1,182 research outputs found

    Who are Portuguese followers of social media influencers (SMIs), and their attitudes towards SMIs? An exploratory study

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    Influencers serve as crucial role models, influencing the behavior, aesthetics, and ideologies of their followers. This cross-sectional study aims to explore the perspectives of Portuguese social media users toward influencers. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from 759 participants obtained through snowball sampling. The majority (75.5%) were female, averaging 26 years in age. Descriptive statistics, mean comparisons, and correlations were utilized for analysis. Portuguese followers of social media influencers, primarily consisting of young women with lower formal education, are active on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. They spend considerable time on social media, engaging with influencers through actions such as liking or tagging friends. Fashion and beauty influencers are particularly favored. Followers value influencers who interact with them, appreciate personal posts and disclosures, and form parasocial relationships with influencers. While many express a willingness to purchase products promoted by influencers, a noteworthy portion hasn't made such purchases. Participants express uncertainty about the guaranteed quality of products endorsed by influencers, yet 36.5% acknowledge the significance of influencers in discovering new products or trends.This study provides valuable insights for influencers and brands targeting a specific audience. It also underscores potential concerns for followers, emphasizing the link between excessive social media use and problematic behavior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uma análise sobre a (in)aplicabilidade do reequilíbrio econômico-financeiro à Ata de Registro de Preços

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2021.Este trabalho visa analisar a aplicabilidade do instituto do reequilíbrio econômico-financeiro à Ata de Registro de Preços, partindo do exame de sua natureza jurídica, do nexo entre o Sistema de Registro de Preços e a eficiência do processo licitatório, dos instrumentos para manutenção do equilíbrio econômico dos contratos administrativos e dos dispositivos regulamentares, legais e constitucionais pertinentes. Busca-se expor os obstáculos à revisão dos preços registrados e suas consequências para a administração pública e para as empresas, principalmente em períodos de alta variabilidade. Por fim, evidencia-se a compatibilidade do instituto e a necessidade de conformação da interpretação e do texto dos regulamentos que inviabilizam sua aplicação, com a nova perspectiva trazida pela Lei nº 14.133/2021.This work seeks to analyse the applicability of the economic and financial rebalancing to the price registry protocol, based on the examination of its legal nature, the nexus between the price registry system and the bidding process efficiency, the instruments for maintaining administrative contracts’ economic balance and the relevant regulatory, legal and constitutional provisions. It seeks to expose the obstacles to the revision of registered prices and its consequences for public administration and private companies, especially in periods of high variability. Ultimately, it points to the compatibility of the institute and the need to conform the interpretation and text of the regulations that make it unfeasible, with the new perspective brought by the Law nº 14.133/2021

    Enhancement of faces attractiveness in images

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    Orientador: José Mario De MartinoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O rosto desempenha um papel importante na comunicação e expressão de emoções. Por ser o cartão de visitas individual e caracterizar a primeira impressão de cada um, sua aparência e seu formato tornam-se alvo de diversos estudos. Um rosto mais atraente é capaz de capturar com maior facilidade não apenas a atenção de quem o observa, como também sua empatia. Nesta linha, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para manipulação e transformação de imagens fotográficas de faces com a finalidade de aumentar a atratividade destes rostos. Para isso, foram abordados dois aspectos de modificação da face: o geométrico e o de textura da pele do rosto. No contexto deste trabalho, foi construída uma base de imagens de faces. Nas imagens desta base foram identificados pontos de interesse e calculadas distâncias entre eles para a caracterização das proporções da face. Adicionalmente, foi atribuído um grau de atratividade para cada face, a partir de avaliação realizada por um grupo de 40 voluntários. As medidas de proporção e atratividade foram utilizadas, no processo de melhoria geométrica da face, como conjunto de treinamento para os algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina. Como resultado do processamento são geradas novas medidas para o rosto que se deseja tornar mais atraente. Utilizando a técnica de warping, a imagem do rosto de entrada é modificada para as novas medidas encontradas. A imagem resultante deste processo serve como imagem de entrada para o processo de modificação da textura. Neste processamento é gerada uma nova imagem com a cor dos pixels da região de pele do rosto alterada. A principal contribuição deste trabalho consiste em unir o processo de modificação geométrica do rosto à modificação de textura da pele. Esta união resultou em um ganho de atratividade maior do que se estas técnicas fossem utilizadas separadamente. Este ganho foi comprovado com testes de pós-avaliação realizados com voluntários analisando os resultados finais nas imagensAbstract: The face plays an important role in communication and expression of emotions. Face characterizes the first impression of each person; thus, its appearance and shape became the target of several studies. An attractive face is capable of capturing more easily not only the attention of the beholder, as well as his/her empathy. In this vein, this study aims to develop a methodology for handling and processing of images of faces in order to increase the attractiveness of these faces. It was addressed two aspects of modification of the face: the geometric and texture (considering only the skin of the face). In this work, a large database of face images was built. All these faces were marked with feature points and from them it was taken measures considered interesting to analyze the dimensions and proportions of the faces. Besides that, they were also evaluated according to their degree of attraction by a group of volunteers. This information was used in the enhancement of the face geometry, using machine learning algorithms. At this stage new measures were generated for the input face which is considered in the beautification process. Using the technique of warping, the input face image is warped to fit the new measures found by the algorithms. The resulting image from this process serves as the input image to the process of texture modification. At this stage it is generated a new image with the color of pixels in the region of skin of the face changed. The main contribution of this work is to join the process of face geometry modification with the process of face skin texture modification. The result of this union generates image faces which have greater enhancement of attractiveness than if the processes were used separately. This gain was confirmed by post-evaluation tests conducted with volunteers that analyzed the final resultsMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Intervenciones asistidas con animales, ¿un vacío legal?

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    Descripció del recurs: 14 abril 2011.Treball presentat a la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Resilience in architecture: housing as a process

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    This work starts with a hypothesis that housing design process can be an open system, whose resilience becomes positive when it is understood as a process with multiple agents, among one of them is the architect. Current housing production presents inadequacies and flexibility problems that bring this system to an unbalanced situation, which makes it more difficult for people to modify the space they live. This work aims to identify if and how the insertion of other architectural strategies in housing production could foster its resilience. In order to reach this objective, this research uses an explanatory approach based on a literature review on the theme and case studies. Firstly, the concepts of system and resilience are explored under approaches that cover the reductionist and the systemic paradigm. After that, some discussions regarding housing and counter-hegemonic practices are presented. Finally, selected case studies are analysed from the perspective of the resilience characteristics in order to verify if they develop the concept of housing as a continuous process. The results enforce the need for shifting the emphasis of current housing schemes to a new configuration of dynamic balance and highlight the role of open and informational processes to achieve this goal


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    Objetivo: identificar o cuidado familiar prestado a idosos institucionalizados, percebido por profissionais de Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos.Método: estudo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido com 41 profissionais. Dados coletados de maio de 2017 a janeiro de 2018, com entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas. Para organização do processo de análise dos dados, utilizou-se o software Atlas.ti, cujo conteúdo foi submetido à análise de discurso de Bardin.Resultados: as percepções que emergiram das falas dos profissionais participantes sobre a institucionalização tiveram origem nas experiências atuais e vivenciadas. A presença ou ausência da família estava ligada às relações de cuidado, havendo distinção de percepções entre os profissionais das diferentes instituições.Conclusão: percebeu-se que o cuidado familiar, enquanto experiências pessoais para os profissionais, foi significativo para construir as percepções acerca da institucionalização de idosos e do familiar como cuidador.Objetivo: identificar el cuidado familiar con ancianos en centros de cuidado, bajo la percepción de profesionales de Centros de cuidado a largo plazo para Ancianos. Método: estudio del tipo descriptivo y exploratorio, con abordaje cualitativo, desarrollado con 41 profesionales. Datos obtenidos de mayo de 2017 a enero de 2018, con entrevistas individuales semi estructuradas. Para organización del proceso de análisis de los datos, se utilizó el software Atlas.ti, cuyo contenido se sometió a análisis de discurso de Bardin. Resultados: las percepciones que resultaron de las entrevistas a los profesionales sobre la institucionalización se asocian a sus experiencias actuales y vividas. La presencia o ausencia de la familia se asocia a las relaciones de cuidado, habiendo distinción de percepciones entre los profesionales de las diferentes instituciones. Conclusión: se notó que el cuidado familiar, de acuerdo a las experienciaspersonales de los profesionales, fue significativo para construir las percepciones acerca de la institucionalización de ancianos y del familiar como cuidador.Objective: to identify the family care provided to institutionalized elderly people, perceived by professionals from Long Term Care Institutions for the Elderly.Method: descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach, developed with 41 professionals. Data collection took place from May 2017 to January 2018, with individual semistructured interviews. To organize the data analysis process, the Atlas.ti software was used, whose content was submitted to Bardin’s discourse analysis.Results: the perceptions that emerged from the speeches of the participating professionals about institutionalization originated from current and lived experiences. The presence or absence of the family was linked to care relationships, with a distinction of perceptions among professionals from different institutions.Conclusion: it was observed that family care, as personal experiences for professionals, was significant to build perceptions about the institutionalization of the elderly and the family member as a caregiver

    Resilience in architecture: housing as a process

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    This work starts with a hypothesis that housing design process can be an open system, whose resilience becomes positive when it is understood as a process with multiple agents, among one of them is the architect. Current housing production presents inadequacies and flexibility problems that bring this system to an unbalanced situation, which makes it more difficult for people to modify the space they live. This work aims to identify if and how the insertion of other architectural strategies in housing production could foster its resilience. In order to reach this objective, this research uses an explanatory approach based on a literature review on the theme and case studies. Firstly, the concepts of system and resilience are explored under approaches that cover the reductionist and the systemic paradigm. After that, some discussions regarding housing and counter-hegemonic practices are presented. Finally, selected case studies are analysed from the perspective of the resilience characteristics in order to verify if they develop the concept of housing as a continuous process. The results enforce the need for shifting the emphasis of current housing schemes to a new configuration of dynamic balance and highlight the role of open and informational processes to achieve this goal

    Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking of 254SMO SS

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    The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of solubilized and sensitized 254SMO SS was studied in sodium chloride, and sodium fluoride solutions at 80 °C and sulfuric acid solutions in presence of sodium chloride at 25 °C. The influence of salt concentration, pH values and the addition of thiosulfate was examined. The susceptibility to SCC was evaluated by Slow Strain Rate Tests (SSRT), at 1.5 x 10-6 s-1 strain rate. The behavior of 254SMO was compared to those of AISI 316L SS and Hastelloy C276. 254SMO showed an excellent resistance to SCC in all conditions, except in the more acidic solutions (pH <= 1) where, in the sensitized conditions, intergranular stress corrosion cracking occurred

    Apontamentos sobre curadoria de arte na contemporaneidade

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    The discourses of contemporary artistic practices, seemingly neutral, in unconstrained territories, constitute a set of agents and actors directly engaged with the sense of art, which bring meaning to the scene. Contemporary metamorphoses have brought an abundance of artistic forms and a broad approach to themes where their modes of discourse have transformed the locus of art, sharing the sensitive, social engagement, and world perception. The subsidies to the understanding of the concepts that base the contemporary art are often prescribed by the curatorial project of the exhibition, which allows to approach the look for its understanding. From the conceptual demand (curatorial project) to misen scène (solution or practice), contemporary interventions, through settings and settings that give it the visuality through the critique and mediation that provide information, are inserted in cultural proposals.Los discursos de las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas, aparentemente neutros, en territorios desencadenados, configuran un conjunto de agentes y actores comprometidos directamente con el sentido del arte, que traen el significado a la escena. Las metamorfosis contemporáneas trajeron una abundancia de formas artísticas y un amplio abordaje de temas donde sus modos de discurso transformaron el locus del arte, en compartir el sensible, el compromiso social, y la percepción del mundo. Los subsidios al entendimiento de los conceptos que fundamentan el arte contemporáneo son muchas veces prescritos por el proyecto de curaduría de la exposición, lo que posibilita aproximar la mirada a su entendimiento. De la demanda conceptual (proyecto de curaduría) al mis en scène (solución o práctica), las intervenciones contemporáneas, pasando por ambiciones y escenografías que le confieren la visualidad por la crítica y la mediación que proporcionan información, se inserta en propuestas culturales.&nbsp;Os discursos das praticas artísticas contemporâneas, aparentemente neutros, em territórios desenquadrados, configuram um conjunto de agentes e atores engajados diretamente com o sentido da arte, que trazem o signifi cado à cena. As metamorfoses contemporâneas trouxeram uma abundância de formas artísticas e uma vasta abordagem de temas&nbsp;&nbsp;onde seus modos de discurso transformaram o locus da arte, em partilha do sensível, engajamento social, e, percepção de mundo. Os&nbsp;&nbsp;subsídios ao entendimento dos conceitos que fundamentam a arte contemporânea são muitas vezes prescritos pelo projeto de curadoria&nbsp;&nbsp;da exposição, o que possibilita aproximar o olhar para o seu entendimento. Da demanda conceitual (projeto de curadoria) ao mis en scène (solução ou prática), as intervenções contemporâneas, passando por ambientações e cenografias que lhe conferem a visualidade&nbsp;&nbsp;pela crítica e mediação que fornecem informação, se inserem em propostas culturais
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