14 research outputs found

    Index Nepotianus

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    This Index is a computer-generated alpha-betical list of all the words in E.O. Winstedt\u27s edition of cornelius nepos (Oxford, 1904) with their places of occurrence. No attempt has been made to make it a critical index. Since indexes are normally used in conjunction with a text. Variant readings are automatically provided by the apparatus of the text. The few advantages of a critical index are outweighed by the increased expense and likelihood of additional errors. For the same reason no attempt has been made to assemble all the words containing the same stem morpheme under a single heading. Anyone familiar with Latin can easily find them in their alphabetical location

    Dionysus in Rome

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    This chapter reviews the evidence for Dionysus' early accommodation in Italy, and presents a series of snapshots involving Dionysian ritual or role-playing from Roman history. It presents a survey of the “reception” of Dionysus in Italy and it is complicated by the fact that the evidence does not enable the determination whether Dionysus was in fact 'imported' from the Greek world onto Italian soil, or how he came to be associated and ultimately identified with the Italic Liber and the Etruscan Fufluns. The main festival celebrated at the Temple of Ceres was the Cerealia, but the earliest fasti (Roman festival calendars), also attest Liberalia for March 17. A sign of Augustine's personal distance from the worship of Bacchus/Liber is that he conflates Liberalia with the more notorious Bacchanalia. Dionysus is a prominent subject of interest for the early Christian fathers owing to his many points of contact with Christ, including their connection with eternal life

    Controlling language: Telemachus learns to speak

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    Making a difference: The silence of Otherness

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    Disentangling the beast: Humans and other animals in the Oresteia

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    Talking through the heroic code: Achilles learns to tell stories

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