5,335 research outputs found

    Estimating High-Order Brain Functional Networks in Bayesian View for Autism Spectrum Disorder Identification

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    Brain functional network (BFN) has become an increasingly important tool to understand the inherent organization of the brain and explore informative biomarkers of neurological disorders. Pearson’s correlation (PC) is the most widely accepted method for constructing BFNs and provides a basis for designing new BFN estimation schemes. Particularly, a recent study proposes to use two sequential PC operations, namely, correlation’s correlation (CC), for constructing the high-order BFN. Despite its empirical effectiveness in identifying neurological disorders and detecting subtle changes of connections in different subject groups, CC is defined intuitively without a solid and sustainable theoretical foundation. For understanding CC more rigorously and providing a systematic BFN learning framework, in this paper, we reformulate it in the Bayesian view with a prior of matrix-variate normal distribution. As a result, we obtain a probabilistic explanation of CC. In addition, we develop a Bayesian high-order method (BHM) to automatically and simultaneously estimate the high- and low-order BFN based on the probabilistic framework. An efficient optimization algorithm is also proposed. Finally, we evaluate BHM in identifying subjects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from typical controls based on the estimated BFNs. Experimental results suggest that the automatically learned high- and low-order BFNs yield a superior performance over the artificially defined BFNs via conventional CC and PC

    Impact of sound attenuation on ultrasound-driven yield improvements during olive oil extraction

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    High frequency ultrasound can enhance olive oil extractability industrially. However, the ultrasound attenuation phenomena and their implications on extractability, are not well understood. This work aims at evaluating the ultrasound attenuation effects on the oil extraction efficiency, while providing deeper insights into the physics behind the ultrasound extraction in a heterogeneous medium. Olives were collected and processed both in Italy and Uruguay during their respective harvest seasons. Sound pressure distribution was characterized in a high frequency ultrasound reactor, carrying 3 kg of water or paste, by using an indirect contact hydrophone device at 0.4 MHz or 2 MHz. A through-transmission ultrasonic technique was applied to determine attenuation profiles and coefficients in paste at the central frequency of each transducer, with various paste to water ratios and reactor sizes. Other ultrasound improvements on extractability were evaluated including reduction of malaxation time (10, 30 min), sonication time (2.5, 5 min) and power level (174, 280 W) without water addition and in a reactor with a 14.5 cm transducer to wall distance. However, no sound pressure levels in paste were detectable beyond 9 cm from the transducer at both frequencies. Among the various effects evaluated, an emission frequency of 0.4 MHz better improved extractability compared to 2 MHz. The attenuation profiles corroborated these findings with attenuation coefficients of 3.9 and 5.3 dB/cm measured near the respective frequencies. Improvements in oil extractability due to increasing sonication time and power level were significant (p < 0.05) also when sonicating beyond 14.5 cm and without water addition. Oil extractability improvements were observed even when sound pressure was undetectable beyond 9 cm from the transducer, suggesting that the standing wave oil trapping effect is not the governing mechanism for separation in high attenuation media for large scale systems

    NASA Glenn 1-by 1-Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel User Manual

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    This manual describes the NASA Glenn Research Center's 1 - by 1 -Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel and provides information for customers who wish to conduct experiments in this facility. Tunnel performance envelopes of total pressure, total temperature, and dynamic pressure as a function of test section Mach number are presented. For each Mach number, maps are presented of Reynolds number per foot as a function of the total air temperature at the test section inlet for constant total air pressure at the inlet. General support systems-such as the service air, combustion air, altitude exhaust system, auxiliary bleed system, model hydraulic system, schlieren system, model pressure-sensitive paint, and laser sheet system are discussed. In addition, instrumentation and data processing, acquisition systems are described, pretest meeting formats and schedules are outlined, and customer responsibilities and personnel safety are addressed

    Helium abundance in the most metal-deficient blue compact galaxies: I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052

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    We present high-quality spectroscopic observations of the two most-metal deficient blue compact galaxies known, I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052 to determine the helium abundance. The underlying stellar absorption strongly influences the observed intensities of He I emission lines in the brightest NW component of I Zw 18, and hence this component should not be used for primordial He abundance determination. The effect of underlying stellar absorption, though present, is much smaller in the SE component. Assuming all systematic uncertainties are negligible, the He mass fraction derived in this component is Y = 0.243+/-0.007. The high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum (> 100 in the continuum) of SBS 0335-052 allows us to measure the helium mass fraction with a precision better than 2% -- 5% in nine different regions along the slit. Assuming all systematic uncertainties are negligible, the weighted mean He mass fraction in SBS 0335-052 is Y = 0.2437+/-0.0014 when the three He I 4471, 5876 and 6678 emission lines are used, and is 0.2463+/-0.0015 when the He I 4471 emission line is excluded. The weighted mean helium mass fraction in the two most metal-deficient BCGs I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052, Y=0.2462+/-0.0015, after correction for the stellar He production results in a primordial He mass fraction Yp = 0.2452+/-0.0015. The derived Yp leads to a baryon-to-photon ratio of (4.7+/-1.0) 10^{-10}, consistent with the values derived from the primordial D and 7Li abundances, and supporting the standard big bang nucleosynthesis theory. For the most consistent set of primordial D, 4He, and 7Li abundances we derive an equivalent number of light neutrino species 3.0+/-0.3 (95% C.L.).Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Ap

    Common variants in FOXP1 are associated with generalized vitiligo

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    In a recent genome-wide association study of generalized vitiligo, we identified ten confirmed susceptibility loci. By testing additional loci that showed suggestive association in the genome-wide study, using two replication cohorts of European descent, we observed replicated association of generalized vitiligo with variants at 3p13 encompassing FOXP1 (rs17008723, combined P = 1.04 × 10−8) and with variants at 6q27 encompassing CCR6 (rs6902119, combined P = 3.94 × 10−7)

    Supporting users tasks with personal information management and web forms augmentation

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    Currently, many tasks performed on the Web prompt users to provide personal information through forms. Despite the fact that most users are familiarized with this kind of interaction technique, the use of Web forms is not always straightforward. Indeed, some users might need assistance to understand labels and complex data format required to fill in form fields that, quite often, vary from a Web site to another even when requesting similar data. Filling in forms can be tedious and repetitive as many Web sites request similar information. In this work we analyze user's interactions with Web forms and propose an approach for enhancing Web forms using client-side adaptation techniques in order to assist users to fill in Web forms. As the use of Web forms is closely related to the management of personal information our approach includes the support for data exchange between user's personal information management systems (PIMs) and third-party Web forms. The approach is illustrated by a set of client-side adaptation tools and a pervasive Personal Information Management Systems called PIMI.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (vol. 7387).Laboratorio de InvestigaciĂłn y FormaciĂłn en InformĂĄtica Avanzad

    Nanoscale characterization of electrical transport at metal/3C-SiC interfaces

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    In this work, the transport properties of metal/3C-SiC interfaces were monitored employing a nanoscale characterization approach in combination with conventional electrical measurements. In particular, using conductive atomic force microscopy allowed demonstrating that the stacking fault is the most pervasive, electrically active extended defect at 3C-SiC(111) surfaces, and it can be electrically passivated by an ultraviolet irradiation treatment. For the Au/3C-SiC Schottky interface, a contact area dependence of the Schottky barrier height (ΊB) was found even after this passivation, indicating that there are still some electrically active defects at the interface. Improved electrical properties were observed in the case of the Pt/3C-SiC system. In this case, annealing at 500°C resulted in a reduction of the leakage current and an increase of the Schottky barrier height (from 0.77 to 1.12 eV). A structural analysis of the reaction zone carried out by transmission electron microscopy [TEM] and X-ray diffraction showed that the improved electrical properties can be attributed to a consumption of the surface layer of SiC due to silicide (Pt2Si) formation. The degradation of Schottky characteristics at higher temperatures (up to 900°C) could be ascribed to the out-diffusion and aggregation of carbon into clusters, observed by TEM analysis
