10 research outputs found

    Mokslo vieta kultūroje

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    1982 m. gruodžio 10 d. įvyko respublikinė konferencija „Metodologiniai pažinimo teorijos klausimai“, kurią organizavo VVU Filosofijos katedra. Konferencijoje daugiausia dėmesio buvo skirta mokslo vietos kultūroje klausimams – mokslo ir kultūros sampratos, mokslo ir religijos santykio, moksliškumo kriterijaus, faktų ir teorijos ryšio ir kitoms aktualioms problemoms. Pranešimus perskaitė R. Plečkaitis, J. Minkevičius, B. Genzelis, L. Karpovas, V. Rubavičius, E. Meškauskas, E. Nekrašas, S. Jankauskas ir kiti

    Research into smell emitted by containers for public waste / Konteineriuose surenkamų buitinių atliekų skleidžiamo kvapo tyrimai

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    Waste is generally accepted as any materials and objects that a holder discards, wants to discard or is required to be discarded. The article deals with the smell of prefabricated containers for household waste produced under normal domestic activities. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of open, shallow and underground Molok containers, installation options and geometric parameters. Research has been conducted referring to air samples taken from three open, three shallow and three underground Molok containers at an outside temperature of 0 °C and depending on the replenishment of containers. The performed analysis has shown that the strongest smell of household waste is detected from completely replenished containers. Open containers have a distinctive feature of releasing a strong smell - in one of those, the odour strength of 119 OUE/m3 has been determined. Santrauka Atliekos visuotinai suprantamos kaip bet kokios medžiagos ir daiktai, kurių turėtojas atsikrato, nori ar privalo atsikratyti. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas konteineriuose surenkamų buitinių atliekų, susidarančių įprastinėje žmogaus buitinėje veikloje, skleidžiamas kvapas. Aptariami atvirųjų, šachtinių ir požeminių Molok konteinerių privalumai ir trūkumai, įrengimo galimybės, geometriniai parametrai. Tyrimo metu esant 0 °C aplinkos temperatūrai oro mėginiai imti iš trijų atvirųjų buitinių atliekų konteinerių, trijų šachtinio tipo konteinerių ir trijų požeminių Molok konteinerių, atsižvelgiant į konteinerių buitinių atliekų pripildymo būdą. Tyrimais nustatyta, jog stipriausias buitinių atliekų kvapas susidaro konteineriuose, esant visiškam buitinių atliekų pripildymui. Buitinių atliekų skleidžiamo kvapo stiprumu išsiskiria atvirojo tipo konteineriai, iš kurių viename nustatytas net 119 OUE/m3 kvapo stiprumas. Raktiniai žodžiai: buitinės atliekos; konteineris; kvapas; Europinis kvapo vienetas; olfaktometrij

    A catalogue of Lithuanian beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera)

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    This paper presents the first complete and updated list of all 3597 species of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) belonging to 92 families found and published in Lithuania until 2011, with comments also provided on the main systematic and nomenclatural changes since the last monograic treatment (Pileckis and Monsevičius 1995, 1997). The introductory section provides a general overview of the main features of territory of the Lithuania, the origins and formation of the beetle fauna and their conservation, the faunistic investigations in Lithuania to date revealing the most important stages of the faunistic research process with reference to the most prominent scientists, an overview of their work, and their contribution to Lithuanian coleopteran faunal research.Species recorded in Lithuania by some authors without reliable evidence and requiring further confirmation with new data are presented in a separate list, consisting of 183 species. For the first time, analysis of errors in works of Lithuanian authors concerning data on coleopteran fauna has been conducted and these errors have been corrected. All available published and Internet sources on beetles found in Lithuania have been considered in the current study. Over 630 literature sources on species composition of beetles, their distribution in Lithuania and neighbouring countries, and taxonomic revisions and changes are reviewed and cited. An alphabetical list of these literature sources is presented. After revision of public beetle collections in Lithuania, the authors propose to remove 43 species from the beetle species list of the country on the grounds, that they have been wrongly identified or published by mistake. For reasons of clarity, 19 previously noted but later excluded species are included in the current checklist with comments. Based on faunal data from neighbouring countries, species expected to occur in Lithuania are also mentioned. In total 1390 species are attributed to this category and data on their distribution in neighbouring countries is presented. Completion of this study provides evidence that the Lithuanian coleopteran fauna has yet to be completely investigated and it is estimated that approximately 28 % of beetle species remain undiscovered in Lithuania. More than 85% of beetle species expected for Lithuania have been found in the following families: Cerylonidae, Geotrupidae, Haliplidae, Kateridae, Lycidae, Lucanidae, Mycetophagidae, Scarabaeidae and Silphidae. In families with few species such as Alexiidae, Boridae, Byturidae, Dascilidae, Drilidae, Eucinetidae, Lampyridae, Lymexilidae, Megalopodidae, Nemonychidae, Nosodendridae, Noteridae, Orsodacnidae, Pyrochroidae, Pythidae, Psephenidae, Rhysodidae, Sphaeritidae, Sphaeriusidae, Sphindidae, Stenotrahelidae and Trogidae, all possible species have already been discovered. However in some beetle families such as Aderidae, Bothrideridae, Eucnemidae, Laemoploeidae, Mordellidae, Ptiliidae, Scraptidae and Throscidae less than 50% of all possible species are known. At present the beetle species recorded in Lithuania belong to 92 families, with species from 9 other families such as Agyrtidae, Biphylidae, Deradontidae, Mycteridae, Ochodaeidae, Phleophilidae, Phloeostichidae, Prostomidae, Trachypachidae are expected to be found.A bibliography and a index of subfamily and genus levels are provided. The information published in the monograph will serve to further faunistic and distribution research of beetles and will help to avoid confusion in the identificatation of coleopteran fauna of Lithuania