3,801 research outputs found

    New Method of Measuring TCP Performance of IP Network using Bio-computing

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    The measurement of performance of Internet Protocol IP network can be done by Transmission Control Protocol TCP because it guarantees send data from one end of the connection actually gets to the other end and in the same order it was send, otherwise an error is reported. There are several methods to measure the performance of TCP among these methods genetic algorithms, neural network, data mining etc, all these methods have weakness and can't reach to correct measure of TCP performance. This paper proposed a new method of measuring TCP performance for real time IP network using Biocomputing, especially molecular calculation because it provides wisdom results and it can exploit all facilities of phylogentic analysis. Applying the new method at real time on Biological Kurdish Messenger BIOKM model designed to measure the TCP performance in two types of protocols File Transfer Protocol FTP and Internet Relay Chat Daemon IRCD. This application gives very close result of TCP performance comparing with TCP performance which obtains from Little's law using same model (BIOKM), i.e. the different percentage of utilization (Busy or traffic industry) and the idle time which are obtained from a new method base on Bio-computing comparing with Little's law was (nearly) 0.13%. KEYWORDS Bio-computing, TCP performance, Phylogenetic tree, Hybridized Model (Normalized), FTP, IRCDComment: 17 Pages,10 Figures,5 Table


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    Sikap metta dan karuna pada diri anak memberikan manfaat yang besar terhadap peningkatan bakti anak terhadap orangtua. Anak-anak dikenalkan dan ditanamkan mengenai sikap cinta kasih dan kasih sayang dari orangtuanya. Setiap orangtua tentunya ingin menumbuhkan kualitas baik kepada anak yang disayanginya agar anak tidak berbuat kejahatan dan memiliki sifat peduli, dengan demikian orangtua harus melatih anaknya agar mempunyai rasa hormat, rasa bakti dan memiliki kesabaran. Bakti pada orangtua merupakan modal awal untuk dapat menjalani kehidupan ini dengan baik bahkan merupakan kekayaan yang terbaik yang dapat dimiliki seseorang, kekayaan di sini tidak hanya harta benda namun juga sukses dalam kehidupan sosial, hingga dapat terlahir di alam-alam bahagia dan akhirnya mencapai Nibbana. Metode penulisan yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan kajian pustaka melalui pendekatan Sosiologi, Budaya, dan Psikologi. Sikap metta atau cinta kasih yang dijabarkan adalah sikap yang mengharapkan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan orangtua, sebagai orang yang paling berjasa bagi seorang anak, dengan semangat metta seorang anak selalu melakukan perbuatan yang bermanfaat dan tidak akan pernah melakukan berbuatan yang menimbulkan penderitaan terutama bagi orangtuanya sebagai rasa bakti seorang anak akan melaksanakan kewajiban-kewajiban terhadap orangtuanya dan selalu menjunjung tinggi kehormatan keluarga, sedangkan karuna atau kasih sayang seorang anak terhadap orangtuanya tidak lepas dari teladan yang dilakukan oleh orangtuanya, karena seorang anak pada masa pertumbuhannya memerlukan kasih sayang, perawatan, dan perhatian orangtua, tanpa kasih sayang dan bimbingan orangtua, seorang anak akan menjadi cacat secara emosional dan keluaraga akan menjadi tempat yang tidak bersahabat baginya untuk hidup sehingga bila ini yang terjadi akan mengurangi rasa bakti anak terhadap orangtua

    Lebanon: contesting trash politics

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    The 29 of August 2015 may one day be remembered as historic in Lebanon’s turbulent history

    User-friendly waterfronts: a dialogue of responsiveness and placemaking

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    In contemporary times, waterfronts reveal themselves to have a special role in offering society diversified opportunities for economic development, public enjoyment and civic identity. Optimally, successful waterfront developments strive to exert user-friendly impacts on the quality of life in urban settlements. To this end, the aim of this paper is to explore the process of creating user-friendly waterfront developments. In doing so, the paper elaborates on certain sets of criteria that can be implemented in the process of creating a uniquely user-friendly waterfront development. The sets of criteria under study are related to the two notions of "responsiveness" and "placemaking". These two notions are chosen under the hypothesis that the concept of user-friendliness is comprehensive in its nature while being quite associated with the criteria of successful making of places that can be responsive to people needs, demands and aspirations. The scope of the paper is then narrowed to cover mixed-use waterfronts developments. The choice of this set of developments in particular is based on their vitality and coherent relationship with the criteria of responsiveness and successful placemaking. Mixed-use waterfronts are diverse in their activities and offer wide possibilities of user-friendliness. In light of all of this, the research methodology of this paper is devised to elaborate on the concepts of waterfronts, placemaking, waterfronts development, responsiveness, and mixed-uses while following a multidisciplinary path in the trial to weave all these terms together into one coherent discussion that is related to the quality of life and user-friendliness. All of these terms intersect to yield a focal study point that is concerned with successful placemaking criteria and their coherence to responsive design criteria. The discussion is finally sealed with the matching of placemaking criteria with responsiveness criteria within the scope of providing a clearer view of the principles that can guide the development of user-friendly waterfront developments

    Using Twitter to learn about the autism community

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    Considering the raising socio-economic burden of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), timely and evidence-driven public policy decision making and communication of the latest guidelines pertaining to the treatment and management of the disorder is crucial. Yet evidence suggests that policy makers and medical practitioners do not always have a good understanding of the practices and relevant beliefs of ASD-afflicted individuals' carers who often follow questionable recommendations and adopt advice poorly supported by scientific data. The key goal of the present work is to explore the idea that Twitter, as a highly popular platform for information exchange, could be used as a data-mining source to learn about the population affected by ASD -- their behaviour, concerns, needs etc. To this end, using a large data set of over 11 million harvested tweets as the basis for our investigation, we describe a series of experiments which examine a range of linguistic and semantic aspects of messages posted by individuals interested in ASD. Our findings, the first of their nature in the published scientific literature, strongly motivate additional research on this topic and present a methodological basis for further work.Comment: Social Network Analysis and Mining, 201

    What Syria Can Teach Us in Creating a New and Better Future?

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    It is clear that humanity is, once again, facing a crisis of identity and purpose. Weak global leadership, a crisis of displaced persons and the complex problem of integrating different cultures into countries other than their homelands, has led us to the threat of a complete breakdown of civilisation as we know it. In addition, we have the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) in the Levant, how did they get to be so popular among the Muslim youth of the West? What started as a war of words to recruit Muslim youth, has now turned into a military war fought across many countries. The narrative of each warring party is increasing in tone to match the killings we witness daily by either side. This presentation aims to look at the narrative and language used by all sides of this conflict; a language that borrows words taken from the early days of Islam to convey legitimacy to the cause and the battle for ultimate leadership. There is no neat solution, but a need for collective collaboration. It is now up to the younger generation to explore and debate. It is important that the elders’ wisdom is harnessed to guide the youth with vision and new ideas. A new way of living is necessary if we are to secure the future of the human race


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    TOMMY ADHAM. 14122211058. ANALISIS SOP (STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE) MARKETING PLAN DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA PADA PERUSAHAAN MULTI LEVEL MARKETING SYARIAH PERSPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI ISLAM (STUDI KASUS DISTRIBUTOR TIENS KOTA CIREBON). SKRIPSI. 2017. Saat ini perkembangan Unit Usaha Syariah di Indonesia sedang mengalami kemajuan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan banyaknya institusi yang bergerak dalam sektor keuangan seperti Bank Syariah, Koperasi Syariah ataupun yang bergerak di bidang lain seperti MLM Syariah. Setiap institusi memiliki Standard Operating Procedure Marketing Plan yang berbeda, termasuk di perusahaan MLM Tiens. Karena standar operasional prosedur merupakan panduan yang digunakan untuk memastikan kegiatan operasional organisasi atau perusahaan berjalan dengan lancar. Penggunaan standar operasional prosedur dalam organisasi juga bertujuan untuk memastikan organisasi beroperasi secara konsisten, efektif, efisien, sistematis, dan terkelola dengan baik, untuk menghasilkan produk yang memiliki mutu konsisten sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui SOP Marketing Plan dari perusahaan MLM Syariah Tiens perspektif hukum ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar penelitian ini memberikan gambaran atau penjelasan yang tepat dan objektif. Pengumpulan informasi data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi pada lokasi penelitian, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik triangulasi yaitu mereduksi data, mendisplay data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah prinsip ekonomi syariah di dalam Pedoman Penjualan Langsung Berjenjang Syariah berlandaskan pada Alqur‟an, Hadits, dan kaidah Fiqh serta ijtihad Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Marketing plan yang dilakukan distributor Tiens Kota Cirebon sudah sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur perusahaan. Implementasi dari standar operasional prosedur distributor Tiens Kota Cirebon belum sepenuhnya memenuhi Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional di dalam Pedoman Penjualan Langsung berjenjang Syariah karena acara seremonial yang diadakan Tiens dalam merayakan hari jadi perusahaan terdapat sesuatu yang dilarang seperti khamr, anggur, dan alkohol. Kata Kunci: Multi Level Marketing Syariah, Standar Operasional Prosedur, Pedoman Penjualan Langsung Berjenjang Syariah
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