representing an epicardium-specific signature that responds to injury.This study presents the description of the murine epicardial transcriptome obtained from snap frozen tissues, providing essential information for further analysis of this important cardiac cell layer

    Cardiac Hypertrophy Involves Both Myocyte Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia in Anemic Zebrafish

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    Background: An adult zebrafish heart possesses a high capacity of regeneration. However, it has been unclear whether and how myocyte hyperplasia contributes to cardiac remodeling in response to biomechanical stress and whether myocyte hypertrophy exists in the zebrafish. To address these questions, we characterized the zebrafish mutant tr265/tr265, whose Band 3 mutation disrupts erythrocyte formation and results in anemia. Although Band 3 does not express and function in the heart, the chronic anemia imposes a sequential biomechanical stress towards the heart. Methodology/principal findings: Hearts of the tr265/tr265 Danio rerio mutant become larger than those of the sibling by week 4 post fertilization and gradually exhibit characteristics of human cardiomyopathy, such as muscular disarray, re-activated fetal gene expression, and severe arrhythmia. At the cellular level, we found both increased individual cardiomyocyte size and increased myocyte proliferation can be detected in week 4 to week 12 tr265/tr265 fish. Interestingly, all tr265/tr265 fish that survive after week-12 have many more cardiomyocytes of smaller size than those in the sibling, suggesting that myocyte hyperplasia allows the long-term survival of these fish. We also show the cardiac hypertrophy process can be recapitulated in wild-type fish using the anemia-inducing drug phenylhydrazine (PHZ). Conclusions/significance: The anemia-induced cardiac hypertrophy models reported here are the first adult zebrafish cardiac hypertrophy models characterized. Unlike mammalian models, both cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia contribute to the cardiac remodeling process in these models, thus allowing the effects of cardiomyocyte hyperplasia on cardiac remodeling to be studied. However, since anemia can induce effects on the heart other than biomechanical, non-anemic zebrafish cardiac hypertrophy models shall be generated and characterized

    Long-Distance Signals Are Required for Morphogenesis of the Regenerating Xenopus Tadpole Tail, as Shown by Femtosecond-Laser Ablation

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    tadpoles has recently emerged as an important model for these studies; we explored the role of the spinal cord during tadpole tail regeneration.Using ultrafast lasers to ablate cells, and Geometric Morphometrics to quantitatively analyze regenerate morphology, we explored the influence of different cell populations. For at least twenty-four hours after amputation (hpa), laser-induced damage to the dorsal midline affected the morphology of the regenerated tail; damage induced 48 hpa or later did not. Targeting different positions along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis caused different shape changes in the regenerate. Interestingly, damaging two positions affected regenerate morphology in a qualitatively different way than did damaging either position alone. Quantitative comparison of regenerate shapes provided strong evidence against a gradient and for the existence of position-specific morphogenetic information along the entire AP axis.We infer that there is a conduit of morphology-influencing information that requires a continuous dorsal midline, particularly an undamaged spinal cord. Contrary to expectation, this information is not in a gradient and it is not localized to the regeneration bud. We present a model of morphogenetic information flow from tissue undamaged by amputation and conclude that studies of information coming from far outside the amputation plane and regeneration bud will be critical for understanding regeneration and for translating fundamental understanding into biomedical approaches