33 research outputs found

    Le diagnostic rapide de pré-aménagement (Diarpa) : Un outil d'aide à l'aménagement des zones de bas-fonds

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    En Afrique sub-saharienne, les bas-fonds représentent un potentiel important pour une agriculture sécurisée et diversifiée. Cependant, les aménagements de bas-fonds sont souvent jugés peu opérationnels par les utilisateurs. Pour permettre une meilleure adaptation aux besoins des populations et aux contraintes du milieu, un outil d'aide à la décision, le diagnostic rapide de pré-aménagement, Diarpa, a été mis au point afin de définir le type et les caractéristiques des aménagements. Il s'appuie sur sept indicateurs qui sont, soit mesurés sur le site (perméabilité des sols, profondeur de l'horizon imperméable, pente longitudinale du bas-fond, profil de l'axe d'écoulement, écoulements de base, dynamique de la nappe), soit calculés (crue décennale rapportée à la largeur du bas-fond). Une clé d'utilisation de ces indicateurs permet de recommander le type d'aménagement le plus adapté. Le coût peut être évalué à partir des indicateurs ayant une incidence directe (débit de crue, largeur et pente du bas-fond) et intégré dans une analyse socio-économique tenant compte des impacts attendus et de la capacité des bénéficiaires à supporter les investissements et les charges récurrentes. Le Diarpa a été validé au sud du Mali pour les digues déversantes ; dans la zone soudanienne, c'est un outil opérationnel pour la planification des programmes de mise en valeur des bas-fonds et pour le choix de l'aménagement. (Résumé d'auteur

    SPLEND1D, a reduced one-dimensional model to investigate the physics of plasma detachment

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    Studying the process of divertor detachment and the associated complex interplay of plasma dynamics and atomic physics processes is of utmost importance for future fusion reactors. Whilst simplified analytical models exist to interpret the general features of detachment, they are limited in their predictive power, and complex 2D or even 3D codes are generally required to provide a self-consistent picture of the divertor. As an intermediate step, 1D models of the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) can be particularly insightful as the dynamics are greatly simplified, while still self-consistently including various source and sink terms at play, as well as additional important effects such as flows. These codes can be used to shed light on the physics at play, to perform fast parameter scans, or to interpret experiments. In this paper, we introduce the SPLEND1D (Simulator of PLasma ENabling Detachment in 1D) code: a fast and versatile 1D SOL model. We present in detail the model that is implemented in SPLEND1D. We then employ the code to explore various elements of detachment physics for parameters typical of the Tokamak \`a Configuration Variable (TCV), including the atomic physics and other processes behind power and momentum losses, and explore the various hypotheses and free parameters of the model

    Iris-Wasm: robust and modular verification of WebAssembly programs

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    WebAssembly makes it possible to run C/C++ applications on the web with near-native performance. A WebAssembly program is expressed as a collection of higher-order ML-like modules, which are composed together through a system of explicit imports and exports using a host language, enabling a form of higher- order modular programming. We present Iris-Wasm, a mechanized higher-order separation logic building on a specification of Wasm 1.0 mechanized in Coq and the Iris framework. Using Iris-Wasm, we are able to specify and verify individual modules separately, and then compose them modularly in a simple host language featuring the core operations of the WebAssembly JavaScript Interface. Building on Iris-Wasm, we develop a logical relation that enforces robust safety: unknown, adversarial code can only affect other modules through the functions that they explicitly export. Together, the program logic and the logical relation allow us to formally verify functional correctness of WebAssembly programs, even when they invoke and are invoked by unknown code, thereby demonstrating that WebAssembly enforces strong isolation between modules

    Reduction in benefits of total flux expansion on divertor detachment due to parallel flows

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    The Super-X divertor (SXD) is an alternative divertor configuration leveraging total flux expansion at the outer strike point (OSP). Key features for the attractiveness of the SXD are facilitated detachment access and control, as predicted by the extended 2-point model (2PM). However, parallel flows are not consistently included in the 2PM. In this work, the 2PM is refined to overcome this limitation: the role of total flux expansion on the pressure balance is made explicit, by including the effect of parallel flows. In consequence, the effect of total flux expansion on detachment access and control is weakened, compared to predictions of the 2PM. This new model partially explains discrepancies between the 2PM and experiments performed on TCV, in ohmic L-mode scenarios, where in core density ramps in lower single-null (SN) configuration, the impact of the OSP major radius Rt on the CIII emission front movement in the divertor outer leg - used as a proxy for the plasma temperature - is substantially weaker than 2PM predictions; and in OSP sweeps in lower and upper SN configurations, with a constant core density, the peak parallel particle flux density at the OSP is almost independent of Rt, while the 2PM predicts a linear dependence. Finally, analytical and numerical modelling of parallel flows in the divertor is presented, to support the argument. It is shown that an increase in total flux expansion can favour supersonic flows at the OSP. Parallel flows are also shown to be relevant by analysing SOLPS-ITER simulations of TCV

    Comparison of detachment in Ohmic plasmas with positive and negative triangularity

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    Detachment is investigated using core density ramps for lower single null Ohmic L-mode plasmas across a wide range of upper, lower, and total triangularity (δ\delta) in the TCV tokamak. It is universally found that detachment is more difficult to access with negative triangularity (NT) shaping. The outer divertor leg of discharges with δ0.3\delta\approx -0.3 could not be cooled below 5 eV using core density ramps alone. The behavior of the upstream plasma and geometrical divertor effects (e.g. a reduced connection length at negative lower triangularity) do not fully explain the challenges of detaching NT plasmas. Langmuir probe measurements of the target heat flux widths (λq\lambda_q) remained constant within 30% across an upper triangularity scan, while the spreading factor SS was found to be lower by up to 50% in NT, indicating a generally lower integral SOL width. An interesting pattern has been observed in the particle balance where the line-averaged core density was typically higher in NT discharges for a given fuelling rate. Conversely, the divertor neutral pressure and integrated particle content were typically lower for the same line-averaged density. This indicates that NT plasmas may be closer to the sheath-limited regime than their PT counterparts, which could explain why NT is more challenging to detach

    Late glacial and Holocene landscape change and rapid climate and coastal impacts in the Canal Beagle, southernmost Patagonia

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    Palaeoenvironmental data for the Late Glacial and Holocene periods are provided from Caleta Eugenia, in the eastern sector of Canal Beagle, southernmost Patagonia. The record commences at c. 16 200 cal a bp following glacier retreat in response to climatic warming. However, cooler conditions persisted during the Late Glacial period. The onset of more temperate conditions after c. 12 390 cal a bp is indicated by the arrival of southern beech forest and later establishment at c. 10 640 cal a bp, but the woodland growth was restricted by lower levels of effective moisture. The climate signal is then truncated by a rapid marine incursion at c. 8640 cal a bp which lasted until a more gradual emergence of the coast at c. 6600 cal a bp. During this period the pollen record appears to be dominated by the southern beech woodland. A punctuated hydroseral succession follows the isolation of the site from the sea leading to the re‐establishment of a peat bog. Between c. 5770 cal a bp and the present there were several periods of short rapid climatic change leading to drier conditions, probably as a result of late Holocene periods of climatic warming

    Late glacial and Holocene landscape change and rapid climate and coastal impacts in the Canal Beagle, southernmost Patagonia

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    Palaeoenvironmental data for the Late Glacial and Holocene periods are provided from Caleta Eugenia, in the eastern sector of Canal Beagle, southernmost Patagonia. The record commences at c. 16 200 cal a bp following glacier retreat in response to climatic warming. However, cooler conditions persisted during the Late Glacial period. The onset of more temperate conditions after c. 12 390 cal a bp is indicated by the arrival of southern beech forest and later establishment at c. 10 640 cal a bp, but the woodland growth was restricted by lower levels of effective moisture. The climate signal is then truncated by a rapid marine incursion at c. 8640 cal a bp which lasted until a more gradual emergence of the coast at c. 6600 cal a bp. During this period the pollen record appears to be dominated by the southern beech woodland. A punctuated hydroseral succession follows the isolation of the site from the sea leading to the re‐establishment of a peat bog. Between c. 5770 cal a bp and the present there were several periods of short rapid climatic change leading to drier conditions, probably as a result of late Holocene periods of climatic warming

    Hunter–gatherer mobility and technological landscapes in southernmost South America: a statistical learning approach

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    The present work aims to quantitatively explore and understand the relationship between mobility types (nautical versus pedestrian), specific technological traits and shared technological knowledge in pedestrian hunter–gatherer and nautical hunter–fisher–gatherer societies from the southernmost portion of South America. To that end, advanced statistical learning techniques are used: state-of-the-art classification algorithms and variable importance analyses. Results show a strong relationship between technological knowledge, traits and mobility types. Occupations can be accurately classified into nautical and pedestrian due to the existence of a non-trivial pattern between mobility and a relatively small fraction of variables from some specific technological categories. Cases where the best-fitted classification algorithm fails to generalize are found significantly interesting. These instances can unveil lack of information, not enough entries in the training set, singular features or ambiguity, the latter case being a possible indicator of the interaction between nautical and pedestrian societies.HAR-2009-06996, CSD2010-00034, HAR2017- 90883-REDC, CULM-HAR2016-77672-P (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n de Espan˜ a); PIP-0706, PIP-0348 (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas y Tecnolo´gicas-Argentina) and PICT 2012-2148 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologı´a e Innovacio´n Productiva de la Repu´ blica Argentina); PROC/12-120610-A (SESAR WPE Long Term and Innovative Research-European Commission); and Project GR-7846 (Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research

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