367 research outputs found

    Conciliación como mecanismo alterno a la solución de conflicto

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    With this work it is looked is to create conscience of the importance that represents the conciliation for the professionals of the right in the search of alternatives different from those of the litigation, that's why the gone away students we must try for spreading, instituting a culture he appeases in the sense that we must advise a conciliatory arrangement rather than a litigation because the conditions in which there is the Colombian state where every day we observe violence, we must begin for changing mentality to put into practice the famous words of Abraham Linconl “It Dissuades the litigations whenever you could convinces your neighbor of whom it comes to a friendly arrangement, reveal to him that often the theoretical winner in practice is a loser in time money, schedules and expenses”Con este trabajo se busca es crear conciencia de la importancia que representa la conciliación para los profesionales del derecho en la búsqueda de alternativas diferentes a las del litigio, es por esto que los estudiantes egresados debemos procurar por difundir, instituir una cultura pacifica en el sentido que debemos aconsejar un arreglo conciliatorio antes que un litigio porque las condiciones en que se encuentra el estado colombiano donde a diario observamos violencia, debemos comenzar por cambiar de mentalidad para poner en práctica las célebres palabras de Abraham Lincoln “Desaconseja los litigios siempre que puedas convence a tu vecino de que llegue a un arreglo amistoso, ponle de manifiesto que a menudo el teórico vencedor en la práctica es un perdedor en tiempo dinero, horarios y gastos

    Modelo estructural para evaluar las competencias del desarrollador de software. Structural model to evaluate the competence of the software developer.

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    Cada vez son más las empresas que recurren a la contratación de proveedores de servicios para realizar actividades “No centrales” en la organización. El propósito del estudio es desarrollar y validar un modelo estructural para evaluar las competencias del desarrollador de software. La evaluación fue realizada mediante la calidad del servicio proporcionado desde la perspectiva de la empresa cliente, cuyos resultados son de 32 empresas que contrataron el servicio de Outsourcing de software. Se utilizó el software SMART–PLS para realizar el análisis estadístico obteniendo una R2: de 0.836 y 0.641 para las variables Preparación empleado–empresa (Y1) y Personal competente actualizado (Y2), respectivamente. Every time more and more companies are turning to hiring service providers for “not central” activities in the organization. The purpose of the study is to develop and validate a structural model to assess the skills of software developer. The evaluation was performed by the service quality provided from the client’s perspective, the results are 32 companies hiring the software Outsourcing service. SMART-PLS software was used to perform statistical analysis to obtain an R2 of 0.836 and 0.641 for the variables: Preparation employee-company (Y1) and updated competent staff (Y2), respectively

    Práticas de Cuidado em Saúde Mental de Mulheres por Agentes Comunitárias de Saúde de um Centro Saúde Escola do Município do Rio de Janeiro

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    The present work sought to investigate the set of mental health care practices established by the Community Health Agents with the population of women in a Primary Care service in downtown Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Most of the time, these workers are the best-known care reference and they represent access to the service for the population. Therefore, their views, perspectives and comprehension of care practices are essential. Specifically, the work aimed to identify the repertoire of listed practices, the understanding and articulation of the demands with the service. The methodology adopted is qualitative research, with an exploratory nature, with data processing based on Bardin's Content Analysis. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews sharing the work experience of Community Agents in the scenario of Centro de Saúde Escola São Francisco de Assis. The research reveals knowledge and care specifics to the practice of ACS, configuring this work as an ally in the construction of health care carried out in an integral and humanized way. This study meets the ethical aspects in accordance with Resolution 466/12, aiming to guarantee the rights and duties of those involved.RESUMO O presente trabalho investigou o conjunto de práticas de cuidado em saúde mental estabelecidas pelas Agentes Comunitárias de Saúde (ACS) com a população de mulheres em um serviço de Atenção Básica no centro do Rio de Janeiro/RJ no ano de 2021. Entendendo essas trabalhadoras como pivôs na articulação entre território e serviço, analisar as práticas e ferramentas que se dispõem no trabalho mostra-se essencial para efetivação da produção de saúde integral e humanizada. Especificamente, o trabalho se propôs a identificar o repertório de práticas elencadas, o entendimento e a articulação dessas demandas com o serviço. A metodologia adotada é de pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório com o tratamento de dados feito a partir da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. O levantamento de dados foi feito a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas compartilhando a experiência de trabalho das oito Agentes Comunitárias no cenário do Centro de Saúde Escola São Francisco de Assis. A experiência de pesquisa revelou saberes e cuidados próprios da prática das ACS, configurando esse trabalho como aliado na construção da atenção à saúde feita de modo integral e humanizado. Destaca-se a relevância do uso de tecnologias leves de saúde, da coletivização e compartilhamento do cuidado em equipe e compreensão de dinâmicas sociais e afetivas do território. Esse estudo atende aos aspectos éticos de acordo com a Resolução 466/12, visando a garantia de direitos e deveres dos envolvidos.

    A new approach for characterizing atmospheric aerosols from spectral values of their optical depth. A simulated case study.

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    We are developing a new method to determine the spectral contribution to the aerosol optical depth due to each aerosol type. An aerosol type depends directly on the procedence of the particles (marine, continental, artic, etc) and it is formed by some different pure components (mineral, soot, soluble and insoluble particles, sulphate, etc). In order to separate these contributions it is necessary to have the spectral aerosol optical thickness and aerosol size distribution. We use this distribution function to identify the different components of aerosols allowing us to reconstruct the aerosol optical depth taking into account the contribution of each type of aerosol. The validation of the method will be carried out by verifying that the spectral aerosol optical depth corresponds to the sum of the optical depths obtained for each identified aerosol type

    Veintiún competencias laborales que desarrolla el trabajador social en la práctica escolar comunitaria UNAM

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    Este artículo enuncia los hallazgos encontrados en los 126 procesos de prácticas comunitarias realizadas durante el periodo 2007-2010, y que muestran la metodología utilizada con mayor frecuencia por los estudiantes de la licenciatura en Trabajo Social de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); se trata de una investigación documental cuantitativa, no experimental, de corte longitudinal y a nivel descriptivo que ofrece las competencias laborales que adquiere el estudiante. Se recolectó la información a través de la técnica de censo por medio de una cédula de información; como resultado presenta un modelo de competencias para el futuro trabajador social, el cual describe las capacidades que enfrenta este profesionista en los distintos tipos de comunidad en el Distrito Federal (DF) y el Estado de México. Esta indagación fue posible realizar gracias al trabajo colegiado de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS), Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG) y la Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social (ENTS) de la UNAM en el marco de XVII Verano de la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del Pacífico del Programa Delfín de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, cuyo hallazgo son las 21 competencias laborales que adquiere un alumno de la licenciatura de Trabajo Social en el ejercicio de la práctica escolar

    Teoria da autodeterminação: uma análise da motivação dos estudantes do curso de ciências contábeis

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    The Self-Determination Theory has been widely discussed in the field of motivation in school learning and, according to some researchers, this theory can be summarized as a continuum of self-determination that indicates six types of motivation, which vary qualitatively according to the internalization of external rules of behavior. In this sense, the present study aimed to evaluate the motivation of Accounting Science students in a public university in light of the Self-Determination Theory. The research sample consisted of 259 students enrolled in all academic terms of the Accounting degree program of a public higher education institution in Brazil. The survey results were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, which identified seven factors that explain 61.09% of the total data variability. The results of the present study are somewhat consistent with those found in previous studies, and the motivation for learning was quite diverse among the students studied. However, some students were concerned with deepening their level of expertise or achieving adequate foundations for their future role. Others were concerned only with getting their diploma or were present in classes simply to meet attendance requirements. These findings show the relevance of studies on the teaching of Accounting because the field has epistemological peculiarities that must be considered while teaching and learning. It is important to emphasize the importance of understanding and evaluating students' motivational levels because this will facilitate planning while encouraging and exploring motivation in academic settings.A Teoria da Autodeterminação tem sido bastante discutida no campo da motivação para a aprendizagem escolar e, segundo alguns pesquisadores, essa teoria pode ser resumida em um continuum de autodeterminação que indica seis tipos de motivação, os quais variam, qualitativamente, conforme a internalização das regulações externas para o comportamento. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve o propósito de avaliar a motivação dos estudantes de Ciências Contábeis de uma universidade pública, à luz da Teoria da Autodeterminação. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta de 259 estudantes matriculados em todos os períodos do Curso de Ciências Contábeis de uma instituição de ensino superior pública brasileira. Os resultados da pesquisa foram analisados por meio da análise fatorial exploratória, a qual identificou sete fatores que explicam 61,09% da variabilidade total dos dados. Verificou-se, neste estudo, que os resultados foram parcialmente convergentes com aqueles encontrados em estudos anteriores e, ainda, a existência de uma motivação bem diversificada para a aprendizagem entre os universitários estudados. De um lado, encontram-se estudantes preocupados em aprofundar o nível de conhecimentos ou em atingir uma fundamentação adequada para o desempenho de sua futura atuação; de outro lado, estão aqueles preocupados apenas com a obtenção do diploma ou interessados em comparecer às aulas para garantir frequência. Esses resultados mostram a relevância de pesquisas sobre o ensino da Contabilidade, uma vez que a área possui peculiaridades epistemológicas que devem ser consideradas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. É importante ressaltar a relevância de se compreender e de avaliar os níveis motivacionais dos estudantes, possibilitando, assim, o planejamento para incentivar e explorar a motivação em ambientes acadêmicos

    A comparison of Microtops II and satellite ozone measurements in the period 2001-2011

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    Daily average total ozone Microtops measurements obtained during several campaigns conducted from 2001 to 2011 at latitudes from 31 to 68°N and in different seasons are compared with satellite observations. The Microtops ozone is derived using different wavelength combinations (Channel I, 305.5/312.5 nm; Channel II, 312.5/320 nm; and Channel III, 305.5/312.5/320 nm). Satellite data from TOMS, OMI, GOME, and GOME-2 are used in the comparison. The three Microtops channels show a high correlation with the satellite retrievals. Channel I shows the best results and produces a mean bias deviation (MBD) less than 2.14% with respect to TOMS, OMI and GOME. The MBD increases to 3% in the comparison against GOME-2, due to the small number of available data. In addition, the total ozone content provided by Channel I displays the more stable behavior during the ten-year period. The Channel III total ozone shows MBD values smaller than those observed for Channel I. However the Channels II and III present a larger variability and show a larger spread of the data. Consequently, Channel I appears as the best option for long term measurements with Microtops

    Association of Disease Outbreak and Reproduction in Cattle Herds

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    In order to determine the effects of infectious and parasitic diseases during the reproductive stage of artificially inseminated dairy cattle herds in the municipality of Camagüey, province of Camagüey, Cuba, the monthly data of death causes and number of cases (2010-2014) were collected at the company Triángulo 3. Significant correlations were found between the categories of the reproductive stage and the number of cases, seen as stimulus intensity (none = 0; one case = 1; about 2-4 cases = 2; five or more cases = 3). Probit regression revealed that the higher the stimulus the fewer cows awaiting diagnostic, and the greater the number of empty cows. Hence, these cases had a negative impact on the dairy herd´s reproductive behavior. This study recommends Probit regression as a tool for analysis of health issues associated with variables that define the reproductive status of the herd


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    O artigo apresenta uma análise acerca do Direito Humano Fundamental ao Meio Ambiente Ecologicamente Equilibrado. Nesse sentido, os princípios jurídicos ambientais servem de sustentáculo para que se possa alcançar este objetivo e proporcionar o nível elevado de proteção. Dar-se-á ênfase aos princípios que norteiam o Direito Ambiental, visando esclarecer, mesmo de forma sucinta, as noções básicas e indispensáveis que registram as normas a serem seguidas, no meio social. O presente artigo é proveniente de uma pesquisa do tipo bibliográfica e qualitativa. Definiu-se pelo seguinte problema: a influência principiológica pode contribuir para a máxima proteção do meio ambiente

    Estratégias de intervenção sensório-motora para crianças prematuras no cuidado intensivo neonatal: uma revisão sistemática / Sensory-motor intervention strategies for premature infants in neonatal intensive care: a systematic review

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    Background: Interventions that imitate the intrauterine environment can have beneficial effects on the development of premature infants. Purpose: The aim of the present literature review was to determine what sensory-motor stimulation techniques are administered to premature newborns in neonatal intensive care units and analyze the impact of these interventions on neuropsychomotor development. Methods: The SciELO, LILACS, PubMed, PEDro and Cochrane databases were searched for pertinent articles published between 2007 and 2018.  Results: Seventy-five articles were identified and 10 were included in the review. Different sensory-motor interventions are employed, the most widely used of which are tactile and acoustic stimuli. Such interventions generate both immediate and long-term benefits to neuropsychomotor development in this population. Implications: Premature newborns have the ability to interact with different environment and sensory-motor stimulation methods.  These interventions generate both immediate and long-term benefits to neuropsychomotor development in this population, leading to weight gain and other improvements, such as a reduction in pain in this population.PROSPERO register number: CRD42018098693