59 research outputs found

    Clasificación de superficies compactas.

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    Esta tesis trata de la demostración completa del Teorema de Clasificación de Superficies Compactas y Conexas (al hablar de superficies en esta tesis siempre supondremos que es conexas). Para llegar a demostrar el teorema la tesis constara de tres capítulos, en donde aparecerá lo que necesitemos para su justificación. El primero, Espacios Cocientes y Superficies Compactas conocemos que espacio topológico estudiamos y como lo representaremos. En el segundo, Sumas Conexas y Triangulación explicamos como generamos más superficies y qué es una triangulación de un superficie. El tercero aborda la demostración del teorema y la característica de Euler

    Polymer electrolytes for electrochromic devices through solvent casting and sol-gel routes

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    Ionically conductive membranes of gelatin and d-PCL(530)/siloxane doped with cyano-based ionic liquids (ILs) were prepared through solvent casting and sol-gel methods, respectively. The membranes were characterized in terms of ionic conductivity, thermal behavior, morphology, and structure. All samples, except the d-PCL(530)/siloxane matrix, exhibited a predominantly amorphous morphology. The samples prepared through solvent casting and sol-gel displayed a minimum thermal stability of 170 and 230 ºC, respectively. The ionic conductivity varied accordingly with the type, quantity, and length of the alkyl chain of the cation of the ILs. The sample with the highest ionic conductivity was gelatin0.5[C2mim][N(CN)2] with 2.40 x 10-3 S. cm-1 at 25 ºC and 1.68 x 10-2 S. cm-1 at 95 ºC. The good results of ionic conductivity encouraged the assembly and characterization of prototypes of electrochromic devices (ECDs). The best results were obtained with glass/ITO/WO3/gelatin1[C2mim][SCN]/CeO2-TiO2/ITO/glass configuration that showed a fast color switching time (~ 15 s) and a good open circuit memory (~ 4 hours). The ECD changed its color from pale blue to transparent, and its charge density decreased from -17.53 to - 2.71 mC. cm-2 during 640 color/bleaching cycles.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) in the framework of the Research unit GREEN-it "Bioresources for Sustainability" (UID/Multi/04551/2013), Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde – Tecnologias e Processos Limpos-LAQV (UID/QUI/50006/2013), grant SRFH/BD/90366/2012 (R.L.) and a contract under Investigador FCT 2012 program (J.M.S.S.E.). It was also co-financed by FEDER through the COMPETE Program and PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER – 007265). M.M. Silva acknowledges CNPq (PVE grant 406617/2013-9) for the mobility grant provided by this institution. A. Pawlicka and R.C. Sabadini acknowledge CNPq (grant 305029/2013-4 and 152252/2016-9), and F.C. Sentanin acknowledges CAPES (grant PNPD20131739- 33002045017P6).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrochemical applications of electrolytes based on ionic liquids

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    The potential utility of room temperature ionic liquids as electrolytes in current electrochemical applications has been explored. Hence, the electrochemical behavior of [Ni(tmc)]Br2 complex at a glassy carbon electrode in the absence or in the presence of unsaturated halides in the ionic liquids, 1-ethyl-3- methylimidazolium ethylsulfate, [C2mim][C2SO4] and N,N,Ntrimethyl- N-(2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [N1 1 1 2(OH)][NTf2], has been examined by cyclic voltammetry. It was observed that [Ni(tmc)]2+ complex is reduced in a reversible one-electron step and the electrogenerated [Ni(tmc)]+ complex catalytically reduces the carbon-halogen bond of unsaturated halides. The potencial use of natural ionic conducting polymer matrixes was also investigated. Samples of natural macromolecules-based electrolytes with the ionic liquid 1-ethyl- 3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate, [C2mim][C2SO4], were prepared and characterized. The preliminary studies carried out with electrochromic devices (ECDs) incorporating optimized compositions have confirmed that these materials may perform as satisfactory multifunctional component layers in the field of ECD-based devices.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Investigation of polymer electrolyte based on agar and ionic liquids

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    The possibility to use natural polymer as ionic conducting matrix was investigated in this study. Samples of agarbased electrolytes with different ionic liquids were prepared and characterized by physical and chemical analyses. The ionic liquids used in this work were 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate, [C2mim][C2SO4], 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate, [C2mim][OAc] and trimethyl-ethanolammonium acetate, [Ch][OAc]. Samples of solvent-free electrolytes were prepared and characterized by ionic conductivity measurements, thermal analysis, electrochemical stability, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy. Electrolyte samples are thermally stable up to approximately 190°C. All the materials synthesized are semicrystalline. The electrochemical stability domain of all samples is about 2.0 V versus Li/Li+. The preliminary studies carried out with electrochromic devices (ECDs) incorporating optimized compositions have confirmed that these materials may perform as satisfactory multifunctional component layers in the field of ‘smart windows’, as well as ECD-based devices

    La contratación pública y su impacto en la gestión de las MIPYMES de Manabí, Ecuador

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    Public procurement today is one of the engines of public policy, very useful for achieving economic, social, environmental, strategic growth in promoting the socioeconomic transformation of countries, on government spending, based on innovation and entrepreneurship of the sectors, in an empowerment to the investment and to the effort of the activities by means of an added value to the goods and services. In Ecuador, the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MIPYMES) and the Popular and Solidarity Economies (EPS), represent an added value of significant importance in the participations of the national economic system, where through its classification in the Constitution of Ecuador of 2008, it is linked in the development of sectors that for decades have been marginalized, contributing a social economy focus on capital, and the contribution towards the productive matrix towards good living. During the investigation, the main objective will be the development of public procurement and its impact on the management of MSMEs in Ecuador, in the specific objectives of innovation, entrepreneurship and national participation that have contributed to the Country and the province of Manabí. The results achieved are given on theoretical bases, to the national system of public procurement, other representatives of the state and its agencies, of their activities to fulfill the proposed objectives, giving a significant contribution to society, academia, economy, innovation, inclusive entrepreneurship and scientific research.A contratação pública hoje é um dos motores da política pública, muito útil para alcançar o crescimento econômico, social, ambiental e estratégico na promoção da transformação socioeconômica dos países, nas despesas públicas, com base na inovação e no empreendedorismo. dos setores, em uma capacitação para o investimento e para o esforço das atividades por meio de um valor agregado aos bens e serviços. No Equador, as Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas (MIPYMES) e as Economias Populares e de Solidariedade (EPS) representam um valor agregado de importância significativa nas participações do sistema econômico nacional, onde através da sua classificação na Constituição do Equador de 2008, está ligada ao desenvolvimento de setores que há décadas foram marginalizados, contribuindo para o foco da economia social no capital e o contributo para a matriz produtiva para uma boa vida. Durante a investigação, o principal objetivo será o desenvolvimento dos contratos públicos e seu impacto na gestão das MPME no Equador, nos objetivos específicos de inovação, empreendedorismo e participação nacional que contribuíram para o País e a província. de Manabí. Os resultados alcançados são dados em bases teóricas, ao sistema nacional de contratação pública, outros representantes do Estado e suas agências, de suas atividades para cumprir os objetivos propostos, dando um contributo significativo para a sociedade, academia, economia, inovação , empreendedorismo inclusivo e pesquisa científica.La contratación pública hoy en día es uno de los motores de política pública, de gran utilidad para lograr el crecimiento económico, social, ambiental, estratégico en promover la transformación socioeconómica de los países, sobre el gasto gubernamental, basados en la innovación y el emprendimiento de los sectores, en un empoderamiento a la inversión y al esfuerzo de las actividades por medio de un valor agregado a los bienes y servicios. En el Ecuador, las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MIPYMES) y las Economías Populares y Solidarias (EPS), representan un valor agregado de importancia significativa en las participaciones del sistema económico nacional, donde a través de su tipificación en la Constitución del Ecuador de 2008, se vincula en el desarrollo de sectores que durante décadas han estado marginados, aportando un enfoque de economía social sobre el capital, y el aporte hacia la matriz productiva hacia el buen vivir. Durante la investigación se mostrará en el objetivo principal, el desarrollo de la contratación pública y su impacto en la gestión de las MIPYMES del Ecuador, en los objetivos específicos en la innovación, el emprendimiento y la participación nacional que han aportado al País y a la provincia de Manabí. Los resultados alcanzados son dados en bases teóricas, al sistema nacional de contratación pública, otros representantes del estado y sus organismos, de sus actividades al cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos, dando un aporte significativo hacia la sociedad, la academia, la economía, la innovación, el emprendimiento inclusivo y a la investigación científica.

    Caracterización con enfoque de género de la cadena de valor de tomate en Honduras

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    34 p.El desarrollo de las cadenas de valor es importante para el progreso de un sector o sociedad debido a su potencial para generar desarrollo económico en las entidades involucradas. La participación de la mujer en la cadena es limitada debido al difícil acceso a los recursos, incluyendo tierra y financiamiento. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la participación de la mujer en la cadena de tomate de la Asociación de Pequeños Agricultores de Hortalizas en la zona de Intibucá. Se realizaron entrevistas a actores claves de la cadena y talleres participativos. Como metodología para la evaluación de cadenas de valor con enfoque de género se utilizó el marco analítico Harvard. Se encontró que el papel de la mujer se concentra en la parte de comercialización informal. Mientras en la parte productiva su participación es alta en las actividades típicamente consideradas como femeninas, como son el desmalezado, cosecha y selección. Para toda la cadena se estima que alrededor la mitad de los actores son de género femenino. Las limitaciones encontradas en la cadena son la baja remuneración de trabajo a la mujer en la parte productiva, pago tardío de los supermercados a los productores y el modelo empresarial de la Asociación de Pequeños Agricultores de Hortalizas. Se recomienda buscar un modelo empresarial alternativo para que la Asociación de Pequeños Agricultores de Hortalizas no solamente adapte a la situación del mercado, sino también involucra más a la mujer en las actividades económicas

    Strict Deformation Quantization via Geometric Quantization in the Bieliavsky Plane

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    Using standard techniques from geometric quantization, we rederive the integral product of functions on ℝ2 (non-Euclidian) which was introduced by Pierre Bieliavsky as a contribution to the area of strict quantization. More specifically, by pairing the nontransverse real polarization on the pair groupoid ℝ2×ℝ¯2, we obtain the well-defined integral transform. Together with a convolution of functions, which is a natural deformation of the usual convolution of functions on the pair groupoid, this readily defines the Bieliavsky product on a subset of L2ℝ2

    Price sensitivity to tourism activities: looking for determinant factors

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    The literature contains evidence that there is a marked heterogeneity in price responses to tourism products, leading to a great variety of tourist sensitivities to price. Thus the role price plays is complex, and a particularly challenging aspect of this complexity is that its effect is not unambiguous, thereby negating the idea that the demand for tourism products and tourist activities can always be regarded as demand for ordinary goods. This article identifies and explains, as a novelty for the tourism industry, price sensitivities to tourism activities individual by individual. The operative formalization uses a mixed logit model to estimate the individual sensitivities to price, and then a regression analysis is applied to detect their determinants. The empirical application finds that motivations, influenced by age, and length of stay with a non-linear effect, are explanatory factors of tourists’ price sensitivity to activities

    An Extension of the Carathéodory Differentiability to Set-Valued Maps

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    This paper uses the generalization of the Hukuhara difference for compact convex set to extend the classical notions of Carathéodory differentiability to multifunctions (set-valued maps). Using the Hukuhara difference and affine multifunctions as a local approximation, we introduce the notion of CH-differentiability for multifunctions. Finally, we tackle the study of the relation among the Fréchet differentiability, Hukuhara differentiability, and CH-differentiability