481 research outputs found

    Kesehatan dan Kebugaran Jasmani Melalui Senam Sehat di Desa Kebondowo

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    Health is one of the important factors in life so that one's good and unfavorable health will have an impact on other activities that will be undertaken. For the public, the best step that can be taken is to prevent various diseases that can arise at any time. Preventive action that can be done is to carry out physical activities and regular and systematic exercise so as to increase one's physical fitness level. PKM Gymnastics participants are Kebondowo Village community ranging from elementary school students, teenagers, adults and the community in general. Through PKM Gymnastics is given knowledge and understanding of the basics of the gymnastics movement. Gymnastic movements start from learning footsteps, hand swing movements, combination movements and alignment with the rhythm of music in accordance with the type of movement. The public is given education related to how to maintain a healthy body to stay healthy and fit. The public is recommended to always do sports activities at least 3 times a week, and in one activity a minimum of 30 minutes of activity.Keyword: Gymnastics, Healthy, Fitness.Abstrak: Kesehatan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam kehidupan sehingga baik dan kurang baiknya kesehatan seseorang akan berdampak pada aktivitas lain yang akan dijalani. Bagi masyarakat langkah terbaik yang dapat dilakukan adalah tindakan pencegahan terhadap berbagai penyakit yang dapat muncul kapanpun. Tindakan pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan adalah melakukan aktivitas jasmani dan olahraga yang teratur dan sistematis sehingga dapat meningkatkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani seseorang. Peserta PKM Senam merupakan masyarakat Desa Kebondowo mulai dari pelajar SD, usia remaja, dewasa dan masyarakat secara umum. Melalui PKM Senam ini diberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman dasar-dasar gerakan senam. Gerakan senam dimulai dari mempelajari gerakan langkah kaki, gerakan ayunan tangan, gerakan kombinasi serta penyelarasan dengan irama musik yang sesuai dengan jenis gerakan. Masyarakat diberikan edukasi terkait bagaimana menjaga kesehatan tubuh agar tetap selalu sehat dan bugar. Masyarakat dianjurkan untuk selalu melakukan aktivitas olahraga minimal 3 kali dalam seminggu, dan dalam satu aktivitas minimal melakukan aktivitas 30 menit.Kata Kunci: Senam, Sehat, Kebugaran

    PKM Peningkatan Sarana Dan Prasarana Olahraga Tenis Meja Untuk Aktivitas Jasmani Warga

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    Physical activity can be done by the community either individually or in groups. The community can take advantage of the sports facilities and infrastructure that are around it. The availability of adequate sports facilities and infrastructure is very important to increase the enthusiasm and motivation of the community in carrying out sports activities to be healthy for their bodies. The availability of facilities and infrastructure can also provide options for the community to do the sports they want. The availability of sports facilities and infrastructure for residents in RT 03 RW O6 Perum Polri Durenan Indah is still very lacking, thus affecting the interest of residents to carry out sports activities. Improving sports facilities and infrastructure by providing table tennis sports facilities and infrastructure is very helpful for residents in RT O3 RW 06, to increase physical activity. Residents take advantage of the facility every afternoon and fill weekend activities. Service activities are also directed at developing the talents and interests of children and young people in RT 03 RW 06, to develop themselves in the sport of table tennis. The youth and children are given knowledge about the basic techniques in playing table tennis. Some of the techniques given are serve, forehand and backhand..Aktivitas jasmani dapat dilakukan oleh masyarakat baik secara individu maupun berkelompok. Masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan sarana dan prasarana olahraga yang ada disekitarnya. Ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana olahraga yang memadai sangat penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan semangat dan motivasi masyarakat dalam melakukan kegiatan olahraga untuk menjadi kesehatan tubuhnya. Ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana juga dapat memberikan pilihan kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan olahraga yang mereka inginkan. Ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana olahraga  bagi warga di RT 03 RW O6 Perum Polri Durenan Indah masih sangat kurang, sehingga mempengaruhi minat warga untuk melakukan aktivitas olahraga. Peningkatan sarana dan prasarana olahraga dengan menyediakan sarana dan prasarana olahraga tenis meja sangat membantu warga di RT O3 RW 06, untuk meningkatkan aktivitas jasmani. Warga memanfaatkan fasilitas itu setiap sore dan mengisi kegiatan akhir pekan. Kegiatan pengabdian juga diarahkan untuk mengembangkan bakat dan minat anak-anak dan para remaja di RT 03 RW 06, untuk mengembangkan diri pada olahraga tenis meja. Para remaja dan anak-anak diberikan pengetahuan tentang teknik dasar dalam bermain tenis meja. Beberapa teknik yang diberikan yaitu servis, forehand dan backhand

    Developing a Finite Element Model to Investigate Second Metatarsal Stress During Running

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from UKACM via the link in this recordSecond metatarsal (2MT) stress fracture is a common and burdensome injury amongst runners, however understanding of the risk factors leading to injury is limited. Finite Element (FE) modelling represents a viable biorealistic alternative to invasive studies and simple beam theory models. This study shows the design and validation of a simple subject-specific FE model of the 2MT incorporating geometrically accurate soft tissue and loading. Results show a good comparison with both recent models and bone staple strain gauge data.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    The use of physical activity trackers in Portuguese adolescents and adults

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    Both authors were supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under Grants DTP/04045/2013; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006969 and UID/DTP/00617/2013; and by NORTE 2020 under Grant NanoSTIMA: Macro-to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health Monitoring and Analytics, NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-000016.The pandemic of physical inactivity is associated with a range of chronic diseases and early deaths (Ding et al., 2016). Estimates from 2012 indicated that not meeting physical activity recommendations is responsible for more than 5 million deaths globally each year (Lee et al., 2012). Nowadays, sedentary behaviours are highly prevalent, and data from adults in high-income countries suggest the majority of time awake is spent being sedentary (Matthews et al., 2008). This study aimed to investigate the use of physical activity trackers in Portugal, in particular how often people use it and how they use it to monitor exercise/physical activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat aktivitas fisik para anggota TNI-AD Yonif Mekanis Kodam Jaya Yudha pada masa pandemic covid-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Populasi keseluruhan anggota TNI-AD Yonif Mekanis Kodam Jaya Yudha yang berjumlah 108 orang, dan teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling, sehingga sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 23 orang. Penggunaan instrumen berupa kuesioner tentang aktivitas fisik dari Baecke dan analisis IMT (Indeks Massa Tubuh) dengan rumus IMT = BB (Kg) / TB (m)2. Teknik penghitungan dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini melalui pendekatan kuantitatif berupa persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa hasil rata-rata indeks aktivitas fisik pada saat olahraga memperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,4 masuk pada kategori cukup aktif, seedangkan aktivitas fisik pada waktu luan memperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,5 masuk kategori aktif, dan hasil analisis pada Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) para prajurit mendapat skor sebesar 24,2 kg/m2, yang artinya masuk dalam kategori Normal

    Analisis Pengaruh Himbauan Beraktivitas Olahraga Kepada Karyawan Industri Pangan Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    Himbauan aktivitas berolahraga dalam rangka menjaga daya tahan tubuh sebagai salah satu upaya mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19 mulai dilakukan di berbagai perusahaan. Perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor pangan memiliki kepentingan untuk menjaga kesehatan karyawan karena produksi yang diproduksi merupakan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat yaitu makanan, terutama di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh himbauan untuk berolahraga bagi para karyawan di industri pangan selama pandemi covid-19. Studi kasus akan dilakukan di PT. XYZ yang memproduksi keju olahan. Ada 6 departemen di perusahaan yang akan dievaluasi, setiap departemen akan dievaluasi apakah usaha perusahaan efisien atau tidak efisien dengan menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), yang merupakan metode nonparametrik dalam penelitian untuk mengevaluasi tingkat efisien relatif sebuah Decision Making Units (DMU), dalam penelitian ini DMU adalah departemen di PT. XYZ. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa departemen HRD, marketing dan procurement adalah departemen yang efisien dalam pelaksanaan aktivitas karyawannya dalam berolahraga, sedangkan departemen produksi dan keuangan termasuk kategori yang tidak efisien, sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya lebih dari perusahaan dalam rangka meningkatkan minat karyawan di departemen tersebut untuk lebih rajin berolahraga

    Association between physical activity and body mass index with physical fitness in first-year sport students

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    This study aims to determine the association between physical activity, Body Mass Index (BMI), and physical fitness in first-year sports students. This study is descriptive quantitative research with a cross-sectional study approach. 66 students (age 18,30 dan 0,70) (male =43, female = 23) of the sport were involved. Instruments to measure physical activity level adopted the Baecke Questionnaire; physical fitness used the sit and reach test, 60-second sit up, 60-second squat thrust, and PACER test. BMI was measured by dividing body weight (kg) by the multiplication of height (meters). Spearman's Rank test was used to determine whether there was a relationship. The results showed that the level of physical activity was mostly in the high category (37.88%), BMI was mostly in the normal category (81.7%), and physical fitness was mostly in the poor category (51.5%). Statistical test results showed that physical activity was related to physical fitness, while BMI was not. In conclusion, a person's level of physical activity can affect physical fitness. Longitudinal studies are needed to ascertain whether physical fitness and physical activity are factors in the success of sports students in following all practice-based courses

    Understanding Walking Behavior: Its Benefits and Barriers

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    Abstract Health survey demonstrates that 5.3 million people each year experienced a premature death due to physical inactivity (Lee et al., 2012). Data from Department of Health (2004) revealed that in the United Kingdom more than 60% of adult males and 75% of adult females did not perform enough physical activity. Hence, to minimize this problem, currently, health practitioners are trying to encourage people to be more physically active, especially by promoting several types of exercise, including walking (Marshall et al., 2009; Hallal et al., 2012). Regular walking is one of the essential predictors for long-term physical and mental health benefit. Some recent studies mention that there are lots of advantages if adults can maintain their regular walking (Gunnell, Knuiman, Divitini, & Cormie, 2014; Morgan, Tobar, & Synder, 2010; Roe & Aspinall, 2011; Shiue, 2015; Nagai et al., 2011). Regular walking minimum 10,000 steps each day can burn as much as 400 calories so that it may help overweight or obesity people to reduce their weight (NHS, 2014). However, most of the people perceive walking as one form of transport rather than exercise; therefore, this reason discourages them to walk sufficiently for healthy life purpose (Darker et al., 2007).Keywords:  walking, walking benefits, walking barriers

    Understanding Walking Behavior: Its Benefits and Barriers

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    Health survey demonstrates that 5.3 million people each year experienced a premature death due to physical inactivity (Lee et al., 2012). Data from Department of Health (2004) revealed that in the United Kingdom more than 60% of adult males and 75% of adult females did not perform enough physical activity. Hence, to minimize this problem, currently, health practitioners are trying to encourage people to be more physically active, especially by promoting several types of exercise, including walking (Marshall et al., 2009; Hallal et al., 2012). Regular walking is one of the essential predictors for long-term physical and mental health benefit. Some recent studies mention that there are lots of advantages if adults can maintain their regular walking (Gunnell, Knuiman, Divitini, & Cormie, 2014; Morgan, Tobar, & Synder, 2010; Roe & Aspinall, 2011; Shiue, 2015; Nagai et al., 2011). Regular walking minimum 10,000 steps each day can burn as much as 400 calories so that it may help overweight or obesity people to reduce their weight (NHS, 2014). However, most of the people perceive walking as one form of transport rather than exercise; therefore, this reason discourages them to walk sufficiently for healthy life purpose (Darker et al., 2007)
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