125 research outputs found

    A model for fluvial bedrock incision by impacting suspended and bed load sediment

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    A mechanistic model is derived for the rate of fluvial erosion into bedrock by abrasion from uniform size particles that impact the bed during transport in both bed and suspended load. The erosion rate is equated to the product of the impact rate, the mass loss per particle impact, and a bed coverage term. Unlike previous models that consider only bed load, the impact rate is not assumed to tend to zero as the shear velocity approaches the threshold for suspension. Instead, a given sediment supply is distributed between the bed and suspended load by using formulas for the bed load layer height, bed load velocity, logarithmic fluid velocity profile, and Rouse sediment concentration profile. It is proposed that the impact rate scales linearly with the product of the near-bed sediment concentration and the impact velocity and that particles impact the bed because of gravitational settling and advection by turbulent eddies. Results suggest, unlike models that consider only bed load, that the erosion rate increases with increasing transport stage (for a given relative sediment supply), even for transport stages that exceed the onset of suspension. In addition, erosion can occur if the supply of sediment exceeds the bed load transport capacity because a portion of the sediment load is transported in suspension. These results have implications for predicting erosion rates and channel morphology, especially in rivers with fine sediment, steep channel-bed slopes, and large flood events

    A mechanistic model linking insect (Hydropsychidae) silk nets to incipient sediment motion in gravel‐bedded streams

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    Plants and animals affect stream morphodynamics across a range of scales, yet including biological traits of organisms in geomorphic process models remains a fundamental challenge. For example, laboratory experiments have shown that silk nets built by caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) can increase the shear stress required to initiate bed motion by more than a factor of 2. The contributions of specific biological traits are not well understood, however. Here we develop a theoretical model for the effects of insect nets on the threshold of sediment motion, τ * crit , that accounts for the mechanical properties, geometry, and vertical distribution of insect silk, as well as interactions between insect species. To parameterize the model, we measure the tensile strength, diameter, and number of silk threads in nets built by two common species of caddisfly, Arctopsyche californica and Ceratopsyche oslari . We compare model predictions with new measurements of τ * crit in experiments where we varied grain size and caddisfly species composition. The model is consistent with experimental results for single species, which show that the increase in τ * crit above the abiotic control peaks at 40–70% for 10–22 mm sediments and declines with increasing grain size. For the polyculture experiments, however, the model underpredicts the measured increase in τ * crit when two caddisfly species are present in sediments of larger grain sizes. Overall, the model helps explain why the presence of caddisfly silk can substantially increase the forces needed to initiate sediment motion in gravel‐bedded streams and also illustrates the challenge of parameterizing the behavior of multiple interacting species in a physical model. Key Points Caddisfly silk nets are incorporated into a model of incipient sediment motion Silk nets increase critical shear stress in gravel‐bedded streams Species‐specific silk and behaviors control the range of grain sizes affectedPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109329/1/jgrf20303.pd

    Eliciting Dirichlet and Gaussian copula prior distributions for multinomial models

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    In this paper, we propose novel methods of quantifying expert opinion about prior distributions for multinomial models. Two different multivariate priors are elicited using median and quartile assessments of the multinomial probabilities. First, we start by eliciting a univariate beta distribution for the probability of each category. Then we elicit the hyperparameters of the Dirichlet distribution, as a tractable conjugate prior, from those of the univariate betas through various forms of reconciliation using least-squares techniques. However, a multivariate copula function will give a more flexible correlation structure between multinomial parameters if it is used as their multivariate prior distribution. So, second, we use beta marginal distributions to construct a Gaussian copula as a multivariate normal distribution function that binds these marginals and expresses the dependence structure between them. The proposed method elicits a positive-definite correlation matrix of this Gaussian copula. The two proposed methods are designed to be used through interactive graphical software written in Java

    Genetic correlation between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and schizophrenia

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    A. Palotie on työryhmän Schizophrenia Working Grp Psychiat jäsen.We have previously shown higher-than-expected rates of schizophrenia in relatives of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), suggesting an aetiological relationship between the diseases. Here, we investigate the genetic relationship between ALS and schizophrenia using genome-wide association study data from over 100,000 unique individuals. Using linkage disequilibrium score regression, we estimate the genetic correlation between ALS and schizophrenia to be 14.3% (7.05-21.6; P = 1 x 10(-4)) with schizophrenia polygenic risk scores explaining up to 0.12% of the variance in ALS (P = 8.4 x 10(-7)). A modest increase in comorbidity of ALS and schizophrenia is expected given these findings (odds ratio 1.08-1.26) but this would require very large studies to observe epidemiologically. We identify five potential novel ALS-associated loci using conditional false discovery rate analysis. It is likely that shared neurobiological mechanisms between these two disorders will engender novel hypotheses in future preclinical and clinical studies.Peer reviewe

    New insights into the mechanics of fluvial bedrock erosion through flume experiments and theory

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    River incision into bedrock drives the topographic evolution of mountainous terrain and may link climate, tectonics, and topography over geologic time scales. Despite its importance, the mechanics of bedrock erosion are not well understood because channel form, river hydraulics, sediment transport, and erosion mechanics coevolve over relatively long time scales that prevent direct observations, and because erosive events occur intermittently and are difficult and dangerous to measure. Herein we synthesize how flume experiments using erodible bedrock simulants are filling these knowledge gaps by effectively accelerating the pace of landscape evolution under reduced scale in the laboratory. We also build on this work by providing new theory for rock resistance to abrasion, thresholds for plucking by vertical entrainment, sliding and toppling, and by assessing bedrock-analog materials. Bedrock erosion experiments in the last 15 years reveal that the efficiency of rock abrasion scales inversely with the square of rock tensile strength, sediment supply has a dominant control over bed roughness and abrasion rates, suspended sediment is an efficient agent of erosion, and feedbacks with channel form and roughness strongly influence erosion rates. Erodibility comparisons across rock, concrete, ice, and foam indicate that, for a given tensile strength, abrasion rates are insensitive to elasticity. The few experiments that have been conducted on erosion by plucking highlight the importance of block protrusion height above the river bed, and the dominance of block sliding and toppling at knickpoints. These observations are consistent with new theory for the threshold Shields stress to initiate plucking, which also suggests that erosion rates in sliding- and toppling-dominated rivers are likely transport limited. Major knowledge gaps remain in the processes of erosion via plucking of bedrock blocks where joints are not river-bed parallel; waterfall erosion by toppling and plunge-pool erosion; feedbacks between weathering and physical erosion; erosional bedforms; and morphodynamic feedbacks between channel form and erosion rates. Despite scaling challenges, flume experiments continue to provide much needed tests of existing bedrock-erosion theory, force development of new theory, and yield insight into the mechanics of landscapes


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    ABSTRACT Hydrograph variability and channel morphology infl uence rates of fl uvial bedrock incision , but little data exist on these controls in natural channels. Through fi eld monitoring we demonstrate that (1) short-term bedrock channel incision can be rapid, (2) sustained fl oods with smaller peak discharges can be more erosive than fl ash fl oods with higher peak discharges, due to changes in bed alluviation, and (3) bedrock channel morphology varies with local bed slope and controls the spatial distribution of erosion. We present a three-year record of fl ow depths and bedrock erosion for a human-perturbed channel reach that drains the Henry Mountains of Utah, USA. Starting from a small and steep (~30% slope), engineered knickpoint in Navajo sandstone, erosion has cut a narrow, deep, and tortuous inner channel in ~35-40 years. Along the inner channel, we measured up to 1/2 m of vertical incision into Navajo sandstone over ~23 days, caused by the 2005 season of exceptional snowmelt fl ow. In contrast, fl ash fl oods caused little bedrock incision even when peak discharges were much higher than the peak snowmelt fl ow. Flash fl oods were net depositors of coarse sediment while snowmelt fl ow cleared alluvial cover. We document the formation of a pothole and interpret that it was abraded by bedload rather than fi ne suspended sediment. Finally, several slot canyons (Peek-a-boo, Spooky, and Coyote Gulch narrows) in the nearby Escalante River drainage basin have erosional morphologies similar to the monitored channel reach. Feedbacks between fl ow, sediment transport, and transient erosion provide a plausible explanation for the evolution of channel slope, width, and bed roughness of these natural bedrock channels

    Experimental methods.

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    <p>(A) The two caddisfly (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) species used in the experiment. These caddisflies have a fully aquatic larval life-stage during which time individuals spin nets in the benthic substrate to filter feed. <i>Arctopsyche</i> is, on average, twice as long and 7 times as heavy as <i>Ceratopsyche</i> (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0103417#pone.0103417.s001" target="_blank">Figure S1</a>). (B)The flume mesocosms used in the experiment (1.2-m long × 0.15-m wide × 0.20-m deep). A motor attached to a shaft and propeller recirculates water through the flume and over the sediment patch. Grey shading along the flume bottom represents the plexiglass false-bottom leading up to and behind the working patch of sediments.</p

    The Design of a Site-Calibrated Parker–Klingeman Gravel Transport Model

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    The use of site-calibrated models for predicting bedload transport in gravel-bed rivers remains relatively rare, despite advances in methodology and computing technology, and its notable advantages in terms of predictive accuracy. This article presents a new algorithm for site calibration of the Parker–Klingeman (1982) model, along with a detailed discussion of considerations that influence model selection and calibration methodology. New visualization techniques are explored to demystify the calibration process, using three examples with progressively more challenging calibration conditions. The new method is particularly well suited to streams with high sediment loads, or cases where extrapolation of transport function estimates is necessary